A Gorgeous White

Chapter 236: Moulin's Hunter

"How pitiful..."

A voice of dark thorns spoke out in the open. It sent down an ominous chill upon the people surrounding the area. When the words were heard, people looked around to seek the owner of the voice. 

The brothers lifted their listless gazes, settling upon a tall, muscular figure standing at the edge of the trees. Eyes of crimson red. He bore the traits of a malefic and a demon. Bearing greyish tone of skin and a horned curved upwards. Its tip was pointing to the heavens. His aura alone brought spine-chilling fear and shock to those around him. 

There was no mistake. A demon had appeared before them. For the first time after several millennia, a monster has appeared before them.

Loud murmurs and fearsome gazes filled the area.  Some has already drawn their weapons, and the weak stepped back in fear. They could not believe it. Out of nowhere, how can a demon suddenly appear?

Emlen and Maxille's eyes bore at the creature who was bold enough to mock them of their mother's passing. Infinite rage flooded their veins. The air lowered to several degrees. The only person who did not move nor change his expression was the young man kneeling on the ground, holding a crystal emitting a soft glow. 

Golden eyes narrowed. Hadrian instantly appeared beside Moulin. His hostility rising tremendously. 

It was Alha. Moulin's hunter. 

"Who are you?" Maxille's eyes darken. 

Alha's expression did not change. He stood as if unbothered by the commotion his presence has caused. However, his eyes were deep as they eyed the youth shielded by the two brothers and the Lord. 

"I am here to collect him..." Alha responded openly. There were no lies in his eyes.  His blood-red pupils stared only at Moulin. 

Maxille scoffed, "Do you wish for death?"

He stepped forward. His eyes flashed a ruthless glint. The severity of the news of his mother's death turned into hot, boiling anger. The thirst for revenge burrowed deep into his chest. He wanted nothing more than the blood of his enemies.

Emlen gnashed his teeth his scythe's blade shined cruelly.

This time Moulin, who had kept his head lowered, lifted his gaze. His eyes met Alha's, and Moulin wished he could kill him from where he stood. But he couldn't. If he wasn't so weak... so useless... he could've fought harder. He could've saved his mother...

"Ah..." Alha's eyes deepened. "Your sorrow has overtaken you. Perfect."

"What the fuck do you want from him?" Emlen snapped. His eyes burned with rage.

"He knows very well why I want him, and none of you would understand the value he has for cleansing this world. The Kron is just a start. Soon... everything will be purified..."

Moulin eyes slightly widen. "What... do you mean?"

A grin widened. Every single soul could feel the heaviness of the malice within his expression. Alha looked relaxed. Unperturbed. His gaze shifted to the onlookers around them before settling on Moulin.

"The Kron was triggered by your presence. It marked the start of the cleansing. It is your destiny to renew this land."  His voice was deep and slow as if to forcefully pressed all the words to Moulin's ears.

The Kron... began because of... him?

Moulin's eyes widened. Confusion and shock filled his expression. He could not grasp the true meaning of those words.

What did he mean? How? Why?

"What is he talking about?"

"The young master is the cause?..."

"This creature... what does he mean?"

Mutterings turned loud and clear in Moulin's ears. These were people who had lost someone because of the Kron. Thousands of deaths were caused by the plague. 

"Rebirth..." Maxille's eyes deepened. Did he mean... his younger brother's change?

"Get Lost." Emlen hissed. "... Or I will rip out your throat. Your words mean nothing to us. Why should we fucking believe your words?"

"Why don't you ask him?" 

Suddenly, all eyes turned to Moulin. The youth was blankly staring at Alha. He doesn't seem to notice everybody's stare. It seemed as if he was shocked by the words the demon had spoken. His hands held the crystal in his palms tightly. So tight, blood started to drip down. His silver pupils quivered. 

It was because of him? All along, it was because he was brought to this world? 

To bring death? 

"Moulin? Moulin, what's wrong?" Maxille lowered his hand and held his youngest brother's cheek. Moulin didn't seem to notice him. Their mother's death was a horrific attack on Moulin. He doesn't seem to be himself anymore. At this thought, Maxille's heart ached.

Emlen looked at his brothers, and his jaw clenched. His veins pulsed on his head, and he snapped to glower at the demon before them.

"You cannot defeat me..." Alha lifted his chin as he stared at Emlen. "I do not want more blood to spill on this lands. Do you not think it is enough?"

"Shut up!" Emlen hissed. 

"Moulin..." Alha turned his gaze away and stared at Moulin's silver eyes. "I will give you a chance to do what should be done. Leave with me, and all of this will disappear. The death, the plague, it will be gone..." 

"What?" Emlen hissed. "Do you not hear what I said?"

However, his voice drowned by the flood of voices from the people around them. They do not know what to believe in anymore. They are driven by revenge,  despair, and fear that they would do everything if it means that the Kron would disappear. 

"Do it!" 

Suddenly someone shouted. The moment it was said, one person followed, and then another and another 

"Save us!"

"Please take him! Make it disappear!"

"Young master, save us!"

Seeing the situation unfold before his eyes, Maxille gritted his teeth. Emlen gripped his scythe. Madness filled his veins, and he spoke hoarsely, "You worthless little-"

But before he could finish, a heavy, oppressive aura swept throughout the area. It was so powerful one would feel as though they were carrying a massive boulder on their shoulders. The sound of people crashing on the ground on their knees sounded one after the other. It was suffocating and cruel. And when they lifted their gaze, they shuddered in fear.

Those golden pupils gleamed with murderous intent. Lord Hadrian's expression seemed calm, but his eyes felt as though they could burn a person just by glancing at them.

Sensing the heavy aura, Alha turned to face the Golden Lord fearlessly. It seems he wasn't affected at all. Emlen and Maxille could barely even hold their ground.

"..." Alha's eyes deepened. This man... will be an obstacle...

"Moulin..." Hadrian called softly. He kneeled on one knee and caressed the youth's pale cheek. At the sound of his voice, the youth turned to him. "Come with me..." Hadrian said. 

It felt as though he was pulled out from the depths of despair. The air seemed pure as he breathes. Somehow his mother's words entered his mind. Her soothing voice whispering, 'Even if he were a poor woodcutter, a plain fisherman, even if he possessed the blood of a beast or an unknown scholar... if he is a good man who makes you happy, then I am glad...'

Her smiling face flashed before his eyes. His heart could not help but ache. However, he realized something. No matter what, Hadrian will always look after him. Even after the bullshit he has done to Moulin, or even if Moulin disregards his words, Hadrian will always stay by his side. His hope. His support. Moulin's lips quivered. He held Hadrian's hand that was caressing his cheek, leaning unto his touch. "Mn..."

'I will be here right by your side...'

'Mn. I know you will...'

Sometimes... he just had to rely on him a little...

When the oppression dispersed, the people desperately struggled to breathe. Lost in a coughing fit, none of them dared to speak again. If the Kron could take their lives slowly, this particular man could kill them without even moving or saying anything! It didn't cross their mind that they would die before they would even acquire the Kron.

"Get lost, you filthy creature!"

A female voice boomed. Her voice thundered in the air. Moulin's attention was immediately caught. So were the others.

Platinum blonde hair, blue eyes, and beautiful dark skin. The fire in her eyes was vibrant. Moulin only knew one person with those features.

"Ghana..." he muttered while staring.

The fierce female sentinel summoned her sacred weapons. Two swords of pure mana. Her gaze glanced at Moulin briefly before she glared at the demon. Behind her, another familiar figure appeared. Jagra's worried eyes locked on Moulin. A relieved sigh escaped his lips. It has been so long since he saw his friend's face. He longed to see Moulin, and when they were tasked to aid the battle in the Fraunces manor, he knew this was his chance.

Although they were confused about the events transpiring before them, they could grasp the intention of the demon.

"If you want him, you will have to got through us..." Jagra glared. He stood bravely, meeting the eyes of the demon.

As his words settled, a group of people stepped forward. Their weapons drawn, their eyes filled with determination. The Leonile Guild sentinels. Rowan, the twins, Varick, and even Teslley. They have seen Moulin's worth, and he was even more worthy of earning their respect. And amongst them, who joined to step up, were Pola and the rest of the Fraunces household who held Mouin deep in their hearts. Their young master wasn't perfect. However, he granted them enough kindness and fairness to become their hope. The words of a stranger didn't matter at all.

Seeing them, Moulin could not help but feel his heart soften. In different circumstances, perhaps, Moulin would even find it a little funny how cliche it was. Just like the stories he wrote. However, he only felt gratitude. To think that there were people who cherished him aside from his family. It touched him.  In his previous life, he was alone. He refused anyone who dared to come near him, and other people would refuse to even speak a word to him. He was fine before, not knowing of the gaping emptiness inside him. He was fine of it all... until he realized it wasn't.

When he woke up in this world, he promised to make a change. Perhaps, to meet new people. To save himself from betrayal. To find true bond. Has he found it?

Staring at the group of people in front of him and feeling the warmth of Hadrian's hand on his cheek, perhaps... he did...

"..." Alha stared at them.

They looked confident and brave. Somehow it made Alha question if they didn't have a hint of doubt at all. However, he turned his head and eyes the silver-eyed youth.

It wasn't their answer he hoped to get; it was his.

When Moulin met his eyes, the youth stopped. Moulin held his stare unyieldingly. "I refuse..."

Alha narrowed his eyes. He tilted his slightly raised head. At first, he thought he had the upper hand. Unfortunately, it wasn't.

"No matter..." He said. His voice sounded too sure. It made Moulin waver.

Suddenly, a dark cloud of dark red surrounded the man. Murmurs of shock and fear filled Moulin's ears; however, his eyes didn't stray from the demon's blood-red ones. While holding his gaze, Moulin held Hadrian's hand. 

"Everything will come to its place..." Alha lowered his head. 'I only gave you a chance...'

The darkness devoured his form like a cocoon. After a second, it dispersed rapidly, and the man's form has disappeared along with it.

There was a brief silence that settled within the area.

When he disappeared before numerous eyes, the people began to talk nervously. They realized the malefic's bodies have turned into ash, crumbling like sand.

Ignoring the commotion, Ghana and Jagra hurried towards Moulin and his brothers. 

"Moulin, are you alright?" Jagra hurriedly asked. He glanced around and stiffened when he realized that their Guildlord was also with them. He bowed hastily. "My Lord-"

His eyes blinked when he saw their interlocked hands. Suddenly it felt as though thunder had struck his head. Sensing his discomfort, Ghana came and patted his back to comfort.

"My Lord..." With smooth strides, Rowan neared them along with the others. "The malefics have retreated. However, we failed to know how they were able to slip away within the barrier."

"They have cleaned their tracks rather neatly..." Varick walked forward as he ordered the rest of their group to spread out. Afterwards, he glanced at Moulin. With a smile, he spoke, "Are you well, you master?"

Moulin nodded quietly. Hadrian turned and spoke a couple of words to them before dismissing them.

"Moulin..." Emlen came forward; he had withdrawn his spear before his brother. His knee pressed on the snowy ground beneath him, and he lifted his head with anxious eyes. "Are you alright?"

Moulin swallowed with downcast eyes, "Brother... I-"

"It isn't your fault, Moulin... " Maxille spoke as he stood beside Emlen. His fists clenched, and the look in his eyes was indescribable. However, his voice seeks to comfort his little brother. "Mother... She will watch over us... So be strong." He reached down and stroke the locks of silver hair on his youngest brother's head. "... Stay brave."

Moulin slowly lifted his head and nodded. The crystal necklace in his hand shined brilliantly, just like his mother's smile.


Suddenly, the ground began to shake violently. It was so strong many have fallen to the ground. Panic ensued.

"What is this?" Ghana lifted her gaze. However, her senses suddenly perceived something. Following her instincts, she jumped off the ground just in time to see the earth cracking open. "!!!"

Like a mirror shattering, the ground started breaking from beneath!

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