A Father's Duty

Chapter 14 - 14.

When he introduced himself, he expected me to be shocked. His name is gaining fame after all under the Fairy Tail guild, but he is astonished to see no reaction at all when I heard his name.

"Why aren't you shocked at all? I'm Gildarts Clive you know?" He said as I laughed a little.

"Of course, I know about you Gildarts Clive, you are strong that's a fact, you are famous, that's a fact as well. But right now, you are a customer in my tavern. You are just a man enjoying the service I offer." I said as he is very surprised to see this retort and he can't retort back. He also calmed down and thought

'If he could establish his tavern in a no man's land, and in the wolf king's territory at that, he sure is not a simple man either.'

"So, what is that something you are trying to find?" I asked to defuse the tense situation.

"A dragon and its Acnologia at that." He said as it surprised me. So this will be where he will lose his arm eh? I am also surprised to hear that Acnologia is in no man's land right now.

"I see, you are hunting that calamity. Do be careful though, you might lose more if you don't." I said as an advice and a warning. If he heeds my warning, good. If he doesn't then Its not my problem anymore.

"Its fine, I can run if he really is strong as the rumors says it is." He said in an arrogant manner. I didn't say anymore and continued whipping up food for Gildarts, I'm currently making a steak with a quality meat.

"So? Why did you build your tavern in this cursed land? You could've built it in the capital." He asked me

"I like the peace here." I lied, if not for the system mission, I wouldn't build this in this place.

"I see." He said as silence enveloped the area once more. Only the sounds of searing could be heard as the smell of garlic, rosemary, and buŧŧer wafted in the air, earning the attention of Gildarts and the chipmunks playing as they rushed inside to see what I am cooking.

Gildarts is pretty much surprised to see 3 little girls running to the counter and sat in the stools near him. His instincts picked up that the one that looks like a cat is dangerous as his danger bells kept ringing. He is about to take a self defence position when I turned around and looked at the three chipmunks and looked at Pitou.

"Pitou" I said as she stopped circulating her nen.

Seeing what happened, Gildarts finally calmed down and joked.

"I didn't know you are a father as well. You also have quite a daughter in here." He said as he thought.

'Who is this man? To have a daughter who have massive magic reserves. I need to look him up when I returned in the capital.'

"Well, I am indeed their father. I apologize about Pitou, its her first time seeing someone other than us." I said.

"I see." He replied

'It must be because of her weird ears and tail, she must've been persecuted and must be one of his reason why he built his tavern in this place and not in a crowded place, like the capital.' he thought.

While he is in his thoughts, a plate with a medium-rare steak was plated in front of him. He could see the glistening of the meat and when he pressed the meat with the fork it is so soft and a huge amount of juices spurted out.

He bit into it as he entered into a trance where he is surrounded by cows with rosemary tying his hands and feet before being hit by thrown garlics. He is surprised of the taste of the food and it is one of the best food he tasted in the whole Fiore. Its a shame that booze wasn't available yet. Maybe he will reach a higher state if it does.

He returned back from his trance and stared at the meat and my smirk. He felt embarrassed a little because he proclaimed that he is Gildarts Clive but was defeated by the food of a tavern keeper.

The girls are looking at Gildarts with drool in their faces.

"Father's food really is the best." Cheered Kagura as Pitou and Erza nodded

'This gluttons, we just ate ya'know?' I thought as I put the leftover sweet and sour chicken, Chicken Curry, and Fried Milkfish and served it to the three chipmunks who were delighted and started eating, round 2.

After gobbling their food, I cleaned up the plates and Gildarts stood up and said

"How much for the meal?" He asked.

"You can put whatever you deem fair for your food." Since I don't have a menu yet, I don't mind the amount he pays for his food.

"Here, 10,000 Jewels. It was worth it, Noctis." He said as he waved his hands goodbye.

I smiled as I look at his back.

"Who is he father? Is he your friend?" Kagura asked.

"I guess you could say so?" Kagura seems confused as I waved it off by pinching her cheeks.

"Lesh me ngo fasher. Ersha, Fhitou, Rhuun." She said as she escaped from my grasp as she held Pitou and Erza's hands as they ran to the backyard to play again.

I smiled at their interactions as I followed them to check on the crops to see if there is a difference.

What I didn't expect was that, the crops are ready to be harvested, I think. Because I saw their 'leaves' really big, as in really big. I pulled out one to see if really has grown. It surprised me to see an oversized Onion, meaning they are ready for harvest. I am astonished about the land upgrades, I didn't think it would be this good.

I completed the mission as I claimed the recipes and the ale-maker and beer-maker. I didn't see it anywhere and the information flooded my mind as I saw different ways to make Ale and Beer using the machines.

I also retrieved the random knife technique.

Another series of information flooded my mind. It didn't surprise me anymore and the pain have lessened greatly.

I reviewed the technique that I got from the roll. Turns out, the name of the technique is Meteor Knife Technique. I could perform cutting techniques at the speed of a falling meteor. It should've been overpowered if not for the restriction that I can only use it for knives.

I then retrieved the Guardian ticket and reviewed it as well. It turns out I could turn anyone when I pressed the ticket, into a guardian of this place and will only take effect if the recipient accepted. So I couldn't force someone to use the guardian ticket without their consent.

Next, I retrieved the Private farming space. Turns out, it is a private dimension of a large farm land with 3x more potent effects than the upgraded soil I have around the tavern which surprised me as fck.

I was about to retrieve the final rewards when the system spoke.

[Warning: Host should take it in a safe place, it is going to hurt like hell.]

I contemplated for a moment and asked why it is painful.

[System will stimulate the dead cells surrounding the circuit to jumpstart them and start their natural repairs.] It simply said as i nodded.

Since I'm sure no customers would be coming, I put the sign into closed and went back to my room.

"System can you put a sound barrier to muffle the noises and won't be able to be heard by the children?"

"Then form the barrier and Retrieve the magic circuit repairs." I said as an electric current ran all throughout my body and I screamed in pain but soon my body turned numb because of the electric current. I forced to keep myself awake through this whole ordeal as what I read from the Novels back then that the boons of persevering are extraordinary as well.

After 5 minutes of being electrocuted, it finally stopped. I regained my senses as I felt power coursing through my body. I have just regained my senses but I still can't move my arms and legs. It took me 5 more minutes before I finally stood up and was surprised to see that my room is not wrecked at all considering my rampage. It looks like the system really offers the best in business.

I cleaned up the black mass that was released by my body and thought that it is the impurities of my body that was cleansed when I was electrocuted.

I cleaned myself once more as I went down before I heard another 'ting' in my head.

[Tutorial stage has been completed.

Claim your rewards before system upgrades to level 1]

I am stumped when I heard the system's mechanical voice simply because one word.


Without completing a mission. I'm getting some kind of rewards. And it seems like it isn't an ordinary reward as well.

'Well, let's check the rewards.' I thought before a sound reverberated in my mind


[You have gained...]


Apologies, Cliff-kun waved his hand at me and he was too fast for me to catch up.

He will finally receive his gifts. Gandora-X body refinement manual(Yu-gi-Oh, The Dark Sides of Dimensions), Bladeform Legacy(Juggernaut's Arcana Mask), Cooking Magic, Breath of Thunder(Kimetsu no Yaiba)

And a little bit of his memories, unlocked.

Next chapter, mostly info dumps.

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