A Gatekeeper & The Celestial Sovereign
Chapter 44 - The First Battle (2)
It shot out of the ground, heading straight for Chàng Bo's chest.
Immediately Chàng Bo used his skill Celestial dance to dodge, yet the moment he moved aside the trajectory of the object changed, twisting in the air, and heading straight back at him.
Chàng Bo didn't have time to dodge again before the object was right next to him and only inches away from piercing into his chest. The most he could do was put his arms out in front of him and block.
A sharp metallic sound echoed out and sparks flew as Chàng Bo held the thing back with his bare hands.
Its forward momentum was too strong though, and Chàng Bo found himself being pushed upwards by the object, going higher and higher into the sky.
"What the hell is this?!" Chàng Bo thought with alarm.
It was green and oozing, it had various stalactites hanging off of its sides like jagged teeth and it was long. Coming out of the ground like endless rope as it continued to push Chàng Bo upwards.
Regardless of what this was, it was strong, and Chàng Bo knew it would be fatal if he let it stab him.
He immediately activated his skill Supernova.
Recently he'd been training to compress this powerful and destructive skill into a single punch that would achieve destructive effects whilst only consuming a bit of his essence.
He wanted to see if all his hard work would pay off.
Steam wrapped around Chàng Bo's fist. All the star essences in the area rushed towards him, causing the sky to go black and the stars to shine bright despite it being early morning.
Energy built up in Chàng Bo's right arm, and as the Thing pushed him higher in the sky, he laughed a little as he tapped the front of the object slightly with his fist.
The thing paused and tried to retreat the moment it sensed danger, but Chàng Bo's fist had already tapped it.
It shuddered and spasmed.
Then suddenly it imploded.
It burst open, layers of thick slime exploding out.
Chàng Bo's supernova punch spread down the Thing like a firework, all the way to where it was connected at the ground.
As Chàng Bo's punch exploded the root of the Thing, it instantly caused the ground to shudder and all the snow across the Park evaporated.
"Haha take that you… You spikey slimy thing!" Chàng Bo yelled out.
Even though 'Spikey-slimy-thing' was a lame name, Chàng Bo was feeling pretty happy with himself as he watched that thing explode.
He smiled to himself, "I was able to effectively utilise 5% of the supernova skill perfectly and I barely used any of my essence."
A devastating punch with barely any drawback. His control over the technique had improved immensely.
He was thinking to himself "That's what you deserve slime thing, you shouldn't have messed with the future Celestial Sovereign, hmm" but…. Then he looked down.
All the snow had evaporated from the ground revealing a huge monster that spread across the acres of Park.
Its mouth was the span of the entire area.
Chàng Bo could see teeth the size of trees, and pulsating green slime flesh. Its mouth was a tunnel that seemed to lead into a bottomless abyss.
At that moment it yelled, an ear breaking piercing scream of pain that shook Chàng Bo's eardrums. It was like a high frequency screeching. Chàng Bo had to hold his ears.
The next second a roar that spread tremors and caused quakes sounded out.
Chàng Bo looked down in horror as he saw one hundred more of those spiky slime things shooting out of that thing. Heading straight towards him.
"Don't worry about Chàng Bo. He can handle it, and at the moment he's doing a great job at being a distraction." Gates said as it watched Chàng Bo
Mao Lu looked up at Chàng Bo who was flying frantically across the air as various vine-like-slime-spiked things chased him.
He was worried about Chàng Bo, but he knew he had to concentrate on the task at hand. He needed to learn this incantation now.
He closed his eyes and mentally repeated the words "Fkeur Hudbhac Fkeur summmhe Fkeur hmmm sundrum Fkeur Hudbhac."
It was in an ancient language, but the words translated into his head and he understood the meaning. "One created two, then three then more, but we are all children of One, all united One together."
As he mentally learnt these words, he felt the essence around him stir. The essence of the air, the cold, the heat, the wind, the snow, the stars, the clouds, sound, and life. All the essences that made everything began to stir, looking towards Mao Lu curiously.
However, it wasn't just the essences that were stirred as he learnt the incantation. The Irregularity was too.
As Mao Lu chanted, four of the slime spikes shot from the ground towards him. Immediately Gates whisked him into the air, but the spike things closely followed.
Mao Lu freaked as he was chased through the air.
"No, I must not panic, I am in control. I need to memorise this incantation and I need to complete it properly."
Gates dragged Mao Lu through the sky and up into the clouds. Gates was faster than the spikes, but they were still close behind.
As they weaved through the clouds, Mao Lu bumped straight into Chàng Bo who was punching out, his fists filled with light as he exploded the spikes one after the other.
"Mao Lu! What is going on!?"
"There's no time for questions. Just stay with me and destroy all these things that come towards us. I need to concentrate." He replied sternly as he crossed his legs in the air and shut his eyes. Trying to concentrate.
Chàng Bo's eyes went wide. "Is he insane, why is he just sitting there? I need to protect him?"
Chàng Bo's heart raced as he saw tens of more spikes heading towards them.
He laughed a little, to be honest he hadn't had a challenging fight in a long time. He was kind of excited.
"I don't know what this is all about but don't think you'll defeat me." He snarled viscously as he activated his skill Starlight.
The already darkened sky grew darker and several stars including the sun, emitted beams that rushed to the Earth. All the spikes were immediately obliterated, and beams fell straight onto the Irregularity.
It screamed once again as thick turrets of green slime, like a geyser, burst from the creature where the starlight beams pierced it.
Chàng Bo chuckled savagely as he revelled in its screams.
"Bring it on Monster!"
"Hey look, the blizzard stopped and it's sunny outside. You can finally go home." Zhao Detong said with a smile.
"What? Are you trying to kick me and Lao out in this weather? You've got to be joking. We don't have a car; I doubt the public transport services have restarted and like hell you're gonna make me wade through that snow." Tanaka yelled.
Zhao Detong's eyebrows twitched. Tanaka was getting on his last nerve. "That's right, I wasn't kicking you out yet, I was just saying that soon you can go home."
"Well that's obvious, I'm planning on leaving the moment we can, God, stop spouting the obvious." Tanaka harrumphed.
Zhao Detong wanted to punch the little guy. "How on earth did Mao Lu become friends with this annoying little urhhhhgggggsvsb?!!!" Zhao Detong mentally shouted.
Nearly two weeks ago, Fei Bing Bing had invited Tanaka and Bei Lao over for some hotpot. The snow wasn't too thick back then and they enjoyed themselves eating together and getting to know each other better.
Zhao Detong wanted to get to know Tanaka more because he obviously knew a different side of Mao Lu that Detong and Bing Bing had never seen. And since they were all friends with Mao Lu, they were all connected. So, there was no harm in getting to know each other.
However, that night a terrifying blizzard had started, and the snowfall had increased by ten times.
Tanaka and Bei Lao were unable to go home and ended up staying with Detong and Bing Bing. Luckily Detong's apartment was huge and he had tons of spare rooms.
But Tanaka and Detong were like fire and ice. At first Detong had tried to tolerate Tanaka but at this moment he was near the breaking point, any second, he felt like he and Tanaka were going to have a fight.
On the other hand, Fei Bing Bing and Bei Lao were practically the best of friends. Bei Lao was rather quiet, and Bing Bing loved to talk a lot. Instantly there was a perfect friendship.
"Wow what's happening to the sky?!" Bei Lao exclaimed loudly.
As they all sat in the kitchen eating breakfast, Bei Lao had looked out of the window to see the sunny morning sky become pitch black.
The stars shining brightly.
The moment Bei Lao mentioned this, they all looked through the window.
"What the hell?" Tanaka shouted
"Is it an eclipse?" Bing Bing said excitedly.
It was a few moments after that when they saw huge pillars of light, like huge lightning, crash down in the distance. The earth shook and a large rumbling sound echoed.
Bing Bing screamed and slipped, as the apartment shook. Zhao Detong catching her in his arms.
Tanaka and Bei Lao dived under the kitchen counter.
"Quick get under the counter!!!" Tanaka yelled. Earthquakes happened often in Tanaka's home country, Japan. He knew that the best thing to do was to find shelter.
Quickly Zhao Detong and Bing Bing dived next to Tanaka and Bei Lao under the large kitchen counter. As the ground shook various objects fell around them.
Several knives that had been on a tabletop fell from the holders straight onto the ground near them, things were thrown all over the place.
"What the hell!!!"
Tanaka's hands shook, he didn't like earthquakes. He prayed that this building was built with earthquake defences in mind, because if the intensity increased then this building would probably collapse.
Bei Lao held Tanaka's shaking hand. "it'll be okay." he murmured.
Frank Wang witnessed in growing horror, from the back of his snowmobile, as a terrifying roar shook the earth.
The sky suddenly turned black and moments later large beams of light, the size of buildings, came crashing down to the Earth.
The shaking and demonic roaring sounds caused the Earth to crack.
Many of the snowmobiles zoomed out of control, crashing and the riders were flung somewhere unknown.
Frank was able to control his vehicle despite the tumultuous shaking, yet the next second a large canyon formed in front of his bike.
Even though he stepped hard on the breaks the snowmobile still skids towards the wide hole in the ground.
Frank couldn't help but think "Is this the end."
Immediately Chàng Bo used his skill Celestial dance to dodge, yet the moment he moved aside the trajectory of the object changed, twisting in the air, and heading straight back at him.
Chàng Bo didn't have time to dodge again before the object was right next to him and only inches away from piercing into his chest. The most he could do was put his arms out in front of him and block.
A sharp metallic sound echoed out and sparks flew as Chàng Bo held the thing back with his bare hands.
Its forward momentum was too strong though, and Chàng Bo found himself being pushed upwards by the object, going higher and higher into the sky.
"What the hell is this?!" Chàng Bo thought with alarm.
It was green and oozing, it had various stalactites hanging off of its sides like jagged teeth and it was long. Coming out of the ground like endless rope as it continued to push Chàng Bo upwards.
Regardless of what this was, it was strong, and Chàng Bo knew it would be fatal if he let it stab him.
He immediately activated his skill Supernova.
Recently he'd been training to compress this powerful and destructive skill into a single punch that would achieve destructive effects whilst only consuming a bit of his essence.
He wanted to see if all his hard work would pay off.
Steam wrapped around Chàng Bo's fist. All the star essences in the area rushed towards him, causing the sky to go black and the stars to shine bright despite it being early morning.
Energy built up in Chàng Bo's right arm, and as the Thing pushed him higher in the sky, he laughed a little as he tapped the front of the object slightly with his fist.
The thing paused and tried to retreat the moment it sensed danger, but Chàng Bo's fist had already tapped it.
It shuddered and spasmed.
Then suddenly it imploded.
It burst open, layers of thick slime exploding out.
Chàng Bo's supernova punch spread down the Thing like a firework, all the way to where it was connected at the ground.
As Chàng Bo's punch exploded the root of the Thing, it instantly caused the ground to shudder and all the snow across the Park evaporated.
"Haha take that you… You spikey slimy thing!" Chàng Bo yelled out.
Even though 'Spikey-slimy-thing' was a lame name, Chàng Bo was feeling pretty happy with himself as he watched that thing explode.
He smiled to himself, "I was able to effectively utilise 5% of the supernova skill perfectly and I barely used any of my essence."
A devastating punch with barely any drawback. His control over the technique had improved immensely.
He was thinking to himself "That's what you deserve slime thing, you shouldn't have messed with the future Celestial Sovereign, hmm" but…. Then he looked down.
All the snow had evaporated from the ground revealing a huge monster that spread across the acres of Park.
Its mouth was the span of the entire area.
Chàng Bo could see teeth the size of trees, and pulsating green slime flesh. Its mouth was a tunnel that seemed to lead into a bottomless abyss.
At that moment it yelled, an ear breaking piercing scream of pain that shook Chàng Bo's eardrums. It was like a high frequency screeching. Chàng Bo had to hold his ears.
The next second a roar that spread tremors and caused quakes sounded out.
Chàng Bo looked down in horror as he saw one hundred more of those spiky slime things shooting out of that thing. Heading straight towards him.
"Don't worry about Chàng Bo. He can handle it, and at the moment he's doing a great job at being a distraction." Gates said as it watched Chàng Bo
Mao Lu looked up at Chàng Bo who was flying frantically across the air as various vine-like-slime-spiked things chased him.
He was worried about Chàng Bo, but he knew he had to concentrate on the task at hand. He needed to learn this incantation now.
He closed his eyes and mentally repeated the words "Fkeur Hudbhac Fkeur summmhe Fkeur hmmm sundrum Fkeur Hudbhac."
It was in an ancient language, but the words translated into his head and he understood the meaning. "One created two, then three then more, but we are all children of One, all united One together."
As he mentally learnt these words, he felt the essence around him stir. The essence of the air, the cold, the heat, the wind, the snow, the stars, the clouds, sound, and life. All the essences that made everything began to stir, looking towards Mao Lu curiously.
However, it wasn't just the essences that were stirred as he learnt the incantation. The Irregularity was too.
As Mao Lu chanted, four of the slime spikes shot from the ground towards him. Immediately Gates whisked him into the air, but the spike things closely followed.
Mao Lu freaked as he was chased through the air.
"No, I must not panic, I am in control. I need to memorise this incantation and I need to complete it properly."
Gates dragged Mao Lu through the sky and up into the clouds. Gates was faster than the spikes, but they were still close behind.
As they weaved through the clouds, Mao Lu bumped straight into Chàng Bo who was punching out, his fists filled with light as he exploded the spikes one after the other.
"Mao Lu! What is going on!?"
"There's no time for questions. Just stay with me and destroy all these things that come towards us. I need to concentrate." He replied sternly as he crossed his legs in the air and shut his eyes. Trying to concentrate.
Chàng Bo's eyes went wide. "Is he insane, why is he just sitting there? I need to protect him?"
Chàng Bo's heart raced as he saw tens of more spikes heading towards them.
He laughed a little, to be honest he hadn't had a challenging fight in a long time. He was kind of excited.
"I don't know what this is all about but don't think you'll defeat me." He snarled viscously as he activated his skill Starlight.
The already darkened sky grew darker and several stars including the sun, emitted beams that rushed to the Earth. All the spikes were immediately obliterated, and beams fell straight onto the Irregularity.
It screamed once again as thick turrets of green slime, like a geyser, burst from the creature where the starlight beams pierced it.
Chàng Bo chuckled savagely as he revelled in its screams.
"Bring it on Monster!"
"Hey look, the blizzard stopped and it's sunny outside. You can finally go home." Zhao Detong said with a smile.
"What? Are you trying to kick me and Lao out in this weather? You've got to be joking. We don't have a car; I doubt the public transport services have restarted and like hell you're gonna make me wade through that snow." Tanaka yelled.
Zhao Detong's eyebrows twitched. Tanaka was getting on his last nerve. "That's right, I wasn't kicking you out yet, I was just saying that soon you can go home."
"Well that's obvious, I'm planning on leaving the moment we can, God, stop spouting the obvious." Tanaka harrumphed.
Zhao Detong wanted to punch the little guy. "How on earth did Mao Lu become friends with this annoying little urhhhhgggggsvsb?!!!" Zhao Detong mentally shouted.
Nearly two weeks ago, Fei Bing Bing had invited Tanaka and Bei Lao over for some hotpot. The snow wasn't too thick back then and they enjoyed themselves eating together and getting to know each other better.
Zhao Detong wanted to get to know Tanaka more because he obviously knew a different side of Mao Lu that Detong and Bing Bing had never seen. And since they were all friends with Mao Lu, they were all connected. So, there was no harm in getting to know each other.
However, that night a terrifying blizzard had started, and the snowfall had increased by ten times.
Tanaka and Bei Lao were unable to go home and ended up staying with Detong and Bing Bing. Luckily Detong's apartment was huge and he had tons of spare rooms.
But Tanaka and Detong were like fire and ice. At first Detong had tried to tolerate Tanaka but at this moment he was near the breaking point, any second, he felt like he and Tanaka were going to have a fight.
On the other hand, Fei Bing Bing and Bei Lao were practically the best of friends. Bei Lao was rather quiet, and Bing Bing loved to talk a lot. Instantly there was a perfect friendship.
"Wow what's happening to the sky?!" Bei Lao exclaimed loudly.
As they all sat in the kitchen eating breakfast, Bei Lao had looked out of the window to see the sunny morning sky become pitch black.
The stars shining brightly.
The moment Bei Lao mentioned this, they all looked through the window.
"What the hell?" Tanaka shouted
"Is it an eclipse?" Bing Bing said excitedly.
It was a few moments after that when they saw huge pillars of light, like huge lightning, crash down in the distance. The earth shook and a large rumbling sound echoed.
Bing Bing screamed and slipped, as the apartment shook. Zhao Detong catching her in his arms.
Tanaka and Bei Lao dived under the kitchen counter.
"Quick get under the counter!!!" Tanaka yelled. Earthquakes happened often in Tanaka's home country, Japan. He knew that the best thing to do was to find shelter.
Quickly Zhao Detong and Bing Bing dived next to Tanaka and Bei Lao under the large kitchen counter. As the ground shook various objects fell around them.
Several knives that had been on a tabletop fell from the holders straight onto the ground near them, things were thrown all over the place.
"What the hell!!!"
Tanaka's hands shook, he didn't like earthquakes. He prayed that this building was built with earthquake defences in mind, because if the intensity increased then this building would probably collapse.
Bei Lao held Tanaka's shaking hand. "it'll be okay." he murmured.
Frank Wang witnessed in growing horror, from the back of his snowmobile, as a terrifying roar shook the earth.
The sky suddenly turned black and moments later large beams of light, the size of buildings, came crashing down to the Earth.
The shaking and demonic roaring sounds caused the Earth to crack.
Many of the snowmobiles zoomed out of control, crashing and the riders were flung somewhere unknown.
Frank was able to control his vehicle despite the tumultuous shaking, yet the next second a large canyon formed in front of his bike.
Even though he stepped hard on the breaks the snowmobile still skids towards the wide hole in the ground.
Frank couldn't help but think "Is this the end."
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