As Mao Lu walked straight ahead, from what had been a muddy path surrounded by those unfamiliar silver flowers, transformed into a stone path encompassed by stone pillars. There was no ceiling and the pillars were so tall that they seemed to stretch far into the clear blue sky.

Mao Lu looked up at them curiously. Each one had strange carvings on it, yet when he tried to decipher them, they blurred. He couldn't read it.

"The 400 realms were made by the Creator. Gatekeepers call the Creator, One. One made the 400 realms using essence or as the ancients called it, Verscence or Qi,” Gates explained.

“As I mentioned before essence is a form of energy that exists in every living thing, it is what keeps us alive, it's what keeps things moving, it exists in everything. In the dawning era, at the start of time, One gave us the ability to see and use Essence in the hopes that eventually a powerful being would be produced from the 400 realms that could become One's equal.”

"So, you mean this Creator, One, wanted to create another Creator. And that's why it made the 400 realms and allowed us to see and use this powerful energy," Lu tried to clarify.

"We don't know or dare to know the Diety's intentions. Whether One wanted there to be another creator, or whether One created the 400 realms as a trial ground to create a worthy disciple. Or perhaps One was lonely and wanted a companion, it is unknown what One's true purpose was. All that is certain is that One wanted his creations to become powerful, as powerful as himself, and thus gave us the ability to use essence.”

“After essence was introduced to the masses, many began competing with each other and training rapidly, using it to improve themselves so that they could become the chosen equal that they believed One wanted. Those that trained

became known as Practitioners. This training or cultivation process became known as the Path of Power.”

“The more practitioners train, the more essence they can use and the more powerful they become on this path of power. There are three paths or rather routes to train your abilities with essence.”

As Gates spoke Mao Lu continued down the stone corridor. He felt rather suffocated, as if something was sitting at the bottom of his throat. It became harder to breathe with each step, and the air began to smell stale and old. Despite this Mao Lu didn't stop, he didn't pause until the path widened. In the middle of this opening were three statues.

"These statues represent the three routes on the path of power. The three types of Practitioner."

The first statue was a humanoid figure, its hands were extended while holding two long-sword-like weapons. The statue emanated strength.

The second statue appeared humanoid at first, but it seemed to morph and change shape before his eyes. In its hand it held a long staff and stood tall, its gaze seemed to pierce into his own as if it were alive and really looking at him. He felt his head ache.

The third statue was shaped like a round-ball. It looked exactly like the pearl-crystal exterior of the Realms he had seen earlier. Although obviously a lot smaller.

"The three routes are the Cultivator or Martial Artist, the other is the Mage, and the last is the Gatekeeper." The book of Gates explained.

"A Cultivator is a practitioner that focuses on using the essence energy to train their bodies. Be that training martial arts or other cultivation methods. The aim is that their bodies become more powerful and surpass their limits by opening up various meridians, acupoints, and using their bodies full potential. As their bodies improve, they can use more essence and to greater levels. Cultivators are very fierce warriors."

Mao Lu looked at the imposing and awe striking first statue. It definitely looked like a fierce warrior.

"Then there is the Mage. Compared to the cultivator path, this path can be considered easier and faster, but at the same time, it holds many more risks and dangers. A Mage is one that practices magic, spells, and incantations. They use essence to train their minds, spirits, and manipulate their surroundings. The more they train with essence the greater their abilities and the more essence they can use just like a cultivator. But training the mind and soul is a dangerous business, the slightest mistake can have irreversible consequences."

Mao Lu glanced at the shifting second statue and felt uncomfortable as he saw those intense eyes.

"Then there is the Gatekeeper. A path of immense power. One that has the greatest potential in becoming the chosen one that One desires. The other two routes were made by lifeforms after millions of years of trial and error whilst experimenting with the essence, however the Gatekeepers were personally created by One. A Gatekeeper is not constrained by the limits of their physical bodies or their mind like a Mage or Cultivator, a Gatekeeper can use essence in an almost unlimited manner, however you are confined by many rules."

Lu stared at the last statue; his gaze lost inside the shimmering crystalline surface.

"After One made the Gatekeepers and assigned them each with a realm to protect. One then disappeared and left the 400 realms, to wherever lies beyond.”

“As a result, after billions upon billions of years, many have forgotten about the Creator, only believing that life simply just began and that they can use the essence as they wish. Only a few of the ancient schools, those in the Deity realms, and of course the Gatekeepers remember One's intentions."

"In these billions of years, has anyone reached that goal and become as powerful as One?" Mao Lu couldn't help but ask.

"That is a good question. The answer to that is no, no one has reached the goal One set. Even though there are beings powerful enough to destroy galaxies with but a mere wave of their hands, none have reached the standard to become chosen by One. One has never come back to the 400 realms and has never claimed a person."

"Even someone that can destroy galaxies with a wave isn't worthy!?" Mao Lu couldn't help but exclaim.

"You must remember that each of the 400 realms is made up of countless galaxies and life-forms. For someone to be on the level of One, they must not only be able to destroy a few galaxies they must be able to create life and destroy trillions of those galaxies at once. At this current point none have been able to achieve this, and perhaps no one will."

Mao Lu couldn't even imagine the immense power that this Creator could possibly have, if they were able to do all this, perhaps anyone aspiring to be their equal was truly dreaming too much.

"The reason a Gatekeeper surpasses all other practitioners is because you have an almost unlimited use and access to essence. That is because by becoming a Gatekeeper you have become one with your realm itself.”

“A Gatekeepers power is derived from the realm they control, your fate is tied to your realm. Its power is reflected in your power, and its energy is yours. You can control the essence inside of it at will. As you train you will understand this more."

"That…" Mao Lu felt dumbfounded, all other practitioners had to train themselves so as to use more essence and strengthen their skills and abilities, but a Gatekeeper could use an unlimited amount of essence straight away. Wasn't that a massive cheat, wasn't that grossly unfair?

"Of course, this power isn't without consequence, there are rules that Gatekeepers must follow and complete so as to use this power. If those rules are defied the Gatekeeper will face a fate worse than death." Gates voice became harsh and cold. "Also, just because you are a Gatekeeper doesn't mean you have eternal life, that is something you must train to gain on your own. If you don't have the talent, then like your predecessors you will fall short and will be replaced in time."

Mao Lu felt a slight chill in his heart.

"Amongst Gatekeepers there are rankings. At the moment realm 145 and its Gatekeeper, you, are ranked last among the 400. All the previous Gatekeepers of this realm have either lacked in talent or committed grievous errors by violating rules. Due to this, even amongst mortal realms, this realm has the least essence and is on the weaker side.”

Gates sighed, “A Gatekeepers job is to protect your realm, but I fear that will be difficult considering your current weakness and the ranking of your realm."

Mao Lu felt beads of sweat build on his forehead, this was a bit ridiculous. His predecessors had made a huge mess and now he had been put in charge of a sinking ship.

And protect it from what and how exactly? What were these rules he had to follow, how was he supposed to train himself to live longer or become stronger, how did being a Gatekeeper work???

"Amongst Gatekeepers there are different types and different paths,and unlike your predecessors you have chosen a rather high-quality path, that perhaps will give this realm some hope if you prove to have the talent.." Gates said as the statues began to disappear, and suddenly Mao Lu was in front of a large door.

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