A Gorgeous White

Chapter 116: Moumou's Modern Life

Wedding Anniversary~


( 6:00 am )

Moulin curls in bed, snuggling under the comforter. A hand caressed his chestnut hair dotingly. Moulin slightly furrowed his brows as his nose caught the scent of sandalwood. He was too sluggish to open his eyes but he was aware of his lover beside him.

Leaning down, Hadrian whispered in the ear of the sleeping Moulin. "I'll be going..."

"Mmh..." Moulin mumbled in reply. He heard a husky chuckle fading away as he went back to sleep.

( 8:00 am )

The alarm on his phone started blaring beside his ear. Reluctantly, Moulin groggily rose from the bed and dismissed the alarm on his phone. The lock screen revealing the passionate picture of two people embracing each other. Their rings gleaming under the autumn light. Sluggishly walking to the washroom, He turned on the lights with a slap on the switch. Moulin brushed his teeth and took a quick shower before he exited the bathroom while checking his phone.

( 9:30 am )


"Shush, you brat... " Moulin scolded as he slid the pet bowl filled with dogfood towards the white pomeranian, Snow, sitting on the counter. Moulin tied the ribbon of the apron behind his waist while biting a piece of toast in his mouth. He glanced at the clock as he chopped vegetables on the chopping board with skill. 


Moulin glanced at his phone unlocking with his pinky as he prepared food.

Brother Maxille: Moulin, it's time to wake up.

EmlenDaBest: Hey, bro! Wake up! It's your fucking wedding anniversary! 

Moulin rolls his eyes. The corners of his lips quirked up as he tapped on his phone.

SweetLittleMou: Stop reminding me when two haven't even brushed your teeth yet.

His brothers always wake up late on Sundays. Dumbasses. Moulin chuckled as he mummed a song. Unaware of his brother's embarrassed 'how-did-he-know-expression'.

( 10:00 am )

Moulin exited his luxury apartment at the same his neighbor's door opened. It was his reporter friend who was always up for gossip. Alsander flashed a cheeky grin as he winked at Moulin and joined him to the elevator. Moulin sighed helplessly as he entertained Alsander's questions about his next novel project.

"I heard it's your wedding anniversary?" Alsander said with a grin as he takes out a digital camera. "I bet you two would do it in the office. What a catch would it be to witness the CEO and his wife going at it like rabbits" 

Moulin elbowed him with a flushed face. "Shut up..."

They parted ways when they exited the building. Moulin restrained a laugh as he watched Alsander chased a taxi. Moulin carried the lunchbox in his bag as he passed by some schoolgirls on the opposite side of the streets.

"Mr. Moulin!" A freckled girl waved at him wearing a bright smile on her face. Her classmates also stopped and whispered about the good-looking man their friend was waving at.

Moulin nodded at Pola. He waved at her before the school bus blocked his view of his number one fan. Oblivious to him, a person was snapping a photo of him with an obsessed smile.

Callun praised himself for the beautiful photo in his camera but when he looked back the youth was gone. He groaned.

( 11:30 )

"Madame, You came! Are you here to visit your husband?" Varick, Hadrian's secretary happily welcomed Moulin. They were in the wide reception of the Leonile Corporation. 

"No. I'm here to give him his lunch... like a mom." Moulin sighed as he frowned. "Tell him to come home quick or I'll cut off his balls."

"W-Will do, madame." Varick received the heavy lunch bag with both hands. Damn, it was heavy! Were there stones inside instead of food?

Moulin thanked Varick before leaving. His slender frame disappearing from Varick's view. 

"Hey, you need help?" Rowan appeared in front of Varick. He tipped his glasses back on the bridge of his nose. Beside him was Fhorg, both of them were Hadrian's bodyguards. Of course, the twins, Tyve and Troid were one of them but they were ordered to become Moulin's secret bodyguards because of some crazy obsessed asshole and half-dead ex.

Callun: ...

Quade: ...

"Nah, I'm f-fine..." Varick declined with a smile. "Y-you should go and check on the boss." He grunted.

( 12:40 pm )

Moulin finished his lunch in a familiar restaurant by the street. He walks a few blocks to reach a Book cafe where he would meet his friends.

"Took you long enough!" Jagra sips on his milk tea as he leaned back on his chair while eyeing his laptop. A clutter of books and papers made the table looked trashed. 

Moulin apologized before he sat on one seat. "Where's Ghana?"

"Probably in Morroco, surfing the hell out of the world. She said she'll proofread tonight. I can't believe she had guts to hang glide in Rio." Jagra chewed a brownie as he slid his milk tea away from his books. He was Moulin's editor slash manager. Rubbing his chin, he looked at the relaxed Moulin who was checking his phone too seriously.

"If you wanted to spend time with your husband, why wait for his call?" Jagra furrowed his brows.

Moulin flinched. He glared at Jagra, "I was not waiting for his call. I'm texting my mom to cancel a freaking party she planned for my anniversary!" He answered defensively.

Jagra chuckled, he propped his chin on his hand, "Haha, you're blushing, Be honest now..."

Moulin smirked, "If we're talking about waiting why don't you stop turning down that poor guy from France who always sends roses on your doorstep."

Jagra reddened, "Gaile is- he's... he's-"

"Yes, Yes, Yes... he's too good for you. Keep telling yourself that." Moulin laughed, "Seriously..."

The two continued to chatter, unaware of a hidden stalker dragged away by two men with identical faces in the alley opposite of the cafe.

"Bastards! Get off me!"

"You fucker! Stop stalking our boss's wife!" Troid and Tyve yelled at him as they tie him up, carried him, and tossed him on the trunk of the car.

( 2:00 pm )

Moulin threw himself on the bed, lying flat on his stomach. He had already returned home, changed his clothes, and played with Snow. He wasn't exhausted but he was feeling lazy. 


Moulin narrowed his eyes and frowned as he picked up his phone. Moulin faintly smiled. Hadrian's name appearing on his phone always brought a smile to his face even though he wanted nothing more than drowning the man in hot water.

BlondieHusband: Are you home?

BossMouMou: What do you think?

BlondieHusband: I'll finish at 6. Meet me at the penthouse. I'll send Varick to take you there.

Moulin frowned. 

BossMouMou: I will burn the penthouse if I do not see you there.

Without waiting for a response, Moulin slammed his head on the soft bed, bouncing his face. Suddenly. Snow jumped on the back of his head almost suffocating Moulin.

( 5:58 pm )

Moulin exited the elevator, arriving at the penthouse. The black trench coat he wore and the turtle neck beneath hugged his figure delicately. A black stud earring adorned the lobe of his ear. He looked stunning. 

Varick hurriedly opened the doors for him, somewhat hasty to walked ahead of Moulin.


When the doors opened it was dark. Ominously pitch black. The doors behind him suddenly closed leaving him inside the dark. Only the starry skies beyond the floor-to-ceiling windows helped Moulin determined where he was. 


No response. Hesitantly, Moulin took two steps forward...


The lights turned on abruptly and the place instantly illuminated the area. 

Pop! Pop!

Confetti rained down on Moulin's head startling the youth. 


His family, his friends, even Doctor Phaelona who was supposed to be performing heart surgery in Canada was present. At the time all the confetti had cluttered on the floor, Hadrian in a stylish suit walked towards Moulin, the crowd parted for his entrance. A large bouquet decorated with lace and genuine diamonds was in his hands. The handsome man smiled. His eyes were passionately fixed on his beloved.

Moulin's heart pounded as he accepted the flowers and raised a brow at the man, "I thought it was a romantic bath with candlelight under the stars?"

Hadrian sighed, "Your parent's had different plans. I need to be a good son-in-law."

Moulin grinned, as he pulled the man's tie and kissed the man's lips. The people applauded loudly except for two particular brothers who gnashed their teeth in disapproval. 

The night was spent happily. Two lovers had different plans in the bedroom... 


( The End )

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