I use mana rope to restrain actions of the zombies and then I use mana arrow to shoot them in the head , They are not fast to begin with and now using mana rope to restrain them might be a overkill but ı want to obtain the " Bind " skill by continuous use of mana rope . That's how Han Jihan got this skill .

After killing these zombies ı got my first perk

[ Apperentice Undead Slayer ]

[ When you attack the undead :

Attack power increases by 30%

Defence power increases by 30%

All status increase by 10 ]

I think ı can take down boss of this dungeon . It should be arround level 40 .. maybe up to 50 but ı don't think ıt would something more powerfull than level 50.

I have to kill couple hundred zombies before the boss can be summoned. Killing them is not a problem for me and since they all higher then the level 12 , I can level up pretty quickly.

The problem is how to find them. I was lucky to meet that large group of zombies in my first encounter here but after dealing with them ı couldn't find a zombie nearly 5 minutes and even after that there was no group large as the first one.

" Mini Map ! " I yelled.

There it is! Solution to my most boring problem. Let's see :

– Enemies marked by black

– Allies marked by blue

– Neutral entities marked by green

and Mini map range is about 10 kilometers .

It's good enough ı think. I don't know how ı couldn't find them before but there is plenty of zombie to hunt arround . Since now finding them isn't a issue I think ı'm gonna face zombie boss in couple hours.



After ı killed 50 more zombie . instead of getting the 'bind' skill , ı actually obtain an extra effect for mana rope skill .

★ Mana Rope (Active) / Level 25 : A rope made from mana. It has physical durability and disappears after some time as mana scatters.

Cost: 5 MP

Duration: 10 minutes.

1st effect : After mastering the basics of the skill , you can now create ropes durable as steel .

Cost : 15 MP per rope

Evolving this skill actually increase my confidence in dealing against the boss . I mean can he really resist while bounded by steel ropes?

Nope , I don't think so. Poor thing won't have chance against me.

I have to inrease my speed with dealing these regular zombies . I want to get done with the boss and have my dinner in Miss Gina's inn.




I use tree branches to create spears mostly for grinding up my woodworking skill but since ı still don't have enough MP to spam out magic attacks ı decided to use those spears as my main weapons . Although ı bought 2 sword and 3 axe's from local blacksmith and some spearheads , they are merely iron weapons . They wear down quickly . I want to save them to something more dangeorus than couple weak zombies.

While hunting zombies ı spam out mana rope mostly , since it dosen't cost much and with meditation skill my mana regeneration doubled so ı can keep useing skill with low cost. After tying up the zombies I stap them with my spear in their head if they are crowded .

If their numbers less than 10 , ı just go melee with my wooden spears . By using them continuously not only my movements with a spear become more fluid , my damage output increase massively too.



I didn't know that fighting in close combat was this entertaining . Trying to figure out opponent's next attack while some other enemies try to close up behind you ... Before the notice from my spear mastery skill , ı possibly kill more 300 zombie in melee fights .

level 50 :Allows the user to freely handle spears. 100% Increase in attack damage with spears. 50% increase in attack speed with spears.

1st effect : Become one with spear .You can use your spear as if it is a limb of yours .

100% increase in piercing damage

50% increase in slashing damage

[ For continuous fighting against multiple opponents you gain :

★Sense presence (Active)

Level 5 : You can sense creatures in diameter of 25 meters.

25% increase in perception ]

Hmmm..... so awakening a perk for some skills can be achived on different levels . I wonder if it would be different for sword and axe mastery skills.

Looks like boss is summoned .

Zombie Boss POV :

While Arthur checking out his new skills , horde made out hundreds of zombies charge each other and assembled become one giant zombie.

Giant zombie give a mighty roar to notify his existence to this empty world . After his loudy entrance the behemoth see the reason of its existence . A tiny creature looks at him with a disturbing glint of on his eyes.

General ( third person's ) POV :

" This guy way bigger than what ı expected. How tall it is ? " said Arthur and try to guess it's size.

15 maybe 20 meters giant zombie , isn't this nice way the finish today's workout?

Let's use the ' observe ' on it before fightin it.

" Observe ! "

Tier 1 / Level 58 ( Boss Class Monster)

HP : 65000/65000

MP : 1000/1000 ]

Looking at beast stats Arthur smiled weirdly and " It's hit points .... this would be interesting fight. " said to himself and cast his first spell

" Mana Rope ! "

While the beast charging towards him. Arthur aim for its ankles and send his mana rope to tie them each other . After it's done , with all of it's momentum behemoth fall over his face and lose more than 3000 HP .

Beast didn't mind it's lose of its HP . It try to get straighten up and reach for the rope tied down its leg but it can't be that easy right .

Once beast raised his hands towards it's feet , Arthur tied beast right hand to its neck. After immobilizing the beast Arhurt decided that now its time to attack and cast spell.

" Fireball ! , Fireball ! "

Arthur aim towards the eyes and send two basketball size fireball to beast's eyes .

RooOoOOaaaAaR !!!!!!! yelled the monster while trying cover up its eyes with its still free left hand.

This Arthur pull out his specially prepared spears which he put iron spears heads he buyed from blacksmith this morning and use two of them to nail behemoth left hand to ground.

Looking at his prey without any mercy Arthur pull out two special spear again from his inventory and stab them through, beast's already destroyed eyes towards it's brain and retreat immediately to ready his final spell.

Beast opened its mouth and roared with pain.

Arthur was readying himself for this moment from the start and cast his giant Fireball which he put nearly all of his MP .

" Fireball !!!!!!! "

Giant fireball attack hit the inside of behemoth's mouth and blow its head to nothingness .

Finishing of the boss , Arthur sit on the ground for relaxing while watching behemoth's body turn into dark gray smoke .

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