A Father's Duty

Chapter 28 - 28.

"What have you done?! Are you satisfied?! We could've gotten some valuable information! And you f*cking ruined it!" The commander raged at the man.

The man knew it was not his time to fight back. He promised to himself that during the expedition, he will kill the commander accidentally and take his spot before rallying the men and take the residents of that tavern by force.

'We're not over yet, bast*rd' He kept repeating it on his mind as the commander raged on him.

The march continued on as they kept roaming the Fenrir's territory and because they don't know where the lair of the Wolf King is, they were like headless chicken who keeps on roaming with no exact destination. This keeps on happening for days.

Irene on the other hand, when she heard about what happened, she was about to burn the army and their country down to the ground but I held her down. If she destroyed them, wouldn't it be a swift death? I don't want that. They made my daughter cry so I will make them all feel despair before they die.

Meanwhile the army who are trying to rest in their camps and sleep in the night are being bothered by the howls of wolves leading them to be sleep deprived because they thought that the wolves are attacking them.

"We can already hear the wolves which means we're pretty close!" Their commander said trying to motivate the troops but they are all sleep-deprived.

Finally, they found the cave with clusters of wolves and finally found out that they are in the right places. They immediately started getting into their formation.

But when the wolves saw them, they didn't attack instead they went inside the cave which confused them. When they finally got near the entrance, Fenrir magically appeared on their back, with the help of his ability to traverse the shadow, which startled the soldiers. They were about to escape when they found out that they were surrounded by the wolves hiding in the bushes and rocks.

As they are not a proper army they panicked as they ran for their lives. The commander seeing this tried to tell them to stick to their positions but the fear that surrounded the soldier's hearts weighed more than rationality as they started running as the wolves started chomping on the soldiers arms and legs, the gruesome way as possible.

Sensing the failure of the mission, the commander ordered his aides to open up a path for his soldiers to at least let them know what happened here.

He decided to take responsibility of his failure of a commander by sacrificing himself and opening a path for the soldiers to escape through the opening so that they can live on and tell everyone about what happened, but it was all for naught when Fenrir took a bite out of him, alive.

Meanwhile, I am on a hill with Pitou in my ŀȧp as I watched the running soldiers as fast as they can. The soldiers were already nearing us but because this is the Fenrir's territory the wolves know the quickest routes as they managed to catch up to them and tore their leg.

When I ordered the Wolf King to destroy the Army of Veronica. I told him to tell his pack to only tore their arms and legs, so that maggots will infest their wounds and they will be eaten by crows alive.

I then stared at the man who made my daughter cry as I released an undisguised rage and killing intent.

No soldier managed to escape from the encirclement as their arms and legs were torn.

The man who made my daughter cry kept on crawling in desperation to save his life, hoping for someone to save him. He was starting to lose consciousness when he saw a person wearing a mask and a little girl with a white hair.

His eyes are already blurry so he can't distinguish the features of the man but it gave him hope that someone will save him so he kept on crawling towards the person.

"Please, help me, save me, I don't want to die! I'll do anything you want just save me!" He cried out to me when he got near to me.

My response? I took the bladeform legacy off as the man stated at me in shock as he decided to become shameless. He didn't care, as long as he survive, he will do anything.

"Save me! Please! I apologize for what happened so please save me!" he said.

I didn't answer him but I took out a plastic container containing some green paste.

I knocked his body so that he won't struggle as I slipped the bottle into his nose and squeezed the bottle hard.

When the green paste entered the man's nostril, he felt a burning sensation in his nose and it tortured him. He can't move his body so he can only scream in agony. I then slipped the bottle to his other hole of the nose and squeezed it hard as well.

The man in question felt like fainting but there is something that is preventing him from doing so as I pressed the nerve in his body to prevent him from fainting. He can't move his hand to remove the substance in his nose.

That's right, I put in artificial wasabi that I bought from the system in his nose. If I used freshly grated wasabi plant, I would only wasting such high quality ingredient on him.

After putting wasabi on both of his nose, I put some on his mouth and knocked a nerve so that he can't open his mouth.

I then turned him over and spread some salt on his wounds. The man wanted to scream but he can't. He is in so much pain but he just can't faint.

I then took a paring knife in my bag and started carving 'I'm a b*tch' in his back so many times and rubbed some rough sea salt on the wounds.

I stared at the man who wants to die but can't . I removed the knocking in his body and mouth but not his arm and leg. He immediately screamed at the top of his lungs. I am quite curious as to how many minutes he can scream before his throat runs dry.

After 10 minutes of Screaming, his voice box finally gave out.

"K...ill... me..." He said to me but I just stared at him and knocked his whole body.

I started spreading peanuts and corn cobs on him and walked away and sat on a far away place but not far enough that I can't see him.

Soon, the group that I'm waiting for finally arrived.

Flocks of crow landed on the soldiers that died of blood loss and they started pecking their body.

The man's body attracted many crows because of the peanuts and the corn cobs. He tried to move his body to shoo them away but it was all for naught. A crow pecked his eye as a muffled scream scared a few crows away, but when they saw nothing happening, they immediately returned and started pecking him as they tore down his stomach and ate his innards. The man died while the crows were feeding on his body.

I told Fenrir to bring his pack to the tavern to get their box of meat. Since they haven't touched any of the soldiers, I promised to give them a box of meat after the operation.


Well, after some heavy chapters, I will go back to lighter ones. No one makes Erza cry and escape with it.

I kniw I'm going back to slice of life xD

I also rushed this because my internet is too crappy so if someone questions the quality, I rushed this.

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