A Gorgeous White

Chapter 284: Living Under Dark Waters

"Stay here. I'll be right back." Emlen said as he hurried to fetch something from his saddle. 

Moulin's face paled slightly. When the water touched his tongue, it tasted strangely sweet. The thought that his friend made him consume this strange water confused him. Is... Is this really poisoned? Moulin couldn't believe it, but then his mind drifted back to Ghana's words. 'Yet?'

"P=Poisoned?" Jagra's voice suddenly entered thier ears. When Ghana and Moulin turned to look at him, they saw Jagra standing and wearing a deathly pale expression. Droplets of sweat rolled down on his forehead. He raised a hand to cover his mouth as he looked at Ghana. 

"Hey... did we just drink poison?" He held his breath in anticipation. 

"..." Ghana stared at both of her friends. Resisting the urge to burst out laughing, she took one deep breath before shaking her head. "Don't worry. The water is drinkable. It is pure and completely harmless. It would be best if you only worry about drinking from the pool at night. The moss underwater excretes this strange acid at night. The process is brief, and the substance lasts for a few minutes before disappearing. It helps keep the water clean, but if consumed, it would melt your insides completely. The first person who did this wasn't so lucky."

She scratched the back of her head with a chuckle. Honestly, it is good that they remained cautious. However, they looked quite funny a few seconds before. Ghana bit back a laugh. 

Moulin and Jagra sighed in relief. Unable to accept the amused look on Ghana's face, Jagra raised his head with a defiant expression. "You really find this funny, huh?"

"Yes, you looked like you were about to burst out in tears. How adorable." Ghana could no longer resist laughing. Her eyes squinted as she cracked up. Jagra's rebelliousness only made it more amusing. Ah, this really reminded her of their early days in the Leonile guild.

Moulin lowered his head. His lips curved into a smile while he listened to the cheerful banter between his two friends. 

Suddenly, they were interrupted by the loud call from none other than Moulin's overprotective elder brother, Emlen. The three stiffened as Lord Emlen began to make his way towards his little brother. He eyed the two people with Moulin, and his stare was enough to make them not interfere. Ghana sighed as she patted Moulin's shoulder. 

"Why do we never get to keep you to ourselves?" Ghana complained. It was loud enough for Emlen to hear. The man's cold gaze sliced through Ghana and Jagra's soul. 

Jagra raised his brows, "Tend to your brother, Moulin." He said, dragging the female warrior away with him. 

"Clearly, it is him always tending to Moulin," Ghana muttered. "Does he think he's so much better than me?"

Jagra rolled his eyes, "Shut up, My Lady."

'My lady,' Ghana shuddered at the sound of it. 

"Moulin, focus." Emlen pressed. "This isn't a place to be relaxing and chatting. Everywhere we go is dangerous. Even the calmest places in this land are deemed unsafe. Do you understand? Where have my teachings gone during those past weeks?"

"Still in my head.", Moulin answered with a sigh. He raised his gaze and stared fixedly at his brother's steel-grey eyes. "I understand you're worried, but I won't go to face danger by myself voluntarily. I am aware of where we are and the threats we might encounter."

Moulin raised a hand and gently caressed his brother's worried face. Emlen's hands remained by his sides, unmoving. His eyes are still as they concentrated on Moulin.

"I will be fine. You are here to protect me." Moulin said with a faint smile. His silver eyes swelled with dazzling warmth. 

Emlen could not help but feel his cheeks burn. An evident red seemed to paint his skin and the curves of his ears. Chuckling, Moulin walked past Emlen leaving his elder brother to calm himself down under the stares of the people around them. Hopefully, it'll give Moulin some time to look for Hadrian. 

"Hey, we don't collect water from the falls. Pour it out." One person warned when he saw one of their members filling up their jug. 

The crouching man being scolded complained quietly as he began to pour the water back into the pool. He cursed when he accidentally dropped the container into the water with a splash. Groaning, he stretched his arm out to reach for the floating jug, only to miss a couple of times. 

"Ugh!" He stepped into the water angrily and grabbed the jug. The water splashed around his calves in waves. 

However, he froze. "..?"

Was it just him, or did he just feel something slide past his leg?

Meanwhile, a particular person drifted past the tall rocks with searching eyes. His right hand remained on the hilt of his sword, for he knows he can only use his weapons he'd carried around to defend himself. Moulin swept his eyes about for the third time only to find the last of their group's people checking the map for routes. 

Hadrian wasn't one of them.

Moulin began to feel concerned. 'Where is that man?'

He turned swiftly, gloom hanging over his head. Perhaps, he should check again. Moulin made his way back. His eyes are lowered, dragging his gaze along with his steps. 


Suddenly, he sensed rapid movements. His eyes narrowed, but before he could move, something strong circled his waist in a tight grip. In the next second, he felt his back pressed on the rough surface of the tree. The weight above his buttocks remained as Moulin lifted his eyes. 

Moulin frowned when he recognized who it was. 

"Have you been hiding? I was looking for you."

Golden eyes deepened, and a low chuckle entered Moulin's ears. Lord Hadrian took a step closer, closing the distance between him and the young man he had imprisoned in his arms. The closeness now made Moulin sigh. The intimacy between them was what he missed ever since they departed from the city. He only wished to sate his need for his lover before they go. There wasn't much time left.

"Good work for distracting your brother," Hadrian said as he neared Moulin's lips.

Moulin raised one eyebrow, tilting his head. "You were waiting for me to get rid of him? Wow, how shameful of you. You could've just come to me."

Hadrian smiled. His eyes looked exceptionally magnificent even with the dullness of the surrounding. "I wouldn't want to appear rude to your dear protective brother. I believe I have disappointed him enough over the years. His words will be endless."

"Good for you to know then," Moulin released a sigh. "Now, I am subjected to his never-ending talking mouth. I love him, but he calls me every time I move even an inch from his side."

"He's being careful." 

"Are you trying to take his side?" Silver eyes narrowed.

"Whatever makes me appealing to his eyes for once."

"Ugh, enough." Moulin reached out to hold Hadrian's neck and pulled him down to meet their lips. 

The kiss is slow and deep. Moulin angled his head and opened his mouth, welcoming the sweet intrusion of Hadrian's tongue. It felt good to lead. He sighed between the kiss, feeling comforted and safe. It was when he was close to Hadrian did he feel complete. He loved it. 

Hadrian felt fire burned inside him. Scorching heat overpowering his patience. His hand sneaked up to Moulin's back, cupping the young man's nape and deepening the kiss. The wildness of his movements proved to lessen Moulin's control over their connection. Julian wasn't the least worried about it. Instead, he felt like he wanted more of it—the roughness of Hadrian's touch. 

When they finally parted, Moulin's lips broke into an amused smile. "Does it not bother you that we are doing this during an inappropriate time? If my eldest brother or your grandfather would know about this, I believe we will be in big trouble, My Lord."

"Hm, why does it matter?" Hadrian briefly kissed Moulin's parted lips. The corner of his lips lifted slightly. "It would not stop me from doing this frequently."

"Honestly..." Moulin shook his head. Although he wanted to entertain Hadrian and his sneaky tricks, he didn't want to be waste any more time than they already have. Decisively, Moulin lifted his gaze and said, "Come on, let's head back."

Hadrian stared at him for a few seconds before conceding with a low sigh. He pulled away from Moulin, giving both of them some space. Holding the youth's hand, he spoke as they walked.  "How lucky you are to have this Lord following your every will."

"You should be one feeling lucky." Moulin rolled his eyes. "You can never find someone as unique as me in this world. Start feeling grateful."

Hadrian paused and continued with a short chuckle. "I am and always will, young master."

"How charming..." Moulin smirked. 

They emerged from the edge of the trees and began to head towards the rest of the group. The sound of crashing water was deafening to the ears. 

However, it was not loud enough to conceal the loud agonizing scream resounding throughout the area. 


Moulin and Hadrian were quick to their feet as they hurried towards the origin of the scream. When they finally arrived, they were met with the still group of people gazing high off the ground—feet rooted to the rocky earth as they watched in horror.

When Moulin followed their gaze, he froze. 

Blood sprayed along with the drizzle of water from the falls. The sound of cracking bones and muscles torn apart was sickening and loud. Droplets of crimson liquid, along with something slimy, fell on the water. 

Long gigantic black tentacles rose from the disturbed waters, raining down black substance. They coiled around a body, or what was once a body, now shredded and squeezed like a damp cloth wrung dry. Blood gruesomely spilled on the water, mimicking the fall of the waterfall. The gaping holes at the end of each limb were filled with rings of razor-sharp teeth sucking into the flesh of what was left of its victim, grinding the soft tissue inside, digesting it. Not even the bones were spared. 

It was like a giant knot of long wriggling black worms. 

The sight of it was enough to make every single person tremble in fear. 

When it finished its meal, it the undying hunger once again. So its tentacle pointed at the rest of the living creatures like snakes turning their head to their next prey. 

Clenching his fists, Moulin swallowed. It seems they were going to be here for a while.

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