"Thank you for your time, and we at Silver Technologies hope to see you all again," finished Wu Lan with a polite smile on her visage. She took a small bow and leisurely strode off the stage, a smattering of polite applause to be heard from those present. Wu Lan had opened Silver Tech exactly five years ago, and it had already become a giant within the corporate world, valued at over 100 billion dollars. Discreetly yawning as she walked towards her seat, she inwardly groaned 'Damn, I want a nap.' At that moment, Wu Lan accidentally bumped into a rather good looking young man talking to one of his acquaintances, about 24 years old, with a fluffy head of stark, white hair, sharp features, a set of dark purple eyes, and wore a black suit that contrasted with his hair, along with dark amethyst cufflinks and an amethyst stud in his ear. The brief contact they had was enough for Wu Lan to tell that under the clothing was a bed of muscle, not that she particularly cared. In unison, they murmured a polite "Sorry, excuse me," and Wu Lan continued on to her seat to collect her belongings and leave. The man returned to his conversation as well. Her presentation was the last one for the day, and the convention was over. Awaiting Wu Lan was a tall, slender man with light green eyes, and loosely tied black hair going down to his waist. He had a thin scar slashed across his face, and intricate black tattoos peeking out of his white collar and sleeves.

"Qiu Xiao, let's go, what's on my schedule next?" she asked her companion and assistant, Qiu Xiao.

"You have a dinner meeting with Ling Zhen from Ling Enterprises at the Cloudy Dragon restaurant, boss. Also, good job up there." he responded.

"Thanks, let's head straight over to the restaurant," she said.

Sliding into the driver's seat of the sleek BMW, Wu Lan started the car. Qiu Xiao next to her could be found darkly muttering, "If you drive, then what's my job supposed to be?"

"Qiu Xiao, haven't we gone over this? I like to drive, you like to drive, so we take turns! You drove us here, I drive us to the Cloudy Dragon, not a difficult concept," she wryly responded to her assistant's aggrieved murmurs beside her. Only a despondent sigh could be heard in response, marking the end of the topic. They drove in comfortable silence for about an hour, with moderate traffic, but nothing they hadn't seen worse of. Wu Lan pulled into a parking spot near the entrance of the Cloudy Dragon and she got out. "Qiu Xiao, you can go have some fun until our flight, pick me up in two hours," she said.

He happily left, probably to go to meet one of his many lady acquaintances, if Wu Lan knew anything about him. She rolled her eyes at his excitement and entered the restaurant to be led to her seat by a waitress. She was fifteen minutes early. Sipping a glass of water, she waited idly, playing with the stem of the glass.

Fifteen minutes later, a fluffy white head appeared by the doorframe of the entrance. It belonged to none other than Ling Zheng! He walked into the restaurant, and as the waitress led him to the reserved table, he spotted his dining partner for the night. She had long, black hair, smooth, dark skin that would be usually seen tropical climates, pleasing features, eyes that were different colors, one a gleaming silver, the other bright gold, and wore a classy black pantsuit with silver accents. The woman sat relaxed in her chair, one hand languidly playing with the stem of her glass, and the other resting on the armrest of the chair, not moving. Her lithe appearance gave off the feeling of being near a resting predator. It was the same woman who had bumped into him earlier in the day! 'She's the CEO of Silver Tech?! I thought their CEO was a man though? If I had been in the room for their presentation this would've been less of a shock.' Ling Zheng's mind was racing with unsaid thoughts. He had long admired the reclusive CEO of Silver Technologies who had built an empire larger than his family's in only a few years, and slightly regretted that he had to miss the company's presentation due to an urgent call from his family.

Wu Lan looked up at the sound of a chair sliding back and saw the same young man she had bumped into earlier in the day. 'Small world,' she thought, as she nodded her greeting and introduced herself, "Nice to meet you Mr. Ling, I am Wu Lan from Silver Technologies."

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