A Gorgeous White

Chapter 243: Unnatural Changes

The sound of chuckling children echoed faintly within the dim caverns of the cave. After the long conversation with the chief, Moulin conceded to staying with the tribe until tomorrow morning. Just after he took a step departing the cavern, he could hear the soft murmurs as the chief called for his people and prepare the things Moulin would need. 

Gratitude remained inside Moulin's heart. His steps were resounding within the tunnel as he walked silently. Around his neck was the blue crystal necklace glowing and illuminating his way. Moulin secretly felt his mother was still there trying to comfort him, bringing him hope, lighting up his practice. Although it was hard to believe, Moulin chose to convince himself. As pitiful as it sounds, right now, there was no one else there to comfort him... only himself.

"That's a pretty gem you're wearing." 

An intrigued voice spoke to him, making Moulin lift his head and turn to his side. The woman next to him was the same as the one who came when he awoke. He learned that her name was Cyra. She was one of the royal merfolk's servants. That is before the Kron. Currently, Moulin was helping her carry a few precious conch shells that her tribe had gathered before they left the sea. It was all that was left of their memories of the ocean, and they cherished these shells well.

"Yes..." Moulin replied with a faint smile.

Cyra knitted her brows as she turned to look ahead. "Did someone gave it to you? Something tells me that perhaps you're in a relationship?"

Moulin almost stumbled as he held the large basket in his arms. He cleared his throat with a slight flush. "Mn..."

"I see. What a pity..." She sighed.

The youth grew confused at her reply. Soon enough, Cyra noticed his expression. Beaming amusingly, she shook her head with a laugh. "Oh, don't mind my words. You see, you have quite the looks. My fellow people here have been dumping questions on me wherever I go. However, you're not one of our own. they're quite interested in you..."

"Oh..." Moulin blinked, not sure how to respond to it. 

Cyra chuckled. "Honestly, I can't help but act protective about you. You look so marvelous, yet you act so cutely. I can't let anyone steal you away under my watch." She hummed as her eyes narrowed in determination.

So a mermaid's possessiveness of anything beautiful was really true. Moulin smiled faintly. He honestly didn't expect he would be meeting one of the mythical creatures he had endlessly written about in his stories. Only, he wished he could see them in their proper form.

"We're here..." Cyra gestured her chin towards a dark open cave. The opening was circular, man-made. When the youth narrowed his eyes, he could see faint glowing strings of light dappling the walls. Light of the water. It was bright enough to illuminate the cavern a little. Cyra glanced at Moulin before she led the way. "This is the spring of the mountain. Our lifeline..."

Moulin followed Cyra inside, and the sound of water instantly filled his ears. When he stepped inside the shadows of the cavern-


A giant splash appeared before his silver eyes. Luminous water droplets sprayed the air and seemed to slow down within his gaze. What welcomed his sight afterwards was a long colorful mermaid tail. Scales in gradient blue and purple. Its long lace-like fins were glowing with the water. It was a breath-taking sight.

There were a few merpeople currently taking a swim in the water. Their long sparkling hair moved like the waves underneath the water's surface, and their bodies moved as though they were dancing. 

The luminosity of the water reflected on Moulin's silver pupils. Glistening exquisitely.

"Hey, you! Stop making the ground wet!" Cyra suddenly yelled, snapping Moulin from his trance.

One merman with a fit torso scoffed as he neared the edge of the pool. It turns out it was his tail that mesmerized Moulin. His blue eyes scanned Moulin before he shifted his gaze at Cyra. "Back off. I'm trying to impress our little guest here."

"You can't take him for yourself, Cyra!" A mermaid shouted.

"Yeah, we want him too!"

"Hey, young man. Want to take a dip with us?" 

Moulin: ...

"Argh!" Cyra gnashed her teeth. "Shut up! Just don't come near us!" With that, she dragged Moulin away to the farthest part of the pool. She intentionally kept speaking to Moulin so the youth wouldn't be entranced with their alluring voices. 

Moulin could only listen to her helplessly as they began to wash the shells. 

A few minutes later, Moulin looked up as he continued to wash the shells. His brows furrowed as he observed the happy smiles as they glide in the water. Although they were hinting at Moulin to join them, Moulin indifferently ignored them. He wondered what happened to the rest of the races in the world during the past eight years...

"This place was the only place that held pure water. Not contaminated by the Kron and where no aquatic malibreeds dwelled." Cyra explained without looking up. "Our kind cannot live long while prolonging human form. Although few could use the spring, this was the only place we found refuge. Other tribes weren't so welcoming..."

"I... see..." Moulin glanced at her. "If you don't mind that I ask, what happened to the maeruthans?."

Moulin expected her to avoid his question, but she faced him instead. There was a slight discomfort in her eyes, but Moulin chose to ignore it to smother the flames of curiosity.

She started, "Long ago, many of the races were scattered all over the lands. The Kron divided us all and... changed us. Most of us. However, there were shelters and bases that served to welcome any wandering survivor. However, If it were me, I would never choose to seek refuge in those places." Her face scrunched up. "The elves could almost be named extinct. No one has ever seen an elf even once during these years, is what I have heard. The Orcs only valued their kind. They are kinder to those that looked like them, but to those who aren't, they are thrown out. For those maeruthans... don't even get me started with them." She glanced at Moulin. "Sorry..."

Moulin smiled and shook his head. 

Cyra continues, "The bases they would build are perfect indeed, but their people and their leaders only want to gain something from the survivors they take in. Almost too much that those people could only suffer, it is... truly pitiful... " she sighed.

Moulin lowered his head. "I see... It seems you have been suffering all these years..."

"For the earliest years, yes, but now..." She revealed a smile. "We managed to create our own safe haven."

Moulin looked into her pure eyes. They were bright. Not a hint of regret or sorrow within. She was truly happy. 

"Oh!" She suddenly added. "I forgot to tell you the other thing."

"What other thing?"

"Well, you see, far in the northeast, there is a base created by maeruthans. I heard it is every survivor's dream to take refuge there. Food, water, the leaders are even kinder and more powerful than any have ever met. Our chief said that if we are ready, we would be traveling to reach there. The only problem is, there is a rift that separates it from the south—a massive one. A river of black water sits at the bottom of it. The place is completely uncrossable. The worst of the malibreeds also roamed that place." She sighed. "But I believe someday... we will be able to cross it..."

Moulin's eyes deepened. "Does the base have a name?"

"I heard it was had a crest of a moonflower and a sun. But the name... We have no clue" Cyra shakes her head. "One of our many problems..."

Moulin whispered a couple of comforting words to her before they finally realized that they finished washing the last of the shells. When they were about to leave the pool, the naughty merman suddenly splashed water at Moulin, earning him Cyra's spiteful scolding. Moulin was at a loss. The merpeople only meant to entice Moulin to the pool, but they didn't expect to face Cyra's wrath. Well, maybe a little. 

Watching the playful atmosphere, Moulin could only sigh.



The lamps in the corridor-like caverns dimmed as the night came. The wide tunnels were silent as the people living within slept peacefully. Moulin turned to his side with closed eyes, breathing steadily as he slept on his cot.

Thud! Thud! Thud! 

"Chief! Chief! Chief!"

A man scrambled inside the tunnels. His voice, so loud, it echoed throughout the once peaceful area. 

The people were awakened, children cried out, and the men wrenched open the curtains from their family's caverns and strode outside warily. Moulin also awakened and stepped out, wondering about the sudden situation. 

"Chief!" The man stumbled and fell on the rocky ground.

"Hey, calm down!" One of the merfolk helped him up.

At last, the chief finally emerged from the crowd. Altira, his son, trailed behind him. The chieftain narrowed his eyes, and he spoke with an impatient tone. "What is it?"

He recognized the man to be one of the patrols of the night.

The young man panted rapidly, and he pointed to the concealed entrance of the cave with quivering eyes of disbelief. "T-The lake! The l-lake!"

"What of it?" 

"It's purified!"

The chief gazed in shock. He stared at his follower in disbelief. "The lake?..."

"Yes! It's clear!" Hope filled the man's eyes. "It's... n-nothing I have ever seen before... Please... you must come and see for yourself!"

The people exchanged hopeful gazes. However, Moulin noticed the faint hesitance in the leader's eyes. The night was the worst time to enter the forest. It was deadly, and most of the malibreeds would be awake. 


His son's gentle voice brought him back. He felt a soft tug on his shirt, and he looks down to see the hope in the young boy's eyes. So similar to the eyes of the people around him. 

Finally, he sighs. "Gather the men."

Once again, murmurs noised, and the women and children were advised to return to their homes. 

"I will come  with you..." Moulin said as he approached the chief. 

The man looked at him for a couple of seconds before nodding. The men gather, and with the chieftain's order, they departed the cave. 

The walk through the forest was eerily quiet. Aside from a couple of howls and beastly roars in the night, the journey was ominously silent. The group didn't bring any light with them. Although they prepared some lanterns and torches to light up, they could not risk attracting the eyes of malibreeds. 

Finally arriving at the edge of the lake, Moulin and the group stopped. Their eyes widened in disbelief.

Under the glow of the bright moon, the water glistened dazzlingly. Reflecting the dim skies and the pure, flawless moon above. And the crystal that Moulin had created glowed brilliantly. The ambiance of pure mana emanating from it. Unusually, there was no sight of malibreeds lurking around the area. Everything was peaceful as if the evil was washed away. A soft feeling of safety and comfort filled the merpeople with Moulin. 

"What..." The leader finally spoke, breaking the silence. He stared at the pure water. Cleansed, and there wasn't the faint presence of malibreeds in the water. He could feel it. 

What caused it? What warded off those damned creatures? As if the glimmer of the ice crystal's shine pulled his sight, he shifted his gaze to Moulin's crystal. A thought then emerged from their minds.

Moulin stared at his own handiwork, surprised, shocked, and disbelieving. He didn't mean to look foolish, but he was unsure about what the situation meant. 


Moulin turned his gaze and stopped. 

What welcomed his gaze was the sight of the chieftain of the Merfolk tribe kneeling before him on one knee. Surprise etched the young maeruthan's face. "Wait, what are you-"

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Moulin froze. The chief's followers began to follow suit. Their heads lowered as they knelt before him in reverence. 

Moulin frowned in confusion. "I don't understand. Please rise..."

"We are indebted to you." The leader spoke slowly. "My people and I will never forget your miracle..." He lifted his eyes brimming with gratitude and determination. "Your mana, exuded from this crystal, is... spectacular."

"..." Moulin was at a loss of words. His eyes turned to the ice crystal protruding eight ft tall from the ground. There was not a speck of stained blood from the creature it had slain. The glow it was emitting wasn't as bright as the moon but bright enough to be seen from afar.

So it was this...

A purifier...


There were so many questions swirling in his mind like a tornado, but he was too exhausted to care. 

'What the hell is happening to me? These changes... it's too unnatural...'

The joy was spread the next day. Tears of joy were shed when the next batch of patrols returned to confirmed that the malibreeds avoided the lake like the plague. Numerous reluctant farewells fell upon Moulin as they watched to see the youth off.

"Thank you so much for everything." Cyra came and abruptly embraced him tightly. She whispered, "I wish you well on your journey... Please... Be careful..."

'I wasn't even aware of what I did...' Moulin thought.

"Thank you..." Moulin smiled, and he pulls away with a smile. Others joined in to steal a feel from his touch, and Moulin restrained himself from reprimanding them. 

"Hey, you... " 

Amidst the noisy crowd, a young boy's call stole his attention. Moulin looked down to stare at Altira. 

"You... If... If you were a girl... I would marry you!" Altira shouted in front of his face before dashing away to hide behind his father's figure. 


'Technically, I'm half female,' Moulin thought. But then he shook his head, embarrassed of his own thoughts.

He walked away from the crowd with a smile and approached the chief. 

"Come..." The man said as he patted his son's head before leading the way. 

Moulin nodded with a determined heart.



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