A Gatekeeper & The Celestial Sovereign

Chapter 32 - Gatekeeper Association Headquarters

As Gates whisked Mao Lu away, he saw the same scene from when he was first shown the 400 realms.

He was taken to impossible heights and watched as the stars flashed by him. This time the experience was more surreal. Since he had Sense of the Realm now, he could see himself being carried through space. Like a strange third person perspective.

It was only when he passed the one-hundred-and-fiftieth galaxy that he could no longer sense himself anymore.

The sights were so gorgeous. The variety of stars in all their grand beauty, the nebula, and the asteroid fields.

The creatures that roamed about space. Some beautiful, like the scaly rainbow mermaids that swam between the asteroid belt and in between the stardust waves and liquid metal seas.

Then there were the more hideous creatures that looked like something out of a horror movie, they kept their peace in the solitudes of space. Their fangs clacking together their hairy legs and multiple eyes dripping with venom, watching curiously in their dark corner as Mao Lu flew by.

There were all kinds of life floating about, too numerous to count, too infinite to measure.

By the time Mao Lu was in the emptiness, and then popped out of the Realm's crystalline bubble surface, he was yet again humbled by the magnitude of the Universe.

"Even as a Gatekeeper I'm insignificant in the greater scheme of things. Just a small cog in this grand mechanism." He sighed slightly.

The Realms were connected in a ring like a row of pearls. Gates pulled him towards another Realm on this ring.

Compared to all the other Realms this one was bigger. It had a golden yet silver gleam towards it, and Mao Lu felt a stifling pressure as Gates got closer to it.

With a "POP" Mao Lu entered. In a pitch-dark emptiness Gates carried him quickly, until soon a portion of this Realm came into view.

Mao Lu was shocked.

There was a wide expanse of flowers. He'd seen them before; they were silver and were shaped like roses yet also like lotuses. They seemed to be growing out of nothing, and just floated in the wide expanses of space.

The stars were so much bigger than what he'd seen in his Realm, so many times larger and their solar flares were more prominent. Several stars leaked boiling liquid metal out into the space, which connected together and made a huge river that seemed to flow on endlessly into the abyss.

The essence here was so thick and prominent. Mao Lu could see the time essences and they were so much bigger, brighter, and more refined than the ones in his Realm.

Curiously they turned to him, swarming around his body and interacting with the Times essences that existed inside of him. They seemed to be communicating.

"This is the first ever Realm One created. The first Deity Realm ranked 1st. Many simply refer to it as One." Gates informed Mao Lu as it carried him through the vastness of this space at a high-level speed.

Mao Lu saw planets coming into view, they were all kinds of ships flying about, a busy traffic. As he flew by, he saw people inside these ships bowing towards him.

"Realm One has a very integrated community. Although there are countless wars and tragedies, the technology is far more advanced than anything that exists in your Realm. Space travel is very common here and of course all the practitioners that live here are at the God stage and above. Any less and they wouldn't survive in the potent essence filled atmosphere."

Mao Lu couldn't help but stare in wonder. "God stage and Above!" all these people that bowed to him as he zoomed past were probably tens of hundreds of thousands of years older than him, and were very powerful individuals.

As he zoomed past, he saw these mighty individuals laughing as they bathed in a lake that lay in the middle of space. There were all kinds of people just flying by just like Mao Lu was. When they spotted Mao Lu, they would halt and bow towards him.

In this realm all these people were like God's, they could fly in space like superman. They had amazing spells and techniques. They all appeared so very beautiful. All of them, whether humanoid or not, appeared so breathtakingly mesmerising. Their powerful auras being shown in their every step.

Mao Lu was beyond amazed. The difference between his mortal realm and this Deity Realm was apparent. They were literally worlds apart.

As Gates pulled Mao Lu along the visages of space, eventually they reached a fiery white star. It was ten times the size of Earth and on top of it was a huge castle like structure. A Palace made of white flames that sat on the white star.

It was so large that it seemed the size of several continents put together.

The castle or rather fortress of white flames had silver flowers blooming all over it. Time essences abundantly swam around it, fire essences and heat essences intertwined together, and it was truly a bewitching sight.

"This is the headquarters of the Gatekeeper Association. Are you ready for the meeting?" Gates asked as it paused next to this Flaming star fortress.

Mao Lu's mouth felt a little dry. He wasn't ready, if he said he wasn't nervous then he'd be lying.

"Ready… I'm not ready, but I may never be ready. So, let's just get this over with."

"Yes, let's get this over with. " Gates agreed, as it descended with Mao Lu into the white flame star.



The doorbell rang. "DING DONG!"

Fei Bing Bing swung the door open.

"Great you're here! Did you buy the stuff?"

Tanaka, who was standing next to Bei Lao in the doorway, rolled his eyes, "Did you think I came here empty handed, Gosh, just move aside already!" He commanded, as he and Bei Lao, charged in with bags of shopping.

"Whoa you guys bought a lot. I thought we were only gonna make a little, this is enough to feed a village." Zhao Detong remarked as he saw the crazy amount of shopping bags.

Tanaka just tutted, "Zhao Detong, this is going to be a Housewarming party. Party being the key word. We bought enough ingredients for us to make snacks that we can eat when we go over. We're not just cooking for him. I didn't realise you weren't expecting us to eat." Tanaka harrumphed and then ignored Zhao Detong as he and Bei Lao dragged the bags to the kitchen and began cooking like he owned the place.

Zhao Detong raised an eyebrow. He only knew Tanaka through Mao Lu, and he'd heard Tanaka was a bit of diva, but was the sarcasm and the rude tone necessary? Zhao Detong was sure he was older than Tanaka.

Normally he would have gotten angry if someone younger then him had spoken to him in such a disrespectful way, especially if he wasn't that close to them. But, Detong remembered hearing from Mao Lu that Tanaka had a serious anger problem and was a former delinquent. So, Zhao Detong quickly swallowed any complaints he had. He didn't want to start a fight.

Just as Zhao Detong and Fei Bing Bing were helping prepare a tray of sandwiches, a large batch of noodles, and meat. The doorbell rang.

"It must be Frank Wang! He told me he was bringing his girlfriend along." Zhao Detong grinned as he went to door.

"Ohh yayyy we're gonna meet Frank's girlfriend" Fei Bing Bing cheered excitedly.

"Frank?" Tanaka asked curiously.

"He was in the group chat Tanaka." Bei Lao explained with his calm and quiet voice.

"Yh. He's been friends with I, Detong and Lu since high school. He's a detective right now. This guy has always been super awkward, so he's never had a girlfriend before, but now he has and he's serious enough about her to bring her to the housewarming party. I'm so excited!" Fei Bing Bing gossiped.

"Wow I can't believe you're telling everyone I've never had a girlfriend before." Frank Wang said with an embarrassed look on his face as he stood in the large kitchen doorway holding two big bags.

Fei Bing Bing laughed awkwardly, "Haha sorry Frank."

From behind Frank a pretty woman, with clear big eyes, long black hair and skin so clear and white she looked like a doll, peeked into the kitchen.

"Hi, I'm Qi Zhou, pleasure to meet all of you." She smiled brightly at them all.

Fei Bing Bing blinked quickly. This girl was really pretty. Where did Frank find her?

"Nice to meet you." Fei Bing Bing smiled. "I'm Fei Bing Bing, Detong's fiancé."

"Ahh you're so pretty Sister Bing Bing" Qi Zhou said very politely.

Fei Bing Bing smiled brightly; what woman didn't like being complimented by another pretty woman. "You're very pretty yourself sister Zhou."

"Wow they're calling each other sisters already, they got close fast." Detong muttered into Wang's ear. "So, when are you proposing?"

Frank Wang went red in the face. "We only started going out two weeks ago. It hasn't been that long yet."

"But you like her right." Zhao Detong smiled widely.

Frank Wang went even more pink as he stared at Qi Zhou who was chatting happily with Bing Bing. "Of course, I do. But I'll wait and see a little before any type of proposal. I shouldn't rush these things. I mean you took 6 years to propose to Bing Bing."

"I took six years because I was a foolish arsehole, and I didn't realise what an amazing woman I had at my side. Frank, when you know you've got something good you better claim it."

Frank listened to Detong’s words and nodded; he'd definitely keep Qi Zhou.

When they first went out, he'd been a bit nervous and for some inexplicable reason he'd felt some fear towards her, but after they got to know each other a bit more he realised they were amazingly compatible.

Qi Zhou was raised in the USA and moved to China only recently for her studies. She spoke perfect English. Frank Wang had grown up in the UK with his Mother and moved to live in China with his Father when he entered High School. So, he was also fluent in English. It was a pleasant surprise that they could both communicate with each other in two tongues and it broke the awkwardness immediately.

Then he learned that Qi Zhou's parents were also divorced just like his. They both loved mint ice cream, and disliked greasy food, and loved spicy dishes. It was like they were made for each other.

"Oh, is that the gifts?" Tanaka pointed to the bags in Frank's hands.

"Ah yes, I said in the group chat that I'd get the gifts. So, I bought a brand-new rice cooker, a collection of dishware, some nice photo frames and I heard he got a car, so I bought him some cool air fresheners that look like arrows. Since he loves archery."

"Whoa nice gifts, perfect for a housewarming, I knew we could count on you." Zhao Detong cheered and patted Frank on the back.

"It was nothing really." Frank said, a little embarrassed from the praise. "Ah you must be Tanaka Kato right, and you're Bei Lao. I don't think we've properly met." He shook Tanaka and Bei Lao's hands.

After greeting each other they all helped cook the dishes. They made heaps of dumplings, sweet and sour chicken, wonton, Mapo Tofu, and spring rolls as well as noodles and heaps of meat that they planned to grill later at Mao Lu's.

The doorbell rang again. Fang Kai was at the door. "Sorry I came so late; I had a hard time finding this place. Damn, I knew you were rich Detong, but this apartment is nice." Fang Kai couldn't help but comment as he looked around, "Oh you guys have all the food packaged up already. Are we going there now?"

"Yes, we were about to put all the food in my car and then head there." Zhao Detong said.

"Yeah you came at the right moment to freeload off of all our effort." Tanaka hissed.

Fang Kai laughed ignoring Tanaka, "Brilliant then I'll help you carry it all down."

Soon enough they were inside Zhao Detong's second car, a large red land rover, it was only a six-seater but since Tanaka was rather small, he sat in the middle at the back between Bei Lao and Fang Kai.

"Yayyyyy let's go, onwards to Chaoyang!!!" Bing Bing yelled excitedly.

They all cheered as Zhao Detong started the car and they began heading to Mao Lu's house.



Mao Lu phased through the white flame walls of the fortress and found himself in what appeared to be a waiting room. He was sitting on a seat made of white flames. In front of him a person, with six horns on their head, white hair, and red eyes sat opposite.

"Dear Gatekeeper, may I have your name and the purpose of your visit?" He asked politely.

"Of course, my name is Mao Lu. Gatekeeper of Realm 145. I came for a meeting concerning the Gatekeepers key."

"Ah I see." The horned man grabbed a hold of an essence that looked similar to a worm, yet it was purple in colour and glowed strangely. He whispered into it.

"That is a sound essence. You can use them for communication." Gates mentally told Mao Lu.

The horned man listened to the pink worm for a bit before nodding his head. "The meeting will be held briefly. Before the meeting however, Gatekeeper Obsidian, ranked 2nd, would like to meet you. Are you fine with that?"

"They want to meet me?"

"Yes, they have requested for you."

Mao Lu was slightly puzzled, why would he be requested? But at the same time, he felt a bit excited, this would be the first time he was meeting another Gatekeeper, and they were ranked second no less. No doubt this was someone with great power.

"Then of course I'll meet with them."

"Then this way sir." The man disappeared in a flash. The moment he moved the chair Mao Lu was sitting on, made of white flames, began to follow the horned man at lightning speed.

It was like the weirdest roller coaster experience. As they moved they flashed past various areas, there was a grand arena, a spa, an area filled with 10ft cauldrons where people dressed like wizards seemed to be concocting things, a huge office filled with thousands of individuals typing away, libraries filled with mountains of books.

The chair moved so quickly that most of the scenery went by faster than Mao Lu could see it.

When the chair finally stopped, he was outside a large black door made of obsidian stone.

The horned young man bowed to him and then quickly disappeared.

A few moments later a deep sonorous voice said.. "Come in."

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