A Gorgeous White

Chapter 246: Discoveries

The bustling sixth district of nine was as busy as ever. People were unusually loud for no reason. Different races from different lands have gathered for refuge within the city of the northwest. However, although their means were different, they all shared one similar thought—their survival. 

The abandoned houses a few years ago were all obtained by survivors that came to the new city. The three towers served as their hope for survival. However, anyone who couldn't contribute isn't welcomed. The Lords who raised Helios City from the ground ensured that every person had their part of performing and providing. From the little farms in the first and second districts, the arcane organization in the third and fourth districts, the dwellings in the fifth district, the production of supplies in the sixth and seventh districts, to the militia from the eighth and ninth districts. Every person that wished to enter the city must name their specialty and be assigned to one of the districts within the city. 

Within the stream of people, a little boy wearing dirtied clothes carried a basket of used fabrics as he rushed through the sea of people. He panted hard as he worried that he wouldn't be able to have his meal again if he failed his work. With anxious eyes, he steered his way through the simple crowd as his tiny legs and arms endured the heaviness of his package. However, he accidentally slammed his body at the person in front of him when he slipped. 

"Oof!" He fell to the ground painfully. And before he could look up, a large hand suddenly fisted his collar and lifted him from the ground. Panicked, he struggled, and his legs flailed around. The basket had already fallen on the ground, being stepped by the onlookers. 

"You piece of shit!" The bald man's spittle sprayed on the little boy's terrified face as he held the man's fist. 

The man raised his arm, attempting to throw the child on the ground. However, a strong hand suddenly grasped the man's wrist in a tight grip. 

Feeling the bones of his wrist about to crack, the man cried out in pain and was forced to let go of the child. The fearful boy scrambled backwards as he stared with wide eyes. The man's eyes burned with rage at the person restraining him. However, when his eyes fell upon the golden crest that was pinned on the mn's cloak, he froze in shock. 

Seeing that the violent man had finally calmed down, the man narrowed his grey eyes as he released the terribly bruised wrist. 

"F-Forgive me, My Lord." The bald man kneeled on the ground as he bowed and apologized for forgiveness. The people around him started to back away as they lowered their heads as well. 

"Violence isn't permitted within this district." The cloaked man coldly looked at the kneeling figure before ordering a guard to take the violator away from his sight. The bald man begged for forgiveness endlessly, but his words were ignored. Once the situation was handled, the people quickly dispersed and remembered the event well. This was an example of discipline. If they wanted to secure a safe and peaceful life within this city, they must adhere to the rules within each district. 

"Are you alright?" 

The little boy looked up and swallowed. He nodded his head once he finished collecting all the fabric on the ground. Grey eyes curved with ease at his reaction. Lord Emlen softened his voice as he asked, "Where are you headed to, little one-"

"Stop! Stay away from him!" A voice suddenly shouted from the crowd. A few seconds later, a boy appeared bearing very protective and worried eyes.

The boy was older than the little boy with the basket, and from his eyes, Emlen knew they were close.

"Please..." The older boy held the little boy behind him protectively. 

"Elder brother..." The younger one whisper and told his brother about the things that happened before his arrival. Instantly, the older brother's expression changed, and he apologized quickly.

"It's alright..." Emlen stared at them fondly. His aura was calm, and it brought relief to the little children's hearts. Then he looked at the older boy with a smile, "Grow strong and protect your little brother well." He gave the boy a token for application to the eighth district's recruitment trials.

Seeing their eyes brighten with joy, Emlen smiled. He watched them leave, their figures disappearing within the crowd. Their small hands interlocked tightly as though they were afraid the other would let go and get lost. 

The sight brought hidden anguish inside Emlen's heart. His eyes were layered with grief. Ah, he remembered he had held Moulin's hand like that before. Everything was so right and peaceful. Now, it all felt like a dream—a lost memory. 

"My lord..." The knight from his side suddenly spoke. "It's time to return..."

With a nod, Emlen beckoned the rest of his group to him as they departed the sixth district. His expression turned solemn and indifferent as they crossed the river through the tunnel. Only authorized people of the Three Towers were allowed to enter the tunnels.  It wasn't long before they arrived at the gates, and Emlen dismissed his group before he used a teleportation platform to transport him to the Right Tower. 

"Lord Emlen..." The knights saluted to him, and Emlen nodded to them before silently making his way towards his elder brother's office. 

Slowly, the door creaked open. The soft light of the lamps greeted his sight. With a sigh, Emlen strode inside. His boots walked across the carpeted floors. His figure looked detached from the world. Then his steps abruptly stopped. 

He paused as he looked straight at the window where the lush green of the courtyard could be seen—a garden filled with precious blue gem flowers. It turns out the flowers his brother had planted unexpectedly bloomed. His eyes slowly turned sorrowful, and an ache that he previously suppressed resurfaced inside him.

"You're here..." 

Emlen turned his head and watched as a figure emerged from the narrow hallway at his right. His eldest brother, all grown up to be the powerful man that he is now. Perhaps, if they were happy like before, Emlen would've joked about Maxille's aged face. 

Lord Maxille Fraunces, the current Lord of the distinguished Fraunces household, approached his brother. There was a peaceful smile on his face. However, there was weariness in his handsome features.

"You returned earlier than I thought." Emlen smiled. "It's good that you're alright."

Maxille stopped and smiled faintly. He patted his brother's shoulder before approaching his desk. "The Malefics are beginning to storm the bases of the east. Fortunately, there was no movement from them around the rift. Hence, I finished early." 

"Hm..." Ellen turned his head and stared at the window. "The flowers... have bloomed."

At these words, Maxille stopped. Slowly, he lowered his eyelids and bent his head. "That... is good. Father will be comforted and Pola... Shall be tending it frequently."

"Brother..." Emlen started. "I saw two children today. They were brothers. The little one reminded me of Moulin so much. When he was little, he'd always call for us and hold us as we walked."

Maxille swallowed, and he held his head. "Emlen... "

Emlen turned and smiled, "I was only reminiscing. Don't worry. I won't do anything foolish again." A sigh escaped his lips, and he shook his head. Calmness decorated his chiseled features as he stood before the tall window. When he lifted his gaze, he spotted a portion of the ring of black cloud. Unexpectedly, his brows furrowed. Pity reflected in his eyes. 

Emlen shifted his attention as he and his eldest brother continue to converse. Suddenly, Emlen noticed a commotion occurring in the courtyard. He paused and neared the window curiously. Workers were yelping and shouting as they scrambled around the square. A blur of white flashed between the bushes, and it seemed it was the cause of the uproar.

"What is it?" Maxille asked as he lifted his eyes from the documents on the table.

Emlen squinted his eyes, "An animal got loose, I believe." 

"An animal?"

"Mn." Emlen pressed his lips as he stepped closer to the window. Somehow, he felt as though something about the situation felt familiar...

"Stop it!" Someone yelled.

Finally, the thing stopped. 

And when it did, Emlen did too. 

Silvery-white fur. Golden marks decorated its dazzling coat. And it was tiny as it climbed its way up a tree as it looked for a way to escape. But with Emlen's advanced spiritual sense, he could see it clearly even through the window. 

"A fox..." Emlen muttered as he tilted his head. He blinked after a short while. "A white-"


Suddenly, it felt as though lightning struck him whole.  His breath ceased. His chest tightened, and his eyes grew wide. 


"Snow?..." Emlen palmed the window. His hand pressed so hard a loud crack noise. 

Snow is awake?




"Stop moving! It'll only hurt more. Why were you so reckless?"

Moulin frowned before he hissed again. He could young girl behind him was smiling sweetly as she stitched up his back. When Moulin recognized Phuna, the lass was bold enough to skip all the sweet reunion before she quickly turned him around and slapped medicine on the deep wounds of his back. Moulin was speechless at her straightforwardness and was left gasping and hissing at the pain of the needle and thread. 

"Hold still..." Phuna squinted her eyes thoughtfully as he pierced Moulin's flesh again. 

Moulin groaned and clenched his fists. 

"There. Finished." Pola spoke as she washed her hands in a nearby basin. She poked at Moulin's wound, rousing a hiss from the young maeruthan. She chuckled.

"I'm glad you find this amusing." Moulin sighed as Phuna bandaged his torso. Phuna nodded as she continued her job. 

Not long after, with a worried expression, Moulin asked. "How are have you been?"

Phuna paused briefly. Her eyes stared blankly on Moulin's exposed nape before replying, "I have been well. I'm... sorry for running away."

Moulin furrowed his brows. "It's alright. What matters now is that you're safe. It is me that should apologize to you." He clenched his fists as he closed his eyes. "Forgive me... I... " His lips pressed together as his eyes closed. Feeling his chest tighten, he continued. "I couldn't save your father..."

Fragile fingers stopped. 

The young girl behind him stared at him for a couple of seconds before she lowered her head and continued with a sigh. Her eyes quivered slightly. "I  you did your best... I had also thought that you would never return. I fled because I was scared. I was scared of being alone..." 

Moulin lowered his head. She was just a child before. The feeling of being left alone must have terrified her. But where did she go? What happened during those years?

Phuna took a deep breath before she sighed. Gently, she finished bandaging Moulin's back. Moulin turned around to face her. A smile was plastered on his face. "I'm amazed that you handled everything alone. You are quite strong."

Phuns stopped while she stood. Her ears perked, and she blinked at Moulin. "Alone? No, I wasn't alone."

"What?" Moulin knitted his brows. "Then who were you with?"

Suddenly, an excited grin formed her lips. Her eyes curved delightfully. She was as vibrant as she was before. However, there was a faint thrill of the unknown hidden behind her movements. This young child liked to explore.

"Come!" Phuna suddenly put down the basin and held Moulin's arm. "I'll show you." The grin on her face never left. Instead, it grew even wider.

Moulin didn't know what she was so excited about. However, to sate his curiosity, he stood on his wobbly legs and let Phuna lead him out. 

His eyes squinted briefly. Afterwards, he gaped at the sight before him. Eyes wide in shock. His heart thumped loudly. 

Now, he knew where these endless rumbles come from. 

The ground beneath him was moving along with the loud steps the gigantic creature carrying them was making. A sea of treetops surrounding them, and Moulin swore they could almost reach the clouds. 

"Come one!" Phuna urged as she pulled him down the wooden steps.

Moulin blinked dazedly. His hand found the railings made of coiled branches, and they eased their way down the curved open staircase.  What is this? Were they in a house? The structure around him felt homey and comforting, like a wooden cabin in the countryside. Finally, Phuna dragged him down the last steps, and they went through a doorway concealed with a beaded curtain. Moulin had a few seconds to look around the room. It was a small dining area. The whole place really looked like a simple cabin. There was a small fireplace, a dining set for two, there wasn't a kitchen, but Moulin found some clay pots and a bucket of utensils sitting on another table. A furry rug was placed before the empty fireplace.

Phuna pulled him out of the door, and he was welcomed with the sight of a huge branchy hill. A vast, spacious area that looked like the back of a human. With the shoulders, neck, head, and all. What surprised him most was the curled horns that literally reached the sky—the horn tips slicing through the dim clouds. 

"Pa!" Phuna yelled as she stopped pulling Moulin. 

At last, Moulin noticed a single person with a double edge spear standing tall on the nape of the wooden giant. His black cloak fluttered around his body. 

Moulin blinked.

He turned to Phuna.


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