A Gorgeous White

Chapter 191: Forcing Out The Truth

A soft blanket of white powdery snow blanketed the trees and the wide-open ground. Mostly, there was no snowfall on their mornings of the estate. Only the cold wintery breeze of the north would visit and make them shiver from the numbing cold winds it brought. 

The grounds were not swept. However, the earth appeared neat and innocent. The snow could barely reach the young man's ankles.

His breaths were calm but forced. 

Emlen Fraunces stood in the middle of the vast open area. This was his personal training grounds. It wasn't enclosed like the third young master's training area. It was wide and free. However, Emlen had never liked the snow around him when he trained. He found it irritating and annoying. But there were times, he found solace and calm within it. As an ice-wielder maeruthan, he was easily influenced by the presence of snow.

His lips released a warm breath. The sword of ice pricked against his gloved hand.

"Moulin... My dear brother Moulin..." He muttered in the air with disbelieving eyes. "Why do you do this?..."

What have you involved yourself in?


His thoughts wandered to the events that occurred earlier this morning. 

He could barely sleep last night. He knew he had to know something to quench the urge of confronting his precious little brother.

When he sat at his desk as he stared at the vibrant golden skies last night, he realized that no one in his household could truly understand Moulin enough. Even their mother. After Moulin's transformation after he came back from the Northern Mountains with his brother, Moulin's whole personality change greatly. Previously, Moulin was very easy to read. He was immensely naive and foolish. However, now he became well behaved and mature. 

Now, It was hard to determine the youth's thoughts.

All along, Emlen felt no one could understand what Moulin was really thinking. Even Emlen thinks he could not as well. However, even if that was the case, there was one person who had been by Moulin's side more frequently than the rest of the people in the household; Pola, Moulin's personal attendant. 

The young girl didn't look strong enough nor did she look sharp. Emlen had known Pola was the most concerned about Moulin than the rest of the people in the estate aside from Emlen and the noble family. 

There was no one more perfect to interrogate. 

With this thought in mind, Emlen summoned Pola to his room before even the first light of dawn had breached the dark skies. The girl was quite diligent and punctual with her duties to Moulin that she would wake up earlier than most of the servants in the manor.

Moulin's attendant was trembling before Emlen's presence. Why wouldn't she be? When the room was enclosed by a layer of powerful ice. The poor girl was anxious, frightened, and confused about what she had done wrong to deserve such punishment. 

Emlen only rose from his seat and with a cold-blooded stare, he questioned Pola. "Moulin has a lover, does he?"

The look of the poor girl's face confirmed Emlen's suspicion. Those trembling pupils and the apparent paleness of her face. 

However, Pola never answered.

The anger in the second young master's heart grew wildly. His eyes turned cold and dark as if he would let Pola freeze to death within the room.

"Speak. If you refuse... Then you might not be able to serve a master for the rest of your life." He threatened with a scowl. "Perhaps, I will tell my dear little brother about how you suddenly tire of seeing his face and regret serving him for days. He would not miss even a single hair on your body..."

Mind-numbing fear doused Pola's body. Her eyes froze open and her hands trembled. The thought that she would not be able to serve someone as kind and as gentle as young master Moulin frightened her. No... It was more like there wasn't anyone as kind and pure as the third young master.

There wasn't anyone like Moulin...

With a shivering breath, she stuttered while she clenched her hands and steeled her heart. "N-No... S-Second young master. M-Master does not... h-have... Anyone in... In his h-heart"

Emlen's patience snapped. "DO YOU TAKE ME FOR A FOOL?!"

His voice was so loud it made Pola cower in fear. 

With enraged eyes, Emlen snarled. "I know that he has been hiding someone in his damn room. I know that he brought someone within the day he first returned home! You dare lie to me?"

Pola shook her head. Her body trembled violently against the cold piercing her skin. "I... T-There... Is no one... Please... There is no one... No one would... dare to... No one would dare to... corrupt my master..." She started at the floor dazedly.

Emlen scoffed. He harshly grabbed the girl's face and hissed. "I am not a merciful person Pola. Especially to anyone who would dare touch, Moulin. I admire your courage... and your loyalty. So you must know..." He took a deep breath and exhaled. Piercing steel-gray eyes narrowed. "...I am only doing this for Moulin."

Pola swallowed. 

"My brother is kind to you, isn't he? Unlike me and my first brother, he is merciful and gentle. But anyone can take advantage of his kindness. Anyone with a vile heart would. I believe you understand this." Emlen pulled away from the girl.

Pola nodded unblinkingly. 

A smile appeared on Emlen's cold face. "So you understand, we must not let those disgusting pests touch even a hair on Moulin's head... Don't you want to protect, your master?"

"... Yes." Pola lets out a stuttering breath. 

"Good." Emlen narrowed his eyes frigidly. "Then tell me what you know..."

Pola shivered as he wrapped his arms around her body. There was hesitation in her eyes. However, it seemed as though she had made her decision. 

She's only protecting her master...

She's only doing this to protect Moulin...

She never favored that vile bastard anyway...

That man was taking advantage of young master's purity.

Gradually, Pola opened her mouth...


Emlen took in a sharp breath as he forced himself back to the present. The cold wind entered his lungs. It felt as if he was breathing thorns and needles. He chuckled. Disbelief layered his grey eyes. 

Archnoble Lord Hadrian Leonil Hercullio, The acclaimed notorious Guild Lord of the Leonile Guild,  The feared Lord of the Archnobility within the Right Court.

Moulin's master... 

Moulin's... lover?

Emlen closed his darkening eyes when he heard footsteps approaching him from behind. A wistful smile graced the man's face.

"Elder brother..." 

Moulin's sweet voice greeted. The youth pushed his braided white hair behind his shoulder with his tender fingers as he looked around the area. His boots created footprints on the soft snow-covered earth as he walked unhurriedly. Silver eyes slightly brightened in delight. The setting looked utterly breathtaking when there was pure white snow.


Emlen called out with a smile. "I thought you were busy in your room?"

The youth chuckled heartily, "What else would I have to do inside my room under such a beautiful winter day, brother? I'm glad you invited me over."

Emmen's jaw secretly clenched. His eyes softened as he gazed at his brother's lovely face. Of course, Lord Hercullio would want to defile his youngest brother's purity. That man is a devil hiding beneath human skin. Heartless and demonic. 

Emlen should inform his eldest brother and the family about this. But first, he must catch them in the act. And Moulin would have to choose between him or that despicable bastard. If Moulin would know that Emlen had witnessed them together, he knew Moulin would not run away from the situation. The youth would face the current circumstances. He could not lie when it would happen.

Moulin's brows furrowed. For some reason, he felt as if something was troubling his elder brother. Emlen was smiling but there was an odd hint of uneasiness in his eyes. Moulin could read it. 

"Brother?" Moulin called. "Is there is something bothering you?"

Emlen turned his gaze away and flicked his sword. The bluish ice blade gleamed sharply. "Yes..."

He wasn't even trying to deny it, Moulin thought confusingly. He cocked his head to the side. "Would you like to tell me so that it would lessen the heaviness in your heart?"

"I believe it would still be impossible to ease this discomfort. Perhaps... When the time is right, I will tell you." Emlen's gaze deepened.

You will tell me...

"Alright..." Moulin lowered his gaze. 

He was curious. The problem must be big and heavy for Emlen to not even confide in him. There was not a hint of pride or glee in his eyes. Emlen would mostly appear joyous and energetic in his eyes. However, right now, there was none of it. 

Somehow it made Moulin worried...

Emlen raised his head and smiled at Moulin when he saw the worried look on the youth's face. 

Worried? Why should you be worried, brother? Are you truly worried? About what?

About who?

"Moulin, come and spar with your older brother..." Emlen's tone was calm and his wavy brownish hair was brushed by the wind. 

Moulin dismissed hus thoughts and replied with an uncertain tone. "Are you sure about using me to vent your from your emotions, brother?"

An amused light flashed in the man's eyes. "Why, I wouldn't dare to..."

He spun the sword in his hand with his wrist. The blade made a sharp wooshing sound as he did. 

Moulin welcomed the challenge. 

"Do you prefer a sword fight?"

"I would prefer any kind of combat. Feel free to test me, elder brother." The cold wintry breeze swirled around Moulin's body, carrying with it a flurry of fluttering snowflakes. His rosy lips curled into a smile.  Little snowflakes started to fall from the skies. It delicately fell on his body.

Emlen's eyebrows slightly rose in surprise. Emlen himself could create, reshape, and manipulate ice. However, only if the ice came from his mana. But Moulin could suprisingly control the winter. He was witnessing the impossible...

Emlen exhaled slowly. 

His brother indeed did not look naive, foolish, and immature but Emlen refused to believe that Moulin willingly chose to love that Archnoble.

His eyes narrowed and the sword within his grasp glowed fiercely.

Moulin wrinkled his forehead. He suddenly felt a chill run up his spine.

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