A foreigner's journey

Chapter 28 Spider Appears

On September 1, at 21:36, Youkexin City was in chaos.

Sirens, noises, and shouts are endless.

Some people who felt disturbed looked out the window dissatisfiedly, but immediately retracted their heads. There is no other reason. When you see the streets full of murderous and armed gang members, you will subconsciously avoid causing trouble.

The underground auction is under attack!

When those gangsters heard the news, they couldn't believe it. How could any madman dare to risk provoking gangsters all over the world to attack an underground auction? Don't want to die?

It is said that the huge auction venue was empty, not to mention the more than 500 participants, not even a single chair was left, and the vault used to store the auction items was also empty.

The gangsters are all going crazy. This is a slap in the face to all the gangsters!

The organizers were also under great pressure. They immediately announced a reward for the person behind the incident and promised a heavy reward to the gang who caught the person.

Now, not only could they take revenge, but they could also gain great fame and credit. All the gangs immediately became excited and sent out their best men in the organization to spread out in Youkexin City and the suburbs, vowing to catch those damn thieves.

At this moment, a hot air balloon floated in the night sky of Youkexin City, with seven people standing in the basket hanging below.

"There's nothing in the vault, Captain."

One of them, a giant man wearing a fur vest, complained: "The only auction host who knew about it said that someone came to move the goods a few hours ago. It seems that he knew something would happen today. What a coincidence! It must be One of us leaked the secret!”

A magnetic voice came from the mobile phone he put to his ear: [No, Wo Jin. Betrayal requires a reason. Do you think if there is a betrayer, what benefits can he gain by betraying us to the gang? money? reputation? status? Are any of us really satisfied with such boring stuff? 】

"Uh... no." The giant man named Wo Jin scratched his chin in embarrassment.

【Right? 】

The voice from the mobile phone comforted:

[If someone really snitched, the gangster's reaction would be too unusual. Those gang bosses are not that stupid to know that we [Phantom Troupe] are coming and not be on guard yet. From your reports, we learned that the guests participating in the auction had no knowledge and were not armed, and the organizers only slightly increased their vigilance. Well, my conclusion is... they did get the message, but it wasn't concrete. But someone still believed it, and that person was in a high position. Have you ever asked where the auction items are shipped? 】

"Of course I asked, but the host insisted that he didn't know. It was Feitan who forced the question, so it should be true."

Wo Jin gave a thumbs up to a short man with eye-catching eyes wearing a black windbreaker next to him. The short man shrugged his shoulders and said with squinted eyes: "That guy is the most sympathetic person today."

[Then you asked who carried it, right? 】

"Of course, they are the [Yin Beasts] that the 'Ten Old Men' are proud of. They are a force composed of the strongest telepathic users in the gang."

[So it turns out, the fact that the ‘Yin Beasts’ didn’t join the alert means they don’t know about us. How did they transport the goods? 】

"The host said that the 'Yin Beast' only sent one person to move. That day, the 25-square-meter vault was filled with goods to be auctioned, but that person went in empty-handed and came out empty-handed, and the vault was also emptied. Oh. By the way, that person’s name is [Xiao], and he is very tall.”

[It sounds like he is the same type of telekinesis user as Xiaodi. Nearly five hundred participants have disappeared. I'm afraid the gang may have noticed that Xiaodi has the same ability. 】

"Can I go meet those so-called 'yin beasts', leader?"

[Of course, give the little mouse following you a lesson, then the [Yin Beast] will naturally appear. 】

"Great, my bones are starting to itch from the wait... Oh, by the way, are you still collecting information on the [Nian Zhan Knife]?"

[There is no need to deliberately collect it for the time being, I hired experts in this field. Okay, let’s get started. 】


"It's so noisy outside."

Roda Jindom stood by the window and opened the curtains to take a look and shook his head: "That's why I don't like Youkexin City in September. At this time of year, Youkexin City will be occupied by gangs at night. These People have no idea what politeness is.”


Batra threw his cell phone directly on the glass coffee table. The elegant old rich man now transformed into a grumpy little old man, vomiting sweetly: "XXX! These gangsters actually blocked all the entrances and exits of Youkexin City! I My subordinates were blocked outside the city! I was so fucking stupid before that I didn’t even bring anything with me!”

He is more anxious than anyone else now. Letting Heather get the [Light Egg] just one second later means that his little girlfriend has one more chance of dying suddenly. You must know that her condition has begun to deteriorate in recent months. Now she can only rely on a telekinesis device with some ability to warm the body and a large number of medical treatments to hang on. The doctor said that it may worsen at any time.

On the contrary, Heather was comforting Batra: "Don't worry, don't worry, even if I get it, I have to adjust my physical and mental posture and find a safe place to carry out the recasting ceremony, otherwise there is a possibility of failure. On the contrary, these gangsters are anxious. It's quite interesting to run around like a wild dog that has been robbed of its meat and bones, isn't it?"

Rhoda Kingdom answered the phone, listened for a while and then said: "I understand, you are keeping an eye on the situation."

After hanging up the phone, Rhoda Kingdom turned to look at Heather: "Gaal said that the gang's underground auction was disrupted, and all the people and goods disappeared. Now the 'ten old men' are furious and hanging high. A reward is being offered to find the mastermind behind this.”

"Ten old men? Are you the organizer of the underground auction?" Heather had some impressions of this gangster force that appeared in the comics.

"The underground auction is hosted by the gang. The leaders of the ten districts on the six continents [Ten Old Men] are their top leaders. These ten people only gather in a certain place during a certain period of time to discuss and issue various instructions."

Roda Jindom touched his chin: "And those responsible for the specific execution of the instructions are the troops [Yin Beasts] that the ten old men are proud of. This is a force composed of the ten strongest people in their respective gangs. All of them They are all powerful telepathic users who are proficient in actual combat and can be called murder experts."

Heather stood up and stretched, flexing her limbs and joints: "Then the 'Yin Beast' will appear next, right? It's interesting. I didn't expect that Youkexin City has such a rich nightlife and entertainment. I'll go join it." It’s a lot of fun.”

After that, he opened the door and left.

"This...Mr. Heather..." Batra hesitated, as if it was difficult to understand why Heather would take the initiative to go out and join in the fun.

Rhoda Jindom patted Batra on the shoulder and comforted him: "After spending time with Heather, you will understand that his character is to highlight the "do whatever you want". Perhaps this is the unique personality of the world's top telepathic users. ."

"But there are so many gangsters and they are all armed. I'm afraid of them..."

"If he can be killed by a simple firearm, then he is not the Heather that you and I have high hopes for."

Roda Jindom shook his head: "Now Heather, I'm afraid even the Hunter Association President Nitro will be unable to subdue him in person. It's not us who should worry, but those guys who are targeted by Heather."

A super genius like Heather, who could learn everything at once, had systematically learned various fighting techniques and weapons usage for more than three months with the hungry attitude of a sponge absorbing water... It was scary to think about it.

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