A Gorgeous White

Chapter 275: Love Making (2)

"I will bring you with me."

The golden rings of his eyes gleamed with a promise. 

Moulin was surprised by the unexpected decision. When he opened his mouth to 

Delicate fingertips dig into the hard muscle of both arms, clenching and spasming along with the rhythm of powerful thrusts. As Moulin's body rocked, he gasped and moaned. Hadrian's name, leaking out from his lips. Drunk by the pleasure his lover was offering him. 

"Hadrian..." Moulin whimpers as he's jerked upwards when Hadrian thrusts into him firmly. Hadrian's arm slipped between Moulin and the mattress, clinging around the youth's waist like a vice. His hand is reaching for Moulin's nape. Thumb, kneading the spot at the base of the young man's skull, drawing circles, and aiming to soothe. However, Moulin was beyond soothed. 

Liquid seeped from their intimate parts, soaking the sheets beneath. Moulin arched his neck as they moved, exposing the delightful expanse of his flushed throat, kissed by the blissful arousal. His body boiled, heating up as Hadrian kept thrusting, grinding his hips. Sometimes slow, allowing Moulin the time to breathe and suffer from the torturous rhythm.  And sometimes fast, the forceful pound would make Moulin a moaning mess, holding on Hadrian's arms yet pleadingly yearned for more.

A low chuckle escaped from Hadrian's mouth as be kissed Moulin's chin while the young man savored his movements. "Just how do you like it?"

Hadrian ceased his movements. Only grinding down their intimate parts and sweetly kissing the youth's jaw. Smiling on Moulin's skin, Hadrian hummed as he waited. "Which is it, my love?"

Moulin breathes out. Chest lowering and rising alternatively. He narrowed his eyes while he longed for the pleasure he was derived. He hissed, "J-Just move, you brute." 

His breathless, stuttering voice only brought out a chuckle from Hadrian. He leaned back. The man's golden gaze scrutinized the mind-muddling picture beneath him. It was breathtaking. He would give the world for this, and he wasn't lying. 

Smooth with a bit of muscled in them, slender legs are trembling as Hadrian's body separates them. Moulin was glaring at him. Cheeks flushed, swollen red lips parted enticing, and his silver eyes glowed with threat and lust. Such a combination appeared exceptionally ravishing and amusing for the high Lord. A mystifying exquisite creature was playing beneath him, luring him to the depths of love and desire. And he was his. 

Hadrian's throat rumbled a groan. Who was he to keep such a creature waiting to be touched? Moulin needed his touch, his heart, and his soul. Like Moulin, Hadrian needed him as well. So much, Hadrian wanted to rip everyone apart to mold the youth to his body, in his embrace, never separating. 

How wonderful would that be?

"H-Hadrian..." Moulin'a brows furrowed. His tear-stained eyes were filled with confusion and desire as he looked into the crazed look in Hadrian's eyes. The desire to monopolize, to possess was so great it made Moulin shudder to the depth of his bones. 

And yet, Moulin wanted it. He loved it. 

Hearing his lover's voice, Hadrian's gaze deepened. Like a beast unleashed. The hand on Moulin's thigh tightened. A delicate hand suddenly caressed his cheek softly. The Lord turned his head and kissed Moulin's palm. 


Hadrian looked at Moulin, his lips resting on the youth's palm.

Silver eyes glistened. "Hurry... Please me..."

Hadrian smiled against his hand. His eyes, magnetic and captivating. "Of course, my love."

Hadrian held Moulin's thigh, grabbing his ankle and hooking it over his shoulder. Moulin felt exposed, and when Hadrian hitched closer, he groaned as he felt the member inside him push deeper, slipping past his walls smoothly. 

"Yes..." Moulin breathes out. A sort of relief and a product of the pleasurable movement. 

Hadrian felt ecstasy hearing Moulin's delight and desire. His hips rolled, and he kept Moulin's raised leg in place as he pistoned his hips. Watching his cock withdraw and push inside the rounded slit between Moulin's legs. He paid great attention to the sounds the young was making. Every moan, gasp, and whine made him feel obsessed. He ground down with a harsh grunt, drinking the sweet sounds they were both makings. 

Hadrian drags out and jerks insides Moulin. Moulin closed his eyes, his back arching, toes curling as the heat inside him rose, bubbling the climax he was about to have. Hadrian helped him chase it. He was pounding inside him as if wanting to leave a mark within. Moulin wouldn't care. Mark his skin, his body, his heart, or his soul; he would be ecstatic. If it came from Hadrian, he'd accept it all.

"Ha-Hadrian," Moulin called with a quivering voice. 

Hadrian grunted, and his hand was splayed on Moulin's stomach, keeping his lover's body still. "Come..."

His muscles on his back contracted as he braced himself. The pleasure doused him like hot water.

Finally, heat seizes Moulin body. The climax exploded inside him. His body stills, the pleasure yanking him high and gradually sinks inside him. Moulin is a quivering mess. His back arched off the bed, his mouth parted, his eyes shut. The euphoria is dragging him back down. 

Hadrian stilled, and he tilts his head back with a groan as he released inside Moulin. The sweet clench of his lover's inner walls enveloped him. Raw pleasure runs down his veins sending him to surge after surge of endless bliss. As he's breathless, calming down from the high, he caressed Moulin's thigh before he gently placed down the youth's raised leg. He gazed down with adoration on the young man panting beneath him, looking so captivating. 

Moulin draws a shuddering breath. With glazed eyes, he turned his head breathlessly. 

With the feeling of the wet drag from the withdrawing cock inside him, Moulin lets out a soft moan. Hadrian collects him and arranges him in his arms. Planting a brief kiss on the weary young man's forehead, Hadrian carried Moulin in his arms. 

A few minutes later, Moulin opened his eyes and realized Hadrian had carried them both to the bath. The tub was big enough to fit two people. The water was cool, making Moulin sigh as he leaned back into Hadrian's arms. 

"Hmm" Moulin slightly lowered his eyelids. Droplets of water clung to his long lashes like translucent pearls. His hands lift from the water, caressing the edge of the porcelain tub. Delicate fingertips are tapping the surface lazily. With careful hands, Hadrian proceeded to rinse his beloved, who was gladly enjoying his service.

"Do you mean it?" Moulin suddenly spoke. His eyes closing as he felt Hadrian soaping his hair, 

Hadrian responded, "Mean what?"

"That you'd bring me with you in the expedition."

Hadrian's movements briefly paused. "Do you not want to?"

Silver eyes opened slowly. Moulin turned his head, tilting upwards to meet the man's gaze. the water around him rippled as he moved. "I do. You can't possibly think of separating from me for another month. 

"Indeed, you are right." Hadrian smiled. "I do not want to be apart from you for another long, empty month. But I cannot promise you a peaceful journey if you go with me."

Moulin smiled. He turned away and leaned back on Hadrian's chest. "I'm not expecting one. There will be many obstacles,  life-threatening ones, I am certain. I don't want to be reckless and make more hasty decisions anymore. Perhaps, you won't be there in time to save me."

"I will save you in time. Never again will I make another mistake." Hadrian lowered his head to the smooth curve between Moulin's neck and shoulders. 

Moulin smiled, "We cannot know what happens in the future, but I will count on you. We will make mistakes, and I hope we can learn from them together." He lifted his hand and gently rested on Hadrian's neck. 

"Hmm..." Hadrian hummed in agreement. Then, a chuckle. "You sound amusingly noble."

Moulin smile fell. He cupped water with his hand and turned to splash Hadrian on the face. "I was trying to be inspiring."

His silver eyes narrowed on the laughing man. 

Hadrian grinned and gently planted a kiss on his forehead. "You were already exceptionally inspiring in bed. You don't need to do more. It was... motivating."

Moulin frowned. The curves of his ears start to redden as he turned around, rolling his eyes. 


The lord only chuckled as he continued to soothe the young man, carefully cleansing him and encourage him. Perhaps, he will succeed and join Moulin in another round. Or fail and suppress the rising desire under the water. Who knows what will come of the High Lord of the Towers?

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