A Gatekeeper & The Celestial Sovereign
Chapter 51 - A Date (4)
Completely unaware of his Father's shock or the crazy amount of gossip that was spreading across the Realms, Chàng Bo walked with Mao Lu around Qianmen street.
As they walked together, Chàng Bo noticed that they were being stared at and pointed at by some people. One person even used that device that Mao Lu called a phone, and began turning it towards them.
Mao Lu sweated a little bit. He had ignored it earlier but now that they were walking out in the street together it was far too obvious. Mao Lu didn't even have to use Sense of The Realm to notice that people were staring at them and snapping pictures of them. He heard them muttering, "Oh my god they're both so handsome."
"Are they both celebrities?"
"Look at the blue eyes on that one, is he a foreigner? He's so dreamy"
"Oh my god they're both so hot, do you think we should talk them or something?"
"I think they'd look even more handsome if their hair wasn't so long, are they rock stars or what?"
"I think they look gorgeous, I love the way the Chinese one has his hair all tied up, he's so cute, and the foreign one with his long hair all down like that is so hot as well."
"Omg quick take a pic, they must be celebrities!"
"Should I go up to them, should I talk to them!"
Mao Lu felt embarrassed, this had never happened to him before. Was it because he was with Chàng Bo, but they weren't just talking about Chàng Bo they were talking about him too? It was probably because of how good his skin was looking these days, ever since he'd become a Gatekeeper, he'd felt like he'd become more handsome.
He blushed a little bit, "Ignore them" he told Chàng Bo as he dragged him into YOUNGOR. Youngor was a Chinese menswear fashion store, selling mostly suits, shirts and formal clothing.
"Let's buy a suit. We're having dinner with Detong and Bing Bing tonight at Xiling hotel. It's a rather fancy place so let's get you a nice new outfit." Mao Lu smiled brightly.
Chàng Bo nodded.
"Yay then let's do it." Mao Lu was certain that Chàng Bo would look great in a suit, just the thought made him excited.
Ten minutes later, Chàng Bo walked out of the changing room wearing a Scott and Taylor blue jacket with a matching waistcoat and tie. He wore a white shirt, and his hair was tied up at the back.
Mao Lu finally understood why characters had nosebleeds in anime, he felt like having a nosebleed.
"Is this okay?" Chàng Bo asked, he'd never worn such tight clothing before, he felt slightly uncomfortable.
"You look amazing, but I think you should try on another one!"
"Another one! But you said it looked amazing." Chàng Bo complained.
"Come on just wear another one." Mao Lu begged
"Fine." Chàng Bo caved in.
The shop assistant that was hovering near them gave Chàng Bo another suit to wear.
He came out in a Samuel Windsor natural linen suit.
"Brilliant, try on another one."
He wore a black skinny fit suit with a bow tie. Mao Lu's brain nearly broke, "He looks so good in everything!!"
"Another one."
Chàng Bo came out in a Leonard Silver Gray tweed three-piece suit.
"Another one."
Chàng Bo's eyebrows twitched as he went back into the changing room, Mao Lu was definitely messing with him right now. He angrily got dressed into a plaid notched collar, slim fit, three-piece suit.
And he was going to yell, "Is this good enough already" at Mao Lu, but the words didn't come out.
Mao Lu was staring at him with a dazed expression, his cheeks slightly pink. Mao Lu was looking at him as if he were the most valuable and precious thing in the world. Nobody had ever looked at Chàng Bo with such a doting expression in his entire life. It made him feel strange.
"Is this how someone looks at you when they like you?" He thought to himself. It didn't feel bad to be looked at in such a way.
Aloud he said, "Is-Is this one okay?"
Mao Lu nodded and said, "It looks great, to be fair everything looked great on you." he turned to the shop assistant, "We'll take all of them."
The shop assistant bowed and smiled, "I'll package all five of the suits for you straight away Sir."
"All these suits only for me, you should buy something for yourself too." Chàng Bo said.
"But I already have a nice suit at home." Mao Lu replied stubbornly, "And these are gifts for you."
"But I don't deserve any gifts. I won't accept them if I'm the only one that gets a suit today. And besides, we're going to have dinner with your friends tonight. What if we don't have time to go back to your place. Buying a suit now would be better." Chàng Bo grinned convincingly.
"Fine." Mao Lu gave in.
In a few minutes he was standing in the changing room. He felt a bit shy about going outside, especially with Chàng Bo waiting there. Eventually he walked out in a Ben Sherman tailored fit grey check suit.
"How do I look?" He said, his blush going up his neck all the way to his cheeks.
The suit fit perfectly, and Chàng Bo really felt like Mao Lu definitely glowed whilst wearing it. In Chàng Bo's eyes he seemed to be sparkling, "You look wonderful. So wonderful in fact that I think you should try on another one."
"Go on, try on another one." Chàng Bo said playfully, "Get him another suit" He said to the shop assistant.
In the end Mao Lu ended up buying five suits for Chàng Bo and five suits for himself.
Soon they were outside of the store, Chàng Bo held all the bags easily in his hands like they were weightless.
Mao Lu looked around, "Let's get you some trainers, and also some casual clothes, you can't go around wearing my stuff all the time."
Mao Lu then proceeded to drag Chàng Bo around to practically every store on the high street. He got him two pairs of trainers and all kinds of jeans and jackets. Practically anything Chàng Bo tried on; Mao Lu bought. Mao Lu had never spent so much money in his life. But every time he saw Chàng Bo wearing an outfit his brain froze and he just had to buy it.
In the end when they went back to the car, they had so many bags that they filled the boot and most of the back seats.
Chàng Bo was rather exhausted, but Mao Lu had a rather relaxed smile on his face. "That was fun, and I can't believe it's three o'clock already, wow time does go fast." He smiled brightly.
Chàng Bo nodded a little.
"O here, I bought you this when I left you in the shoe store." Mao Lu said as he gave Chàng Bo a small package.
Chàng Bo opened it curiously, "Oh is this a mobile device."
"Yep I got you the same model as mine, and I added my number to it already. I even got us matching straps." Mao Lu laughed nervously as he held up his own phone and showed the two matching straps, one was pink and had a pink sanrio toy Hello Kitty on it, this one was on Mao Lu's phone. The other was black and had a more gothic Hello Kitty on it, this was on Chàng Bo's phone.
"It's very cute" Chàng Bo said as he played with the little toy kitty.
Mao Lu beamed, "You think so too, I love hello kitty. When I was little, I wanted to collect all of them, but my Dad used to call me weird for it and confiscated them."
"Why would you be weird for wanting to collect a cute small toy?" Chàng Bo asked, he couldn't understand why that would be a problem.
"My parents were very conservative and toys like this were considered girly and they thought it was strange since I'm a boy." Mao Lu explained, "Of course I know it's not strange, toys are toys they should be for everyone and shouldn't be separated by gender. But not many people are open minded enough to think like that on this planet."
"I see." Chàng Bo sighed, "Well close minded-ness isn't just limited to this planet. It's everywhere. I have a cousin, he's around about your age and he collects all kinds of magic animals. And a lot of people gossip about him, calling him weird for doing such things or ridiculing him because of his average talent. They say he's too busy focusing on his weird hobbies rather than training and that the only reason he's at the stage he is, is because of his family and resources.
But they don't understand that my cousin aims to be a Beast Tamer, and he's incredibly talented at it. When he grows up, I'm sure he'll be a master. Gossipers are close minded, and obviously too dumb to see potential. With people like that you need to just ignore them. Eventually they will realise they were wrong and that you were the one in the right for liking the things that you do. If liking small toys like this makes you happy then like it regardless of what anyone says."
Mao Lu grinned a little and stared at Chàng Bo adoringly, "I will."
Chàng Bo felt his thoughts stop. When Mao Lu stared at him like that, he felt very strange, "Don't tell me I'm developing feelings for him or something. What! No, I can't be, he's the one that likes me not the other way around. I do appreciate him, and I enjoy his company, and I am benefiting a lot from being around him, that's all. At most I just enjoy being around him. When have I ever like anyone?"
He coughed, "uhun! Thank you for the phone and all the things you've gotten for me today, I'll be sure to pay them back."
Mao Lu smiled, "You don't have to."
"But I will." Chàng Bo grinned, "Well you told me you were going to show me around Beijing and we're having dinner with your friends at 7, so that leaves you four hours to show me around."
Mao Lu laughed, "You're right we should get a move on." he started the car and drove off.
"So, I'm sure I told you that this planet is named Earth right, there are 7 major continents. One continent is Asia and in the East of Asia is China. And the capital city of China is Beijing, which is where we are now. I've lived in Beijing all my life. I love it. There are so many places I can take you to, like the Forbidden city, the Great Wall, the Temple of Heaven and Summer Palace. The Ming Tombs or the Beijing Capital Museum. There's lots.
There was also Tiananmen Square and Tiananmen Park but well a lot of construction is going on there right now because of what happened. Hmm and taking you to the Great Wall is more of a day trip. You know what, I'll give you a little tour of all the Hutongs in the area. And then I'll take you to the Forbidden City. And then we can explore the rest another day. Is that cool?"
"I'm perfectly fine with that." Chàng Bo agreed.
They didn't drive too far before Mao Lu was giving Chàng Bo a tour around all the Hutongs and ancient small alleyways. He took him to the South Hong and Drum Lane. Then they went to the Skewed Tobacco Pouch street, Mao ‘er Hutong, and then to Gaouzijian Street.
Each place Mao Lu told Chàng Bo stories about the history and how he used to explore these places all the time when he was young.
Mao Lu taught Chàng Bo how to take photos using his phone, and soon they were walking around like tourists.
Chàng Bo was snapping photos of the scenery, and of Mao Lu. They took selfies and ate light snacks at the stalls they passed.
When they came to the Forbidden city, the large Palace complex in the centre of Beijing. Chàng Bo looked around lazily.
"So, this is the Forbidden city."
"Yep, isn't it cool. This was the Imperial Palace from the Ming Dynasty all the way until the Qing dynasty. It's impressive isn't it?" Mao Lu said happily.
"Well I do feel the history here, but it's not that impressive for a Palace. My house back home is much bigger." Chàng Bo stated flippantly.
"It's a lot bigger!" Mao Lu's eyebrows twitched, and eyes bulged a little.
"Yeah that's why it's not that amazing to me."
"Wow then my house must seem tiny to you." Mao Lu gaped.
"It's small but comfortable, and it's not like it's a Palace. In my Star Realm my family is seen as royalty. It's natural that I would grow up in a Palace." Chàng Bo said casually, "I'm only comparing this place to my home because you also said it's a Palace."
"Should we just go then." Mao Lu harrumphed; he'd thought Chàng Bo would be really impressed but he'd forgotten Chàng Bo had been raised like a Prince.
"What, why should we leave? I've been having lots of fun hanging out with you today. And you were excited to show me this Forbidden city place right, so show me around." Chàng Bo said with a convincing smile.
"You've been having fun?" Mao Lu asked.
Mao Lu grinned; his smile was so sweet it could give someone toothache. "Then let's go." He pulled Chàng Bo along and they blended in with the other tourists as they walked around the Forbidden city.
Much later Mao Lu looked at his phone and shrieked, it was already 6:58. "Crap we are going to be late for dinner. Quick let’s go."
They got to the car and Mao Lu jumped inside. He blushed a little as he yelled to Chàng Bo, "You stand guard around the car. I'm going to change into the suit I bought."
Chàng Bo nodded, standing outside the car.
Mao Lu quickly changed into the Ben Sherman suit he'd gotten and jumped out of the car. It was lucky that he had gotten a suit, if he'd driven all the way home to get changed, they would be seriously late. "Alright you go change and then we'll drive to the Hotel." Mao Lu said.
"It's alright I can change in the back whilst you're driving there." Chàng Bo said, "We're going to be later if you wait for me."
"But that's dangerous."
"I think I'll be just fine." Chàng Bo laughed as he got into the back. Mao Lu sighed and then started the car.
The Xiling Hotel was nearby, and they got there in under ten minutes. Mao Lu stopped the car just outside the hotel so that Chàng Bo could get into the passenger seat. Chàng Bo had put on the Leonard Silver, grey tweed three-piece suit he'd gotten.
Mao Lu ripped off the price tags from Chàng Bo's suit and then drove up to the entrance.
A valet came up to the car, Mao Lu gave him the key.
Soon they were standing at the front of the hotel, Mao Lu turned to Chàng Bo and gently straightened his tie.
"Okay let's go in."
As they walked together, Chàng Bo noticed that they were being stared at and pointed at by some people. One person even used that device that Mao Lu called a phone, and began turning it towards them.
Mao Lu sweated a little bit. He had ignored it earlier but now that they were walking out in the street together it was far too obvious. Mao Lu didn't even have to use Sense of The Realm to notice that people were staring at them and snapping pictures of them. He heard them muttering, "Oh my god they're both so handsome."
"Are they both celebrities?"
"Look at the blue eyes on that one, is he a foreigner? He's so dreamy"
"Oh my god they're both so hot, do you think we should talk them or something?"
"I think they'd look even more handsome if their hair wasn't so long, are they rock stars or what?"
"I think they look gorgeous, I love the way the Chinese one has his hair all tied up, he's so cute, and the foreign one with his long hair all down like that is so hot as well."
"Omg quick take a pic, they must be celebrities!"
"Should I go up to them, should I talk to them!"
Mao Lu felt embarrassed, this had never happened to him before. Was it because he was with Chàng Bo, but they weren't just talking about Chàng Bo they were talking about him too? It was probably because of how good his skin was looking these days, ever since he'd become a Gatekeeper, he'd felt like he'd become more handsome.
He blushed a little bit, "Ignore them" he told Chàng Bo as he dragged him into YOUNGOR. Youngor was a Chinese menswear fashion store, selling mostly suits, shirts and formal clothing.
"Let's buy a suit. We're having dinner with Detong and Bing Bing tonight at Xiling hotel. It's a rather fancy place so let's get you a nice new outfit." Mao Lu smiled brightly.
Chàng Bo nodded.
"Yay then let's do it." Mao Lu was certain that Chàng Bo would look great in a suit, just the thought made him excited.
Ten minutes later, Chàng Bo walked out of the changing room wearing a Scott and Taylor blue jacket with a matching waistcoat and tie. He wore a white shirt, and his hair was tied up at the back.
Mao Lu finally understood why characters had nosebleeds in anime, he felt like having a nosebleed.
"Is this okay?" Chàng Bo asked, he'd never worn such tight clothing before, he felt slightly uncomfortable.
"You look amazing, but I think you should try on another one!"
"Another one! But you said it looked amazing." Chàng Bo complained.
"Come on just wear another one." Mao Lu begged
"Fine." Chàng Bo caved in.
The shop assistant that was hovering near them gave Chàng Bo another suit to wear.
He came out in a Samuel Windsor natural linen suit.
"Brilliant, try on another one."
He wore a black skinny fit suit with a bow tie. Mao Lu's brain nearly broke, "He looks so good in everything!!"
"Another one."
Chàng Bo came out in a Leonard Silver Gray tweed three-piece suit.
"Another one."
Chàng Bo's eyebrows twitched as he went back into the changing room, Mao Lu was definitely messing with him right now. He angrily got dressed into a plaid notched collar, slim fit, three-piece suit.
And he was going to yell, "Is this good enough already" at Mao Lu, but the words didn't come out.
Mao Lu was staring at him with a dazed expression, his cheeks slightly pink. Mao Lu was looking at him as if he were the most valuable and precious thing in the world. Nobody had ever looked at Chàng Bo with such a doting expression in his entire life. It made him feel strange.
"Is this how someone looks at you when they like you?" He thought to himself. It didn't feel bad to be looked at in such a way.
Aloud he said, "Is-Is this one okay?"
Mao Lu nodded and said, "It looks great, to be fair everything looked great on you." he turned to the shop assistant, "We'll take all of them."
The shop assistant bowed and smiled, "I'll package all five of the suits for you straight away Sir."
"All these suits only for me, you should buy something for yourself too." Chàng Bo said.
"But I already have a nice suit at home." Mao Lu replied stubbornly, "And these are gifts for you."
"But I don't deserve any gifts. I won't accept them if I'm the only one that gets a suit today. And besides, we're going to have dinner with your friends tonight. What if we don't have time to go back to your place. Buying a suit now would be better." Chàng Bo grinned convincingly.
"Fine." Mao Lu gave in.
In a few minutes he was standing in the changing room. He felt a bit shy about going outside, especially with Chàng Bo waiting there. Eventually he walked out in a Ben Sherman tailored fit grey check suit.
"How do I look?" He said, his blush going up his neck all the way to his cheeks.
The suit fit perfectly, and Chàng Bo really felt like Mao Lu definitely glowed whilst wearing it. In Chàng Bo's eyes he seemed to be sparkling, "You look wonderful. So wonderful in fact that I think you should try on another one."
"Go on, try on another one." Chàng Bo said playfully, "Get him another suit" He said to the shop assistant.
In the end Mao Lu ended up buying five suits for Chàng Bo and five suits for himself.
Soon they were outside of the store, Chàng Bo held all the bags easily in his hands like they were weightless.
Mao Lu looked around, "Let's get you some trainers, and also some casual clothes, you can't go around wearing my stuff all the time."
Mao Lu then proceeded to drag Chàng Bo around to practically every store on the high street. He got him two pairs of trainers and all kinds of jeans and jackets. Practically anything Chàng Bo tried on; Mao Lu bought. Mao Lu had never spent so much money in his life. But every time he saw Chàng Bo wearing an outfit his brain froze and he just had to buy it.
In the end when they went back to the car, they had so many bags that they filled the boot and most of the back seats.
Chàng Bo was rather exhausted, but Mao Lu had a rather relaxed smile on his face. "That was fun, and I can't believe it's three o'clock already, wow time does go fast." He smiled brightly.
Chàng Bo nodded a little.
"O here, I bought you this when I left you in the shoe store." Mao Lu said as he gave Chàng Bo a small package.
Chàng Bo opened it curiously, "Oh is this a mobile device."
"Yep I got you the same model as mine, and I added my number to it already. I even got us matching straps." Mao Lu laughed nervously as he held up his own phone and showed the two matching straps, one was pink and had a pink sanrio toy Hello Kitty on it, this one was on Mao Lu's phone. The other was black and had a more gothic Hello Kitty on it, this was on Chàng Bo's phone.
"It's very cute" Chàng Bo said as he played with the little toy kitty.
Mao Lu beamed, "You think so too, I love hello kitty. When I was little, I wanted to collect all of them, but my Dad used to call me weird for it and confiscated them."
"Why would you be weird for wanting to collect a cute small toy?" Chàng Bo asked, he couldn't understand why that would be a problem.
"My parents were very conservative and toys like this were considered girly and they thought it was strange since I'm a boy." Mao Lu explained, "Of course I know it's not strange, toys are toys they should be for everyone and shouldn't be separated by gender. But not many people are open minded enough to think like that on this planet."
"I see." Chàng Bo sighed, "Well close minded-ness isn't just limited to this planet. It's everywhere. I have a cousin, he's around about your age and he collects all kinds of magic animals. And a lot of people gossip about him, calling him weird for doing such things or ridiculing him because of his average talent. They say he's too busy focusing on his weird hobbies rather than training and that the only reason he's at the stage he is, is because of his family and resources.
But they don't understand that my cousin aims to be a Beast Tamer, and he's incredibly talented at it. When he grows up, I'm sure he'll be a master. Gossipers are close minded, and obviously too dumb to see potential. With people like that you need to just ignore them. Eventually they will realise they were wrong and that you were the one in the right for liking the things that you do. If liking small toys like this makes you happy then like it regardless of what anyone says."
Mao Lu grinned a little and stared at Chàng Bo adoringly, "I will."
Chàng Bo felt his thoughts stop. When Mao Lu stared at him like that, he felt very strange, "Don't tell me I'm developing feelings for him or something. What! No, I can't be, he's the one that likes me not the other way around. I do appreciate him, and I enjoy his company, and I am benefiting a lot from being around him, that's all. At most I just enjoy being around him. When have I ever like anyone?"
He coughed, "uhun! Thank you for the phone and all the things you've gotten for me today, I'll be sure to pay them back."
Mao Lu smiled, "You don't have to."
"But I will." Chàng Bo grinned, "Well you told me you were going to show me around Beijing and we're having dinner with your friends at 7, so that leaves you four hours to show me around."
Mao Lu laughed, "You're right we should get a move on." he started the car and drove off.
"So, I'm sure I told you that this planet is named Earth right, there are 7 major continents. One continent is Asia and in the East of Asia is China. And the capital city of China is Beijing, which is where we are now. I've lived in Beijing all my life. I love it. There are so many places I can take you to, like the Forbidden city, the Great Wall, the Temple of Heaven and Summer Palace. The Ming Tombs or the Beijing Capital Museum. There's lots.
There was also Tiananmen Square and Tiananmen Park but well a lot of construction is going on there right now because of what happened. Hmm and taking you to the Great Wall is more of a day trip. You know what, I'll give you a little tour of all the Hutongs in the area. And then I'll take you to the Forbidden City. And then we can explore the rest another day. Is that cool?"
"I'm perfectly fine with that." Chàng Bo agreed.
They didn't drive too far before Mao Lu was giving Chàng Bo a tour around all the Hutongs and ancient small alleyways. He took him to the South Hong and Drum Lane. Then they went to the Skewed Tobacco Pouch street, Mao ‘er Hutong, and then to Gaouzijian Street.
Each place Mao Lu told Chàng Bo stories about the history and how he used to explore these places all the time when he was young.
Mao Lu taught Chàng Bo how to take photos using his phone, and soon they were walking around like tourists.
Chàng Bo was snapping photos of the scenery, and of Mao Lu. They took selfies and ate light snacks at the stalls they passed.
When they came to the Forbidden city, the large Palace complex in the centre of Beijing. Chàng Bo looked around lazily.
"So, this is the Forbidden city."
"Yep, isn't it cool. This was the Imperial Palace from the Ming Dynasty all the way until the Qing dynasty. It's impressive isn't it?" Mao Lu said happily.
"Well I do feel the history here, but it's not that impressive for a Palace. My house back home is much bigger." Chàng Bo stated flippantly.
"It's a lot bigger!" Mao Lu's eyebrows twitched, and eyes bulged a little.
"Yeah that's why it's not that amazing to me."
"Wow then my house must seem tiny to you." Mao Lu gaped.
"It's small but comfortable, and it's not like it's a Palace. In my Star Realm my family is seen as royalty. It's natural that I would grow up in a Palace." Chàng Bo said casually, "I'm only comparing this place to my home because you also said it's a Palace."
"Should we just go then." Mao Lu harrumphed; he'd thought Chàng Bo would be really impressed but he'd forgotten Chàng Bo had been raised like a Prince.
"What, why should we leave? I've been having lots of fun hanging out with you today. And you were excited to show me this Forbidden city place right, so show me around." Chàng Bo said with a convincing smile.
"You've been having fun?" Mao Lu asked.
Mao Lu grinned; his smile was so sweet it could give someone toothache. "Then let's go." He pulled Chàng Bo along and they blended in with the other tourists as they walked around the Forbidden city.
Much later Mao Lu looked at his phone and shrieked, it was already 6:58. "Crap we are going to be late for dinner. Quick let’s go."
They got to the car and Mao Lu jumped inside. He blushed a little as he yelled to Chàng Bo, "You stand guard around the car. I'm going to change into the suit I bought."
Chàng Bo nodded, standing outside the car.
Mao Lu quickly changed into the Ben Sherman suit he'd gotten and jumped out of the car. It was lucky that he had gotten a suit, if he'd driven all the way home to get changed, they would be seriously late. "Alright you go change and then we'll drive to the Hotel." Mao Lu said.
"It's alright I can change in the back whilst you're driving there." Chàng Bo said, "We're going to be later if you wait for me."
"But that's dangerous."
"I think I'll be just fine." Chàng Bo laughed as he got into the back. Mao Lu sighed and then started the car.
The Xiling Hotel was nearby, and they got there in under ten minutes. Mao Lu stopped the car just outside the hotel so that Chàng Bo could get into the passenger seat. Chàng Bo had put on the Leonard Silver, grey tweed three-piece suit he'd gotten.
Mao Lu ripped off the price tags from Chàng Bo's suit and then drove up to the entrance.
A valet came up to the car, Mao Lu gave him the key.
Soon they were standing at the front of the hotel, Mao Lu turned to Chàng Bo and gently straightened his tie.
"Okay let's go in."
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