A Gatekeeper & The Celestial Sovereign

Chapter 68 - Tempering Heart Trial | Darkness

"The Wielding stage is about finding your True Weapon and learning to use that weapon. You complete the wielding stage when your weapon becomes an extension of your body." Argenti explained.

She extended her right arm out towards Mao Lu, and a long staff appeared from the surface of her palm. When it fully emerged, It was three meters tall and when it landed on the ground the air began to softly hum as the floor tremored.

"This is my true weapon, her name is Unfettered, meaning that no matter what obstacle she faces she will go through it easily, nothing can stop her."

Mao Lu stared with round eyes at the long staff, the surface of it was gold and silver. White flames encircled its surface and time essences swam around it.

These time essences were different from any he'd ever seen before. These eel-like creatures were all the colours of the rainbow and they were as large as huge tuna fish.

"Your True Weapon exists in the depths of your heart, it is the physical form of your will, your potential, your power, and your experiences."

Mao Lu nodded intently; he didn't dare say a word in case he missed something.

“To find your true weapon you must first understand yourself and understand your character. And as an extension of that, since you are a Gatekeeper with the main ability of Time, you must understand what Time means to you and how it is your power and how you will make Time apart of your weapon. At the moment your understanding and control of time is crude and basic, by the end of this training you shall be sharp and skilled."

Argenti absorbed her staff, Unfettered, back into her body through her palm "The first step is to understand yourself and the best way to do this is through the Tempering Heart trial."

Argenti waved her finger slightly, and in the training room of white flames, a doorway appeared. The door was tall and looming, it seemed to be made of water and rippled gently.

"This is the door to the Tempering Heart trial, once you go through it you can't come out until you've completed the trial. It will put you through a series of tests. The first test is Darkness, where you will experience all the negativity that exists within you. You must face your true evil side and embrace it. In the second test you will understand your capacity for good and see all the kindness inside of you, and you must embrace it. And in the third test you will see your potential. If you pass all three tests than you shall truly understand yourself. Are you ready for this trial?"

Mao Lu nodded. He breathed in sharply and then exhaled. He calmed himself. "I'm in control, I'm in control, I can do this." he muttered.

To Argenti he said, "I'm ready."

"Then enter" Argenti curtly replied, "Ah but be aware that there may be some truths about yourself that you may find shocking, and it's easy to get absorbed in whatever the trial shows you. Regardless of what you see you must accept it because it is a reflection of your true nature."

Mao Lu retained this information and nodded in determination, "Okay." he said as he walked up to the large doorway.

He outstretched his hand and touched the surface. It felt strange, not like water more like some type of gel.

Mao Lu barely had a second to admire the texture before the doorway pulled him in.



A thumping noise came from the entrance of the training room. Argenti sighed as she opened it, allowing Obsidian inside.

"I heard that Mao Lu was here." he said as he took a quick glance around the room. His eyebrows twitched furiously as he saw the large water-like doorway behind Argenti.

"You sent him to the Tempering Heart Trial?! He isn't ready for that!"

Argenti sighed, "I'm aware you're mad because you wanted a say in his training and I just left you out of it, but don't worry I know what I'm doing."

Obsidian's brows twitched further, "You know what you're doing? Then you also know that if he fails the trial he could die or have his heart broken to pieces and become a mindless fiend. Before entering that he should have had one hundred years of meditation so that he could calm his heart and reach the state of transparency. Why on earth would you send him to this trail now?!" he shouted.

"You know as much as I do about how turbulent things are getting. With so many unknown factors around, we are only as strong as our weakest link. Sadly, Mao Lu doesn't have the luxury to take his training slowly. Any minute now, especially with the keys missing, we could face a detrimental attack from the outsiders. And who knows how many Gates are corrupted!! He needs to be strong now." she hissed.

"But if he is broken or dies in the trial then we lose a valuable addition to our forces." Obsidian growled.

"You have such little faith in your disciple. He completed the Merging stage in barely a few months. His potential is monstrous. I believe he can pass this trial." Argenti replied stubbornly.

"Yes, he does have monstrous potential, but he's only achieved what he has because of the pressure he's been under.

Straight after becoming a Gatekeeper he was faced with those Irregularities.

You're lucky that you became a Gatekeeper after the war was practically finished Argenti, you don't understand how terrifying those Irregularities can be if you have barely any support while fighting them. I lived through the war, I know how hard and terrifying it is.

I presumed that when you told Mao Lu about the Irregularities in his realm, that you also gave him the tools and the support to deal with them. I never would have thought that you actually left him alone to deal with it himself. Luckily, the Irregularities he faced weren't the worst of the worst, and he had Chàng Bo by his side. But it could have gone very differently, he could have been killed. And unnecessary victims were made.

If you were put through the same thing when you were starting out as a Gatekeeper, you wouldn't have survived." Obsidian said darkly.

"I was planning on giving him support, but I noticed that he was doing so well without it. I wanted to see how far he could go, and he surprised me. All valuable gems need some sharpening Obsidian, he has more potential than the both of us, so he needs tougher training. He blooms under pressure, and through this trail I believe he'll bloom even more. And there's no point bringing this up now, the trail has already begun" Argenti said flippantly.

Obsidian was beyond angry, but he calmed himself, "You're right, the trial has begun, I should just hope he comes out fine."

Argenti nodded "Exactly, now what was the main reason you came here, it wasn't only about Mao Lu was it?"

"No, no it wasn't only about Mao Lu. Actually, I have some very bad news."


"Zhang Lu, Zhang Lu, Zhang Lu wake up! Get up sleepy head. We're gonna be late!"

Mao Lu opened his eyes and saw the smiling face of Zhao Detong. A rather small much younger version of Zhao Detong who had one tooth missing and his hair cut into a bob.

"Late...late for what?" Mao Lu mumbled. He felt very tired and hazy, he felt like he was forgetting something.

"For school you dummy, this is the first time our parents are allowing us to go there on our own, and we have to stop by Bing Bing's place on the way, so get up or we're gonna be late."

"Okay... Okay I'm moving, what are you my Mum?" Mao Lu laughed as he crawled out of bed, "Oh my you even woke me up 30 minutes before my alarm. I guess you're excited."

Zhao Detong gave a toothy grin. "Of course, this is the first time we're not being escorted in some stuffy car by some driver. We have the freedom to go together on our own. We're this much closer to being mature adults."

Mao Lu laughed, "I'm not sure if this makes us mature adults." He laughed some more. He felt carefree and happy.

He was eight years old, his name was Zhang Lu, and his best friends were Fei Bing Bing and Zhao Detong. His family was wealthy, his Mother was caring, but his Father was always busy with work and they were both pretty strict. Despite that he had a pretty awesome life.

Mao Lu quickly got ready and ran towards the main building of his house with Zhao Detong.

"Lu-er I made some Breakfast, Detong I made enough for you too. Come join me, let's eat together." His Mother called out.

Mao Lu smiled brightly and ran into his Mother's arms. "Good morning Mummy."

His Mother smiled and stroked his hair fondly, "Good morning to you too."

"Good morning Mrs Zhang." Detong bowed politely.

As they ate breakfast together Mao Lu felt so happy, he couldn't stop smiling. With every bite he took he looked at his Mother and gave her a toothy grin. At the same time, he also felt like crying, he felt like he hadn't seen her in a very long time.

"Why do I feel like this? I saw Mum only yesterday during dinner, what's wrong with me?" Mao Lu wondered.

Once they finished breakfast, Mao Lu gave his Mother a large hug before jumping on his bike and riding out with Zhao Detong.

"Wow I knew you were a Mummy's boy but you're even worse now." Zhao Detong giggled.

"It just felt really great to see her." Mao Lu said as he enjoyed the feeling of the wind running against his face as they glided down a steep hill.

"I had a weird dream last night where I was older, and Mum had died, and Dad was gone. I just felt the urge to hug her extra tight when I saw her."

"Was it a nightmare?" Zhao Detong asked in concern, "What happened in the dream?"

"Honestly, I don't remember it that well, it's all very hazy." Mao Lu answered, "It was just a dream anyways."

"Un okay, well if you keep having nightmares it's better to tell people about it then bottle it in, my Mum was watching a TV show the other day and it said that bottling it in can cause stress and anxiety." Zhao Detong cautioned Mao Lu as they glided into another lane.

Mao Lu laughed, "I promise you, if I ever have more nightmares you will be the first person I tell."

Zhao Detong smiled, "Good, since we're best friends I know that you would never keep a secret from me. We always tell each other everything. You'll never hide your pain or struggles from me, right?"

Mao Lu smiled, "Of course, I'd never do that."

Zhao Detong's face darkened as he sneered, "You're such a liar."

"What?" Mao Lu's expression froze, but when he glanced over at Zhao Detong he was smiling and humming as they pedalled down the street towards Fei Bing Bing's home.

"What did you say?"

Zhao Detong frowned, "I didn't say anything, I think you're hearing things Lu."

Mao Lu frowned feeling confused and deeply disturbed, "May...maybe I was hearing things." he mumbled.


"Lu! Detong!" Fei Bing Bing shouted as she squeezed between both Detong and Mao Lu, hugging them.

"Now make sure you're careful." Fei Bing Bing's Mother fretted, "Look left and right when cycling across the road. Don't talk to any strangers, make sure you're always with Zhao Detong and Zhang Lu. Okay." she said as she put a pink helmet on Fei Bing Bing's head and strapped kneecaps and elbow pads on her.

Fei Bing Bing pouted, "Mum none of the other kids wear so much protection when they ride to school. And stop being so overprotective I'm eight you know" She complained.

"Well in my eyes you're still a small child, even if you are eight, and I don't want you to hurt yourself, I do it because I love my little princess so very much, okay. Now give Mummy a kiss before you go."

Fei Bing Bing kissed her Mum on both cheeks.

"Give your old Dad a big hug as well, please Princess" Her Father called out to her, a large smile on his face.

"Daddy!" Fei Bing Bing said as she ran into her Dad's arms and gave him a big hug.

Mao Lu felt his heart twitch, he'd always been jealous of how close Fei Bing Bing was with her Father. In comparison, since his Father was so busy, they were practically strangers under the same roof.


The trio was soon riding to school together. As usual Zhao Detong was trying to impress Bing Bing, this time he was using his bike riding skills. He balanced his bike on the front wheel and spun around a little on the empty street.

Fei Bing Bing squealed and gave Detong lots of her support. "You're so awesome Detong, so cool!!!" Her eyes sparkling with excitement as she said it, which only encouraged him to do more tricks.

Mao Lu laughed as he watched the both of them. Yet suddenly he heard a voice in his head. At first it was quiet but with time it only grew louder.

"Isn't it annoying that they always leave you out of everything. They're always playing amongst themselves and making you the third wheel. You're jealous, wondering why they don't include you in their little games.

'Why doesn't Zhao Detong look at me the same way he looks at Fei Bing Bing, why doesn't Bing Bing look at me that way?'

That's what you're thinking isn't it. You're so petty, always wanting all the attention, always jealous, always hiding behind your pretentious morals and so-called justice. Always trying to be the nice guy, always ignoring the bad guy inside you." The voice hissed, Mao Lu felt it, like it was a slithering snake coiling around his entire body.

"You-you're wrong. I'm not jealous of them, I'm happy for them, they're my best friends." Mao Lu protested.

"You're such a liar." The voice laughed.

"Mao Lu are you okay, why aren't you following us. We need to pick up the pace or we'll be late." Zhao Detong said.

Mao Lu looked up, he felt strange, a cold sweat dripped down his forehead. He could no longer hear that voice.

He shook a bit, today he felt weird. First with that strange dream and now with that voice. What was going on?

"I'm coming.” He yelled as he pedalled after them.


As they entered their school and locked their bikes, they saw many other children being dropped off by their nannies or drivers.

"Fei Bing Bing" a few girls squealed. They ran up to Bing Bing and hugged


"Did you ride to school today, that's so cool" one girl said admiringly.

"No fair." another girl pouted, "I still haven't got permission from my parents."

"Your helmet and bike are so pretty!!!"

Fei Bing Bing got swept away by the girls, leaving Mao Lu and Zhao Detong alone.

"Well let's get to class.." Detong grinned as he grabbed Mao Lu and pulled him towards the main building.

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