A Father's Duty

Chapter 32 - 32.

I woke up early as always and saw that there's still roughly 2 hours before the system finished upgrading. Due to the work preparations in the weekend, and the busy schedule, I forgot to plant the grapes in the farm and the Tree of Life in the private farming space.

So I slowly stood up and started working on it. I have also thought of planting coffee beans. As a morning person, a morning without coffee or any hot drinks is torturous.

Although the system is upgrading, its functions were not turned off so I went to the private farming space. It is just your normal looking farm, there's a farmland, animal pasture, a mini-lake for fishes, and the tools. I could also feel the density of ethernano in the air. I went on to do what I need to do and planted the Tree of Life and do my next task.

I returned and I grabbed a pole for the grape vines to crawl into. I didn't build it the same as hops with the gypsy hut because they are different in the way they grow. The grapes crawl their way while the hops anchor themselves to a thing. I then plowed a plot of land and started spreading the malt seeds followed by me planting the grapes.

After planting the grapes, I looked at the entirety of the farm and thought of expanding it. I'm pretty sure the system has a way to expand the arable land and plant vegetables or maybe fruit trees. Although I could just buy it from the system, its still better to have your self-grown basic ingredients. The work you put into planting the crops and caring for it before harvesting it yourself makes it more rewarding.

When I finished planting all of the grape seeds, Irene came down and helped me prepare breakfast. While we are eating breakfast, I could already hear some commotion outside and took a mental note of changing the walls and windows to soundproof so that it won't bother the person inside. I want to offer the best dining service to mg customers.

I'm still new to this, there are still a huge room for improvements. When I was about to open, the system notified me that it is finally finished updating.

[System has finished upgrading, check the new items in the store. Host has gained Memory Crystal #2, and intermediate level cooking]

I saw the rewards and decided to integrate the intermediate level cooking skill and set aside the memory crystal for now.

I opened the door and was surprised that August is the first one in the line. I then spoke in a low tone that only he can hear.

"You can remove the hood you know, there's no such thing as discrimination in this place. Even if you are all from different country or kingdom, in my eyes all of you are customers." I said as August chuckled before removing the hood covering his face.

"Am I that easy to recognize? Hoho." He said as his face caused a commotion. Who doesn't know about the wizard king? The man who is a disaster himself.

"Not really, you didn't even bother to hide." I said as August finally came inside followed by Jura and Gildarts who didn't mind August as they sat down on their usual spot.

"So? Same as usual?" I said as the August, Jura, and Gildarts nodded at the same time.

When the place was full, I announced that the opening hours is by shifts. 6:30 am to 9:00 am for the morning shift, 11:30 am to 2:00 pm for the afternoon shift, and 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm for the evening shift.

Many have laid their complaints as I answered them calmly as to why I used a shift basis of opening hours. I told them that the workload is getting heavier and the gaps in the opening hours are the break time for the children.

"Do you expect me to easily find someone who can cook on a high level and would work on this barren wasteland? The food I make although easy to make, takes a lot of measurements and practice to get it right."

My answer silenced the complaints as what I said is true. Although someone could cook on a high level, they wouldn't trouble themselves on working at the WoD and they only managed to reach this place as they traveled in groups. Going alone in this place without appropriate strength or skill is probably suicide.

The morning shift quickly passed by and I didn't need the help of the chipmunks yet. I let the kids play in the backyard for now with Juliet and Heine since Irene has already left for Alvares.

While taking a rest, I remembered that I bought a violin and a guitar back in Alvares.

Back in my old world, my way of resting is through music. Be it listening or playing it by myself.

I took the guitar from the inventory and started tuning the guitar which took me quite a while since its been a long time since I last touched a guitar.

After tuning it, I thought of what song to play. The first song that came to my mind is the Main Theme of Fairy Tail and I can't help but chuckle as I played it with the slow version finger-style.

Hearing the sound of a music instrument, the chipmunks ran inside to see me playing a catchy tune as they sat down and relished on the refreshing sound that the guitar made.

Juliet and Heine were also entranced by it as they listened until the end.

"Father, what was that? Why does it sound good?" Kagura asked.

"Well, a song I heard once and remembered. Also this is an instrument I bought back when we went to your mother's workplace." I said as they nodded.

"One more father, please? Can you play more?" Kagura asked.

"Okay then.... hmmm what to play?" I said as I positioned my fingers as I played another song.

I chose to play the opening of NGNL. The sound is catchy and made the kids dance, even though they don't know how, they expressed themselves through movements while Juliet and Heine is tapping their foot following the beat of the song.

After playing a few more songs, the kids finally got tired of dancing as they sprawled on the floor but they had a smile on their faces.

I gained a few points from them as well, in their eyes, their father is omnipotent, that I can do anything and they idolized me for it. I could cook, I could do math, I could play music instruments, and I'm strong.

I took the kids to let them sleep for now since they are tired. After tucking them in, I noticed that I still have some time left so I played one last song but this time, with a violin.

My voice is not bad as well, I could say its average.

"Yohohoho! Yohohoho!... Yohohoho! Yohohoho... Bink's no sake wo todoke ni yukuyo..."

I played Bink's sake from One Piece with a violin as the music travelled outside and were heard by the waiting customers.

Makarov went to the tavern in the WoD as he heard that the food in that place is heavenly. He took his grandson, Laxus, with him and thought of trying the place out.

When he arrived at the place he is surprised to see the amount of people waiting in line just to eat there, he then asked the people waiting as to why the tavern is closed.

The customer explained to him that due to the owner not having time with his kids, he cut down the opening hours so he could spend time with them.

He then thought of his son that he banished as he sighed deeply. He was about to leave the place since it doesn't look like they'll be able to eat when a joyful music resounded from the tavern. Those who heard it were mostly those waiting in the front but with his hearing, he could hear the music from far away.

Laxus on the other hand thought that the people in front are crazy as they started partying and huddled together when there's no reason to do so.

"Gramps, lets get out of here, the people at the front turned crazy." Laxus said.

"Its fine, Laxus. Let's eat here. You see, sometimes, having a little patience pays off." Said Makarov trying to teach Laxus but Laxus hears it as another lecture to him for being impatient.

"Tch." he could only click his tongue as he gave up trying to persuade the old man to get out of this place.

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