A Gorgeous White

Chapter 272: I'll Tell You Tomorrow

'It's time to wake up, my son.'

An angel was whispering in his ear. It tickled his heart, and he felt as if he was drowning in warmth, doused with never-ending satisfaction. He didn't want to wake up and give up this feeling. 

She was chuckling at his reluctance. It was sweet to be heard, like divine chimes singing against the breeze. It was beautiful.

'My dear, Moulin. Come, it's time to rise.' 

There was a hand softly caressing the top of his head. Suddenly, Moulin wanted to cry. It felt so familiar; he didn't want it to disappear. 


"My Lord? My Lord, It is time to wake up." 

This time the voice speaking to him wasn't soothing and soft anymore. Instead, it was bright and filled with concern. Long elegant lashes fluttered as silver eyes gradually opened. The drowsiness was still evident in his expression as Moulin awoke. 

"My Lord..." A servant girl straightened beside his seat. Relief filled her face when Moulin finally rose. The warm light from the few lamps illuminated the dim room. It emanated a warm and gentle feeling. When Moulin dazed eyes shifted to the tall windows beside his father's bed, he paused.

It was already nighttime. How long did he fall asleep?

Moulin turned to the man quietly sleeping on the bed before him. Moulin's eyes softened, and he stood up to fix the blankets up to his father's chest. His hands stopped when he caught sight of the slight glow of the crystal necklace beneath his father's shirt. A nostalgic feeling welled up in his chest. Moulin recalled the soft voice in his dream. Was it mother? Moulin felt his tear ducts sting. 

"M-My Lord, The master had awoken earlier before you woke up. I had already fed him before he returned to sleep." The nurse reported with a determined expression. 

"Well done." Moulin nodded. "Take care of him for the rest of the night."

"Yes, My Lord."

Moulin neared the doors. He turned back to glance at his father one last time before he finally left the room. 

Not long after, he arrived inside his and Hadrian's room. Then door smoothly closed shut behind him, and the barrier allowed him entry. The place was strangely dark. The scene made Moulin furrow his eyebrows. He reached for the long rope and pulled. The lamps started to illuminate the area, glowing with a soft light. 

"Hadrian?" Moulin called. Did he leave? Hadrian would have looked for him hours ago. It was impossible to think that Hadrian was unaware of where Moulin had been. 

"Hadrian?" He called again. His feet moved, bringing him towards the hallway, his right where their bedroom was. Arriving, he met the scene of a lone man standing before the banister of the open balcony. It was Hadrian, standing with a hand resting on the stone banister. 

His back was facing Moulin, so the young man couldn't discern Hadrian's expression. Despite this, Moulin could feel it. The unease and the deep hesitation. About what? What was making Hadrian anxious? From his back, the High Lord looked stoic and invincible. Nevertheless, he was still human.


Moulin raises his brows in surprise when Hadrian suddenly spoke. His lips released a sigh, and the young man strode towards the man. Stretching his arms, Moulin went and embraced the Lord from behind. 

He whispered, "I'm here."

'Something must have happened in the assembly.' Moulin presumed. What could it be? Hadrian might fool everyone with his ruthless gaze and terrifying dominance, but not Moulin. 

"You're back." Hadrian grasped Moulin's hand in a gentle grip as he turned around. 

His golden eyes were staring deeply into the dazzling pools of silver from the young man's pupils. It was like a river of white diamonds. Captivating and Alluring, Capable of inciting the hidden desires of any man or woman. Hadrian's arms circled Moulin's waist possessively. A faint smile hung on his lips. But what can he do? His lover was too beautiful. 

"Is there something I should know?" Moulin asked. His eyes were analyzing Hadrian's emotions. 

Hadrian paused briefly. The reactions couldn't escape Moulin's watch. His guess was correct.

"Is it something relating to the assembly?" Moulin said.

Hadrian was now sighing. His arms around Moulin tightened. "It is. Somehow, it is amusing how you can sense my emotions without even trying." 

"It can't be helped." Moulin smiled. "We're tied together."

"Indeed." Hadrian lowered his head slowly. His forehead rested on Moulin gently. "For that, I am grateful."

Moulin kissed Hadrian before continued to rest in the man's embrace. The chilly air unbothered them as they welcomed the silence for a few seconds. Then, Moulin spoke. "You can tell me everything..."

Maybe it was just her imagination that he felt Hadrian stiffen. Or perhaps, it did happen. 

Easing out a breath, Hadrian finally replied. "Tomorrow, I promise. Now you must eat and rest early."

Hadrian wasn't trying to avoid the question. Moulin thought it was because the news was too difficult for Hadrian to say to him instantly. Perhaps, it was something personal? Or confidential? Whatever it was, Moulin was going to hear it all tomorrow. 

"All right..." Moulin smiled. He exhaled as he leaned on Hadrian's chest. He felt the tender caresses of the hand caressing his hair. Fingers are smoothly slipping through his hair. Today was a tiring day. Hadrian must have been tired too. 


The younger man raised his head. His eyes met Hadrian's, and Moulin could not help but smile helplessly. "Hm?"

"I love you..." Hadrian said.

His voice was deep and magnetic. Like he was whispering in a very alluring tone, yet it was filled with pure devotion. He would cherish the young man before him. Love him, protect him, adore him, respect him, and comfort him. The potency of his worship for Moulin was significant. 

Redness instantly crept into Moulin's cheeks. An embarrassed flush painted his face beautifully like a ripened fruit. However, Moulin didn't draw back. He gazed into Hadrian's eyes and muttered with a soft voice, "I love you too..."

"How amusing..." Hadrian whispered. It was not meant for Moulin to hear, but the young man heard it loud and clear.

"What's amusing!" Moulin flushed red, snapped. 

Hadrian chuckled, "I recalled it was you had first instigated to kiss me on our first night together. How bold you were." 

There was amusement in his voice as he spoke. 

"W-Well, anyone would be caught off guard if you suddenly confessed like that." Moulin turned away with a forced frown. "Even if you always say these words..."

Hadrian chuckled, feeling his anxiety dissipate. It was like breathing cool and fresh air during a scorching summer day. 

The two continued to banter until they eventually went to dine together. Their night ended as they comfortably slept in each other's arms. Under the dim light of the bedside lamp, Hadrian was watching the beautiful creature, lying in his arms, fast asleep and breathing softly against him. Hadrian lifted his hand and silently caressed the pale white cheek of his lover. His fingertips lingered on the soft skin shortly before he drew back. 

The next day, Moulin woke up without Hadrian by his side. He was confused as he rubbed his eyes and looked around. As he ate, bathed, and dressed and there was still no sign of Hadrian except for a note sitting on the bed when he returned from the bath. 

Hadrian had left for another assembly. 

That early? Moulin worriedly stared at the note. Hadrian seemed to enjoy leaving him notes. 

Moulin understood that perhaps the issue with the barrier and the city's defense was troubling the Lords to a great extent. Who wouldn't be anxious? They only have a whole month left before Helios would be exposed. The crystal source was powerful enough to last the barrier for hundreds of years. Its power was equal to a hundred experienced Arcane mages unleashing their most powerful ability. 

Any normal barrier would shatter, and they wouldn't even last for half a month. A powerful mage of barrier manipulation would need the aid of mana crystals to shield a whole city. And this wouldn't even be enough. If the Kron didn't exist, perhaps, obtaining mana crystals would have been easier.

Moulin sighed. He'll wait for Hadrian. In the meantime, he should go visit Jagra and Ghana. 




White paws gleefully scurried rapidly across the solid ground of the streets in the third district. The people yelped and backed away to avoid a little snow-white fox being chased by a large black wolf. They were extremely fast and agile as they ran across the streets. 

Behind them was a frowning young man. His hair covered by a glistening blue scarf, he blended well with the crowd of blue hoods. However, his beauteous face was too enchanting to ignore. Countless people had stopped in their tracks as the young man passed by nonchalantly. Moulin ignored their gazes while he focused his attention on the two beasts running around and causing trouble.

"Energetic, are they?" A voice spoke beside him. 

Moulin glanced at his side and sighed. 

The woman grinned. Her platinum blonde hair was braided on her scalp like it always was. She was Ghana, whose grin was wider than her shoulders. She looked imposing as she carried her spear behind her. Any creature within the third district would recognize her as part of the militia of the Three Towers. The crest embellishing her chest was the symbol of it. The amused expression on her face deepened as she stared at her adorable friend.

"Don't look so sullen." Ghana comforted with a smile. "They're just having fun. Or is it something else that is bothering you?"

Moulin blinked. He was uncertain if he should consult Ghana about something as stupid as sulking when your man wasn't there to see you wake up. Moulin pressed his lips together and kneaded his temple. Honestly, he was acting so childish. 

Is it because he and Hadrian haven't done it for a long time already? 

Moulin's lips twitched. His eyes glanced at Ghana, who was expectantly staring at him. 

Moulin: "..."

Suddenly, Ghana's eyes widened. "Ohhhh, I see."

Moulin knitted his brows, feeling a bit defensive. "What?"

"It's because of your lover, is it not?" Ghana grinned cheekily. 

"Can't you think of another reason?" 

Ghana laughed, "You do not deny it." 

Moulin rolled his eyes. It wasn't long before they finally arrived before Jagra's house. Snow and Kier bolted through the gates and instantly entered through the doors with a loud crash. 

"Snow! Kier!" Moulin scolded. 

The fox and wolf stiffened at the sound of Moulin's chiding. When Snow resorted to escaping the wrath of his master, Kier hastily caught him and brought Snow to face Moulin's scolding together. 

The door had broken down. Kier was an enormous wolf, and it wasn't questionable how he could break down the door with his weight. 

"Ah, You're here!" Jagra hurried down the stairs of the foyer, gazing down at his dear friends. When he saw the door lying broken on the ground, he paused, analyzing the scene. At last, he spoke with a sigh, "Don't worry, Moulin. I'll fix it." 

Moulin stopped. He could only sigh and withdraw. Jagra welcomed them wholeheartedly as they were making their way up the stairs. They heard the crash sound and someone hurriedly running through the hallway.

"Young master!" Pola's voice was loud. She stumbled a bit before picking herself back up. "You're here!"

Jagra stopped her with a helpless smile. "The Young Lord is only here to visit, Pola." He turned to Moulin with an uncertain smile. 

Moulin read his expression. His brows knitted. A curious feeling crept inside him.

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