A Father's Duty

Chapter 38 - 38. Meeting

"Speaking of which, where is sister-in-Law and my nieces?" Somnus asked.

"Oh, they are here in Lucis." I said as Somnus nodded.

"When are you going to bring them?" He asked again.

"Well, I think bringing them ASAP is the best choice. Mother would be really really mad after she regained consciousness." I said

"Agreed. You better bring them back here and hope that my nieces would quell mother's wrath or you're in deep trouble." Somnus said with a chuckle.

"I better start moving then. For now stall mother if she woke up and I'm still not back." I said as Somnus nodded.

We separated ways as I went through the front gates and greeted Tyr who looks hungover from drinking, in contrast to his dignified appearance earlier in the morning.

The guards were also confused why Tyr greeted the man who came out wearing a hood.

I then went back to the inn that my family stayed in and I saw Irene teaching the kids how to dance their traditional dance while I stood there and watched them.

After their dance practice, I clapped my hands as it gathered the attention of my daughters as they rushed towards me.

"Father!" They shouted as Kagura clung to me trying to get up like a monkey.

I carried Pitou and put her on my neck and carried Erza and Kagura in my arms.

"How are you doing, my lovely chipmunks?" I asked them.

"Mother taught us how to dance! And it felt good!" She said while Irene got a towel as she wiped the sweat off of the kids face.

Irene had been nervous and worried all day, especially when I didn't get home.

I then told her the reason why I haven't had the chance to go home as she nodded.

"So, how was your trip to the castle?" She asked while trembling a little. Even if she steeled herself to be brave... there will always be a time where you just can't help but feel nervous especially when the moment is finally there. That is what Irene is feeling right now. The thought of finally meeting her future in-laws made her feel nervous.

"You should've seen their faces when they heard that they have not only a granddaughter but granddaughters." I said as Irene slapped my arm.

"Why did you do that!? Now they would be angry to me!" Irene said while glaring at me.

She had prepared for every conversation and how to answer their questions efficiently and with dignity but her husband just destroyed all of that.

Now she didn't know what to do!

"What are you getting scared of? A glorius general faltering in front of her in-laws? You wouldn't get their recognition that way, Irene." I said with a serious face.

Irene regained her composure and decided to just be herself when she met her husband's parents.

After dealing with her, I then turned to the chipmunks.

"Girls, do you want to dress like the princess I told you about?" I asked them as they became excited and started circling around me excitedly.

I then hailed a carriage and asked them to take me to the best seamstress I know in Lucis Kingdom which is an childhood friend of mine.

The carriage brought us to a shop near the castle gates. I jumped down as I helped the chipmunks and Irene down. Many passerby were stunned by Irene's beauty and her unique hair color, but when they saw me and Erza, their motivation died down as they continued walking their own way.

When I entered the shop, a woman with a huge figure and muscles entered to our sight. She gave us a glance before asking.

"Customer, I recommend you the other shop next to mine if you wanted some clothes to be sewn." She said trying to discourage us.

Alba was once the seamstress working for the royal family but retired because she lost the motivation to make unique outfits that would define her name. She bought the shop with the money she earned from working for the royal family, near the palace even with the high price, just so she could see people walking by hoping that she would get some enlightenment to complete her dream of making a dress that would mark her name in the history of Lucis.

Personality wise... She's a little shameless, sometimes stingy but turns softer whenever she saw orphans as she was one as well that got picked up by the previous Royal Seamstress before taking over, when she earned her first gold, she gave half of her earnings to orphanages without leaving her name because it would surely scare the kids with her figure. Everything about her is fine if you treat her as a true friend... its just that her tongue becomes rougher whenever she got excited.

Appearance wise, she looks like Bisky Krueger's true form from Hunter x Hunter.

"Noct! When did you come back!? Man, its really been ages. And... who are those beside you?" Alba asked.

"Who else? My wife and my daughters." I dropped the bomb to Alba as she stared at me in surprise before finally nodding as she knew the reason why I returned.

"As much as I love to talk about the past with you, can you make these kinds of dresses?" I gave her 5 designs of clothing.

1. Krulcifer Einfolk's party dress for Erza

2. Yomogawa Ayame's dress for Kagura

3. Violet Evergarden's dress for Pitou

4. Belfast's Full Dress for Irene

5. Time-skip Noctis suit for myself.

Alba's eyes lit up after seeing the clothes' design blueprints that I asked the system to make for a price.

"Alba language, there are kids here with you! As for the designs I drew them myself." I said as Alba wrapped her muscular arm around my neck.

"Noct, aren't we childhood friends? Why don't you let me borrow them for reference?" She asked me as I chuckled.

"Its fine, just do the 5 outfits quickly, I am in a race against time with mother." I said

"You made her faint again? You just came back and you're already causing trouble?" She said with a sigh.

She then started measuring our sizes and started working. I asked her how much time does she need before completing the outfits.

"I need 2 hours to sew all of these clothes. That's the fastest I could give even with my magic." She said as I nodded and gave her the payment.

I then started touring Irene and the chipmunks through Lucis.

Lucis Kingdom has 3 sectors with thick and high walls in between to avoid the smoke from the factories to affect those in the civilian area.

The outer circle, the middle circle, the inner circle.

The middle circle is the residential area of the Kingdom.

The inner circle consists of the establishments, shops, and the likes. Just consider the inner circle as the entertainment circle.

We were currently in the inner circle so we just walked as we saw shops and entertainment establishments everywhere. Everyday here in the inner circle is festive season just to attract customer from their rival stores.

After two and a half hours, we finally had our fill and returned to get our clothes.

"Alba, how is it? Did you make them as per design?" I said to her as she grinned at me.

"Who do you think I am? I am Alba Krollo, the Former Seamstress of the Royal Family. Of course I completed them perfectly. I swear with the Krollo surname in the line." She said proudly as she took down the linen covering 5 different clothes and they look exactly the same as the one from the blueprint.

The Kids were eager to try their clothes on but I told them that we'll wear them later as they got excited for nothing. Irene consoled them that it will be sooner than they think as theu started getting excited once again.

I put the clothes in the inventory and hailed a carriage back to the inn. I then asked the system about hair braiding and bought it without batting an eye. Even though the chipmunks' hair were still short, I could use it on Irene to improve her allure.

I had the kids take a bath with Irene as I did the same. After changing our clothes to normal outfits, I rented a carriage as we rode to the castle as I gave Tyr a nod before letting us in.

After dressing myself, Somnus appeared with aggrieved face but he looks surprised seeing my outfit.

"Brother, just in time. I couldn't hold mother back anymore! You better show up in the dining table later or we're all in deep trouble!" Somnus said.

Mother's outbursts is like Big Mom's outburst in One piece. Though she doesn't destroy anything, and can be reasoned out, she will literally find the cause of her outburst just to get what she wants, that's why I said I made a big mistake when I told mother that I'm the one who made those innovative foods in her eyes, she will literally pester me everyday to teach her how to make it.

I styled Irene's hair in a french braid ponytail before leading them to the Dining Room before telling them to wait outside and wait for my signal.

I entered and saw Father and Mother seating at the head spot as Somnus was sitting beside them.

Hera rushed to me as she held my arm.

"My son, in my dream, I heard you say that you already had a daughter. That wasn't true right?" She asked me. If I evade her question, she will truely have an outburst.

"What are you saying mother, all of them are true. I do have someone I could love my whole life and daughters or should I say your granddaughters." I said as Hera calmed down when I confirmed it and sighed before asking me.

"Then, if its true. May I know where are they? I want to at least see my future in-law and my granddaughter. Have you already met her parents? Is she from a glorious family?" She asked.

"Mother, her parents have long since passed away. Also I didn't love her for her title. I love her for who she is, whether if she came from a poor or rich family, Unknown or glorious family. I will love her with all my heart." I said

Irene hearing my words from inside, teared up. She was nothing but a fallen princess of a really old Kingdom, she doesn't have any political power that she could offer to my parents. All she has is the glory of being a Spriggan of Alvares Empire.

If I was able to hear Irene's thoughts, I would've flicked her forehead. Being a glorius general and a trusted aide of Alvares' King is a big chip already. Normally, if Irene was calm at the moment, she would've thought of it but because of her nervousness and emotion, she forgot about it.

Mother on the other hand was shocked at my words, in her mind, her eldest son has now grown up and mȧturėd as he had already left the nest to fly away. She gave a soft smile as I continued my sentence.

"As for where they are... Girls, come in!" I shouted to Irene and the chipmunks.

Irene felt her legs tremble as she can't move from her spot, she thought she couldn't do it. She was overflowing in negative thoughts. All of those were blown away when her daughters, held her hands with a blooming smile, as she was pulled by her daughters inside and was forced to run alongside them.

Hera and King Regis started scrutinizing Irene before giving a satisfied nod. They then looked at the three chipmunks holding their mother's hands. Hera started approaching the chipmunks and gave them a hug.

The kids were startled and afraid at first but when she spoke:

"Why are you afraid? Come, give grandmother a hug." She said as they became excited as they hugged her back.

Meanwhile King Regis has been imagining of carrying and playing with the children as he kept on nodding as the others were oblivious of what he is thinking.

Meanwhile Somnus looks at her adorable Nieces as he also imagined of having kids with Helen as he became embarrassed. He is a leader of a squad working in the night for Lucis' sake, but he still lack the confidence to confront Helen.

He tried regaining composure when he felt someone nudging him and was surprised to see that it was me.

"You've been thinking of Helen aren't you? I told you, just ask for her hand in marriage after you become the King. If someone tried to stop then we could show them the power of Lucis or we could settle it with diplomacy. If you want to hear any of it, just let me know." I said as Somnus reluctantly nodded.



"You must be my future daughter-in-law. I must say, my son's taste in woman is really good. Come, let's have dinner." Hera said as she already treats her as Noctis' wife while removing and forgetting the Minstrel's eldest princess in her mind.

Irene finally felt the heavy pressure on her shoulder was gone as she felt light and sighed in relief after seeing my mother's reaction.

Soon the mini-banquet of the royal family started.



Tyr looks like Spearman from goblin slayer

Hera looks like Yaeko Nishimiya from a silent voice.

Somnus looks like John Wick

Helen looks like Helen of Troy(Just look alike okay? she ain't a b*tch)

Dress references:

Krulcifer Einfolk's dress in ep. 12 from Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut

Ayame Yomogawa from Koutetsujou no Kabaneri

Violet Evergarden from literally Violet Evergarden.

Belfast Full dress not the maid one from Azure Lane


MC - 28 y/o

Somnus - 24 y/o

Erza - 4 y/o

Kagura - 3 y/o

Pitou 3 y/o

Also... I have mastered the Dao of Cliff.

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