A Gorgeous White

Chapter 162: Open Your Eyes And Stop Fearing

There was a slight sting. He could feel it on his cheek. 

A bead of blood dripped down the delicate paleness of his cheek. It was slow. Unhurried. Opposite with the rapid pounding of his beating heart.

The heavy rain fell upon him. Fat drops of rain crashed on his shoulders as if adding to the pressure that threatened to break his calm. The oppressive aura that enveloped them was heavy. It was wrong enough to take down even the toughest of warriors.

Silver eyes were wide open. Disbelief filled his expression. He was staring at the man before him, drenched under the rain. His surroundings were destroyed and his hand, bleeding. As if it was part of the rain, crimson liquid dripped In the small puddles of the ground. 

The tree behind Moulin was wrecked by the impact. Pierced through by the ruthless blade of the mighty sword. It was merciless, filled with anger. But Moulin knew well how such a perilous move would have killed him no matter how much he evaded the blade. There was restraint. It was unnoticeable to others but to him, it was as obvious as the shining moon in the black sky.

"Moulin!" The call roared behind him. Ordan moved to shield him despite the heavy pressure on him but the youth raised a hand. Ordan couldn't understand the situation the way Moulin does. 

Seeing the youth's decline, Ordan looked at him in disbelief. 'Does he have a death wish?'

"I'm sorry..." 

A sorrowful voice both made them pause. 

"I'm sorry... forgive me..." 

Holding his head with both hands, the esteemed Lord of the mighty Hercullean Archnobility bent his neck. Shoulders trembling uncontrollably as droplets fell from the tips of his golden hair. A broken voice. Broken words. Blood stained his fists on his hair as he bent to conceal his face. 

He looked broken.

Not only Moulin even Ordan was speechless. No one had ever witnessed that the Hercullian Lord, ought to be ruthless, formidable, and unforgiving would be in such sorrowful state. 

The rain didn't stop. It poured even harder. Not because of anger but because of pain and regret. 

Hadrian didn't give in to the painful memories anymore, instead self-loathing washed over him like a humongous wave. Crashing inside him, abruptly making him realize what he had done. 

He had laid his sword to his beloved before he had even realized it.

The fear came. It is haunting him. Like a nightmare that came to life.

"Hadrian..." Moulin called out. He took a step forward-

"NO!" Hadrian roared. He was still influenced by the surge of his power. His body was not currently his own. If Moulin comes near and would be hurt by his blood-stained hand... he would not forgive himself.


Hadrian closed his eyes shut as he gritted his teeth when another wave of pain entered his head. "Don't come near..."


"Please..." The words barely escape from Hadrian's mouth.

"I'm here..." Moulin's eyes softened. A pitiful smile on his face. It was excruciating to watch his lover bear with all the pain alone. "Look at me..."


A few seconds passed. Golden pupils slowly peeked between the parting eyelids. Lifting his gaze, unable to bear the air without the youth's voice, Hadrian gazes at Moulin. 

A faint smile adorned the young man's face. He was wet from head to toe. The mud stained his feet up to his knees. There were scratches that tore his sleeves when he had run through the forest. Although he appeared dirtied, a glanced at the calming smile on his lips was enough to soothe the rage in the lord's heart. Those dazzling silver eyes never failed to enthrall him. Hadrian's chest clenched and absorbed the look and printed it in his mind forever.

His light. His hope. His beloved. 

The only person in the world he would offer his heart to. The only person who would make him feel pained and bring him happiness.

The rain lightened. Ordan felt it as he witnessed the events before him. The gradual easing of the lord's expression, the unhurried brightening of the sky. It all unfolded before his eyes. And the aura that aimed to drown him began to dissipate.

Truthfully, he had never witnessed the lord in such a pitiful state. He heard of his mana surges but no one had ever witnessed it. Hadrian had told him that no person could escape his wrath when he lays his eyes on them during his manic state. No one would be spared...

However, it might not be true after all...

The only person who was brave enough to confront the lord in this state and the only one who could save the lord from madness was none other than the lord's beloved, Moulin Fraunces. Before he could not understand how much Lord Hercullio treasures this young aphrodite but now he knows that this young man should be separated from the lord.

He would help them even if it means opposing the Fraunces Grand Nobility.

Moulin began to approach Hadrian. The man didn't refute. Golden eyes gleamed as he welcomed Moulin's approach. He found it easier to breathe. Easier to think. The pain seemed to vanish when his fingers touched the youth's thin hands. He leaned to the touch of Moulin's delicate palm on his cheek and his eyes closes, savoring the sensation, filling his heart with warmth. 

At this moment, he thought that he would go mad if the youth would fade away from his sight. 

He wanted him. He wanted his touch, his heart, and his soul. He needs him.

A faint smile graced Moulin's lips as he caressed Hadrian's cheek. The skies have brightened.

Ignoring the loud beating of his heart, he leaned in and kissed Hadrian on the lips. It was gentle, like the comfort of a fire in the cold wintery night. 

When he slowly pulled away, he smiles as he looked into Hadrian's eyes. "Stop fearing and just look at me..."

Hadrian's eyes furrowed. However, gone was the madness and rage in those golden pupils. They only hold the youth within them. Lifting his cleaner hand, Hadrian traced the wound on Moulin's cheek. Despair was evident in his expression, "You're hurt..."

"It's just a scratch..." Moulin comforted and there was a faint chuckle in his words as he continued. "You had a terrible throw..."

"I'm sorry..." Hadrian muttered.

Moulin chuckled. He pulled the man into a kiss, disregarding the uncomfortable dampness of their clothes. 

Ordan could feel the heat of the day as he watched the pair of lovers from the distance. Droplets fell from the fluttering leaves of the trees. The cool breeze danced around him. 

He sighs. He was relieved and anxious at the same time. 

How was he going to explain all this to the tribe?


Returning to the village, Ordan first placated the chief and elders of the tribe. He painstakingly told them about a terrifying 'beast' that had entered the area and they had to go and annihilate it. The nagas' eyes brightened with gratitude. Their heart swelled with appreciation and they proposed to hold another feast for their honor. Ordan immediately declined and added that it was better to rest and repair any damages caused by the storm. Thinking of the problems caused by the sudden storm that vanished abruptly, they agreed to Ordan's suggestion without complaints.



Moulin turned his gaze while he took some medicinal herbs that were given to them by the tribe healer. "After a while, Snow, Keir..."

The little wolf and the white fox began to play by themselves seeing that Moulin was too busy tending Hadrian. Currently, they had returned to Hadrian's resting place and were approached by the naga healer. The doctor, under the chief's orders, gave them medicine to treat their wounds before leaving when Moulin says that they would tend to themselves.

Silver eyes glanced up at Hadrian who was intently staring at him with gentle eyes. A chuckle almost escaped from Moulin's mouth but he remained calm and took the man's injured hand. His actions were careful as he washed the wounds with clean water and applied the crushed herbs. 

"You have been staring at me ever since we arrived. Are you not tired?"

"I will never tire from watching you..." Hadrian replied almost instantly...

A corner of Moulin's lips quirked up as his hands began to work in wrapping the man's hands in a clean cloth, "Although I appreciate how sweet your words are right now, I believe you have to thank Ordan for covering the situation for you."

"Mn..." Hadrian nodded once. 

After a few seconds, he spoke again..."Does it hurt?..."

His eyes stared at the little slice on Moulin's rosy cheek.

Moulin stopped briefly as he took in Hadrian's words. He sighs and answers for the tenth time, "No, it doesn't hurt. The pain is gone."

"Are you not angry at me?" Hadrian pressed with furrowed brows.

"Why would I- No... I'm not angry... I know it wasn't your intention to. You were stimulated by your mana..." Finishing up, he lifted his gaze and exhaled. Moulin knitted his eyebrows in worry. "Stop blaming yourself... You didn't want to hurt me..."

"I never wanted to hurt you..." The lord reached out his other hand and carefully caressed the skin beneath Moulin's wound. His eyes were filled with regret. "Stimulated or not... I caused this wound... I will not forget it..."


Moulin softens his eyes. With a smile, he spoke "This wound will disappear no matter how your try to remember it. When that time comes... you will let it go... Promise me that." He turned his head and kissed the man's palm. Afterwards, he pulled away and stood up to tidy the place. Snow and Keir ran around his feet playfully trying to catch Moulin's attention.

Hadrian only stares at the hand Moulin had kissed. He clenches it into a fist, thoughts unknown.

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