A Gorgeous White

Chapter 239: Pretty Moulin

Here's a little extra! Enjoy!!!

A sweet omegaverse AU



One day, a sneaky little ten-year-old Moulin carefully approaches a small perennial shrub. Round gray eyes brightened delightfully as he clutched the basket in his hand. He began to pluck its pink flowers into his tiny basket with a sweet hum.

"Young master!" 

"!!!" Little Moulin flinches at the call and immediately hurries to run and hide. But his feet were caught by a rock, and he fell with a loud 'Oof!'

As though their ears perked up at the sound, a wave of people instantly hurried towards the gardens. 

"Young master!" One freckled girl shouts as she knelt and helped the little child on his feet. She pats away the leaves stuck on his tiny frame.

"Ow..." Moulin pursed his lips and glanced down at the small scratch on his knee. His eyes moisten. "It hurts..."

"Oh, where are your shoes? It's okay. Don't cry!" She coaxed him and held his hand.  Slowly, they walked towards the crowd of people surrounding them wearing anxious eyes.

"Are you okay?"

"Young master, we were so worried!" 

"Damn, you're hurt! Call the ambulance!"

"Let's carry him off the ground! It must be painful for him to be walking!"

While the people began to scramble away with overly anxious faces, Moulin shook his head with a pout. He held his basket full of flowers to his chest. His watery eyes were adorably peeking above the colorful petals. "You scared me, and I fell. Now that I'm hurt, can I not go?" He whispered. Hmm, he didn't want to go to school.

Looking into those cute eyes, they could not help but sigh in satisfaction. Their little master is SO cute! There was not a damn thing in this world that would convince them to say otherwise! Holding back their doting urges. One stepped up to pat the little boy's head. Enduring the burning gazes of envy from the eyes around her, Pola smiled at Moulin with a sweaty forehead. 

"Young master, don't you want to meet your friends?" Pola asked. 

Moulin took a second and shakes his head. "No one wants to be friends with me because I'm an omega..." 

He nods his head as he thought about his bullies in school.

At those words, it seems as though a bomb exploded right in front of their faces. With burning eyes, they smiled with a sinister glint. Who dares to not like their precious master?!

"What is going on here? Where is my brother?!"

As the sound of that voice, the crowd parted as fast as lightning. The little devil is here!

15-year-old Alpha Emlen walked through the crowd with glaring eyes. None of the men and women dare to speak as he passed by. It was said that if you annoy him, he would torture you until you beg on your knees. However, when Emlen saw Moulin, the fierceness shattered and quickly warmed.

The crowd: ...

"You are hurt!" Emlen held Moulin. "Someone call the hospital!"

The crowd: What about the ambulance?

"Moulin, Emlen..." 

Once again, the people flinched—high mighty 16-yr old Alpha Maxille Fraunces. With one glance, he could cut you down with a stare. Sigh. Is there not a day that these two young masters would appear when they finally have the chance to spend time with young master Moulin? How unfair.

However, with the third young master's presence, everything seemed like paradise. Ah, yes. They should fill their walls with the young master's pictures. It will be good luck.

Striding elegantly, Maxille held his book as he raised his hand towards Moulin. The latter's eyes brightened instantly! Giggling, Moulin quickly ran towards Maxille.

Emlen blinked as Moulin ran past him. He turned to glower at his eldest brother. Maxille only smiled at him as he caught Moulin in his embrace.

"Brother!" Moulin giggled. "Look! It's mama's favorite!" He showed him his tiny basket with a proud smile.

"Mn, it's pretty. Just like Moulin."

Moulin pouted. "I'm not pretty! I'm handsome like papa!"

"Only someone pretty would call father 'papa,'" Emlen smirked. "Our Moulin is the prettiest in the world!"

With a beet-red face, Moulin bit his lips as he lowered his watery eyes. "I'm not pretty..." 

Everybody panicked when Moulin started to sniff. Emlen and Maxille were scared stiff when they heard Moulin's sudden sob. 

'Mother is going to kill me.' The brothers' paled.

Soon after, little Moulin, although he was reluctant, was sent to school. However, his two alpha brothers had to suffer the wrath of their parents. They were forced to kneel in front of the doorstep for two hours. But despite their punishment, when they chanted their little brother's name, everything seemed not too bad.

Maxille and Emlen: Moulin, Our sweet little brother. Our beautiful star, Our shining ray of light, Our dazzling flower... 

They didn't stop even when they reached the 99th 'Our-'

Meanwhile, in the school, little Moulin held back his tears when his bullies once again came to make fun of him. They were pushing his classmate Alan, and he didn't like it when the bullies hurt others.

"Hey, pretty little omega! Do you know Alphas are better than you?" The big bully pointed at him. "We are stronger and faster than you too! You don't stand a chance!" 

His friends began to laugh with him. The big bully pushed little Moulin until he fell on the ground and even dumped his things in the trash. The bullies then walked away satisfied.

Moulin narrowed his eyes angrily. "Just you wait! I'll be stronger and faster than all Alphas!" And I will never be called pretty again!

The children around him laughed. But they didn't know that the words fragile little they were insulting would come true, and they would cower in fear at the sound of his name.

The next day, Moulin went to class, and Alan realized the bullies were absent. He sat beside Moulin as they ate their lunch. "Hey, do you know what happened to Ivan and his friends?"

Moulin only smiled, his cheeks puffed out filled with food. He looked like a chipmunk. "I told my brothers about them."

"Huh? Then?"

Moulin giggled. "I said I would cry if Ivan and his friends would bully me again. And then they told me everything would be alright when I go to school again."

"Your brothers?"

"Uh-huh, I love them so much! Here, have a cookie! My mom made them!" Moulin grinned as he gave Alan a cookie. The latter only blinked at him in confusion.

Years later, little Moulin wasn't little anymore. He grew into a strong 'pretty' young man. With the help of physical and pheromone training, nothing was impossible for his mighty self. Proud was his older brothers for their fruitful efforts. With this, no one would even dare bully Moulin or come near him ever again!

During Moulin's high school years, he conquered the school and their worthless alphas who could only submit to his reign. 

There were a few rebels, but they could do nothing against the strength of his pummeling fists and the dominance of his pheromone. Some tried to overpower him with their strength. In the end, they could only collapse on the ground, writhing from the pain between their legs. Some wanted to entice him and capture his heart, but they were left limping back home, unable to reproduce again.

The older Fraunces brothers lived a life of satisfaction. Mn, Moulin has become strong, but they won't make him too strong not to need his brothers' help anymore. Mn, it was the perfect plan.

With a cackle, the daring omega lived in power and peace for the rest of his high school years. College was no better; he ruled the ground and sky with excellence. 

However, it was until one day...

"So you are the infamous Omega that's been terrifying the Alphas..." A broad smile graced his lips. A new student, a half-blood European young man with striking golden eyes, met young Moulin's gaze. 

Moulin's crew expected their boss to batter the man into the ground until he would become unrecognizable. However, they were struck dumb when their master suddenly smiled at the new guy. What the hell were they seeing?

"You know who I am?" Moulin raises an eyebrow as he got off the hood of his car. 

"I have never stopped hearing about you ever since I arrived." The alpha approached him. He was fit and tall—the epitome of a true dominant alpha. Moulin momentarily thought he could even be more dangerous than his brothers.

Maxille and Emlen: The fxxk!

"Hm, what a daring omega..." Hadrian grinned.

"You look worth my time. I wouldn't mind a new challenge." Moulin smirks as he cracked his knuckles. His crew cheered for him.

"Pretty too..." Hadrian chuckled.

Moulin turned red. However, he didn't feel insulted or humiliated at all.

Moumou crew:... Is boss ... blushing?

The fight was brief. The one pinned on the wall was now the prominent Snow omega. Grunting with fierce eyes, Moulin hissed as he stared at those golden eyes. "Impressive, Alpha..."

"Indeed, you are exquisite, little doll..." The Alpha chuckled. He let go and grinned. "I deserved a reward, don't I?"

"Name it..." Moulin stretched his limbs with a frown. It didn't matter; Moulin will tell his brothers to get rid of this man.

"Go out with me." Hadrian smiled as he placed a hand on the wall beside the youth's ear. 

Moulin stared at him.


This day was marked the day a particular lion Alpha began to pursue the Snow demon omega. 

"Moulin, don't be afraid. This is normal in the life of young men..." Emlen stroked his younger brother's back.

Moulin drew his brows together. "Being stalked by the heir of a dukedom and threatened to bankrupt our family if I don't date him?"

Emlen's hand froze. "Okay, forget that. Why don't brother teach you how to put laxative on his drink? Hm, let's get rid of this fucker together."

"I'll have the drugs ready," Maxille spoke as he flipped the page of his newspaper. With a frown, he sat at his desk.

Moulin glanced at both his brothers and sighed. "I need to talk to him..." 

Although his brothers desperately tried any means for Moulin not to meet Hadrian, even to the point of locking Moulin in his room, Moulin wasn't having any of it. So he snuck through the balcony and climbed like the acrobat that he was down the wall. His eyes darted around, and he skillfully evaded the eyes of the hundred guards tasked to watched his room.

"Took you long enough..." Hadrian lifted his head. His smirk was revealed to Moulin's eyes. The man watched as Moulin jumped down from the wall with ease. 

"Why are you here?" Moulin walked towards him.

"To sweep you off your feet." 

Moulin cocked an eyebrow. "Why don't you sweep the dust off my doorstep? That would be very helpful."

Hadrian chuckled. He pulled the youth's waist to his body. Moulin yelped at the contact, but he didn't move away as the man inhaled his scent, breathing it as though he was deprived of oxygen for a long time. 

"Hmm, you smell divine," Hadrian whispers behind the curve of his ear.

Moulin smirked. "Why ARE you here, your highness?" 

Hadrian's eyes deepened. "I came to elope with you..."


Moulin furrowed his brows.

Hadrian sighed. "Is it a no again?"

"What do you think?" Moulin stared at him.

"... A yes?"

Moulin knitted his brows. "... One... One week."

Hadrian blinked. "What?"

"I said I'll give you one week! And no more tracking me wherever I go. Don't threaten my family or me, or else you will taste what happens if an alpha messes with me." Moulin frowns as he turned away his flushed face.

Hadrian, however, felt his family jewels were at risk of being cut off or smashed. He could only nod in agreement. 


A few weeks later, the Fraunces estate was suddenly intruded. 

It is intruded by a hundred men, carrying precious antiques and jewelry. Mr. and Mrs. Fraunces thought as though they were living during a historical era.  What the hell was happening?

"Mom! Dad!" Moulin waved to his parents as he dragged Hadrian behind him.

"Moulin! What is this?" Mother Fraunces asked as she glanced at Hadrian. Emlen and Maxille's faces were as dark as the bitter coffee they had while waiting for Moulin. 

Moulin smiled and raised his hand with a proud face, showing off the diamond ring around his ring finger. "We're together!" 

His face expressed an 'I-have-conquered-the-unconquerable-man' expression.

Countless souls left their bodies. 

Their e-engaged?!

Moulin: Mn, Hadrian, and I are officially together! My family is so understanding. Hadrian's gift looks really good on my finger!

Unknown to the youth's thoughts, some of the crowd wore ghastly disbelieving expressions. However, the new couple only revealed satisfied smiles.

Ah, what bliss...

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