A Gorgeous White

Chapter 155: Releasing The Hidden


The sword hit the ground with a sharp sound when the calloused hand holding it tight loosened. Hadrian walked towards Moulin. Gaining speed at every second. 

Moulin softened his eyes as he also moved his feet towards the approaching man. Familiar warm arms embraced his body and a hand was placed behind his head in support. Heated lips claimed his mouth in a deep passionate kiss. As if all emotions were melded inside the connection of their lips. Moulin's eyes closed, savoring the intimacy shared between him and Hadrian. His delicate fingers curled as he opened his mouth and let himself be lost in the depth of their connection. The hand on his hair and the other on his back pressed him forward into submission. 

Moulin's heart swelled as felt a comfort fill his chest.

When they parted Hadrian held his cheek and gazed into his eyes. His touch was gentle but Moulin could feel the restraint within them. 

"You woke up..." The Lord's voice was a bit hoarse as he spoke. 

"I'm sorry..." Moulin furrowed his brows. Worry and confusion filled his eyes as he stared at Hadrian. "I don't know why it happened. I didn't expect I would sleep so long."

"No, it wasn't your fault..." Hadrian gently caressed his cheek as he scrutinized Moulin's face. "None of it was your fault..." 

His actions were so gentle and careful as if he was afraid that the youth would suddenly shatter or fade away. As if he would disappear at any second. It brought out his fear. And the pain was unbearable to the point that Hadrian wanted to tear every single thing and lay waste to the land as if everything was at fault. There was a slight tremble felt at his fingertips as he traced the delicate skin under the youth's eyes with his thumb. Moulin's sudden unconsciousness had shaken him once again. He didn't know what was the reason behind it. Terror crept up his skin and whispered in his ear the fears he had bravely kept inside his heart.

Hadrian's jaw clenched.

"Don't be afraid..." Moulin whispered as he brought his hand to cup the man's cheek. He felt Hadrian's eyes deepened as he stared at him. "I'm here..."

"You're here..." 

He was here. In front of him. His dazzling silver eyes were bright and full of life. 

Hadrian bent his head and kissed Moulin. His eyes narrowed as Moulin closed his. He was here... breathing before him. His fragile chest with a healthy beating heart. Hadrian's thoughts were chaotic as if to convince himself.

Moulin was here within his sight...

As he slightly opened his eyes, there was a flash of madness within those swirling pools of majestic gold. An abiding presence of menace and covetousness. It lurked within the shadows of his heart. 

He could not just trust Moulin's words anymore. If it means to protect his beloved, he would control Moulin and hide him from the world. Only then... he would feel at ease and the lurking anxiety in his heart would abate.

With narrowed eyes, hiding the intent within, he slowly withdrew from the kiss. His magnetic eyes pulling the youth into a longing trance. Hadrian knew Moulin was feeling aggrieved about him. Certainly, he would do something to appease the restlessness in Hadrian's heart. The lord knew all this and a faint smile appeared on his face. 

From now on, he will chain Moulin to his side at all costs. No matter the chaos it would ensue in the noble circle, No matter what familial tears would be shed. He would pay it with blood if he will need to.

His fingers weaved into the beauteous wavy strands of pure white of Moulin's hair. Leaning in, he planted a kiss on the youth's clean forehead. Every hidden urge in his being, Hadrian finally releases all of it.

Feeling the kiss on his forehead, Moulin closed his eyes and felt it with his soul. However, there was a slight uncertainty when he thought he noticed something strange when he glanced at Hadrian's eyes. Shaking his head, he just dismissed his thoughts. No, he was probably imagining it.

Hadrian was worried and anxious because of him. Guilt washed over him and he furrowed his brows. He should comfort the man to ease his worries.

Suddenly, there was a cough.

It sounded awkward and embarrassed.

The two lovers pulled away and both their gazes turned to Seryu who immediately lowered his gaze when he was noticed. "S-Sorry, umm... " 

He trailed off, unable to completely say the words out of embarrassment.

"Speak..." Hadrian stared at him like a ferocious beast, intent to trigger fear in his prey before tearing them apart.

Seryu flinched at the tone and immediately found his voice again. "I-I just want to tell you that there would be a feast tonight in your honor!" He tried his best to smile as Hadrian glared at him. "T-That is all! Goodbye!"

He then hastily went away, pale and sweating. For a second he thought he was being stared at by the most dangerous beast in the world. Not even a demon would compare to it. He shuddered as he made his way back to the village.


Suddenly, a total of seven children blocked his way with outstretched arms. Seryu frown when he recognized the little brats. "You! I am older than you! Show some respect!"

'Hmph!' The older sister snubbed him and the other children stuck out their tongue.

'Hey. Where did you take the pretty man?' 

'Yeah. We want to decorate his hair with flowers!'

The youngest girl nodded childishly. "And braid his pretty hair too!'

Seryu's frown deepened. "No, you will only trouble him. Now go and tell help your mother set the feast for tonight!' He shooed them with his hands.

'But we don't want to...' They pouted.

The older sister pursed her lips, 'Can't we play with the pretty man instead?'

Feeling an annoying ache in his head, Seryu groaned. "I said no. That... that pretty man is... " He scrunched his forehead as he thought about an excuse. When a thought emerged, his eyes brightened.

"He's going to take a bath in the springs! Yes, he said that his skin felt dirty so he's going to take a bath!" Seryu said.


The children frowned at him.

"...?" The young naga tilted his head questionably. "Why the sudden silence?"

"You're a terrible liar. " The older sister smiled at him. Then she turned to the children and patted their heads. "Come one, let's go help mother. We'll play with the pretty man later." 

At her words, reluctance filled their expression but they followed their sister after sticking out their tongue Seryu who immediately shouted at them.

When they finally vanished from his sight, Seryu sighed. He hoped Moulin had already placated that beast of a man already so his father wouldn't worry about that man hunting all the beasts in the forest.


"You're sweaty..." Moulin grimaced as he poked at the hard pectorals of the man in front of him. Although the man smelled like sweat, he looked too sexy to resist. Moulin cursed himself briefly for feeling perverted.

"Hm," Hadrian responded. "I've been hunting prey in the forests."

Hunting? Or trying to eradicate every living being in the forest? 

Moulin gave him a look before he held the man's sweaty hand and walked towards the place where Hadrian dropped his sword. Moulin had heard before that the Leonile family would never stray from their weapons. It was their soul, their heart, and their power. Seeing Hadrian ditching his weapon like this, rose some confusion inside Moulin's head. 

The youth bent to pick up the sword. However, Hadrian suddenly grabbed his wrist, stopping him. Moulin looked at the man in confusion.

"It's dirty..." Hadrian said as he bent to pick up the sword himself. Dried beast blood had dirtied the sword's hilt and blade and Hadrian only frowned at it.

Dirty? He even dared to call it dirty? Moulin blinked at him. He was the Lord of the Archnoble family, Hercullio. Lord Hercullio, the Lion of the Hercullio family. 

Suddenly, he felt a hand grab him and pulled him to walk forward. Hadrian held Moulin's hand as they head to the forests. 

"Where are we going?" Asked Moulin as his gaze scrutinized the man's bare back. Watching those hard muscles flex and glisten under the bright sun. Moulin swallowed as he lowered his gaze. Unconsciously, fixing his eyes on man the man's behind.


Moulin yanked his gaze away with reddened ears. This time he didn't deny the perverted nature of his eyes.

"Bath..." Hadrian answered which quickly brought Moulin back to the present. "There is a spring near the village. It's not far from here..."


Moulin furrowed his brows. "And you're bringing me with you?"

"It's to make sure you would know where to find it as well."

"..." Moulin frowned.

If it is not far from here then why do I need you to guide me to its location? I'm not stupid enough to get myself lost after three steps inside the forest!

Although Moulin was rambling non-stop in his head, he let Hadrian lead him into the forest. When he recalled about the word 'bath', Moulin ceased all resistance and was even a bit enthusiastic. Completely unaware of the hidden intentions of the man luring him to the forest.

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