A Gallop on the Embankment with Spring Breeze

Chapter 27 - Learn from the Cat

Chapter 27: Learn from the Cat

Proofread by Fu Tianying

“Hunni with fake expression and lion with fake face, all their heads were carved by wood and tails made by silk. Their eyes were plated by gold and teeth were made by silver. They show their ostentatious garment and ears.” This was the poem created by Po Chu-i (a poet in Tang Dynasty), which described the lion-dancing. There were no agreement on the origins of lion dancing. The popular opinion was that people tried to imitate their appearance and actions when a few live lions were brought in from the Westin Han Dynasty. It did not develop into lion-dancing until three Kingdoms Period and lion-dancing prospered in the Southern and Northern Dynasties as the rise of Buddhism.

Wearing the head mask of lion, Ma Tian’en stood in front of the crowd. The person who played the lion tail called Li Hui. He grasped the ribbon tied around Ma Tian’en’s waist and wore lion’s skin dotted by cow hair. Ahead of them stood a man leading the lion. He not only had a good-looking, but was heroic. He was one of the master-hands of Datong Gang, mastering great Kongfu. Holding a Hydrangea to tantalize the lion, sometimes he performed forward and backward somersault in the air, standing on the table, which arouse heated applause. Under his leading, the lion ran and rolled. Occasionally, Ma Tian’en reacted slowly and the head was almost knocked down by the tail of lion. But this happened less often as the practice went on. On the whole, they cooperated quite well.

After a long while, Ma Tian’en felt a little tired and wanted to have a rest. When she took off the mask of lion, Ashun gave her a bowel of water. Ma Tian’en drank it up.

“Master, you are so great. I thought you played much better than the former one. This time, we will definitely win the first place.” After saying this, Ashun gave her a towel to wipe her sweat.

“Of course, I know I am great.” Although Ma Tian’en said this, she still knew that she could not compete with Ma Laishun when playing the lion’s head. She just didn’t want to dampen the morale..

At this time, Wu Zhong came here, with a cat in his arms. At such an critical moment, how could he have the mood to play with cat? But to be honest, this cat was very cute.

Ma Tian’en walked towards him and took over the cat from Wu Zhong. She couldn’t help touching the chin of the cat, and the cat extended lazily its chin to let Ma Tian’en fondle.

“Master, are you going to relieve me from the tedium by this cat?”

“No, I take it here to teach you how to perform lion-dancing, and you should call it Mr. Cat from now on.” Wu Zhong said seriously.

“What? Master, don’t tell jokes with me. It is a cat, not a lion, so what can it teach me?” Ma Tian’en said doubtfully and turned back to fondle the head of the cat. The cat felt impatient, jumped out of her arms, ran away and lay down under a tree lazily, lifting its claws to lick its skin.

“According to the records of The Book of Songs, there are tigers, bears, and cats. It suggests that cats can be compared with tigers while tigers can be compared with lions. These are all furious animals. Don’t you want to learn southern lion-dancing? As I have said, southern lion-dancing emphasizes its spirit. Cats also have happiness, anger, sorrow, joy, movement, quietness, surprise and suspect. If you watch the actions of cats, you will feel the spirit of lion-dancing. Look, the cat is lying down under the tree quietly with its relaxed expression. It looks like the dance steps slow as drumbeat becomes gentle when playing the lion-dancing.” After saying this, Wu Zhong picked a small stone and threw it towards the cat. The cat was shocked, and it jumped up suddenly and ran away. After running for a little distance, it looked back to see whether it was really dangerous.

“Look, that was the surprise and suspicion of the cat. Lion-dancing should follow the quietness, slowness and swiftness of drumbeat and use different expressions, dance steps and spirits to make the audience feel the emotions of the lion. This is the essence of southern lion-dancing.” After saying this, Wu Zhong noticed that Ma Tian’en was absorbed in what he has said, as if she was thinking about something. He smiled.

Ma Tian’en was clever. From the words of Wu Zhong, she understood the meaning. Combining the techniques of the North and the spirit of the South, in this way, she would enable people to watch a different and energetic lion-dancing. She could have more opportunity to win the competition.

Ma Tian’en looked at the cat carefully. Wu Zhong accompanied her and told her the character of southern lion-dancing. Ma Tian’en rested for a moment and continued to practice with others. Wu Zhong didn’t leave and stay aside to watch. Ma Tian’en was more careful because Wu Zhong was here.

The time went by fast and it was already noon time. Every noon, everyone ate something for lunch. Yanzi would bring lunch to Ma Tian’en on time.

In order to create a quiet place for practice, others were not allowed to come in. But the walls of the yard actually were not tall since there were no valuable things inside. When Yanzi brought lunch, she saw someone standing on some stones to look into the yard over the wall .

Yanzi quietly approached. The man was absorbed in peeping and didn’t notice. He just heard a scream: “Tian Fugui, what are you doing here?”

Tian Fugui was paying attention to staring at lion-dancing of Ma Tian’en. He was scared and fell from the stones. Yanzi intended to give him a hand, but she held the food box in her arms. She hesitated for a while, and Tian Fugui fell down.

“You silly girl, don’t you know that people will be scared to death by others?” Tian Fuhui found it was Yanzi, and he rubbed his waist with bad feelings and stood up.

“That’s what I want to say. Why don’t you come in? What are you looking at secretly? Do you want to learn the unique skills from our master stealthily?” Yanzi retorted.

“Why don’t you come in directly?” Yanzi said confusedly.

“I am afraid……” Saying this, Tian Fuhui sat on the stone from which he just fell down with a sad face. He was a little depressed.

Yanzi felt more puzzled, looking at the hesitant Tian Fugui. She thought that Tian Fugui was always close to the master. But today, he did not dare to come in. It was really strange.

“Did you do something bad to our master? Aren’t you friends? Our master is tolerant, and she will forgive you. Please come in with me.” Tian Fugui sat on the stone. He looked like a poor dog which was abandoned by its owner.

“How can I do something bad for my friends? You look down on me. It is because of the accident of Master Ma. Everyone said the accident was schemed by my big brother and Hu Chunqiu. I can’t show any evidence to convince others that it was not done by my big brother. I am afraid that Ma Tian’en is not willing to talk to me.”

Yanzi understood what Tian Fugui was concerned about. But she was always simple. She didn’t think it was a big deal. She comforted him and said: “It is your big brother’s business, not yours. Without the accident, our young master doesn’t like your big brother at all and you always come to play with him as usual. But you haven’t been around for quite a while, and our master thought you were shut down by your big brother.”

“Do you want to come in and play with my master? I need to go, or the food will get cold.” Although Tian Fuhui was pitiful, the food was more important.

“I…I have to go back. I am afraid my big brother will scorn me.” After saying this, Tian Fugui ran away. But he ran for a distance and went back, saying to Yanzi, “Don’t tell Tian’en that I have come.”

“I never lie to my master.” Yanzi refused firmly.

“But I really don’t want him to know. I want to find out who tried to kill old Master Ma. My big brother said it was not done by him. I felt that my big brother wouldn’t lie to me. Promise me that you don’t tell him. I will buy you delicious dessert next time.” Tian Fugui looked at Yanzi pitifully. Yanzi felt a little dizzy and she nodded.

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Tian Fugui saw that Yanzi nodded, and then he ran away.

Looking at the figure of Tian Fugui, Yanzi stuck out her tongue: “I am not your servant. I will not listen to you.” Then she ran into the yard. She was a little surprised when seeing Wu Zhong was there, too.

“Mr. Wu is here. Sorry, I don’t know. The food I bring is only enough for my master.” After saying this, she held the food box more tightly.

“Yanzi treats me the best, but I must honor my teacher as well. Master, you eat mine. I will eat with others.” While she was saying, Ma Tian’en took the food box from Yanzi and put it into Wu Zhong’s hands. Wu Zhong thought she was just trying to show courtesy, but he didn’t expect that she really gave it to him and then went to eat pancakes and stews together with others. She laughed and talked with others while eating. It seemed that she never regarded herself as a girl.

Wu Zhong took the dishes out of the food box and placed them together with others. In a few minutes, they were all eaten up. When Ma Tian’en looked up unconsciously, she saw Wu Zhong eating the same food as others, but he was still so elegant. She could not help losing her mind. Ouch! She bit her tongue.

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