"That's everything I know. I swear!"

Freddie told me everything he knew, he didn't have all the details as he was only the captain of a team, but there were enough rumors flying around in his camp for me to get the general gist of things.

The 'Danger' Guild and the 'Daylight" Guild were looking for a city token. It was something produced when a city was destroyed. Seeing as I was the only survivor in the town, I knew that no one could have possible taken it. Unless they did it while I was in the library.

As I was trying to think of where the token could be, Ella stepped beside me. She pulled out a small blue glowing orb.

"I completely forgot to give this to you, Brother. I found it where the old city steel used to be."

I took the globe from her hands and slowly crushed it, I was pretty sure I knew what was going to pop out. And I wasn't wrong. Right after I crushed the globe, a small token appeared in my hand. It was silver in nature with engravings all over it. I still had no clue what the engravings meant, even after looking at all the books in that strange library.

The token glowed a silver color that was blinding for a second before I could see again. I used analyze on it to confirm my thoughts.

(City token: Bind on use.Utilizes users' species as an indicator, to set up a system city. Sets up a town of 5 km with basic walls and buildings. Can be upgraded later. Depending on species used, special options unlock)

Yeap, this is what they were looking for. And they would kill me for it. The two guilds were about to go to war with each other for this small token, honestly I had no use for it. From what I was told, the city token would only be profitable for guilds or the like.

For me, I would be going all over the place to get stronger, I didn't have time to tend to a town, not to mention it was only, me, Ella and Rose. 3 people with a whole town to themselves, this item was useless to me.

I turned away from the token in my hand and looked at the 2 centurions in front of me. They were still pinned to the ground, but the pain had passed, I would guess their legs have gone completely numb. Both of them were staring at the token in my hands once they realized what it was. They looked like wolves staring at their prey.

I sent the token into my storage ring, there was no reason to give it to them. There may be some benefits that come with me giving it to one of the guilds, but I couldn't be bothered doing that, I was more interested in exp.

And taking out both guilds would be a gold mine. They could always revive later, and they didn't know I had the token.

A plan started to form in my mind and a small smile touched my lips.

"Thank you for the information."

I said that to them and then pulled my blade as quickly as I could.



Two heads rolled to the ground as I bent down to pick up their globes, there was no reason to keep them alive, and this was a lot better than being sucked dry. Crushing their globes I watched my exp bar move up and quickly input my stats.

I spread my points evenly like always and as I had one spare, I put it into INT; it was lagging behind the other stats by a little. I nodded my head after looking at my status before turning to Ella. By now she could put her points in by herself, but she insisted that I do it for her. I saw no harm in doing such a thing so I did.

While I was at it, Rose also asked me to input her points. She said it was something her race does, their partner would help input their stats and it would shape their life going forwards.

I thought that was a bit unfair for the dryad in the relationship having their future determined by the partner. But she said it was her races practice. A dryad would only ever have one partner; they made each other stronger and supported each other. What their partner picked would benefit both of them, not just one person.

I nodded my head at her words and realized once again how important to her our bond was. We were essentially two parts of one coin now; we would support each other going forwards.

In the end their stats looked like this.

Name: Ella Coltear

Titles: Butcher of Innocence, Demon Progenitor, Massacre of *******, Town Destroyer

Race: Demon (Progenitor Class)

Sex: Female

Age: 3 months

Level: 21 EXP (780,000 – 2,400,000)

Kin: Liam Coltear, Rose Wood

Resistance: 30% Fire Resistance

Attributes:(0 Points)

STR: 98 (102)

END: 98 (102)

INT: 93 (93)

AGI: 102 (106)

SPR: 93 (98)

LUK: 13 (18)

Skills:(0 Points) – (0 Points Shared)

(Progenitor (Innate) LV(1 - 10))

(Demonic Kiss (Innate) LV(Special Conditions))

(Demonic Regeneration (Innate) LV(1 – 10))

(Soul Bond (Innate) LV(Special Conditions))

(Taint (Innate) LV(Special Conditions) - User is a progenitor of the demon race. You can taint others to make more of your race. You control anyone with your blood running through them.)

(Kin Bond LV(Passive))

(Shared Exp LV(Passive))

(Energy Share LV(Passive))

(Berserk Rage (Shared): LV (6 - 10))

(Inviolable Constitution (Innate) LV(passive))

(Danger Perception Lv(4-10))

(Fire (Active) – LV (4 – 10))

(Elf Language (Passive))

Ella and I were very close in our attributes; she had all the same skills and even unlocked the title function like myself. She had all the same titles except one. Where I had 'Ascendant', she had 'Demon Progenitor' as a title. The skill 'Taint' Was probably one of the only skills we didn't share.

It was an evolution of her infect skill and even after reading the skill I was having trouble imagining what the skill would actually do to a person. Would it make them look like Ella? With the silver hair and white eyes? Or something different?

Name: Rose Wood

Titles: Butcher of Innocence, Queen Dryad, Massacre of *******, Town Destroyer, Daughter of nature

Race: Queen Dryad

Sex: Female

Age: 17

Level: 21 EXP (780,000 – 2,400,000)

Kin : Liam Coltear, Ella Coltear

Resistance: 90% Wood Resistance

Entertainment Points: 0

Attributes: (0)

STR: 61(65)

END: 69 (69)

INT: 81 (83)

AGI: 68 (72)

SPR: 86 (88)

LUK: 6 (6)


(Soul Bond (Innate) LV(Special Conditions))

(Queen of Nature (Innate) LV(1-10) – Born from nature, raised in nature, Queen of Nature. Through your connection to nature, it has recognized you as royalty and lets you dominate it. You can command Nature, Plants and Animals.)

(Shared Constitution (Innate) LV(Passive))

(Natural Heal (Innate) LV(2-10))

(Shared Exp (Passive))

(Elf Language (Passive))

(Kin Bond LV(Passive))

(Energy Share LV(Passive))

(Demonic Kiss (Innate) LV(Special Conditions))

Rose compared to us was pretty far behind. It was almost a full 100 overall points behind us give or take.She did have more titles than us, having Queen Dryad, and Daughter of Nature though. All her skills had synced with mine, while she also kept her nature heal, and Queen of nature.

One of the big changes since I last looked at her status was the change to her resistance. It was around 10% last I looked, but after the evolution, even staying inside the whole time, it had gone from 10% to 90%. It was an insane growth, and I couldn't wait to see what happens when she reaches 100%. She would gain the most if we continued to use demonic kiss for a while.

I thought of the two guilds that were battling right now and settled a small plan in my mind. I didn't have to think too hard about it as they weren't that powerful. They were at most level 15 or a bit higher, I saw none of them being level 20. And because of this fact it would be pretty easy to take them down.

I turned to Ella.

"Can you smell any more people in the area?"

Ella gave me a nod and pointed in a few directions. She could smell a few groups.

"Good. I think it's time to eat."

It was a pretty bad and tasteless joke, but it made Ella smile. She nodded her head in an excited matter while Rose to the side also nodded her head.

I quickly talked to her in my mind. She knew she was weaker than us right now; this was the perfect chance to strengthen her. And she was fine with it after I told her they were players. I had a small talk to her about them before. She knew they wouldn't really die.

"Lead the way Ella."

She laughed before rushing in a certain direction.

"Let's see who can eat more! If I win, brother has to listen to my orders for a full day!"

I smiled while racing after her.

She was still a child on the inside.

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