A Father's Duty

Chapter 73 - 73.

The trio then started walking with Toriko in the lead since he knows this place like the back of his hand.

When Toriko mentioned that they were near the Troll Kong's lair. Although they were still afar, the scent that the rainbow fruit emits were drifting in their noses as Toriko and Komatsu started drooling. Noctis didn't even budge but he could tell that his cells were reacting to the smell because his cells were excited.

"Let's hurry, looks like a thunderstorm is coming. If a lightning struck the Rainbow fruit tree, then we can kiss goodbye to eating the legendary fruit." Toriko said as they increased the pace.

The more they got closer to the troll kong's lair, the smell got more intense. All of the cells of Noctis were screaming in excitement the closer they get and soon, they arrived at a high vantage point and they were able to see the pack of Troll Kong with more than 100 members.

The troll kongs were staring at them with anger as they felt that the provider of their food, which is the rainbow fruit, will be taken.

The Troll kongs then rushed towards them but Toriko stood his ground as a projection of his gourmet demon appeared. The intimidation that it caused didn't affect Noctis at all, he felt like its just a breeze passing through his skin but the same couldn't be said for the Troll kongs as they cowered in fear.

Toriko then motioned us to follow him as he walked towards the middle of the pack and the troll kong gave way, but a white troll kong standing on top of a cliff roared and it dispelled the fear the Troll kongs were feeling.

"So, any plans on getting out of these dilemma?" Noctis asked.

"Komatsu, hold on to me and never let go. Consider yourself dead if your grip falls off. We'll be fighting them." Toriko said seriously.

"I guess I'll go after their leader." Noctis lightly said and Toriko was confused how he could reach the leader when they were surrounded.

Noctis then inhaled a huge amount of oxygen and went to an iaido stance.

'Thunderclap and flash.' Noctis' mental routine were getting better and better in terms of efficiency. The next thing Toriko knew is lightning started producing outside of Noctis body and suddenly he was gone. (Just like how f*ckboys run away when they learned that they're going to be a father. Don't be that guy y'all.)

Noctis breezed to every troll kong on the way as he used them as a stepper. He then saw the white troll kong hiding waiting for an opportunity to give an order to the pack.

He then kicked the air as he propelled himself forward towards the white troll kong. The leader panicked as he saw streaks of lightning coming his way and was about to escape when he saw Noctis standing in front of him pointing the wooden katana at him.

"Do you prefer the hard way or the peaceful way? I don't have lot of time, you know? My wife's waiting at home so you better choose fast or your head will roll off the ground." Noctis said to the leader as he released his intimidation

The leader of the pack saw the silhouette of Noctis' gourmet cell demon and he seemed to understand his words and roared once more, causing the troll kongs attacking Toriko stopped. Toriko was dumbfounded why they stopped attacking and the troll kongs started looking at their leader being held with a sword. Noticing the Troll kong's gaze, he turned his head to see Noctis pointing a wooden sword towards the leader of the pack and understood why they stopped attacking.

The leader then lowered his head in submission as Noctis flashed a little smile seeing the submission of the leader.

"Don't worry, we won't take everything It would destroy your ecosystem. Which goes against the reason why you guys are placed in these biotope garden." Noctis said as he motioned for Toriko to take the fruit in case the leader try to do something absurd.

Toriko with Komatsu on his back, slowly walked towards the Rainbow Fruit while being wary against the troll kong. Toriko then took three of the seven fruits as he intend to give one to the IGO as per their request, one to Noctis and one more for Komatsu to prepare at his restaurant.

'That's right. Never let your guard down if the ingredient wasn't in your stomach yet.' Noctis thought as this phrase suits Toriko best since he's a gluttonous eater.

"Let's go back and let's hope Komatsu could prepare us something with the rainbow fruit alongside the honeyblood." Noctis said as they rushed back to the entrance.

After the trio left, the leader gave a sigh of relief seeing that they didn't take everything on the fruit and the remaining fruits were enough for them to catch their prey.





Somewhere in the gourmet world.

"It is said that the Heavenly Bishokuya Toriko managed to acquire three rainbow fruits. It is also said in the reports that Toriko has someone strong with him that is the reason why they managed to acquire it easily." An old man in a cane said.

"Bishokuya Toriko, huh. Do you know who the strong person is?" A man in an armor sitting at the throne said.

"We found nothing at all, even at IGO's database. As if he popped out of nowhere and all we managed to learn was his name which is Noctis." The old man said.

"Hmmmm.... Try to recruit the strong person. If he declines, get rid of him. We don't want any unknown variable to crash our plans." The man said.

"Understood." The old man said as he went out of the room.

"Noctis and Toriko, huh. Will they hinder our progress?" The man thought before he smiled in amusement.






After submitting the requested item to Johannes, he offered a ride to the trio and Toriko said that the destination was the gourmet hotel.

Calling the hotel tall and huge is an understatement. Toriko offered Noctis the rainbow fruit but he declined since he has already scanned the fruit.

"Just use it for cooking maybe offer the staff some, what you do with it is your call." Noctis said as Toriko had a grin on his face, more Rainbow fruit being prepared, meaning more rainbow fruit to eat.

He already had his trademark suit which is stylish and the cost to produce them aren't cheap as Alba used the highest of quality materials she had been saving to use when she got the inspiration for the unique clothes. It was not until Noctis showed her the dress and suit design that she used the highest quality of materials and sew them personally as well.

"Rather than shopping, do you mind if I watched you prepare the rainbow fruit?" Noctis asked Komatsu and Komatsu still felt fear being alone with him but his fear is not as much as when they first met.

"O-okay. L-let's go to the top floor." Komatsu said as we separated from Toriko and Komatsu called the staff to take the rainbow fruit to the kitchen at the top of the tower.

When they arrived at the kitchen, Komatsu was still afraid of Noctis but when he held his knife, its like he didn't know that he is not alone. After thinking of the recipe, Komatsu started working as he cut half of the rainbow fruit and crushed it with an overly sized mortar and pestle, of course he did it with the help of a chair to stand on since he's too short.

Noctis watched him and knew that he was going to use the rainbow fruit as a pudding and is planning to use the honeyblood as the syrup which is not a bad idea but the pudding he will make will have lots of flaws as the pudding made with the rainbow fruit will quickly melt as it will turn into a vapor which will arouse the sense of smell of those who'll eat it and you don't want to eat something like that. Who'll want a shrinking dish?

"Komatsu, rather than use the honeyblood as the syrup, just use a simple mixture of water and sugar then use the honeyblood to coat the pudding so that the aroma that the rainbow fruit will emit will be locked inside. When served, the moment the customer pierce the pudding, they will take a full blast of aroma, you can call it an Aroma bomb." Noctis remembered Hayama and Yukihira's dish and felt that for aromatic ingredients, it was better to use the aroma bomb method so that the customers will be caught off guard.

"Noctis-san, are you a chef as well?!" Komatsu said in surprise.

"Well if you would be travelling to a lot of places you need to cook for yourself and it would be a waste of ingredient if you don't know how to prepare it." Noctis said as Komatsu was happy to discuss cooking matters.

Noctis then helped Komatsu in making the puddings that will be served. After covering the puddings with a cover, it could be said that the only thing left is tasting.

"Chef Komatsu! Bishokuya Toriko is ordering food ASAP." An employee said and was surprised to see Noctis in the kitchen but shook his head since Chef Komatsu is with him.

"Go on and cook a full course for Toriko, it is better to let the puddings cool down and be served as dessert. You could also use something that will keep the insides of the tray a little cold. Also where is the changing room?" Noctis said and Komatsu gave him the directions for changing room as Noctis changed into his trademark suit and used a concoction same as gel and fixed his hair.

After changing, Noctis went to the dining hall since he'll partake in eating the dish with Honeyblood.

Toriko saw Noctis with a stylish suit and praised him.

"That suit looks like its made for you. You look stunning man. Many girls would fall for you." Toriko said with a chuckle.

"Unfortunately for them, I already have a wife and kids as well. You do look good in that suit as well." Noctis said as he saw Toriko in a white suit and fixed his hair into a brush up.

Toriko was also surprised when he heard that Noctis has a wife and kids as well and is wondering where Noctis is living. Toriko then forget about it and asked Noctis to eat with him.

"Come, let's eat! Komatsu's food is great!" He said as Noctis sat down and didn't refuse this time since he haven't eaten lunch yet. Toriko is eating at a quick pace as plates started stacking up while Noctis only ate the plate that was served to him. Soon, the main event has come. Komatsu went out pushing a trolley with two covered trays.

"Noctis-san, Toriko-san, here's the main event, rainbow fruit pudding wrapped in honeyblood." Komatsu said as he opened the tray.

Toriko was confused because he remembered that Rainbow fruit's aroma is enchanting but he can only smell the sweet scent of honeyblood.

"Noctis-san helped me in making this dish. Be careful Toriko-san or you'll be overwhelmed. Use the spoon to scoop it." Komatsu warned Toriko.

The moment Toriko scooped and pierced the pudding a huge aroma bomb hit his face head on as the aroma wafted through the air and made all of the staff drool. After the initial aroma bomb, Toriko looked at the wiggling pudding in his spoon and put it in his mouth as Noctis also did the same.

The moment it entered their mouth, they were ȧssaulted by a sweet flavor before switching to new flavor seven times. Toriko and Noctis gulped the pudding at the same time. Both of them felt the changes in their body, the rainbow fruit being a suitable ingredient for Toriko while the honeyblood for Noctis.

"Deliciooooooooooous!" Toriko shouted while Noctis was still in shock not because of the taste but because he finally saw the form of his gourmet cell demon. It was Yujiro Hanma, the strongest creature.

Toriko's muscle improved as they got bigger while Noctis' muscle became much more compact and he hasn't seen it yet but a silhouette of a demon is slowly forming on his back.

After regaining his composure from the shock he praised Komatsu for a job well done.

"I-it was thanks to you that I could create such a dish. If not for your tip, I wouldn't be able to notice the flaws of my dish." Komatsu replied.

"Wait you're a chef as well?!" Toriko exclaimed and Noctis repeated the explanation he said to Komatsu earlier. After eating, Toriko went back to rest while Noctis stayed and approached Komatsu.

"Komatsu, do you think I could use this as currency for a stay at this hotel?" Noctis said as he showed Komatsu five syringes of Honeyblood.

"N-N-Noctis-san, these are enough for you to stay for half a year at the luxurious suite! Are you really willing to sell this to us?!" Komatsu stuttered.

"Sure, if the transaction is complete, just give me the keycard and someone to show me to my room. I'll take a rest." He said as they quickly made the transaction and the manager enthusiastically lead Noctis to the room and gave Noctis a bank card with the remaining from the transaction just now.

Noctis then started thinking what will be his next move in finding the GT robos to scan them and return back to the embrace of his lovely wife.

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