A Gorgeous White

Chapter 176: Looking Forward For An Interesting Night

The cushions were soft against his weight. A dreadful silence haunts the room, making anyone within fear for what was to come. The afternoon light softly brightens the room like the pleasant glow of a lantern. There was no need for illuminating the area with the lights that hang from the ceiling. The brilliance of the windows was tranquil and slightly comforting. 

Fortunately for Moulin, that is.

While his clean braided hair fell down his back, his head faced the tall windows. Thoughts swirling in his mind, fingers clasped, his captivating silver eyes quietly stares at the windowpanes exposed by the drawn crimson curtains. 



The youth's brows drew together. 


Snow hopped on the couch in position at the opposite side of where his master was silently sitting. Seeing that Moulin wasn't paying attention to him, he released a pouty whimper and turned his interest towards his little friend, Keir. Barking happily, he urged Keir to chase him with playful eyes.

Wagging his tail, Keir barked gladly and jumped on the couch to begin chasing the snow-white fox.

Moulin sighs. He didn't have the strength to scold Snow and Keir anymore; his scolding two minutes ago had already drained him. Whatever he'll just let them play for a few minutes.

Blinking slowly, he pondered when the man sitting on his desk behind him, skimming reports, would finally finish his work and talk to him.

With narrowed eyes, Moulin pursed his lips and glanced at Hadrian, who was silently reading the documents on his desk. The man looked handsome when he was working. Although he looked even colder than how Moulin's father would look when working, there was a faint calmness in the man's eyes as he took his fountain pen and to sign an unknown document while glancing at the reports his people had sent to him for the last month. 

He was too silent. Moulin frowned. 

Is he sulking?

"Tsk..." Moulin yanked his gaze away and continued to stare at the windows. He looked as if the pristine windows were more attractive than the extraordinary man silently doing his work. 

After a few minutes, rough fingertips suddenly tapped on the golden linings at either side of Moulin's shoulders. Moulin remained to look undisturbed, but there was a slight suspicion layering his eyes. Moulin ignored the man now standing behind the couch he was sitting on and slightly lowered his gaze.

"Do you have nothing to say to me?" Hadrian bent his head and whispered beside the youth's delicate ear. He felt Moulin shudder and the corner of the lord's lips rose.

Ignoring the shivers climbing up his spine, Moulin slightly turns his head to the side and replies. "What do you want to hear? When I arrived in your office, you only gave me the order to sit and wait. I have been sitting and waiting for half an hour, and you didn't even bother to say a single word." Moulin scoffs. "I should just freeze you to death..."

A low chuckle noises right above his head. The sound of it brought a grown to Moulin's face. Oh, you think that's funny? Hah! Was this man itching to see his severed frozen nutsack in front of him?!

"I was busy... I did tell you to entertain yourself..." Hadrian began to walk around the couch until he faced Moulin's dissatisfied expression. 

"Your office does not interest me at all..." 

"Even if I am here?"


"... How arrogant of you, Lord Hercullio." How amusing. Moulin exhaled as he looks away. "Just talk to me. I know there's something in your mind. I noticed that you have been awfully quiet recently. Tell me how you will solve this secret problem you have been keeping to yourself. At least, confide me in it."

"..." Hadrian slightly tilts his head. The smile remained on his face, and he briefly eyes the two little brats to scream before crossing his arms.

Snow instantly led Keir away to the other room while pitifully giving glances at Moulin. He huffed when he passed Hadriana and left the room with Keir.

Moulin solemnly analyzes Hadrian's amused expression. "Tell me..."

Golden eyes bore into Moulin's silver ones. Hadrian speaks calmly.

"I want to murder princess Eilhara of Thundralln..."


Moulin glares at the amused-looking man. Releasing a breath, he snapped. "If this is about her bold declaration before we left the palace, I suggest you stop believing in those words. The princess is young and inexperienced. Understand that."

"Truly, I do not believe her words. And I think you only see her as an annoying individual. However..." Hadrian's smile slightly fell. "Her words make me feel unsettled and uneasy... Isn't it natural for me to feel unhappy if someone else confesses to my beloved in front of me?"

He talks as if he was teasing, but Moulin could sense the darkness within those golden eyes.

"...  So you want me to comfort you?" Moulin raises an eyebrow. He was already expecting the events after this conversation. The curves of his ears redden faintly.

"I am feeling quite miserable." Hadrian furrows his eyebrows. He feigns an aggrieved expression.

Moulin frowns. "You know I don't have the time."

"So quickly decide before I take matters into my own hands," Hadrian smirks, indicating how he would snap the neck of that little princess that threatens him.

Moulin felt a shudder climb up his spine. He sighs after a few seconds of silence. 

"I'll let you sleep in my bed for one night..."

"A week..."

Moulin narrows his eyes at the man who was gradually approaching him with unhurried steps. "Two nights."

"Five..." Hadrian towered before Moulin. His magnetic pools of gold almost made Moulin hypnotized.

"T-Three... " Moulin argues with a soft voice. "And perhaps you can decide what should be done..." His voice gradually turns into a whisper. 

Hadrian stares at the enticing young maeruthan below him. The urge to forcibly plunged inside that heated sheath between the youth's legs clouded his mind. His throat suddenly felt dry. 

Lifting his chin, he feigned an expression of deep thought and then responded to Moulin's offer. "Deal. How intriguing..."

Ugh! You fucking pervert! Moulin swallowed the dangerous thoughts deep in his mind and rolled his eyes as he turns his gaze away from Hadrian. He felt as if he was being stripped naked under that deep gaze.

Smiling victoriously, Hadrian felt his chest lighten. His pleasant mood recovered, and he went off to serve his beloved some tea and food. Perhaps Moulin can chuck away negative feelings at the sight of delicacies. Hadrian felt slightly unpleasant at the thought of it.

Snow and Keir returned to the room as soon as Hadrian left. They cuddled on Moulin's lap, seeking comfort from the youth. Helpless against their adorable advances, Moulin could only yield and entertain the two little pups on his lap. When Hadrian returned, his smile fell, and he narrows his eyes as he makes his way towards his lover. 

True to Hadrian's guess, Moulin was immediately optimistic at the sight of the delicacies presented before him. He ignored Hadrian and filled his belly while feeding the little pups by his side. Snow and Keir never felt so happy. 

A certain man only sighs as he watches the scene.

Half an hour later, Moulin sips the tea in his cup elegantly with a smile. Oh, how he missed these treasures! His pleased expression looked exceptionally vibrant, and it was only for Hadrian to see.

"The Crown prince of Thundralln gave me something before we left." Hadrian suddenly opened as he calmly sits in front of Moulin.

"What is it?"

Hadrian fished something from his pocket and carefully placed it on the table before him. "This."

Two vials; one with bright green liquid and one is containing purplish fluid. 

Placing down his teacup, he leans forward curiously. His delicate finger pointed at the green fluid, and he softly muttered, "Is this..."

Hadrian nodded. "The cure of the poison you requested from the Prince. He delivered it to me the day we were leaving."

Silver eyes brightened with hope. Utter happiness rolled in waves inside his chest. With this cure, his mother would recover. She wouldn't be sick anymore. She's going to wake up, and he will be there right beside her to see it happen. Moulin could not suppress the happiness in his eyes as he sighs in relief.

Hadrian faintly smiles at Moulin's reaction. Deep inside, he knew why Moulin had requested this from the prince. His beloved's eyes that were full of misery on the day he first heard of his mother's unconsciousness, made Hadrian unsettled. Moulin lived with his family so much that there were times Hadrian was afraid Moulin would give him up for his family. The thought sparked a hidden intention in his heart.

"And the other one?" Moulin asked when he glanced at the vial with purplish liquid. 


A smile graced Hadrian's face. It was an expression Moulin was quite familiar with. "It's a secret..."

"..." Moulin blinked. 


Did Hadrian think he was stupid?

Silver eyes narrowed in distaste. The man's expression was hinting Moulin about something perverse and obscene. The vial had a strange, captivating smell, and it looked viscous within the glass container. 


Moulin felt an ache enter his head.

Suppressing the desire to smack the man's head, he moved to pick up his cup and downed the tea within as if it would wash away his thoughts.

A grinned was plastered on the lord's face as he immersed himself in Moulin's amusing reactions.  What was there to be angry about? Hadrian had intentionally hinted at Moulin about what it was. The youth was too perceptive sometimes...

"We will be returning to my house tonight," Moulin declared, abruptly changing the topic with urgency. Then a thought appeared in his mind, and he glared at the entertained man before him. 

"Don't do anything out of sorts! My brothers are sharp and stubborn, and they will get rid of anything that displeases them! And do not let anyone see you, avoid people at all costs! Never let them see even a strand of your hair. I can distract my family while you go and enter my room. It's in the right hallway past my private library on the second floor; entering the balcony would be much easier for you. Don't go to the west wing of the manor; it is prohibited. And-"

Hadrian chuckled. Indeed, like a nagging lover. He paused when Moulin glowers at him. Hadrian then cleared his throat and nodded expressionlessly. "I understand."

Tonight was going to be interesting...

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