A Gorgeous White

Chapter 158: Devoid of Color

Moulin watched as the powerful man in front of him buttons his clothes.

Those rough fingers that had been tainted by blood and had cruelly held the man's weapon with utmost skill were gentle as it carefully slips each button into the buttonholes of Moulin's clothes. Their hair was mostly dry after an hour of bathing. There was reluctance in Moulin's eyes as he removed himself from the cool waters of the spring. A slight pout appeared on his mouth and Hadrian chuckled amusingly as he moved to dress the youth by himself. When he was slipping the sleeves on Moulin's arms, his eyes briefly narrowed at reddish marks on Moulin's left arm. The cause of his beloved's pain. Moulin had noticed the look and he strives to comfort Hadrian with a reassuring smile.

Recalling it, Moulin furrows his brows and dismissed his thoughts. His eyes carefully tracing every angle and curve on the man's perfect face.

Although Hadrian noticed the scrutinizing gaze of his beloved, he remained to act like he was unaware of it. Feeling Moulin's whole attention on him, he felt a great amount of satisfaction. A smirk then appeared on his lips.

Raising an eyebrow, a corner of Moulin's lips quirked up. How charming was his lover. Moulin chuckled as he pulled Hadrian's neck and kissed the man's lips. The warm breeze swirled around their intimate forms as if congratulating them.

They returned to the tribe not long after. Both of them were welcomed by the warm smiles of the nagas who came to collect Hadrian's kill. They slightly feared the golden-haired man and their eyes widened with admiration and fascination to the silver-eyed young man who was walking beside him. However, despite Hadrian's slightly cold expression, the nagas warmly welcomed and conversed with the powerful man. Moulin almost laughed out loud at how formal Hadrian's responses were to the friendly tribesmen. 

Afterwards, Hand in hand, Hadrian and Moulin were walking towards the healer's house to visit Guild Lord Ordan. They received the curious eyes of the half-human creatures as they passed by. Both of them felt unbothered by it and chose to ignore it. Moulin was curious about Ordan's well-being. The man was injured when he had last seen him. However, Satriya, the elder healer of the tribe told him that Ordan was recovering well. Perhaps there was no reason to worry so much about him.

Their steps were unhurried as if they were just taking a night stroll in the garden. Refreshed and satisfied, Moulin breathes the warm air comfortably with a smile. Hadrian glanced at him smiles faintly, squeezing the hand interlocking with his. The youth squeezed back with equal affection. This day was surprisingly bright for him.

Suddenly, he felt a piercing gaze as he walked. Although wanted to just ignore it, he felt as if there was meaning into that gaze. Turning his head, his eyes caught the lone figure of an old female naga sitting on a rock under a withered tree. She looked kind with that gentle smile on her face as she faces Moulin. There were multiple braids decorated her arms with beads holding them in place. But what really caught Moulin's attention was the witness of the naga's pupils. It was as if they were devoid of color and life. 

Is she blind? Moulin furrows his eyebrows.

When the naga's figure disappeared from Moulin's view, hiding behind a wooden hut as the youth walked away.



Moulin's heart swelled when he heard the familiar sound he had missed so much. They finally entered the healer's hut, however, the healer himself wasn't present at the moment. Moulin saw Ordan calmly examining a wooden cup and the complexed patterns carved on the surface of the cup. The lord was sitting on a woven fabric on the ground with large soft cushions that supported the heavy weight of his back.

Ignoring the person he was visiting, Moulin turned around to witness a clean Snow and the little wolf pup entering the long curtains of the hut. Delight filled their expressions and their tails wagged happily once they saw the youth that they have waited two days to wake up.

Hadrian who was standing behind Moulin eyed the little brats who immediately took all of the youth's attention. He felt spite in his heart but chose to conceal it as he witnessed Moulin's cheerful smile and the happiness layering the youth's dazzling eyes. 


Moulin crouched and welcomed Snow in his arm. The little snow-white fox licked his master's chin happily. He wanted to report all of the sufferings he had experienced under a certain terrible man's rule when Moulin was still unconscious. He whined pitifully and snuggled in Moulin's arms for comfort. Eyes filled with mirth, Moulin smiled as he stroked the little beast's fur gently.

His eyes lifted and he saw the little wolf pup, staring at him expectantly. Helplessly finding the adorable little pup, Moulin smiled. "Come here, little wolf..."

Tilting its head, the wolf pup stared at Moulin with round eyes. 


Does he not understand me? Moulin furrows his brows. Strange... The little pup would always approach him when he calls him. Is something wrong?


The little black wolf immediately lifted his gaze, staring at the tall man behind Moulin with eager eyes. 

Hadrian narrowed his eyes at the little wolf who wouldn't listen to his lover. "Go to him..."

At the order, little paws moved hastily, and the little baby wolf merrily jumped into Moulin's embrace. With a cute bark, he snuggled with his friend, Snow. Moulin who was caught off-guard at the sudden attack, almost fell back, his aching butt hitting the ground. "!!!"



The little brats sat on Moulin's chest, happily overpowering Moulin with bright merry eyes. With a groan, Moulin restrained a curse that threatened to escape from his mouth. His eyes stared at the ceiling. 'If they weren't so cute, I would have choked them...'

Golden eyes met his view from above. Hadrian amusingly smiles as he looks down at Moulin. The latter frowns at him. "You named him..."

In his heart, there was endless affection and joy despite his monotonous voice.

"I did... I recalled you told me to..." Hadrian responded.

"You didn't tell me..."

"I rather not talk about pets at the first moment I saw you after two days..." 

Moulin squinted his eyes at him before he rose from the floor and sat with the little beasts in his arms. Silver eyes fixed at the beady pale golden eyes of the little wolf pup. 


Moulin smiled. His eyes warm and gentle as he stroked the little pup's furry head. The name was cute... Like a certain man who has always made his heart pound. "Little Hadrian..." Moulin chuckled.

Ordan who was treated like an invisible entity was left internally groaning at the pair of lovers. He sighs as he rubbed the crease between his forehead. If they were here to visit him, they should at least look at him occasionally. Honestly, every time he was with these two people he felt like he was made of air. Completely invisible and ignored. Helpless about the situation, he disregards the two and turns to continue fixing his attention elsewhere.


The night soon came and the cold darkness filled the forest with intense ominous energy. However, mirth surrounded the area within the territory of the tribe of nagas. The brilliant light of the pole torches which illuminated the center of the village filled the atmosphere with warmth. 

While Moulin and Hadrian were escorted by Seryu's father to the center of the tribe where a variety of food was elegantly placed on a large ring-like stone table. Both of them along with Ordan who just arrived were brought to the center of the festivity where they would sit with the chief and enjoy the delicious food brought by Hadrian's hunts.

Lord Hadrian's killings had turned into a delightful feast. Numerous had thrown him compliments of his achievements that none of the strongest tribesmen had ever accomplished. Female nagas swooned at his strength and his looks. Moulin only memorized their faces with hidden intentions.


The youth turned his head to the person who called out his name. It was Seryu, enthusiastically slithering his way towards Moulin. Behind him were seven children which Moulin recognized as the children who had followed him when he reached Seryu's house with Satriya.

"Good evening, Seryu..." Moulin smiled and he smiled as well to the little children who were bashfully hiding behind the young naga.

Seryu happily greeted him with a flush and moved aside to introduce the young nagas behind him. "Here are my cousins. They came to greet you as well. They are a little shy so-"

"Hello! I'm Srio!" The little boy behind Seryu abruptly presented himself with excitement. "I have a gift for you!"

Moulin blinked. Surprise etched his expression as he stared at the little kid.

"No fair! We had a deal! I was going to be the first to talk to him!" Another child spoke.

"What about me?"

"Can I talk to him too?"

"Seryu! Srio's being mean!"

"I wanna give him mine first!"

Moulin furrowed his grows as he witnessed the children fighting before him. The younger ones were on the verge of tears. Almost immediately, Seryu scolded them to be good in front of Moulin. 

"I'm sorry. They're just so eager to talk to you." Seryu sighs.

"It's okay." Moulin smiled at Seryu. He turned to the children and gave them a bright smile. "If you're all good, I will accept your gifts so you must listen to Seryu first alright?"

The children nodded. Eyes bright and eager. 

Moulin chuckled at their cuteness. He began to talk to them with a smile, carefully trying to be gentle with them. 

While he talked with the children, he noticed something at a far distance. A lone figure wearily sitting on a rock. White eyes devoid of color. Mysterious and silent.

It was the old female naga. She was staring at him, a smile had left her face.

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