A Gorgeous White

Chapter 165: Long Time No See!

There were thunders in his chest where his heart was hidden. A force binding his bones making him motionless. The breaths came out in whispers from his mouth. He was strangling himself as he stared at the creature who, in his eyes was standing with a dark threatening gaze. 

How did he find me? Why was he here? Is he alone? 

A trillion thoughts came to shake Moulin but he was only standing in his place. The wind swirling in a dance around him and the sunlight breaking through the clouds, peeking at the scene. Although there was light, he felt like the atmosphere was as cold as the frigid winters in the northern mountain, however, he could not feel even an ounce of ease.

The horned man appeared to be the size of his palm from afar, but Moulin felt oppressed as though the creature towered over him and choked him. Moulin was currently powerless. He had left his sword at his place. Any part of the situation wouldn't be used to his advantage. However... the little children who just left, Seryu's expectant gaze, and the warm smiles of the tribespeople... Moulin couldn't just do nothing... he must protect them even if he was in this helpless state.

Determination instantly filled his eyes. Glowering and ruthless like a brandished sword, silver eyes narrowed. 

No matter what happens he must not let this man hurt any of the people of the tribe...

He felt like he couldn't bear it if anything happens...

"Grrr!" Keir who was sitting beside Moulin bared his teeth at the humanoid creature. His form looked especially similar to how Snow would be when the fox was ready to pounce.

Suddenly, the horned man lifted his chin and that move alone made Moulin tense. The ominous feeling never left him as long as those blood-red eyes kept their gaze on Moulin.

The man silently exhaled. "You hide very well, little one..."

"..." Moulin clenched his jaw. He didn't respond.

The man seemed to expect this reaction from the youth. With a calm expression, he continued. "You are alone and powerless... You are vulnerable. If you do not want any of those innocent creatures to be hurt then you must come willingly..."

"Who are you? What do you want from me?" Moulin finally asked. His eyes grew darker as he spoke. "Why are you looking for me?"


The veins on the horned creature's neck throbbed. There was solemnity in his actions as he tried to ease his body. "I am Alha... " His voice was soft and gentle despite his fierce features. It was as if he had been used to being gentle for a long time. However, Moulin knew this man was inhumane the moment he witnessed the red dagger pierced into the chest of Phuna's father. The thought of it sparked the urge to rip the man into pieces.

"Your eyes are bright and pure." Alha's gruff voice once again raised Moulin's guard. "You are the last material my master needs, child..."

"Material?" Moulin furrows his brows. What did he mean? Gritting his teeth, Moulin spoke. "Why should I trust your words?" 

"Because if you don't, the only thing left of this peaceful place will be grass drenched in blood." Red eyes glowed with threat. 

"...!" Moulin unconsciously steps back but he refuses to yield by the man's words.

"Foolish... so foolish..." Alha shakes his head. "Youth, always so rash yet filled with brilliance. This sinful world must be cleansed. Everything will cease and be reborn... Your blood... your soul... will save this world from their sins..." His voice rang in the wind, reaching Moulin's ears. Alha opens his palm to the youth at the opposite side of the river separating them. "... You will save us."

Wide-eyed, Moulin stares at Alha. His face was drained from blood as he shakes his head. The man was talking as if he was speaking about a... sacrifice...

Anger boiled inside Alha's eyes at Moulin's decline. His fists clenched, strong enough for his nails to draw blood. His breath stuttered. "You... do not even belong to this world! And yet you live as if that body is yours!! You are nothing but a thief that escapes his imprisonment."

"You..." Moulin took another step back when the creature's voice entered his ears. Hus heart thundered. How did he know?

"Hah!" Alha grinned at Moulin's aghast expression. Amusement settled in his mind.  "You must be wondering how I know your little secret. Little one, this life you are living is a gift from my master. You should be mindlessly showering him with gratitude. Not foolishly living as though you have been blessed by the heavens, you worthless rat!"

The information was too much to bear and Moulin could only remain unconvinced and shocked. "Impossible... No one can have such an ability to do so!"

"Still stubborn? If you wish, I might as well not be gentle with you at all. I gave you a chance but it seems that you are too stupid to realize your own circumstances." Alha snapped. He internally muttered an apology to his master for deciding to bring him the mangled body of the young man. He was alone, yes, but with his strength exterminating the annoying tribe would be as easy as swatting a fly. He didn't care anymore. The faster he finishes things the quicker he would return to his master's embrace.

A dark red cloud materialized from his large hands and Alha's figure was instantly enveloped by the shifting cloud. He disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Alarm suddenly shook Moulin's pupils. Dread filled his expression and he immediately took Keir and he hastily runs from the place. At the same second, Alha appeared a meter in front of the youth. 


Seeing those large looming hands ready to grab him. Moulin crouched and slid under the man's arms, cleverly escaping the capture. His heels pushed himself off the ground and he began to head to the forest. His small figure flashed through the towering trees. He huffed and Keir whimpered in his arms.

He needed to lead the man away from the tribe. He needed to lure him into the forest. The rest... he wasn't exactly sure how he would be able to successfully get rid of this damn creature.

"It's useless..." 

A glare of the blade's sharp edge flashed in front of Moulin's eyes. Moulin held his breath and quickly swiveled his body to evade the large sword. However, he could not entirely avoid it successfully. The blade grazed the side of his waist and blood splattered on the dry forest ground. 

"Agh!" Moulin hissed at the pain and took a couple of steps backwards. His eyes glaring at the horned man in front of him. 

Alha lifted his sword to hus face and stared at the blood staining the edge. It dripped on the ground. 

He shakes his head, slightly irritated at the youth's stubbornness. "If you were a bit smarter, I would be gentle with you..."

"Fuck off..." Moulin spat as he held Keir tighter.

"Tsk... " Alha frowned. "You needn't be hurt but I believe a lesson must be taught"


Moulin hissed between his teeth when the searing pain on his arm suddenly erupted. His lips parted in a desperate groan as his face became distorted by the pain. The excruciating pain in his arm was unimaginable. However, he clenched his teeth and glowered at Alha menacingly. Did he think this little thing would make him yield?

Moulin narrowed his eyes. Although he appeared strong as he endured the pain, he felt helpless in his heart. Why was this happening to me? Was his rebirth a mistake?

"Painful, isn't it?" The bulging scars on the man's face scrunched together when Alha narrowed his eyes at the suffering look on the youth's face. "No matter where you are. As long as you have this mark, you cannot escape me. This pain you feel is the curse I put upon you. You see... My master is currently so weak because of you... I cannot have you hiding anywhere from us."

"Why do you do this?" Moulim squeaked out as he slowly walked backwards. 

Alha wore an impassive expression as he stared at the youth. "What use is it if I should tell you?" His eyes narrowed dangerously. 

"If you will take me, might as well tell me..." Moulin smirked as if it was something laughable.

Alha raised an eyebrow. The forehead wrinkled as he did. "How sly of you... but don't think I am stupid enough to fall for your trick."

The small bulge on Moulin's throat bobbed as silver eyes shook. What should he do? What can he do to save himself?


Moulin rapidly leaped as his blade slashed towards him. He stepped on the massive sword that collided with the ground and rushed to sharply kick the horned man's face. However, Alha predicted that move, and his hand was raised to catch the youth's ankle before it could make contact with his neck. Moulin cursed and slightly moved to miss the man's hand. He stepped on Alha's shoulder and jumped on the ground behind the man. 

When Moulin started to run again, Alha only stares at the fleeing youth and sighed. How irritating...

He raises his hand and the dark red cloud shot out from his palm. It launched itself towards Moulin at the speed of lightning. It condensed, turning into a sharp spear. Moulin sensed its approaches and dread sank in his gut.

He shut his eyes and wrapped his arms tight around Keir.


The youth's body fell to the ground, his arms and shoulders were scratched from the rocks as he slid against the earth.

Huff! Huff! Huff!

Moulin opens his eyes and breathes rapidly. 

"Hey! You alright?!"

Moulin's eyes widened. 

This voice!

He turned his head and catches sight of straight platinum hair tied in a high ponytail. That gorgeous dark skin and pale blue eyes... Moulin gaped.

Ghana's worried gaze fixes at her friend. She sighs when Moulin only stares at her blankly.

A grin appeared on her face, "I thought Jagra was the one having a bad time, I didn't think it would be you..."

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