A Gamer In Multiverse

Chapter 19 - 19: Memories

' ': speaking to himself

" ": regular talks

[ ] : status and store related sections

<Fireball> :silent activation

<Fireball !!> : voiced activation

*...* : action


Author Note: I'm studying for my midterms so I didn't have much time to edit this chapter. If there is a vague part I couldn't explain properly or some grammar mistakes let me know in the comments. so ı can explain or fix that part later on.


After the unexpected kiss, Arthur stumbles and falls onto the ground but in the split second between the kiss and his stumbling, his consciousness floats through Helen's river of memories.

He saw her grow up with her loving parents, how she plays with her friends, her childhood crush, growing up in a political circle and its difficulties, constant struggle of close family friends betrayals to replace her family while in her teenage years and dealing with the enemy races attacks for literally devouring their species to absorb their power.

All this struggle ends when another line of the spirit clan attack and kills her parents to get control over her clan and unite the whole species under their ruler.

After her parents killed in front of her, she gets captured by the assailants tried to get married to a prince from the new ruling clan to make a legitimized claim on her family's property and the people under their rule.

Killing her "husband" at their wedding night, she started her journey of revenge. The path she takes filled with the blood of her enemies and some others that don't know their place.

With each passing event, she grew a grimmer and more brutal person then her parents wish her for. She leaned towards the power of darkness instead of her family's lightning power.

She struck where it would hurt just to make the new ruler miserable. Her children were slain, her friends, and her allies butchered at their home. Anyone who supports the new empress meets the blood soaking blade of the Helen.

With each fight she grew stronger, she raided libraries, loot secret skills, and destroy the leftovers so people come after him can't use these resources anymore.

After countless battles, she realized that each day she consumed by darkness and walk farther away from the path that her parents wanted her to follow but unfortunately she couldn't let go. Seeing that the empress ruined her life, destroy her family stays unfazed by her actions, she couldn't let go of hatred.

Seeing that just a couple of gifts make people forget all evil the empress did and make them disregard people like Helen, whose families did everything to protect them against the enemy waiting for them outside their safe realm by sacrificing their lives through countless generations. Remembering how her parents beg to the empress so she would spare her life and remembering how the empress laughed at her parent's face before disintegrating them in a blast of fire.

Helen felt she couldn't just let go. So she did what she did best. If the empress children were only the tools to gain allies and those allies only useful if they control the realm in her place and sent all the resources they found to her for increasing her personal power, all she has to do is ensure the chaos.

Make sure the random idiotic warlord rises up against the empress and burns down her tributes, destroying anything empress can make use of.

This tactic was useful for a while, with the damage she caused she finally manage to hurt the empress.

The empress was a genius that hasn't been seen before in the spirit realm. Both with the practice speed of her spiritual and elemental powers and with how she was able to manipulate others to her bidding but with Helen's actions hit the empress where she didn't get hit before.

The enraged empress did more damage then 100 Helen combined. The reckless actions of the new empress made people saw that she wasn't better than the monster lurking shadows for revenge, hunting down people, and creating chaos throughout the realm for her dead family.

With the common folk raising their voice against their new ruler and start taking actions against the empress themself. The lords and ladies of the realm had to join to fight too.

Some of the nobles join to protect their subjects from the horrors of war, some of them joined to replace the empress, and became the new ruler.

This civil war continued through the generations. Children of the families destroyed by this new war created new factions fight against the empress, against the nobles that push their families inside this war, against Helen who started all of this carnage.

Helen continued to walk on her path of revenge but this war did change her too. The new Helen was even colder, was even more brutal and cunning. War wisened her up, she became more precise on her actions.

The moment she thinks everything was under her control when she thought she would finally get her revenge another variable entered the picture.

All the enemies of the spirit realm that they have throughout the existence took the opportunity and attack the realm with their full power to completely destroy to spirit clan.

These sudden attacks further weaken the realm but Helen stayed focused on her goal and wait the day she would get to opportunity to gut the killer of her family.

She kept lurking in the shadow for her chance, but the empress displayed her full might fighting against the invaders and she showed the people of this realm why she was named as the most incredible genius of their history and she crushed the invaders in countless battles.

The empress not only became victorious in these battles but she also kept getting stronger throughout each of them.

Hearing the mighty empress of the spirit realm weakened, warlords of the demon realm gather the most powerful beings of the invading army and create a group to kill the injured empress.

After a long and painful battle, the empress used to sprit realm's trump card, a spell formation that can manipulate the fabric of time and slay all of her foes under the watchful eyes of Helen waiting in the shadows of the battlegrounds for her chance.

Unfortunately for her, the death of all those might warriors attract the attention of even more powerful beings hidden in deeper parts of existence, and with the now revealed spell formation that can manipulate time on an omniversal scale put these beings in a state of frenzy with greed, and cause all of them to rush at the spirit realm.

Noticing their race's unavoidable demise the empress call Helen out of the shadows. With her injuries, she didn't have the ability to use the formation by herself again so she called the second strongest person of the realm to help their race.

While struggling the choose between killing the enemy that put her in this path or rescuing her race after all the damage she caused, Helen's mind pulled into her family heirloom she kept carried in her person all this time.

Seeing her dead ancestors that fought by generations to protect the realm alongside her parents appearing in front of her and them asking her to save their home and forgot her hatred at least until the realm saved.

Listening to her parents pleading Helen decided to help her mortal enemy. Unfortunately, she missed the subtle smile the empress had when she saw Helen coming out of the shadow.

Together they activated the spell formation but the empress used this opportunity to take back time instead of preparing the formation for battle.

Using a large amount of gathered energy from the formation empress first healed herself and then she brought Helen and herself to the day she murdered her parents and make her watch their death once again.

While mocking Helen's puzzled expression she told her that spell formation they use was the one of the omniverse's most powerful weapon that capable of fully manipulate the time and these stupid wars only kept going because she felt like she was nearing a breakthrough and decided to take a small vacation while watching her idiotic cousin try to avenge her more idiotic parents for the fifth time, and reporting her silly rebellion for the third time.

Looking at Helen's devastated face she said that Helen once again going to kept sealed in this moment of time until she decided to take another vacation, and when that time came she just going to delete Helen's memory and watch her run around trying to take revenge on her once again.

Now sealed inside a piece of time abstract, Helen hit with her former memories that deleted by her cousin. In that abstract, she kept waiting and planing her revenge just keep her mind away from the vision haunting her every she closes her eyes.

Passage of time was in an unrecognizable state in the abstract she sealed in but she kept waiting without knowing was a minute passed or millennia.

When she saw face her cousin once again Helen knew what type of fate was waiting for her once again but the moment sealed opened she felt a call. A call from a summoning that shouldn't reach anyone above of rank of Barone or baroness of the spirit realm. Type of call that can only be used contracting for lower-ranking people of her race.

Thinking that whatever or whoever is the owner of this call is would a better choice than her cousin, even if answering such a strong call means she lose her freedom and she would be only a servant to that being send this call... but thinking that if she served this being with loyalty she might have another opportunity for revenge in exchange for her loyalty... Knowing that she doesn't have much time to think this thoroughly, Helen decided to accept the call.

Looking at the perplexed empress that seeing her favorite toy getting away, Helen raised her middle fingers and managed to anger her enemy for the first time.

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