A Gorgeous White

Chapter 189: A Kiss Of Eternal Promise (2)

"I brought you here so you can enjoy the view with me..." Moulin looked away with a soft smile. A golden hue was cast on his bright silvery pupils. "If you keep staring at me, How will we enjoy this magnificent night?"

The man beside him silently narrowed his eyes. "Magnificent or not, night or day, as long as with you. I believe none of it would matter." He slowly pulled Moulin's hand to bring the smiling young man closer to him. 

A spark of passion engulfs the two under the river of golden clouds. Moulin chuckles as he stares at the man. 

"Honestly, how unoriginal, My Lord." Moulin raised an eyebrow. His fingers curled tightly around the much larger hand that held him. Long lashes slightly flutter low. "I'm sure countless maidens would swoon over such sweet words. Fortunately for me, I am no maiden."

"No, there is only you." The Lord spoke with a profound gaze. "Why ever would I look for such dull creatures if I already owned a fascinating treasure." He spoke with a serious expression. There was sweetness in his words but his tone spoke as if he was making a declaration. With a smile, he wrapped an arm around Moulin's waist and glanced at the golden sky.

Moulin chuckled. His laugh sounded like the pleasant ringing of tiny bells. He fished inside his pocket and pulled out his void pouch. Glancing at the skies above them, he brought out the two blue lanterns. 

"It's time..." Moulin muttered as he gestured Hadrian to pick up the other lantern in his arm. Briefly chuckling, Hadrian took the other lantern obediently. 

"How impatient..." 

Moulin shot him a glare and pressed his lips together as he quickly shifted his attention to the skies above him. "It's my first time witnessing the Ecklarian snow." Moulin beamed. "... and I wished not to be alone when I experience it."

Hadrian raised his brows. His gaze softened as he leaned closer to Moulin's face. "Should I feel honored?"

Silver eyes narrowed and a playful glint flashed in the youth's eyes. Moulin slowly leaned forward. "Indeed, you should be grateful..."

The Lord's smile widened into a grin. Without delay, he captured the youth's lips in a soft passionate kiss. Two pairs of eyes gradually closed. Savoring the tenderness of their connection. 

At the same point in time, little snowflakes of golden ice fell from the skies. They glimmered like fallen tiny twinkling stars. Golden snowflakes fluttered as they fall to the earth. Windows and doors were pushed open as people admired the wondrous sight. Families let their children release the little lanterns they prepared. With warm smiles, they activated the little pearls within the lanterns and carefully let them float to the skies. 

Lovers, families, and friends freed the cylinder paper lanterns to the skies. Tiny blue glows of little lights filled the skies along with the gentle fall of golden snowflakes. The scene was utterly breathtaking. 

Hadrian smiled when he pulled away to let his beloved enjoy the beautiful sight. 

Moulin slowly gasped in awe. The blend of pure sapphire and the shower of gold appeared divine and godly to his eyes. He held his breath and his fingers subconsciously clenched around Hadrian's hand.

Hadrian chuckled as he spoke, "You will break the lantern, my love."

Flinching, Moulin snapped out from his trance and he worried examined his lantern for any damages. Fortunately, there was none and he sighed in relief. 

Moulin and breaths out and he fervently hurried to activate the pearls of both lanterns. With serious eyes, he made sure nothing was wrong with Hadrian's lantern. Hadrian restrained a laugh at the endearing sight. 

Moulin met Hadrian's eyes and with a smile, the both of them slowly lifted their lanterns. The floating illuminated lanterns slowly departed from their fingers. The youth felt undeniable joy as he watched their lanterns float away from them, rising to the heavenly clouds of gold and carrying with it a sprinkle of snowflakes.

Warmth seeped into Moulin's heart while he stared at the sky. With a contented smile, he leaned on Hadrian's chest. 

Lord Hercullio smiled calmly as he planted a kiss on his beloved's head. The scent of lavender filled his senses. 

Both of them were silent but there were ease and bliss within it. 

Nothing could ruin it.


"How beautiful..." Pola whispered as she gazed at the sky. Her eyes softened. Her silhouette was cast on the balcony floor.

Young master must be enjoying his time with that bastard right now... 

Although it made her worry when he recalled her young master's delighted expression, she could not help but give in. Master was too beautiful for one to resist him.

Glancing at the skies one last time, she returned to her young master's room where she saw the two little pups, who had played too much, were snoring on the soft bed. Their furs greatly contrasted each other. Pola's heart melted. 

They looked too adorable.

Carefully, she tiptoed and kneeled on the floor at the foot of the bed. She faced the two snoring pups with a smile. She didn't know why she had the urge to wake them up. However, she knew very well what chaos she would release to the world if she did. With a reluctant heart, she only stayed quiet.

'Ah, young master should be arriving soon. I must prepare some refreshments...' She thought. Standing up from the carpeted floor, Pola hurried to the doors with a smile.

The doors opened smoothly and a girl curiously peeked at both ways of the hallways. Seeing that there was no one, she sighed in relief. Silently, Pola sneakily closed the doors. Young master's 'lover'-Pola grimaced- had erected a barrier to keep anyone from entering. 

Pola silently convinced herself that nothing would go wrong during the brief moment she was away. The two little pups shouldn't abruptly wake up when they had just fallen asleep...

Her footfalls faded away as she left. 


The moment she was out of sight, a man appeared from the opposite hallway. His suspicious gray eyes silently eyed the door of his younger brother's room.

Emlen released a breath. He can't believe he was doing this. He wasn't like his nosy eldest brother. 

The second young master frowned. He was just trying to confirm something.

Uneasiness layered Emlen's gray eyes. 

He recalled the night Moulin returned to the greenhouse. He ran as quickly as he can. And it didn't even take three minutes for him to arrive at the entrance of Moulin's secret garden. Elation filled him from the depth of his bones to the hairs of his skin. He was bursting with joy and hope.

He heard voices. 

"Your brothers are indeed sharp. They have erected a triggering barrier within your garden. How clever... "

At first, he thought it was Moulin, Emlen wanted to just burst inside and embrace his brother. 


"I am quite proud of them.", "They must be on their way here at this moment. So I guess it's time for you to get lost, my love."

Emlen stiffened. He realized 'this' was his brother's voice. 

There was another person with him...

'My love?'

The man continues speaking...

"Your lovely mouth is enticing me. It makes me want to do something you wouldn't like..."

Emlen stilled. There was a feeling akin to being doused with cold water. At that moment, he couldn't hear a thing anymore. As though something had covered his ears tightly. The indecent tone that was directed to his beloved brother made as if something was crawling on his skin. 

What was he hearing? What is this?!

He was unaware of his rapid breathing.

Although he was separated by a wall of leaves and vines from them. He felt as if he was witnessing a hidden affair. If it were other people, he would have crudely taunted them. However, the people that were hidden from his sight beyond the dome of thick vines and plants were none other than his precious little brother and some bastard.

"Hurry and go, you oaf!" 

Emlen snapped. He could no longer bear it. He rushed inside while disregarding the noise he was making. He wished he was wrong... He wished he was mistaken. 


Breathing sharply, he caught the sight of his dear little brother, Moulin. 


Moulin was alone...

There was disbelief in Emlen's eyes.

His eyes darted around and relief filled his heart. He was wrong... 


Was he?

Emlen pulled himself back from his thoughts and he stared at the door of Moulin's quarters. The silence of the hallways seemed ominous but Emlen only narrowed his eyes.

He was not wrong. He had clearly heard that man's voice. 

These days Emlen had also noticed that Moulin was mostly spending his time in his room. Emlen didn't want to feel suspicious of such actions. However, the tugging uneasiness in his heart forbids him to not find Moulin acting strange...

Others thought Moulin was just resting in his room. Exhausted by his time in the academy and from his first mission. Emlen was half convinced. It was true that Moulin deserved a rest. However, a part of Emlen was inclined to the thought that there was more than his little brother resting most of the time in his room.

He wasn't fully sure so he must confirm his suspicion. 

Emlen frowned. It pained him to suspect his precious little brother. However, he was also doing this for the good of his little brother.

With a solemn expression, Emlen strode towards the doors of Moulin's room. He raised his knuckles and paused.

If he was wrong then he will face the price. He could not hide this from Moulin.

He knocked on the doors twice.


"Moulin?" Emlen furrowed his brows. Could he be asleep? But if he was, why was Pola acting so strange as if she was afraid anyone would enter the room unknowingly?

The man's brows were drawn together. 

Once again, he knocked on the door but there was no answer. Emlen steeled himself and grabbed the door handles. However, when he tried to push inside, a compelling sensation washed over him. 

It felt as if numerous hands were trying to pull him away from the door. Emlen's grip on the handles tightened. 

A barrier!

Gray eyes widened in surprise. This mana... It was powerful and binding. Forceful and brutal energy aiming to destroy or restrain. 

Could this be Moulin's mana? 

Gnashing his teeth, Emlen hastily pulled his hand away from the door handles. He staggered a few steps back. Gray eyes narrowed dangerously. 

What the hell is this?

Everything about this was odd. Why was there a barrier in Moulin's room? Was he afraid anyone would disturb him? Was it a defensive act he learned during his mission?

A half-hearted smile appeared on Emlen's lips. His forehead puckered.

There is something unusual happening. His intuition was right. With a sigh, Emlen backed away from the doors of the room. The barrier must be enclosing Moulin's whole room, therefore, sneaking through the balcony would be useless... And strange.

As he walked away, he covered his face with his hand and groaned. "Gods... What am I doing?"

He shouldn't be like this but he could not help but be wary. 

Why was he even doing this?

He should just straightforwardly ask Moulin about his concerns. Surely, his brother wouldn't lie to him...

Thinking about this idea somehow lightened the heaviness in his heart.

Emlen lowered his hand and sighed. Yes, he should just ask Moulin.

His brother wouldn't lie to him...

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