A Gorgeous White

Chapter 202: A Meal

It was the sweet scent of fruits that woke Moulin from his sleep. The fragrance of citrus and something minty and sweet. The blankets of glistening pure white wrinkled as a pale arm moved. 

Long thick lashes fluttered open, and drowsiness vanished from lustrous silver pupils. The youth blinked a few times. He gazed at the open windows. The horizon reflects itself within his eyes. The golden glow bathes his slender form. A layer of yellow enveloped the whole interior of the room. 

Moulin furrows his brows as he slowly rose from the pillows. Gazing down at his body, he realized he was already cleansed and dressed. A crease appeared between the youth's brows. Turning his head, he roamed his eyes around him. 

Where were Snow and Keir?

Where was Hadrian?

Confusion etched his face. He slipped off the bed—pink toes reaching the furred floors. Slowly, Moulin stood on the carpets as he faced the eventide donning the bedroom with its sunset glow. He stretched his arms and legs, slightly wincing at the ambiguous sting of his nether regions. 

Right. He was eaten till unconsciousness. However, he must have felt more tired than usual. The soreness in his thighs felt as if he had just finished having sex. It felt raw and throbbing.

Did Hadrian...

Moulin frowned. 

With a soft sigh, Moulin bent down to carefully massage his garbed thighs, littered with marks and bites unseen beyond the fabric that covers it. Moulin frowned. 

Suddenly, knocks sounded at the doors of the bedroom.

Wariness filled the youth as he faced the wooden doors. Hadrian wouldn't waste his time knocking. If it were him, he would've just shamelessly barged in. 

Without even waiting for a response, the doors opened, revealing three servants donned in neat white uniforms. Golden circlets rested on their foreheads, and silver beaded bracelets were worn on each of their wrists: one male and two women.

"Who are you?" Moulin stared at them with unfeeling eyes. 

The older woman widened her eyes. She was not expecting that the guest had already awoken. But what surprised her even more was the captivating beauty of the youth as he stood before the golden glow of the sunset. His wavy white hair elegantly falls around his shoulders and those eyes. They were like diamonds. She had to admit that she had never seen such beauty in her entire life. 

Suddenly, sympathy for the boy fills her chest. How unfortunate this young man is. Indeed, he had the looks to even catch the interest of the sole pitiless Lord of this abode. It must've been hard for him. 

"Forgive us, dear guest. We did not mean to intrude. We have been tasked to attend to your needs." The woman bowed her head. The make servant followed her lead. However, the young girl sized up the figure of the youth before she reluctantly followed the head maid's lead.

Moulin noticed her actions. He could not mistake the displeasure in her eyes. He sneered silently before he acknowledged their servitude towards him. 

With a wave of her hand, the head maid instructed the two servants to prepare Moulin. Moulin told them that he had already bathed so they could only prepare the garments and jewelry for him to wear. 

When Moulin asked the head maid about why should he wear extravagantly, she smiled and dutifully answered. "Young Master, the Lord had invited you to join him for tonight's meal. You will also be in the presence of the previous patriarch."

"I see." Moulin slightly lowered his gaze. 

They led him in front of the mirror after he had changed his clothes in the dressing room. There was gold everywhere. Internally, he thought his eyes would go blind because of the luxury. Honestly, this place appeared very proud to call itself the Golden Fortress. Even a single dressing room was not spared. 

Unable to bear it any longer, Moulin refused the jewelry to be clipped on his hair and embellish his body. The sight of the sets of white-gold bracelets and necklaces made him grimace. Helplessly the head maid could only concede as she continued doing his job.

The servant girl sniggered. Tsk, pretending to be humble. Does he think no amount of jewelry would be glamorous enough to suit his beauty? How laughable. He's only greedy within that fake aggressive appearance. Her Lady Heizea is more elegant and powerful than this little fool.

Moulin was calm even though he felt the sneering gaze of the servant girl behind him. Let her curse all she wants. She doesn't know who she is dealing with. A smirk suddenly appears on her face making the three servants confused. 

The sound of the opening doors entered their ears. Aside from Moulin, the three servants immediately widened their eyes and lowered their heads. They strained their necks as they bent their heads to show reverence. 

Moulin slightly lowered his eyelids as he spoke. "You left."

Lord Hadrian Hercullio narrows his eyes as he eyed the other three people within the room. He strode towards the young man, expressionlessly facing the mirror. He wrapped his arms around the youth's waist as he stared at their reflection. A smile curved his lips as he slowly stares at the 

The three stiffened as they glanced at the sight.

Slightly tilting his head, Moulin glanced at Hadrian. The man was dressed handsomely. A golden-chained sapphire brooch was pinned on his right chest. The crest of the Hercullio was embellished on the gold. Unlike the messy strands of gold that flew during their coupling, he currently appeared dashing and neat as though he was attending a royal ball. 

"You sound upset," Hadrian spoke beside his ear.

Moulin raised an eyebrow, "Can't you tell?"

A chuckle escaped Hadrian's lips. "I am very aware of it, my dear."

Moulin yanked his gaze away. Hadrian raised a hand to dismiss the three insignificant people in the room. Obediently, they left the threshold but with shocked expressions. 

They couldn't believe what they saw. The head maid felt tears about to burst from her eyes as she glanced at the doors. The Lord had revealed a genuine smile. There was no malice of threat within it but pure affection. She had watched him grow up, and never had she witnessed such a scene. It was truly miraculous.

"Balma, Balma, is that really the lord's beloved?" The male servant neared her as they walked. 

"Yes, I believe so." She smiled. 

The young girl who had gone silent had paled. Impossible! He... Their cold-hearted lord actually... 

Even Lady Heizea could never bring out a smile from the Lord. How...

Dread filled her. How could she report this?

"Where's Snow and Keir?" Moulin asked as he annoyingly flicked his hair begin his shoulder.

"With Varick. They will be fine." Hadrian held Moulin's hand and bent his head to plant a kiss. His eyes never left Moulin's eyes. "Are you sore?"

Moulin stopped. A corner of his lips turned up. "So what if I am?"

"I can make you feel better-"

"Alright, enough." Moulin glared at him. "I swear I will lose my soul if we did it once more. Honestly... Did you... " Moulin narrowed his eyes as Hadrian stares at him with curious eyes. Moulin drew his eyebrows together. "Did you... not stop even when I was... unconscious?"

Hadrian briefly stopped his movements. A suspicious silence descended between them.

"You beast." Moulin scoffed. "Twisted, perverted, corrupted..." He muttered strings of names as he narrowed his eyes coldly at his reflection. It looked as though he was cursing himself. 

Hadrian chuckled as he kissed his beloved's temple. "You felt so pliant and obedient underneath me. Your body was still enjoying it."

"I should just freeze you to death right now..." Moulin muttered, yet he raised his hand to cover Hadrian's hand that rested on his waist. 

"But you love me..." Hadrian narrows his eyes with a smile. Affection gleamed within his golden pupils. 

"Unfortunately, I do. How lucky you are..."

"I am honored."

Moulin frowned. "Ugh, stop talking."

Hadrian chuckled. He began to finish up the laces on Moulin's back. It didn't take long for him to finish dressing the young man. Afterwards, they left the room while walking side by side. 

Moulin swallowed as he stared at the high arched ceilings of the hallways. Pillars of stone and gold made it looked as though they were walking in a sacred temple. There were no windows, but the walls were decorated with majestic curls of dark wood. The hallways appeared deserted. Moulin noticed that they did not encounter even a single servant as they made their way.

When Moulin asked Hadrian about it, the man only smiled with a response, "Only a few brave souls would dare to venture this wing."

Moulin looked away from him. "You make it sound so mysterious."

"Are you not curious?"

This time Moulin faced him. "Is it because they fear you?"

Hadrian's gaze deepened. His smile widens. "There are only two people who don't fear me in this world."

Moulin continues to stare at him. This time the curiosity in his eyes was evident. 

Hadrian continued, "You and my grandfather..."

Moulin felt warmth seep into his heart. However, when he heard Hadrian mention his grandfather, he stiffened. Blinking, he turned to the man beside him. "Your grandfather? He... He's here?"

"I will be introducing you to him. I believe I should make us even." The amused gleam in his eyes made Moulin want to spank him.

"Now?" Moulin furrowed his brows. It was the first time he would be meeting a lover's guardian. Like him, his previous lover was an orphan, so he really did not know how he should be acting in front of his significant other's guardians. What if something goes wrong? Will he be hated? Will Hadrian's views change if his grandfather finds him displeasing?

Nervousness and anxiety kick in. Moulin's footsteps grew unsteady as he walked the deeper he drives himself in his thoughts.

Suddenly, he felt a large hand claim his own in a tight grip. Moulin instantly lifted his gaze and met those magnetic golden eyes.

"He will love you..." Hadrian revealed a soft smile.

Moulin felt his uneasiness slowly fade away. His chest lightens. Hadrian spoke as though he was sure and confident. Moulin trusted him. Right, he shouldn't be overthinking about this.


He hoped he would make a good impression.

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