A Gorgeous White

Chapter 212: Fates Intertwined

Darkness filled the vast room—moonlight draping on the furred carpets and the soft edge of the gentle blanket. Night has come, but the warmth of the day lingered within the orange light of the wall lamps. A candle-lit dimness engulfs the threshold. 

And bathed by that warm glow, two bodies, half-bare, held each other. Lying on the massive bed. Skin glistening from sweat and the dear light of the moon. As silver eyes lower to their interlocked hands, his breath became slow and steady. The rapid pace of breathing had finally disappeared, and he was resting his head on Lord Hercullio's hard chest. Letting his own lithe figure be embraced and caressed gently. 

"Tired?" Golden eyes lower to absorb the alluring expression of his lover. Hadrian slowly inhaled the youth's scent. A drive of possessiveness arising from within the depths of his heart. 

Moulin shook his head and replied with a chuckle, "No..."

"It is late..." The man drew his brows together as he spoke. His eyes are glancing at the sight of the moon beyond his balcony. 

Moulin shifted and turned to look at Hadrian. His torso rose, and his delicate palms pressed on the lord's chest. "You said you would tell me something. Are you going back on your word now?"

"I thought you would be tired after our-"

Moulin reddened. His eyes narrowed at Hadrian scornfully and threatening. "Shut up and spill it."

A chuckle vibrated from Hadrian's throat. Moulin was ever so adorable and fierce. 'And mine...'

A grin shapes his lips as he leaned forward and pressed a kiss on the youth's head before slowly leaving the bed. Confusion filled Moulin's face as he watched the man put on his night robe with a smile. 

"What are you doing?" With a raised eyebrow, Moulin asked. Silver pupils eyed the contracting muscles on the man's back. His gaze swiftly brushes the scratch marks littered on smooth skin. Although knowing he was the sole culprit of those marks, Moulin openly blushed, yet he felt proud of his work. 

Without turning around, Hadrian answered while he picked up a thick white-furred coat. "Are you truly not  drowsy?"

"Nope..." Replied Moulin as he watched Hadrian approach him. The youth rose from the soft pillows and tilted his head with a curious expression. 

A grin adorned the man's handsome face as he slowly bent down to wrap the warm coat around his beloved's shoulders. "If so, hurry and put on your tunic before I have my way with you once again."

At those words, Moulin felt like lightning seemed to strike him and he hurriedly dressed himself for fear of Hadrian's words. Although he wasn't sleepy, he didn't want to wake up late, for he would be meeting his mother tomorrow. And also, he swore he wouldn't be able to walk properly if Hadrian would wring him dry. Hadrian bent down to help him put on his sandals when Moulin shook his head with a charming smile.

"No need for that. I feel having my feet bare."

Hadrian paused for a moment before he smiled and nodded. 

Shortly afterwards, Moulin gasped loudly when Hadrian abruptly pulled him close to his chest. He shot the man a glare before he quickly checked if Snow and Keir had been startled by the noise. Fortunately, they were too deeply asleep. The tiny white fox used Keir as a heater, laying on the lack pup's furry back. Honestly, it was the first time Moulin had ever witness Snow sleep like that. 

They looked cute and funny. 

Instantly, a bright flash of light filled the youth's vision. Gravity lightened for two seconds.

The first to greet the startled young man was the sudden gust of cold wind. It loosened his braided hair almost instantly as soon as it passed. 

Whispers of the nightly breeze filled his ears. Eyes, broad as they stared at the enchanting view of the nightly horizon before him. The humungous white moon, the enthralling river of stars illuminating the dark sky, and the glistening dark waves. 

It was then when Moulin recognized that they were standing on top of the highest tower of the fortress. The numerous torches and lamps within every courtyard and window seemed to appear like tiny glowing dust. It was as though Moulin had a whole city underneath his feet.

"Do you like it?" A husky voice spoke against the lobe of his ear. The warm breath felt ticklish. 

A smile broke unto the youth's beautiful face. His silver eyes gleamed with mirth. "It's breathtaking..."

"Although it is far from the wondrous skies of Zenin's northern mountains, I am glad you are pleased." Hadrian smiled. 

Delicate fingers reached out to touch the lord's cheek, and without warning, a kiss was placed on his lips. Moulin slowly parted from the man while wearing a captivating smile. "It's wonderful. Thank you..."

Golden eyes gleamed under the white moonlight. Softness and affection are brimming within them. Intoxicated by the passion and tenderness inside those silver eyes. 

Moulin grinned at Hadrian's somehow tranced expression. Mischievously, he tapped his fingers on the man's cheek. "Now, tell me what you know, my love."

Hadrian brought himself back from his thoughts. When the young man's words sank into his brain, he chuckled and nodded obediently. He took Moulin's hand, covered it with his other hand, and slowly concentrated. 

At first, Moulin blinked in confusion. He wasn't sure what Hadrian was trying to convey with his actions. A few seconds passed, and Moulin was trying hard to hold in his laughter. The esteemed Lord Hercullio, looking so stern and severe while concentrated. He could already see a wrinkle between the man's brows. 

Unable to hold it in, Moulin spoke, "Alright, what are you trying to accomplish-"

Suddenly, he felt a cold sensation seep into the skin of his hand. A soft white glow illuminated beneath Hadrian's palm, pressing on the back of Moulin's hand. The sensation was cool and soothing. It was the same feeling he had felt when Hadrian came to put Moulin at ease within the knight's courtyard. 

Afterwards, Moulin's eyes widened. It was faint, but he could clearly see a frosty mist clouding around his hand. Dust-like snowflakes fluttered within the frigid fog.

Ice and Snow wielding. 

"Y-You... How did you..." Moulin gaped, mouth parting in shock at what he sees. "You... A dual wielder?"

His expression was akin to one seeing his own future. Both uncertain and shocked. 

"I am not." Hadrian smiled. "This... " he lifted both their hands. "Came from you..."

"What?" Moulin looked at him incredulously. "What do you mean?"

Hadrian withdrew the mana and stroked Moulin's palm. He continued with a lowered gaze, "The naga elder once told us of our fated bond. Souls tied together. Fate intertwined. Perhaps it is so strong that we are able to share our energy. Our mana and our strength." Hadrian lifted his deepening gaze to the youth, quietly listening to him. "Do you doubt it?"

Moulin blinked his eyes. Unsure of what to say after what he had just witnessed. "No, I... don't... Because it's true..."

A smile graced Lord Hadrian's face. "You were channeling my mana when you deflected Heizea's attack. It was then that I sensed your presence and found you."

"This is too fascinating for me to believe instantly." Moulin shook his head as he held his forehead. He took in a deep breath as he thought deeply. 

It is really possible? We can share our mana even without physical touch or some ritual or incantation? It was also the first time he had heard of something like this. Witnessing how Hadrian drew power, opened Moulin's eyes into a new odd world. Do they need a doctor or a seer to prove this situation?

"Why do you look so conflicted? Do you dislike it?" Hadrian softened his gaze. 

Silver eyes widened. Moulin shook his head. "No... I think it's amazing..."

Yes, to think that he and Hadrian are actually capable of accomplishing something as incredible as that gave a sense of pride in his chest. 

"I'm relieved..." Hadrian bent down to plant a kiss on the youth's clean forehead. The cool wind brushed their figures, sweeping their hair and pushing them together. 

Moulin suddenly raised his chin and pulled the man's head to connect their lips. Heated passion. A drive of desire poured between them. Parting his tongue, Moulin wrapped his arms around the man's neck, submitting to Hadrian's dominating tongue. They kissed for a whole minute, occasionally parting for Moulin's breathlessness. 

When they finally pulled apart, a silver string connected their damp lips. 

Moulin grinned as he pecked Hadrian's lips once more. "Does this mean I will be able to use your mana to my advantage?" He subconsciously babbled so Hadrian wouldn't be able to kiss him again.

Hadrian's eyes gleamed with desire as he stared at his inviting mouth, "Use it to your heart's content, young master. That is if you are able to..." 

"Oh, when I master it, even this fortress will now before my feet." Moulin chuckled.

Under the starry skies, they teased each other for a short while before once again claiming the other's lips. The nightly wind swirled around their figures. The gentle moonlight illuminated them peacefully. 

Until the night waned.


The night passed, and morning came. Within the halls, one could see a slender youth energetically walking towards the treasury's hallways. The word spread, and Moulin's name once again sparked shock and surprise to the masses within the fortress. It didn't reach even a whole week when the youth first arrived in the fortress, and he was already recognized as a master of the treasury. 

Yesterday, the fortress's people exploded in shock and surprise at the news of the esteemed guest pretending to be a servant helper in the knight's kitchens and even boldly challenging the knights within the courtyard. What made them even more shocked to the point of losing their souls was the youth's identity as Lord Hercullio's lover. The Lord even raised his blade unto the infamous Lady Heizea, severely punished after the destruction she caused within the west courtyard. 

Word of Moulin's talents and strength have spread throughout the stronghold. Those unfamiliar with the youth were given a clue of his unique features. A youth with hair as white as snow, eyes as dazzling as moonlight, and as fierce as a sword's blade. The young man who has 'tamed' the Lion of the Hercullio.

Currently, that said youth was busy conversing with a mirror while wearing a smile. He was utterly oblivious of his upgraded reputation within the fortress. 

Moulin continued to visit the mirror for a whole week. He frequented the treasury halls, bringing books and his little pets, Snow and Keir. It brought him joy to talk to his mother, seeing her smile and looking into her kind eyes. He had also realized that although his mother was the only person he was talking to every time he visited, he knew his father and his brothers were hidden and secretly listening to him. He resisted crying out to them and only resorted to giving a few hints in his words as he conversed with his mother.

Currently, Moulin is staring at the blank mirror with a faint smile. Time had run out, and he and his mother had ended their talk a few moments ago. Still, Moulin would quietly stare at the mirror with deep thoughts. 

After a short while, he sighed. Silver eyes turned to Snow and Keir running all over the vast empty hall energetically.

"Snow, Keir. It's time to go..." He called as he picked up the whole tower of books on the ground.

His footsteps echoed along with the light thumps of little paws on the floor. The doors closed shut, and Moulin exited the treasury halls silently. When he finally arrived at the hallways, he ignored the curious stares of the servants he would encounter.

A sigh escaped his lips. 

Out of the blue, a book fell from the top of the books. Moulin blinked as he hastily moved to rescue it before it hit the ground. 


He froze as he balanced the book on his right instep. It wobbled left and right a couple of times before completely stopping. Relief filled Moulin's expression, and he sighed. 



Moulin leaned to the right to look past the tower of books blocking his view. A man was kneeling before him with a surprised expression. He was clearly not expecting Moulin's swift reflexes. He wanted to pick up the fallen book like the gentleman he was.

With raised brows, Moulin recognized the man's face. It was the first person he had met when he first arrived in the fortress. 


The man blinked for a few seconds before, smiling helplessly. "Hello, young master..."

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