A Gorgeous White

Chapter 121: Departure To Rafelon


He strode across the furred rugs laid neatly on the floor. The warm ambiance of the chamber could bring one endless satisfaction. With its open curtains and the bright world beyond the glass windows. It looked dazzling. The value was something a child could not understand but Phuna knew clearly. Although she did, her bare feet jumped on the sheets that had brought her warmth at night.

The eyes were round, bright, and black. Like a perilous chasm, making one want to look into it out of curiosity but they would not dare to step closer to the pit. However, it was filled with undeniable innocence. Phuna clenched her fists as she grinned widely. Joy filled her heart.

Moulin smiled sweetly as he seated himself on the soft edge of the small bed. His eyes were filled with helplessness as he moved to hold the little girl's hands. "Stop jumping or you'll fall off." 

She pouted and obediently sat on the bed. She let Moulin check her previously injured leg. Seeing it was completely healed, Moulin smiled in satisfaction. 

"Where's Snow? You didn't bring him to play with me?" Asked Phuna.

Moulin released a chuckle as he reached out to rub the little cat girl's head. He predicted he would become a beautiful woman in the future. Moulin replied, "Snow is resting. You have to stop playing with him. That little brat isn't a good example" 

Yes, he'd teach you how to bat your eyes and act cute as I did.

"Oh..." Phuna lamented. Her eyes blinking.

Moulin's smile slightly fell. His fingers on Phuna's head stopped shortly. The cute black cat ears on her head seemed to droop to match their owner's mood. Moulin had been visiting her as much as he visited Jagra. Admittedly, he was now quite fond of the shy little girl who only becomes vibrant in front of him, always calling him 'Mr. Deity' whenever Moulin enters the room. Honestly, Moulin did not understand why.

"Phuna..." Moulin started. The little girl looked at him in response. He continued, "... Remember the friend that I told you about? The one who always sleeps?"

Phuna nodded.

"Well, I need you to take care of him while I'm gone. I will be going somewhere far away and will not be back after a few weeks. You need to take care of yourself too, alright? Thora will take care of what you need..." Thora was a servant elf who was tasked to attend to Phuna.

The little cat girl froze. Her eyes shook as she took in the words. "You're going away?"

Moulin nodded, "Yes"

"Snow too?"


"Will you come back soon?"

Moulin stopped. He resumed stroking the girl's head as he answered. "I'll try..."

Phuna lowered her head. The warm light from the windows bathing her small adorable form in faint warmth. Her pupils shook as if she was contemplating. Her hands fumbled on her clean sleeves. Ruffles on her skirt looked more wrinkled when she sits still, afraid of the pale gentle hand ceasing it's stroking. As Moulin looked closer, there was hesitation in the little girl's reluctant expression.

"What is it?"

He felt her flinched beneath his palm when be asked. "...?"

Phuna softly asked. Her was was so soft it was as if she was whispering to the wind. "A-Are you going... to save my Da? Are you... going to get to those... bad men?"

It seems she was already aware of the reason for Moulin's departure. Moulin smiled. "... Yes"

Bright eyes hastily turned to Moulin. "Then you must bring it with you!"

"...?" Confusion etched Moulin's expression. "What is it should I need to bring with me?"

"My Da's gift to you!" She replied.

Moulin looked into her determined expression. The gears in his head clicked when he recalled the bird-like stone figure Phuna had given to him before he first left Yan'Gofrae. He remembered he had kept it in the drawer of his wooden desk. When Phuna mentioned it to him, he grew even more confused. 

"Why?" He asked. Brows furrowed as he faced her.

"Because... Da said... It will help you..." Phuna explained. Her expression looked as if she wasn't sure how a rock would help Moulin. However, she believed in her father. With thoughtful eyes, she clenched on her skirt. She really missed her Da...

It seems she doesn't truly know. Moulin slightly lowered his brows as his figure slackened. Although he thought it was strange for him to bring the rock in his mission, it would do nothing to his focus. He did not come to know Phuna's father so he needed to see if Phuna's words could really be trusted.

Moulin spent the rest of the afternoon with Phuna. Playing with her, braiding her hair, and telling her fairytales like Red Riding hood or The Little Mermaid. Such stories that were childish and common to him now had made the little girl widen his eyes with awe and excitement. She had never heard of a wolf that could swallow two people whole or mermaids that could walk on land. Yes, wolves of her race looked scary and big but they couldn't possibly eat without chewing!

After the fifth story about Robinhood, Moulin finally exited the chambers. Thora was smilingly waiting outside eavesdropping about the stories in admiration. She bowed at Moulin and watched him walk away. Without further ado, she entered the room with dinner, excitedly coddling Phuna.

When Moulin returned to the sentinel courtyard, he had already missed a few drills and Rowan had made him complete the drills five times which Moulin willingly performed without complaining. By the time he was finished, everyone had already finished dinner and a few of the sentinels had surrounded a bonfire behind the barracks. However, he was not bothered. He only grabbed two small loaves of bread before walking back to the sentinel barracks. Finishing ne bread, the moon peeked between the large spaces of the wooden barrier. Dark and cloudless. Moonlight crept on the barracks.

An idea popped into his head.

Moulin climbed on the hard creeping vines of the walls of the west building of the courtyard. He skillfully stepped on the tiled roof. It was completely flat and the three floors below didn't intimidate him.


He squatted down and bit a large chunk of bread, chewing it and savoring it. While he listened to the nonsense from the people surrounding the fire, his eyes stared at the sky. Or precisely, the swirling enchanted wood that layered the barrier. He heard's its faint rumble like predatory roars of dragons. Watched as it cast shadows on the city. Thundralln was beautiful. And their prince, future king, was caring and benevolent.

He closes his eyes and felt the faint cool breeze brush his face. White strands glistened under the moonlight. He looked elegant and ethereal.

"I heard we are taking the Aphrodite with us..."

The corner of Moulin's lips quirked up as he listened from the chatter below.

"I will have to admit he has the guts and strength. However, he's still a creature for birthing."

"Bet he could sire a strong heir. Boy has the looks and the money too."

"Won't be long till he'd be mounted on. He'd have to quit his guild."

Their mocking laughter reached Moulin's ears. The youth grinned. The look in his eyes was unknown. It seems there were always people who didn't like him. Perhaps, they were begging to be impaled by his ice. Moulin shrugged. He didn't need to care about what the rest looks at him. He wasn't even trying to impress anyone.

Moulin finished the last bite of bread and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. His actions didn't look refined at all. He was always like that even in his previous life. His nose scrunched. The smell of sweat on his sleeve was quite strong.

"You didn't return..."

Moulin calmly turned head to look behind. He cocked an eyebrow. 

Hadrian walked behind him. Clad in his usual black clothes. His handsome and cold countenance and his elegant walk made him regal. The footsteps stopped a step behind Moulin. Lord Hadrian waited. 

Moulin tipped his head back. Meeting the lowered eyes of the man behind him. The pale throat of the youth looked smooth and tempting. He finally responded, "Can't one enjoy an evening alone?"

"Do you like solitude?"

"Sometimes, sometimes not" Moulin quickly answered in case the man would get any ideas of 'locking him as to where no one could see you'. His silver eyes gleamed as he looked up, "Come spend the night with me?"

Hadrian smirked. He lowered his body, kneeled, and his fingers threaded Moulin's hair. Inhaling the sweet scent of the glistening moonlit strands. The warmth of the man's breath caressed Moulin's scalp.


.. .. .. .. .. . . 

There was the silence of words in the next morning. None had spoken except for the heavy preparation for the important mission in the next day. Muscles clenched, sweat dripped, and the harsh panting filled the sentinel's courtyard. The moans and groans were loud as well as the clash of metal. Although only a few could partake, everyone had to join to lift the morale of the warriors. And for the whole busy day, Moulin had not seen Hadrian. The youth understood why.

When night came, both lovers had shared the same bed. Early had they slept in each other arms. A particular fox grumbled as he inserted himself between the two people. Tail rudely lying on the lord's 'slumbering' face.

The dawn marked their departure.

Before proceeding to the courtyard, Moulin stopped when he was about to open the door. He glanced at the wooden desk and recalled Phuna's words.

With complicated eyes, he took the bird-like stone from the drawer and vacated his room. Silver eyes flickered with solemnness as he walked. 

The gradient sky stretched and when the sky had brightened and the sun had risen in the middle of the sky, they had left.

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