A Gorgeous White

Chapter 147: The Snake Tribe


The rain had ceased and the calm wind returned.

At the same moment, the three people's clothes had finally dried. Slender hands scooped water from the river bank. Water sprinkled as the youth washed his face. A waterdrop fell from his lashes as they fluttered open. Moulin's knees steadied his body as he began to scoop more water with his hands and rinse his face. After the fifth time, he sighed as droplets dripped from his face. With furrowed brows, silver eyes lowered, staring at the reflection on the clear water. 


With a straight face, Moulin tapped the water with his fingertip. His reflection turned distorted as ripples spread outwards. A faint smile spreads from his face as he watched. 'Idiot'


Water splashed on his face as a particular fox suddenly jumped on the water before him. Moulin frowned, disregarding the wetness on his shirt as he glared at Snow. The little brat was happily yipping. Little paws drenched on the water glancing at the wolf pup who stepped back behind Moulin. As if sensing the ruthlessness emanating from Moulin's form.

Snow tilted his head in confusion. "Ao?"

"Tsk..." A wicked smile formed on the youth's lips as he stared at Snow who finally sensed his presence. The little fox lowered his head woefully.

"Little brat..." He said while he picked up Snow from the water. "You're a bad influence on him!" Moulin pointed at the wolf pup who turned away. "Stop playing all the time. If you ever misbehave again, I swear we will have you for dinner..." He threatened.

Snow only flashed his silver beady eyes, looking so adorable and vulnerable.

An eye twitched. "Ugh..."

Moulin reprimanded Snow for a few minutes. The little fox behind him was suddenly afraid of being scolded by Moulin so he behaved. An hour later, Moulin heard Hadrian call his name. Obediently, he walked towards the lord before giving Snow one warning glance. Snow flinched and sullenly led the wolf pup to a rock where they would sit until the day would end. 

They were once again leaving the area. It was dangerous to camo near the rivers here in the forest. It might be calm by the day, however, at night terrible creatures would awaken and begin their hunt. Moulin refilled their water supply and followed Hadrian as they left the riverbank. 

The forests on the opposite side of the river were surprisingly warm. However, Moulin knew it would be different when the night comes. After an hour, they had already walked a few miles within the forests. In their journey, Moulin observed his surroundings carefully. While he looked around, his silver eyes appeared as bright as the sun shining above the tree crowns. These forests looked quite vibrant and mystical than the forest on the other side of the river. He could notice several trees bearing plump fruits and colorful flowers sitting beneath the trees. Moulin was fascinated as he poked a blooming red flower which closed at his touch. He chuckled.

All the while, Moulin was unaware of Ordan's gaze on him. The lord that walked a few steps behind Hadrian had uncertain eyes as he stared at the curious youth. 'Moulin Fraunces...' then his gaze turned to the powerful man in front of him. '... and Hadrian Hercullio.'

He released a sigh as if a boulder had been thrown on his being and he was forced to take the weight of it. Witnessing the scene this morning and the scene last night when he was secretly watching the two of them by the cliff. Lord Hadrian had noticed him but not Moulin. He could feel a spine-chilling sensation when he recalled it.

He pinched the bridge of his nose as his forehead creased. These two... he couldn't believe it...

How were they even so calm about having a relationship behind their families' back? He could understand Lord Hadrian but for the third young master of the Fraunces Family. The one who was previously known to be so... conceited, the person who had gone missing only to return differently. The Fraunces Family was a strong force and their filial piety is quite formidable. Was this aphrodite truly aware of the situation?

Ordan turned his gaze away when Moulin finally sensed his gaze. With a questioning look, the youth turned away. Moulin silently watched as the fox and the wolf ran around his legs chasing each other.

Their journey extended for a couple of hours until they stopped to take a rest at an open area surrounded by trees. Moulin stretched his body before he sank on the earth. He shouted a couple of warnings at the two beasts before they scurried off to explore with wagging tails. As Hadrian and Ordan went off to hunt, Moulin started to prepare the fire and collect stones and firewood. He marked the place by plunging a branch on the earth. With a sword in his hand, he began to walk not far from the place.


Moulin narrows his eyes as he broke off a branch from a tree. He felt the light weight of the branch and decide to chop up a bit more branches like it. Unlike in the Northern Mountains, it was quite hard to find dry wood. He gave a faint smile as held the pile of wood in one arm and a sword with the other. When he felt like he had collected enough, he turned to return. 


Not far from where he was standing, he found a small forest clearing beyond the trees. Swinging his sword, he walked to take a quick look. He swung his sword to cut off some tall plants to clear a path for him. When he arrived, the sun bathed his form. His boots stepped on soft soil. There was no grass. 

Moulin frowned as he looked around the area. The clearing felt unusually odd. The soil looked normal at one glance but if one would look closer it appeared as if it was made of sand. 

Narrowing his eyes, he clenched his sword. As he was deciding to turn back, a small gleam from the ground caught his attention. Curious, he crouched and found some small white dust on the ground. He swiped a finger and smelled it.


It smelled like salt. However, even if Moulin thought it was helpful for them, he hastily turned around and rushed back to the camp. He found Hadrian and Ordan tossing a boar on the ground.

"You're back..." Hadrian spoke first as he walked towards the youth to carry the wood from his hands.

"I found something..." 

At Moulin's words, Hadrian paused. "What did you see?"

A few minutes later, Moulin led the lord towards the forest clearing while Ordan stayed to gut the boar. Their steps were heavy on the ground as they emerged from the trees.

Hadrian slightly kneeled on one knee as he felt the salt between his fingers. Golden eyes examined the sand-like soil before him. He didn't touch them. A minute passed before his eyes narrowed dreadfully and he rose from the ground. Moulin furrowed his brows as Hadrian turned his gaze to him.

"We need to leave..."

Moulin didn't have a chance to respond when Hadrian dragged him towards the campsite. Ordan's hands up to his forearms were covered with blood. When he noticed Hadrian and Moulin's arrival, a crease appeared on the forehead. From Moulin's and Hadrian's expression what they found must be grave. With a cloth, he wiped off the blood from his arms and stood up. The fire crackled as he walked towards the two.

"We are within the domain of Devil Worms. Our camp isn't far from the nest. We must relocate." He spoke straightforwardly.

Devil worms? 

Moulin felt a shudder. Those large worms with round mouths and daggerlike teeth? He knew something was unusual about that place. The worm eggs must be underground, beneath the sand. 

The three didn't hesitate to immediately pack up. 

"Where are those two?" Moulin muttered. Snow and the wolf pup hadn't return yet. Concern filled his expression as he waited. Worried silver eyes stared at the forest.

"A slight disruption on the ground will be felt by the eggs. If the nest is near, then their mother must not be far." Ordan explained as he smothered the fire with soil.


Within the silence of the area, the noise was quite loud.

Vigilance rose within them. Swords unsheathed. Gleaming with sharpness. Their eyes narrowed suspiciously. Gazes filled with sharpness and caution.

There was a rustle. And another rustle. 

Moulin felt like there was something surrounding them.

His heart thundered in his chest as he gripped his sword. No matter what it was, it would die under his blade.




Moulin flinched. 



Shadows emerged from between the trees. Pointed spears pointed around the three maeruthans. Bulging muscles, marked with black tattoos. Green slithering scaled tails. Gazes filled with barbarity and cruelty. Slit pupils.

They were numerous. Circling the three with sharp gazes. 

Nagas. Half-man, half-snake.

Moulin's eyes widened in shock. He knew they existed here in Corahn. He had read about them but he never dreamed of seeing one personally. 

The ground dented from their weight. Patterns painted around their arms like rings and even under their eyes. From the waist and below, scales decorated their navel. They stood with the weight of their Moulin felt his cautiousness left him for a mouth as he gaped at their magnificence. 

Those bulging muscles seemed like they could lift a hundred bulls. Gods...

Envy prodded his heart. 

The tribal nagas hissed at each other. While they threatened the three men with their spears. Their tails slithered almost terrifyingly. 

With a sharp spear in his hand, the biggest of them moved towards Hadrian. He wore a necklace of sharp teeth. His slit pupils stared at Hadrian. He hissed loudly as if talking. 

Moulin glanced at Hadrian who was silently listening. Wait... does he?

"Lord Hercullio..." Ordan narrowed his vigilant eyes. He waited for orders.

When the naga finished speaking, Hadrian ruthlessly narrowed his eyes. The cords of his neck bulged as fury seemed to run through his blood.

"What did they say?" Asked Moulin as he noticed the strange looks from the other nagas.

"He said..." A wicked smile crosses Hadrian's face. Golden eyes burned with cruelty. "That we have to surrender to be freed and that the female was to be left to serve them..."

"...?" Ordan stared.

"Surrender? Then-" Moulin stopped.


Suddenly, all eyes were on him. 




Silver eyes narrowed. Do these snake bastards think I'm a helpless woman? Serve them?

With the thirst of blood gleaming on his blade, he swung his sword. 

"Let's gut them..."




    Half-human and half-snake creatures. They have the torso of a man/woman and from the waist down, they have the body of a snake.Giant carnivorous worms. Red scale skin and they are as big as rhinos. Their mouth looks like that of lampreys. They excrete salts after they eat. Xp

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