A Father's Duty

Chapter 98 - 98.

"Welcome to my humble abode, what can I do for you?" Noctis asked them.

"I'm sorry for crashing early in the morning." Andrew apologized.

"No problem, come in." Noctis motioned for them to come inside.

"Thank you." Andrew said as the three entered.

Noctis then started preparing food for the newcomers while the three started scanning the house. When Kian saw Irene, he tensed up, not because she's beautiful but because she's a dangerous individual that could kill him in alot of ways only imaginable to him.

"Relax, you're our guest. What kind of host are we, if you're not comfortable in our little house." Noctis said as he opened the lid of the pot and an aroma bomb exploded.

Inside the pot was steaming hot curry roux. It was the food they were cooking before the Green family knocked on their door.

Kia, as a young child, was seduced by the aroma and although she just ate her breakfast, her stomach rumbled making her embarrassed.

"Its fine. Its a normal thing to be hungry when you haven't eaten breakfast yet." Noctis said as he had no idea that they had breakfast before they arrived.

"Dear, why don't you wake the children up and let them come down and eat their breakfast. After that we'll start playing in the city." Noctis said as he brought up plates using his storage confirming that he's indeed a space mage.

Irene nodded her head and went up to wake the chipmunks up since the boxed lunches are already taken care of.

Noctis then put some rice in a bowl and the curry roux in another bowl and placed them on the table. Andrew and Kian didn't have any reaction but Kia seems like she's curious with the food.

"Is there a problem?" Noctis asked with a smile.

"N-no, this is my granddaughter's first time seeing this dish." Although he too had seen this dish for the first time, it didn't matter to him. But to a child where their curiosity is at their peak.

"Is that so?" Noctis said.

The Green family waited for Irene to come down. Irene came down with four little girls in tow. They first saw the carbon copy of Irene, Erza, the second is they saw Kagura who seemed to be like she's back to her usual self, the third person they saw was a yawning Dimaria who looks like she just woke up. Lastly, they saw a curious Pitou looking at them. They noticed that Pitou has cat ears and a tail which is rare.

"Girls, introduce yourself to the guest." Noctis motioned for them to come over as they introduced themselves to the Green family and they did the same.

"Well then, let's eat." Noctis said as he put some food on the chipmunks food. The Green family let them eat first so that they would know how to eat the food they have only seen for the first time in their life.

Their level of adaptability towards unknown situation is pretty good that even Noctis had to silently acknowledge.

The Green family were wide-eyed as they put the food in their mouth. They were transported into a place they don't know. They realized that they were in a deep hole and they can't use their magic. Suddenly, there was a rumble, due to Kian's careful nature he was the first one to react. Unfortunately, they were trapped in a deep hole and no magic.

They were surprised when suddenly, the curry roux started falling down on them. They were being buried and drowned in curry.

The family were slowly being buried in curry, but when they accidentally swallowed the curry, they were ȧssaulted by waves and waves of different flavors of flavors. They tried to swim upwards but the waves of curry continued pouring down on them pushing them down.

"Was it too hot for you? Sorry, I didn't know I would have guests coming so the food I made is the usual." The chipminks on the other hand didn't mind at all but rather liked them. Dimaria also doesn't have a problem with spicy food since their village's specialties are food that tastes strong and spicy.

"We-We're fine. Its just that I didn't expect that ȧssault of flavors. Suddenly it was sweet then the spiciness would kick in. Its simply amazing! I could keep on eating this and never get tired of it!" Andrew said and continued wolfing down. Kian, as a mercenary is a big eater but the food that Noctis had made is a lot so he didn't have to worry about wolfing down as well.

It was simply heavenly for the two of them. On the other hand, Kia is having troubles of eating because of the spiciness but she would keep on scooping up. The food burns her tongue but she can't stop eating. That's how delicious the food she's eating right now.

After 30 minutes, they finally finished eating, well, more like the Green family finished eating. It was their first time eating such supreme quality cooking that would put their personal cooks to shame.

"Father, are we finally going to play?" Erza asked him.

"Sure, go with your mother. I'll follow with you, okay?" Noctis then signaled Irene. Andrew then offered Noctis to take Kia with her as their guide which Noctis accepted. Dimaria didn't know where to go but she chose to be with her master.

"Now then, its been a long time since I've seen you, Mr. Andrew. Who would've thought you would make it big. You as well, I remember that you were a snotty teenager at that time." Noctis chuckled while Andrew wryly smiled.

"When you saved us that time, I haven't even say any thanks when you left us to deal with the dark guild. So I would like to express my thanks to you. This is one of our family heirlooms. Although this is quite old, it is quite an item. My grandfather told us stories about this item. He said its blade could cut into any metal like buŧŧer." Andrew then pulled up a box from his storage space and opened it.

Noctis on the other hand has an amused look after seeing the dagger in front of him. He then asked the system what kind of artifact it is.

[Its a unique growth dagger host. Its a lost artifact. When the age of Gods still existed there's a humanoid race called the dwarves who were created by the God of Fire and the God of Smith. The God of Fire molded the humanoids while the God of Smith baked them, unfortunately during the process, the God of Fire slipped up and dropped the figure of the dwarves causing them to be small. Their talents in smithing and controlling the fire are top notch. Their crafts are so good that other Gods were envious of the dwarves. Due to jealousy, a God framed and accused the dwarves of making weapons that could kill Gods. Due to fear, the Gods started persecuting the Dwarves and their crafts. The God of Fire and Smith were helpless as they couldn't stand up against so many Gods.] The system said.

'So this Dagger is from the era of Gods? Interesting.' Noctis thought.

Noctis accepted their gift which made Andrew smile. This time, it was Kian who spoke up.

"Mr. Noctis, could you please teach me?" Kian bowed his head down.

"Why?" Noctis has a serious face as he looked at Kian.

"I became a mercenary after hearing your tales and show of strength and want to chase after you. Even more when I heard the tale of you slaying a mighty dragon." Noctis had a weird expression on his face.

'If only you knew my guy. If only you knew.' Noctis thought.

"Unfortunately, I already have a student and wouldn't take any more at the moment. But I could compare notes with you." Noctis said.

"Really?! Thank you for the opportunity!" Kian said as he bowed his head once more.

"Well then follow me." Noctis said as he stood up and motioned the three to follow him.

'I guess its going to be an eye opener to Dimaria and maybe she would learn something from the battle as well.' Noctis thought as he looked at Dimaria in the corner of his eyes.

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