A Gorgeous White

Chapter 277: A Get-Together?

A few weeks passed, the departure was near. Moulin had no memory of when he first entered the walls of Helios. He was unconscious then. Currently, he stood on the ledge of one of the viewing towers of the Veresyah training arena. His feet, an inch away from the edge. There was no fear in his eyes as he stared at the walls enclosing the city from the far-off distance. Like the earth was shielding it and the people within. But the earth was dead. The land rotting will not stop, and soon, with the barrier gone... not even these walls can protect them. 


Striding towards the young man who stands at the edge of the platform, Ghana flicked the blue scarf around her neck over her shoulder. Her long platinum hair was pulled back and tied in a high ponytail behind her head. 

For the past few weeks, she had been training with Moulin and teaching him about what to expect beyond the walls. However, she knew she didn't need, to for the young man had already experienced it himself. If not, how were he and his companions able to reach Helios safely?

Silver eyes slightly closed. Moulin turned his head, his hair swishing behind him. With a calm expression, he approached his friend. "I was only gone for an hour."

"You know even an hour will make your brother turn the field inside out." She sighed as she scratched the back of her head. "He's waiting for you to finish."

Moulin grimaced, "Forgive me if he's bothering you in any way."

Ghana laughed, dimples appearing as she grinned. "On the contrary, it is quite amusing to watch him go mad. I was granted the chance to spar with the man to relieve his worrisome attitude."

"Who granted it to you?" Moulin raised an eyebrow.

She fisted a hand on her chest with a thump, "Me, of course."

"Of course..." Moulin chuckled. 

"Come now. I'll tell you the details as we walk." 

Not long after, the two arrived at the entrance of the teleportation platform. And as Ghana had said, Emlen was there, arms crossed over his chest with a stern look in his eyes. Moulin now realized why the Veresyahs were distancing themselves away from the platform.

"You're an hour late," Emlen said. His voice is impatient, and a hint of concern swam within it. 

Moulin apologized and went to see off Ghana, who excused herself, realizing she had finished escorting the young master. However, before she turned away, she reminded Moulin of the meal in Jagra's place.

"I'll be there." Moulin nodded with a smile.

Nodding, Ghana added, "Good luck in your lesson, young master," She teased before she walked away, hoping she'd finish her work early before sunset. She failed to see Moulin shaking his head helplessly.

"Let's go." Emlen held his arm carefully and led Moulin to the platform. Light flashed before Moulin could open his mouth. In the next second, Emlen was leading him into the hallways, which Moulin recognize were the hallways heading towards Emlen's study. 

Emlen had been preparing and cultivating him about the things they might encounter in their journey. Although Moulin found it necessary, he could not help but feel conflicted about spending eight hours holed up in his elder brother's office. 

They started their usual routine of Emlen spreading out a map he made himself and pointing out the most dangerous places on their way to the Meian boundary. He would have Moulin memorize them each day and threw a hundred questions on his little brother. If Moulin failed to answer, Moulin would have to memorize it again. Emlen prepared a separate map he had drawn overnight for Moulin's use if the group ever split. 

However, it would be unlikely for Emlen to leave his little brother's side during the whole journey. Emlen especially made an oath never to separate himself from Moulin. However, the youth was oblivious of his secret vow. 

When they finished, night had come. Moulin removed himself from his elder brother's watch, and fortunately, Emlen let him go and even offered to bring dinner for him. Moulin politely declined with a smile. He was going to Jagra's place to have dinner there.

"Remember to sleep early." Emlen reminded before Moulin walked away. The second brother sighed at his brother's departing form. He pulled the corner of his lips inward as he thought, 'Was I too hard on him?'

After going through the dim hallways, past the wandering knights, Moulin reached the teleportation portal. Arriving in his and Hadrian's room, he was greeted with the sound of Snow and Kier running through the hallways at his arrival. 

"Ao!" Snow yipped happily. His silver eyes brightened at the sight of his master enters the room. This time. Probably, this time, he can cuddle with his master. 

Moulin was weak to the little brat's adorable expression. He helplessly crouched down to pick him up.


Kier suddenly barked loudly and picked up the little fox with his mouth. Snow angrily made a ruckus as he flailed his limbs. The little fox was growling and barking.

With eyebrows furrowed, Moulin reached out, "Kier, wait-"

"You've returned."

Moulin stopped at the sound of Hadrian's deep voice. His hands ceased, and Kier took the chance to slip away from the room. Snow kept growling, like a little boy being taken away to be punished; Kier's tail was wagging happily. Blankly staring in the direction where the two beasts left, Moulin felt like he just saw something dramatic. 

As he dressed, Moulin stared at the mirror and fiddle with his unbuttoned collar, thinking if he should wear a scarf when he goes to conceal his hair. However, no one could probably notice him during the night. Hadrian came in time to witness his beloved, thoughtfully staring at his reflection.

"Where are you going?" Hadrian said. Although, he already knew the answer to this. Hearing it from Moulin's mouth was better.

Moulin glance at him through the mirror with a smile. "Dinner with my friends. I have already told you."

"Indeed, you have." Hadrian approached him. "We will be leaving the city after a few days. Best you rest for tomorrow. I know you're brothers have been pressuring you to prepare you for your journey. You must be exhausted." He said as he reached out to button up his collar. 

"I am. But this is only the last time. We are leaving after all."

"We will return."

"Do I have to wait that long, though?"

Hadrian drew his brows together. His golden eyes were deep as they stared at Moulin. The latter only gave a soft laugh as he reached out to palm the lord's cheek. 

Moulin said, "I understand, You're only worried."

"Somehow, I don't feel at ease letting you go." Hadrian raised a brow. He didn't deny Moulin's claim.

Silver eyes curved, "Afraid of eating alone, My Lord?"

"I have already experienced that for the previous years. Truthfully, I am terrified of dining alone." He chuckled, pushing back the memories of his fasting in the back of his mind. 

Moulin paused in silence. He sighed and thought to bring up a solution. "I know how we can both solve our troubles."

Hearing the delight in his lover's voice, Hadrian pulled Moulin closer to him and breathed his scent. "What is it?"


Meanwhile, within the dining room of Lord Jagra's abode. The floorboards creaked under the weight of a particular lady's heels. A frown decorated Pola's delicate face. Her eyes are fierce and frightening as she ventured through the halls, entering the kitchens at last. Her steps ceased before the doorway.

"They're making a ruckus," Pola complained, walking towards the figure tasting the broth cooking on the woodstove. 

With a satisfied nod, Jagra straightened and put away the ladle. He wore his glasses tucked on his collar before facing the woman. "It's not surprising. Their Ghana's companions."

"I didn't know she could make friends with such a high-ranking officer?" Pola pressed her lips together. 

Jagra shrugged as he turned to the stove, "Ghana is an outgoing fellow. She's admirable and powerful. She herself acquired a high position. It no longer surprised me if she could get along with a few of those people."

"Still..." Her fingers fiddle with her skirt. Eyes lowered as she spoke.

The sight made the man's eyes soften. Jagra knew Pola cared so much about Jagra. Ghana had always comforted Pola ever since Moulin's disappearance. Putting down his apron, Jagra approached his friend. "Don't worry. She'll be fine."


Although she still felt uncertain, Pola nodded. Perhaps, she was just too... overprotective.


Someone cleared their throat at the doorway. Jagra and Pola both turned around, and they stopped when they realized they weren't alone. Two people stood at the doorway with awkward expressions. 

One with red hair and a faintly polite smile. He was no longer wearing his usual heavy uniform but a comfortable shirt and a red silk blazer, Lord Varick of the Leoniles. The other one was none other than his Morfaer friend, the son of the Morfaer clan leader, Sarion. Sarion was scrutinizing the two people in the kitchen. The golden marks beneath his eyes glistened under the light of the lamps. He'd looked dignified if it weren't for his shirt, carelessly unbutton. He wasn't used to maeruthan clothing. 

"Forgive us if we're intruding." Varick apologized sincerely. Sarion scoffed beside him. 

Jagra shook his head. "No, it is alright. What brings you here?"

"Ghana, she..." Varick hesitated. "Went to grab the wine down the cellar."


Jagra's voice was so loud it seemed to make the furniture shake. He was quick to his feet and bolted out of the doorway. He was gone before the three people realized it. On his way through the hallways, Jagra heard the bell ringing from the foyer. He paused in his steps. 

He wasn't expecting any other person except...

Suddenly, his eyes brightened. In an instant, he tossed the thought of Ghana away and hurried towards the balcony of the foyer. It was when the bell stopped ringing did he finally arrived, heaving away.

Grasping the railing, he looked down. "Moulin!"

The figure waiting below abruptly lifted his head. Pulling down the silk around his head, Moulin's white hair was revealed. And the young man's silver eyes are filled with joy at the sight of his friend. "Jagra."

Jagra hurried, down and he realized... Moulin wasn't alone.

A familiar tall man stood behind him. He was towering in height, emanating a predominant aura. The man was standing unusually close to his dear friend, like a lurking shadow. 

The man took off his hood and revealed his identity. Golden eyes were sharp when they landed on Jagra. 


Shocked, Jagra missed a step down the stairs.

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