A Gorgeous White

Chapter 104: To Join Our Bodies (2)

Warning NSFW! (Please mind the warnings) Moulin is 'somewhat' like a trans person. I will be using slightly feminizing words for body parts. Please be warned. If any of you find this uncomfortable, please skip the chapter. (NSFW might last more than one chapter) 

Warning: Lewd language! Vulgar description! 

Read at your own risk!


Moulin felt stopped. His silver eyes clashing with golden ones. Both their gazes were filled with nothing but passionate craving. Breathing turning rapidly, Moulin nodded. 

As he slowly removed his fingers from between his open thighs, he dragged it upwards. His delicate fingertips brushing the slit between his thighs, palming the little member, teasing his own sex with his fingertips. His sultry actions only made the towering man narrow his eyes dangerously.

The swift path of the man's palms was teasing the soft milky skin. Thumbs digging into the flesh, trailing inwards, towards the secret place of the youth's body. Carrying with it, the searing heat.

Moulin breathes out as he feels the man's fingers, torturously drawing near the inside of his inner thighs. Finally, the fingertips reached the root of his thighs, pressing.

Ravenous golden eyes consumed the delicious sight of his lover's privates. Using his thumb and index finger, he gently parted those leaking lips as he slightly tilted his head. Watching the slick seeping out in between, his eyes grew sharper. He lifted his head and watched the anticipating form of Moulin. Silver eyes watching him, as if waiting. Slightly parted lips, hazy gaze, the loose collar exposing his shoulder. He looked extremely bewitching as he laid on his back, to offer his body and his heart to the man before him. 

"Kiss me..." Moulin whispered as he took the rough hand in his. The arousal in his voice was irresistible.

Lifting a corner of his lips, Hadrian nudges Moulin's legs further apart as he brought himself to kneeled in between them. Moulin felt the bed dipped as the man bent to tower over Moulin. The youth invitingly circled the man's neck with his slender arms. His plump lips parting, letting out a warm breath as the lord drew himself in. The man's lips hovered above Moulin's lips hungrily.

"You will be the death of me..." Hadrian divulged huskily. He then caught Moulin's kiss. Intense desire coiling between their tongues, craving for more. The want to go beyond the boundaries of intimacy was tremendous. Moulin let out a throaty moan as he tilted his head with closed eyes. Both aggressively working to satisfy the other. While their mouths were occupied, Moulin brought a hand to feel Hadrian's chest. The firm skin pressed heatedly beneath his palms. With a feathery touch, his hand slowly glided downwards, the strength within those muscles made Moulin want to use it for himself. He drew circled on the lord's skin as he traced a finger to the man's navel. 

Hadrian groaned as he felt the cold fingers slipping inside his pants. Moulin smiled between their kiss as his palm touched hairy skin below the man's navel. And then he felt it. The firm shaft that made him shake. The head brushed the tender palm teasingly, fluid smearing his skin. Even if Moulin tried, he could not fully wrap his hand around the man's member. He could feel veins beating making the youth aware of what was to spear him. Moulin swallowed, "Huge..."

Hadrian pulled away from the kiss with a smirk. Eyes crazed with lust. He dipped his head and landed a bite on the fair skin on the youth's neck as his hand slides inside Moulin's tunic, palm flat on the chest, feeling the pounding of his lover's heart. How lovely it was to feel the life of his beloved. His hand then climbed to the youth's nipples, hardening provocatively. "How lovely you are..."

Moulin shuddered when the hand abruptly reached down to hold his member. The rough hand enclosing around the small cock. His hips jerked at the sensitivity. An electric shock climbed up Moulin's spine making him arched his back, mouth clenching. That pale slender hand grasping around Hadrian's hardened cock. Both had a hold of the other's shaft. They began stroking each other. Skin sliding, rubbing. 

Wetness leaked between Moulin's thighs, legs spasming open as the youth's whimpering moans filled the air. Chest heaving as if he was running out of air. The flat of Hadrian's tongue slides on the youth's exposed throat as Moulin tossed his head back. The writhing youth's knees were hooked around the lord's thighs as both continued pleasuring each other. Moulin felt like his privates were tingling as a sensation as sweet and as hot began to climb higher inside him. 

"Ahhh..." Moulin twists. Hips rocking with both their efforts. His fingers rubbed raw around the man's cock. Unable to hold back, he freed the man's shaft within the confines of Hadrian's pants. Then he gripped the large member and slid his palms back and forth, fingertips caressing the leaking slit of the shaft's head. His actions earned him a guttural groan from the lord.

Toes curling, Moulin trembles as he felt the hot palms of the man around his member. His lips parted as he trusted his hips in an attempt to chase his own climax. 

"Eager now, are we?" Hadrian grinned with blazing eyes. 

Moulin knitted his brows as the flush in his face deepened in color. He spoke in a breathy voice, "You're making this slow..."

His mockery made Hadrian cease his actions. Moulin frowned unsatisfied. There was irritation in his silver eyes as he looked into the amused pupils of the man in front of him. "You-...!"

Moulin's breath ceased when warm fingers suddenly stroked the sex beneath his member. The leaking fluid dampened the thick fingers making Moulin's face reddened even more, he was now conscious of the wetness between his thighs. He could not close his legs if he wanted for his knees were hooked on Hadrian's strong thighs, spreading even wider at every movement the lord makes.

His aggression shortly receded and embarrassment washed his expression. For goodness sake, why was he transferred in this kind of body! Even if it was an ugly man, he would have chosen it over this type of body! He felt like a f*cking virgin girl. Moulin turned his gaze away, absolutely trying not to stare at the events occurring between his legs. He let out a shivering breath when those fingers stroking became rougher, teasingly dipping into the lewd hole occasionally.

"You will definitely split me into two..." Moulin rasped as he arched his neck.

Hadrian kissed the center of his exposed throat while smiling. "I'll be very gentle..."

"Hmm..." Moulin lowered his head and kissed the man's lips.

When a thick finger penetrated, he lets out a shaky gasp. His limbs spasming violently, his body arching, toes curling as he reached the pinnacle of his desire. Pleasure, so great, washed over him like a massive wave. He fell into the pits of heat. Heart pounding as the shivers traveled down his spine. His actions on Hadrian's cock ceased as his fingers trembled. Mouth open and gasping, he fell limped. His chest heaving delicately. Moist silver eyes glazed, mouth parted gasping, the redness of his neck and shoulder was exquisite. He looked like the very image of seduction. A beauty falling apart to the clutches of desire.

"Beautiful..." Hadrian inhaled the scent of his lover, watching the limped body shudder beneath him. The gods had truly given him one of their finest creations. He had never let so selfish in his entire life.

"Mmmhh..." Moulin moaned in his throat.

Feeling the stretch of his slit when two fingers began to plunge inside him. The sounds were loud and wet, entering the youth's ears shamelessly. The slender body slightly rocked. In and out. Moulin clenched around those thick fingers while his eyes closed. He released a muffled whine as he began to relax, throwing an arm around Hadrian's neck who was intently devouring Moulin's pleasured face. His golden eyes, filled with mad want and desire but he restrained himself.


When a third finger slipped beside the two fingers, Moulin moaned openly. Knuckle by knuckle it inserted itself within the wet tight cavern. His mouth gaping withdrawn eyebrows as he threw his head to the side. His white hair looked enchanting under the faint golden glow of the room's light. Possessed by the spirit of seduction, his eyes opened slightly, glancing at Hadrian's desirous eyes.

Hadrian felt hypnotized, enchanted. There was a selfish want inside him, roaring to be released. Like a beast wanting to devour whole this exquisite creature beneath him.

"Mine..." Hadrian grabbed Moulin's jaw and captured the youth's lips in a deep hungry kiss. This youth belonged to him, in life, in death, he could only belong to him. Moulin invitingly responded, parting his lips for the man.

"I'll be gentle..." Hadrian whispered between their kiss.

Moulin only smiled in response. His smile then fell slightly when he felt the fingers withdraw. His legs propped higher on the godly man's strong thighs.

Hadrian leaned back, chin slightly lifted, golden eyes smoldering with desire, looking down at the sight of his captivating little lover. All spread wide under him, wet groin exposed to only his eyes. Trembling slightly, Moulin looked stunningly sensual. The man brought his hand to his throbbing cock, stroking it once twice as he stared down at the youth who was watching him with equal desire. Silver eyes gazing at the enormous unyielding girth of his lover with unrestrained craving.

Letting out a restrained breath, Hadrian lined his cock on the wet loosened slit. The head inching forward, prying the lower lips open. Moulin whose soul was not a virgin knew he should relax otherwise pain would erupt. Although he had not experienced having a woman's organ, he had learned some from the experiences of others in his previous life. However, no matter how he tried to relax himself, there was a sting as the cock's head entered him.

Hadrian bent to hover over Moulin's body. A hand gripping the crimson sheets beside Moulin's head. He carefully entered his lover at a torturously slow pace. He kissed Moulin's creasing forehead in comfort as he fit inside that wet hole. Snug around his girth. He gave Moulin a worried kiss, concerned about his lover.

"Gods..." Moulin hoarsely spoke. His arm tightened around Hadrian. Lips whispered under the man's ear, "You will be the death of me..."

Narrowing his eyes, Hadrian rolled his hips. Moulin inhaled. However, it did not stop there. Large hands clutched the slender hips as Hadrian began to thrust slowly. It was tantalizingly intoxicating.

"Ohh... f*ck..." Moulin moaned. Eyes heavy with pleasure. The man's girth slides inside, grazing the tender flesh inside him. He could feel the curve of its length as it slides out of him and then thrusts back with a wet sound. His hole was burning, stretched open. Slick drooled between the two organs.

"Ohh... Please...ahh" He shamelessly pleaded for more.

Hadrian grunted as he moved. The slow movements turned increasingly faster. Rocking the body beneath him. His hips thrusting vigorously while he watched the writhing creature beneath him. Moulin sobs, helplessly pleasured. Breaths knocked out at each thrust from his lover. The faint panting blended with the moans, filling the air.

A growl poured in Moulin's ear, whispers of endless promises and selfish desires clouded his mind. He gasped and panted as he took in Hadrian's words but his mind was too hazy to understand it all. His fingers, that clutched the sheets, reached for his bobbing small member. He stroked it as he lifted his head, to plant kisses on the man's jaw.

"You belong to me... " Hadrian whispered in his ears as the peak drew nearer. He thrust vigorously, muscles tightening and flexing, the hands violently gripping on the sheets ripped ruthlessly. "You are mine..."

Moulin shut his eyes as he grasped the golden strands, tugging the man's head down, capturing his lips. His whimpering gasps slipped from their violent kiss. With a shuddering breath, he whispered, "As... y-you are mine..."

Moulin's body helplessly rocked beneath the man, his legs trembling and jerking, a hand stroking his own member while he grasped Hadrian's hair almost violently. In seconds, heat seized him and a cry was pounded out of his lips. Pleasure floods his body instantly. He moaned loudly as his tunic stuck to his skin with his sweat.

Feeling the abrupt tightening of the warm sheathing of his cock and the gush of fluids, Hadrian growled as he reached his peak. Flooding the tender insides to the brim, his cock pulses. His limbs spasmed and shuddered. Sweat trickling from his body creating a light sheen on his skin.

"Mnh..."Moulin whimpered as he felt the hot release flooding his insides. He was too sensitive at the moment.

Both panted yet the desire had still not left their eyes. Glazed silver eyes met covetous golden ones. Their bodies smelled like the other. Their bodies hot like the other.


Yes, It was far from enough...

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