A Gorgeous White

Chapter 233: Invasion


The walls shook. Dust and small rocks fell upon their hair. The air became dusty, but they didn't have the time to pay attention to it. When another deafening blast came, Moulin knew they had to leave quickly. 

Shaking off the strange feeling inside his chest, his eyes turned serious. "We need to leave!"

Alsander nodded instantly. He began to lead them away from the wall, tracing the steps they had taken. With quick steps, they ventured through the tunnels. The torches are flickering under the rain of dust as if they would be extinguished at the next second. They could not navigate the way out without light. 


They stopped momentarily when they felt the ground shook beneath their feet. Cracks began to break the ceiling and the walls, warning them of the time they were losing. Snapping out of their thoughts, they hurried through the narrow pathway. 

"Hurry!" Alsander shouted as he rapidly jumped over the brittle steps of the stone staircase. His heart pounded fast. He frightfully evaded a stone brick that fell down from the ceiling; panic rose in his heart. While he kept glancing at the youth behind him, Alsander hurriedly led them to a wider tunnel. The flames were smothered by the dust, leaving them in total darkness. 

As they still felt the tremble around them, Moulin used his mana to generate light, summoning a glowing crystal of ice. He grabbed Alsander's arm and ran towards the exit where they had entered.

The collapse was quick to chase after them. Rocks raining down, crushing anything beneath it. Dust filled the air like smoke, but it didn't hinder Moulin from bringing them to the end of the tunnel. 

"Lever, lever, lever..." Alsander fumbled around the wall for the extinguished torch. However, it was hard to see through the dusty air. His heart felt as though it could beat out of his chest. The destruction was loud, closing behind them rapidly. 

"Ah!" Alsander felt a handle, and he wasted no time pulling it down. 

The moment the wall flipped them around, the ceiling of the tunnel they were under immediately crashed to the ground with a loud noise. The wall turned halfway, and Alsander had to pull Moulin away to save the youth from being crushed. However, his arm was caught, and blood dyed his vision.


Alsander shouted through his gritted teeth; his pull was forceful that they landed on the cool smooth floor with a bang. 

"Alsander!" Moulin hurriedly pulled Alsander to him.  He let Alsander leaned on the wall at the opposite side of the half-opened secret passage. 

Blood streamed down the man's arm. Crimson dust layered his clothing, dyeing them into a murky color. The sleeve was torn, and a gaping wound was exposed to the air. Pink flesh hanged, and a dark scarlet flowed down to his fingers. 

"Augh!" He hissed. Sweat dripped down Alsander's forehead as he clutched his bleeding arm. 

Moulin worriedly looked around but realized the hallways were deserted. The explosions have stopped as well. Calming himself down, he ripped his own sleeve, tied it around Alsander's wound, and placed Alsander's arm around his neck. 

"It hurts..." Alsander winced.

Moulin narrowed his eyes as he began to carry the complaining man. "You're a maeruthan. It'll heal. Endure the pain."

Alsander sighed woefully, "I just saved your sweet, fragile skin. You have to make it up to me."

"Thank you."

"That's not enough." Alsander frowned. "You have to nurse me again. I've been injured twice already."

Moulin only shakes his head with a sigh as he led them away from the hallways. Their figures could be the only ones found within the suspicious emptiness of the area. 

"It was no ordinary explosion. We need to find someone..." Moulin looked around the corridors but still found no one. The weight of the man he was carrying was slowing him down. With heavy steps, the youth kept walking. Blood dripped behind them, forming an auspicious trail.

"It too silent," Alsander said with a hoarse voice. He hissed as he tried to move his numbing fingers. "Maybe it was all a-"


The sound of shattering glass echoed. It was followed by a loud thudding noise. Moulin's awareness rose exceedingly. He turned his head just in time to witness a red-robed figure rising from the glass-covered floor. His hood fell off his head, and a sinister smile was plastered on his lips. Dark crimson eyes were wide, dilated. He looked manic.

Moulin narrowed his eyes. He recognized these robes. Like the ones, the malefic had worn during his mission. He couldn't mistake it.

Suddenly, the man lunged at them—a short cackle noises. 

Tap, tap, tap, his feet went.

Moulin's eyes flashed. He held Alsander tight. Before the enemy's dreadful hands could reach him, a swift whoosh sounded. Buzzing from the side like an arrow. Alsander could see a flash of light before blood splattered before his eyes. 


Amber eyes widened. On the wall at his side, a man was crushed—body, impaled by a large crystal shard on his chest. The man wheezed brokenly before his body sagged. The ice is holding him, hanging him on the wall. Alsander blinked and swiftly returned his gaze to Moulin, who started to drag him away forcefully. 

Moulin finally led him to an open hallway where several men in red robes were idly roaming the grounds. When they spot Moulin, they acted like crazed people, hands reaching out to grab them. Moulin had to expend more of his mana to dye the floor red with their blood and viscera. 

His body had just recovered, and it was not advisable for him to expend his mana without properly replenishing it. 

Red liquid splattered on his clothes. His delicate hand had a tight grip on the sword of ice, dripping with deep crimson. 

When the last of them had perished under his frozen blade, Moulin hurriedly moved forward. This time, there was no silence. The noise gradually grew louder and louder. And when they arrived before the entrance of the outdoor hallway, Moulin stopped.

Screams and wails filled the air as he watched people in blood-red robes slaughtering men with only their bare hands. 


The smell of iron permeated the air; blood dyed the snow red. The deafening noise around him was too much for his ears. A battle was transpiring before him. Knights in silver armor and soldiers in gold struggled to fight those with only in red robes. Bodies fell to the ground one by one.

Why are the malefics attacking his home? 

A sudden roaring shout pierced his eardrums. Glancing at his side, he watched as a malefic charge towards him at great speed—glowing eyes of crimson. Her teeth were bared ruthlessly. Moulin only watched expressionlessly before his sword cut her in half.


The blood soaked his clothes, and a pool of crimson reached his shoes.


This familiar voice pulled Moulin's gaze away. The sight of his elder brother Emlen, running towards him, made Moulin feel relieved. The second young master of the Fraunces family sprinted towards his youngest brother. A couple of knights followed him. There was not a single place on their body that was not stained with blood.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt?" Emlen's voice shook as he reached out for his brother.

"I'm fine, elder brother," Moulin answered. "My friend needs medical attention. Please, help him." 

"Hello, young master." Alsander flashed a smile with a pale face.

Emlen hastily called a few of his knights with a loud voice. "You! Take them to the shelter with the others! Make sure they are protected."

"Yes, my lord!" The knights moved quickly while the others were busy fighting off the malefics trying to reach the two young masters. 

Moulin passed the wounded Alsander to the knight's before he pulled his brother with worried eyes, "Brother, what's happening?"

"The estate is under attacked. We do not know who these people are, but we are trying our best to fend them off." Emlen explained, "Listen, we are trapped inside the estate. The master that built the barrier is nowhere to be found. We are stuck here. Moulin, go with the others. We will buy you some time."

"What? What about you? Have you seen eldest brother and father?" Moulin asked worriedly.

Emlen nods and grasped the youth's delicate shoulder. "We will be fine. I know you have used your mana to deal with those enemies, but you have to make sure not to exhaust yourself. You have just recovered! Go and stay with the others!"

Moulin gripped his arm. "But-"

"Young master!" A knight came scrambling towards them. His other eye was missing. What was left was a dark hollow. Blood streamed down his face like a red river. Still, he heaved as he delivered a message with fearful eyes. "Young master! The Lord is injured! The South estate has fallen!"

"What?" Dread gripped Emlen's chest. "No, my mother is still there! It cannot fall!"

"Mother?" Moulin's eyes widened in fear. The south... 

The south wing! Mother's chambers! She had still locked herself inside! Before Moulin had realized it, his feet dashed away. 

"MOULIN! No! Come back!" Emlen tried to chase the youth but was blocked by the sudden crowd of red robes charging towards him. Bitter fear drowned him from the inside. Smoldering anger left him to summon his sacred weapon and slice the worthless assassins in half from their stomachs. 

"Mongrels!" He shouted with burning eyes. 

"Young master! There's too many of them!." His knight yelled to him while struggling to chop down the limbs of the red-robed animals.

Clenching his teeth, Emlen gripped the body of his scythe. His chest heaved heavily. He was out of breath, and he knew he had to decide in his brother's stead. Silver eyes narrowed as he shouted his orders. 

"Light up the beacon for the Sentinel Guilds." 

At the same time, a particular white-haired young man raced through the hallways. 

"Huff... huff... huff... " 

Moulin panted as he sped through the hallways at his right. He had several encounters of red robes swarming the area like bees. He was outnumbered, but they were no matched against the power of his mana. 

When three malefics spotted his figure, they didn't think twice as they charged towards the Moulin with great speed. The desire surged in their blood, and they wanted nothing more than to collect the little soul inside that youth's luscious body. However, Moulin didn't wish to play with their rules.

Although they were fast, his ice was faster, completely freezing them before their bloody hands could reach Moulin's skin. They looked like ice sculptures. 

Moulin shook his head when his vision started to become off. He persevered and ran towards his mother's chambers.

The doors were opened.

Moulin never felt so much fear in his entire life. 

He rushed forward, entering the room as fast as he can. 

The first thing he saw was a crowd of malefics—their bloody hands reaching towards his mother's weary form.


A scream resounded throughout the room. 

Moulin watched as Lady Maxiel summoned her wind ability to cut down the disgusting people daring to approach her. A series of screams filled the room, and the pungent smell of blood could drive one mad. Maxiel has been enduring the strain of losing too much energy. However, even if that was the case, she refused to die at the hands of these pests.

"Mother!" Moulin shouted.

Numerous eyes turned to him. Their sinister spine-chilling grins grew more prominent at the sight of his silver eyes.


Before they could take a step, Moulin and Lady Maxiel took the chance to strike them down. A rain of ice shards stabbed their bodies bloody. An invisible tornado of blades sliced them into meaty slabs. Innards spilled on the floor along with the sea of blood.

When the last of them fell, Moulin hastily rushed towards his mother, ignoring the blood splashing on his legs.

"Mother!" Moulin tried to reach out.

Lady Maxiel took a step back. "Stay a safe distance from me! You are still not safe!"

Moulin froze. His mother's raised voice shocked him. He had forgotten about the Kron holding her life. Slowly, his hand lowers to his side. With a sad look in his eyes, he lowered his head.

Seeing her son's bloody state, Maxiel could help feel her heart ache. Gripping her arms, she spoke softly.  "Are you alright?"

"...yes." Moulin nodded. 

"Why didn't you go to the shelter right away?" She pressed with a hardened voice.

"I couldn't leave without you," Moulin replied. "Please... come with me!"

"My son..." Her voice sounded helpless. Unknowingly, it sparked dread in her son's heart. She continued, "I can't go with you... I am still infected. I cannot risk their lives..."

"Then we'll go somewhere else." Moulin persisted. He pressed his lips together with clenched hands. "Please... come with me."


The silence that came after seemed haunting to Moulin. His heart pounded wildly in fear. He didn't spare a single glance at the corpses around them. Instead, his whole focus settles on his mother. Anticipating. Dreading. 

"... alright." 

Maxiel finally answers. Her response was soft, but it sounds so loud in Moulin's ears. Silver eyes brightened. 



The youth was oblivious to the threatening crystal dagger launching towards  Moulin's neck.

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