A Gorgeous White

Chapter 144: Gazing and Ignoring


The silence that descended between the three was stifling. 

Although Ordan felt that the situation wasn't that troublesome he could sense the bloodthirstiness swirling around the warm air. it was confusing when a feeling of doing something atrocious crept inside him yet he could not determine what kind of wickedness had he done. 

Moulin suddenly raised his brows as the realization came to him. The Cillius Archnobility was one of the two Archnobilities in the left court. The leaders who administer the ten grand noble families in the Left Imperial court including the Fraunces Family. If word catches Lord Ordan's ears that the third son of the Fraunces family had a secret lover from one of the Archnobilities in the right court, Moulin and Hadrian would be facing ordeals before the two imperial courts. 

Fixing his expression, the youth was the first to break the silence. Silver pupils shifted to look at the auburn-haired man who was now standing a few meters away from him. "I apologize for my rude behavior Lord Ordan. I was only... surprised."


Ordan felt as if the atmosphere had alleviated as soon as Moulin had spoken. Nevertheless, he glanced at his lord, feeling as though he would be ripped to shreds by the next second. He gave a faint smile to Moulin and nodded to him, "There is no need to apologize. I was abrupt..."

Moulin gave a smile in response.

Moulin and Ordan behaved as if they were like dolls in a theater. Trying to perform perfectly before a distinguished guest that would have their heads if even a small misstep was made. Moulin furrowed his brows as he glanced at the sky to see if dark clouds were accumulating when he realized that he could not read anything from Hadrian's expressionless and cold countenance. To Moulin's relief, the sky remained bright and cloudy above their heads.

After a few minutes, Ordan flinched when Lord Hadrian gazed at him. For the first time, Ordan felt as if he was going to be judged by the devil. As if he was standing on nails, scorched by fire. Ordan could not risk being rude to his lord. He could only endure the spine-chilling glower of those golden eyes. Like looking a ferocious lion in the eye. 

When Ordan carefully thought about why he deserved such ferocity, a thought emerged in his mind. 'He must have thought that I was flirting with his subordinate'

Hadrian turned his gaze away and with a deep voice, he spoke "We rest here for the moment..."

Ordan sighed internally...

"Yes, Milord" Both Moulin and Ordan answered. Ordan stopped as he realized that he unconsciously addressed Hadrian as he would in secret. When he looked at the white-haired youth, the young man had turned his head away as if the response had not reached his ears.

Moulin silently glanced at Hadrian who had also turned to him. Their eyes met and Moulin's brows furrowed. Undoubtedly, it was just an accident. It couldn't be that the man could not recognize it... 

Moulin shook his head. Of course not, that would be childish...

After an hour of resting, the three of them finally noticed that the poison had completely suspended their mana. The flow of energy within their body had gone stagnant and even if they summon even a bit of element from their hands, nothing would materialize. Hadrian had informed them of their current location. The coastal cliff at the edge of Skilis country. Skilis country, where the densest forests in Corahn are located and where millions of creatures, from the weakest to the strongest reside. Moulin had read a little about this country. Particularly, because no one had ever survived near the core of the country. The majority of the country was unknown. It was said that numerous beast tribes were residing within the forests of Skilis. Ones who refused a change of time and loathe other races who weren't similar to them. 

The three of them decided to rest inside the woods and make shade for rain was almost common in the country especially at night. Their campsite was not far from the coastal cliff from where they arrived. They spent two days within the forests and they had to take turns of night watch at night. Although it was Moulin who always got sleepy and not the other two. Moulin was lucky enough to bring the void pouch given by his brothers, his rations and the untouched biscuits were there to fill their stomachs. 


Moulin tossed Snow and the wolf pup a roasted bird's leg. Although Moulin didn't know what species and class the strange bird that Hadrian caught were, it was tasty and Moulin had no complaints. He watched as the two little brats began to share the roasted leg.

Silver eyes turned to look around his surroundings. The campfire at the center of the circle of rocks blazed brightly. It crackled, filling the emptiness of sound in the area. The darkness of the night had engulfed the whole forest. Moulin was currently sitting on a mossy rock, feeling the hardness beneath his buttocks and observing the numerous overgrown plants that filled the area. Hadrian hasn't returned and it brought a slight uneasiness inside Moulin's chest. They haven't had a proper conversation since Ordan was always around, following Hadrian around like a lost dog. Hadrian on the other hand seems to not be bothered by it. Moulin lifted his gaze at the Lord Cillius who was feeding the fire some dry wood. 

"There is a special herb in this country known as Thyracaea. It's a flower-type herb. Blue petals and a black center. Its leaves are long and thin, almost sharp." Ordan suddenly opened as he half-kneeled on the fire. Moulin raised his brows as Ordan continued. "It's flower petals can remove even the deadliest of poison after one intake. Perhaps, it can help us recover our mana."

They could not rely on their weapons to survive the days here in the forests. A lot of monsters in Skilis, specifically the big ones, have skin as hard as the strongest ore in the world. Those kinds of monsters could not be found anywhere other than in the biomes of Skilis country.

Ordan lowered his gaze as he thought deeply. 

"Perhaps it would be able to help us..." A familiar voice spoke out before Moulin could.

Hadrian emerged from the shadows carrying an armful of dry wood. It was somewhat strange to see the distinguished figure of the lord with dirt stains around his powerful arms. His sleeves were folded right above his elbows and the buttons of his collar were opened revealing his strong neck.

Moulin released a breath as he watched the man dropped the wood beside the campfire. 

"We can't last in the forest with our weapons. Somehow there should be a way to remove the poison inside our bodies..." Moulin said as he wiped the moss off his pants. 

Hadrian narrowed his eyes at Moulin. Deep golden irises looked magnificent as the flames were reflected from his eyes. Although it looked captivating, it was slightly intimidating.

"You don't have to do anything... "

Moulin raised an eyebrow. Honestly, this man was becoming more and more like his brothers. While Moulin kept his eyes on Hadrian, he was unaware of the strange look Ordan was giving him.

'Anyone would have trembled before the Lord. Especially a person as fragile-looking as this young man...' Lord Ordan turned his gaze away from the two. Since the day they've arrived, this young man named Moulin seemed not as vulnerable as he looked. Ordan recalled him as one of the recruits from the Recruitment Trials in Azuran. He wasn't coquettish and overreacting unlike other aphrodite maeruthans, he looked like he belonged to the battlefield with his piercing gaze and his unyielding personality. A thorny red rose drizzled with snow.

Moulin subconsciously glanced to his side and his gaze coincidentally locked with crimson ones. Ordan raised his brows in surprise and politely nodded before yanking his gaze away. Moulin slightly narrowed his eyes before returning his gaze to Hadrian.

Ordan had seen those rare silver eyes. They were uncommon and mysterious. However, unlike Moulin Fraunces' eyes, they looked dull less vibrant. The eyes of Moulin seemed like an ethereal moonlight, shimmering as if drizzled with stars. A smile faintly appeared on his face. The Fraunces Grandnobility was under his watch. It would be strange to face Lord Fraunces if he had these kinds of thoughts in his mind. His eyes narrowed.

Moulin turned away in confusion. He shrugged and continued to eye Hadrian who was staring intently at Ordan. "...?"

'What was be looking at him for?'

With narrowed eyes, he deeply scrutinized the man until he would look at his way but unfortunately, Hadrian remained to stare at Ordan. 

Bitterness seemed to flash in Moulin's eyes. 

With a frown on his face, Moulin scoffed. 'Do I have to go there and turn his head for him?!'

"Ugh..." Moulin stood up abruptly. His actions immediately caught the attention of both men and even Snow. Shooting a glare at Hadrian, he calmly turned around and walked into the shadows. His departing back was completely etched in Hadrian's memory.


Moulin arrived at a small clearing just at the edge of the coastal cliff. The cold salty wind embraced him but he didn't shiver and tremble. Standing just a few steps before the edge, his eyes lowered to witness the terrifying height below the edge. Moulin felt as if his feet were going to be pulled by gravity and dragged towards the deadly bottom of the cliff. Moulin stepped back and exhaled. 

His eyes closed as he felt the gentle caress of the nightly wind on his face.


Moulin slowly opened his eyes. His brows furrowed as he continued to stare at the horizon. The vast ocean in front of him appeared intimidating.

"You're here..." There was a bit of amusement in Moulin's voice as he spoke. He recalled when Hadrian refused to look at him no matter how much he stared at him and felt childish. Ugh, seriously...

"Let's go back..." Hadrian spoke as he walked towards Moulin's side. 

The youth lowered his gaze. "Let's stay for a while..."

'Tonight, We are going to have this talk' Moulin thought as he slightly narrowed his eyes.

Hadrian didn't respond. His face was unreadable but his gaze on Moulin was soft. He stood beside him. The full moon brightly gazing upon them.

The silence between them was soothing.

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