A Gorgeous White

Chapter 291: Something Is Not Right

As they marched across the grass, Moulin's frequently glanced at Hadrian. His eyes watched the man's prominent back as he led the way with the Golden-blood wolf at his side. Lowering his gaze, Moulin knitted his eyebrows as he took a glimpse of his elder brother beside him, wearing a cold expression. The chill within those striking grey eyes was intimidating. Emlen probably hadn't forgiven Moulin and was still angry. Moulin wouldn't blame him. It was his fault for making his brother worry about him too much.

However, Moulin realized that Emlen's anger gradually began to slither away. Leaving only the remnants of the fear and the concern he has for his little brother, which would never disappear. Despite this, Moulin thought to stay beside his brother for a while until his anger had fully diminished.

The wind is dull, and the skies as lifeless. The ground beneath their feet felt too... safe. While some may find this insignificant, Moulin doubts the rest wouldn't still feel cautious and suspicious after the events at the bridge. Most of them were still shaken, given that they didn't have enough time to soothe their nerve after the terrible incident.

Moulin's delicate fingers clutched the strap of his back while he lowered his head, softly watching the curious little snow-white fox peeking out from his satchel. As though sensing his master's stare on him, Snow tilted his head upwards and met Moulin's eyes. He barked and blinked his beady round eyes endearingly.

Moulin's lips cracked a smile before he shifted his attention ahead. The foggy plains, stretching endlessly for miles, seemed to loom towards him ominously.

"Where is it?" Ghana whispered as she surveyed the land around them. They have been walking for quite a while, and they have not caught sight of a single structure.

Jagra's afraid they wouldn't be able to find the outpost before dark. He exhaled deeply.

"Let's keep moving forward and scan the area. It should be here..." Taking out a folded paper and a light from his pocket, he began to analyze the routes and land for a clue. He lets out a frustrated sigh with a dark look. He only hoped the ground hadn't shifted yet. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them.

Moulin furrowed his brows as he glanced at his brother.

Three hours later, the group stopped for a short rest. While the rest slumped down on the grass, Moulin remained standing, going over to where his friends are, away from his brother's eyes. Squatting, Ghana played with the weight of her spear while Jagra was checking his things in his bag.

"I feel like we've been walking in circles." Jagra kneaded his forehead. "Are... we really not lost?"

"Perhaps, there's a significant chance," Ghana replied while stretching her arms. "I think we'll be still searching until evening."

Jagra closed his mouth and began to worry about being out in the open under the dark sky. The thought of the pitch-black darkness surrounding them haunted him. The place already made him feel anxious, as if they were blindly walking into a trap, secret eyes watching them through the fog. He knew the others felt it too.

"We will find shelter soon," Moulin spoke when he stood near them. "We have to..."

"Your brother looks like he'll tear his hair out." Ghana gestured her spear to Lord Emlen, who was seriously studying the map. "Think he'll get us out of here soon?"

"He'll figure it out..."

"I hope so." Ghana shrugged. "Something tells me we should get off the grass before nightfall."

Moulin nods, feeling the same. After a couple of words, Moulin left the two and finally found Hadrian. The man was standing beside the massive wolf, Kier. His golden gaze fell upon the far distance enshrouded by the fog. He sensed Moulin approach him and his shoulders turned lax.

"You're worried," Moulin spoke as he petted Kier's head before moving beside the man. "But who wouldn't be?"

Hadrian slowly nodded before he tilted his head to look at Moulin. His calm countenance made the young man want to stroke his cheek and kiss him. However, it wasn't the time for that.

"Come here..." Hadrian said as he stretched out his hand to Moulin. The deepness of his voice is enough to pull the youth towards him.

Moulin nestled himself in the lord's arm. He leaned on Hadrian's firm chest with his hand on Hadrian's back. Releasing a faint sigh, his eyes slightly closed. "We have to keep moving soon..."

"Hm..." Hadrian hummed. His arm, which slipped in the inside of the youth's cloak, slightly tightened around Moulin's waist. He wanted to forget everything and just focus only on the young man within his arms. But he knows it will have to wait. Still, he could not help but crave it, the peacefulness.

"It's time to keep moving."

Emlen's voice instantly interrupted the moment of the pair. He had finished checking the map and decided that they must continue looking.

With a sigh, Moulin and Hadrian pulled away from each other. There was a satisfied look on Emlen's face, but it immediately fell when Moulin went to interlock his fingers with Hadrian. It was Hadrian's turn to feel satisfied.

Emlen: Bastard...

Out of the blue, Kier abruptly raised his head. The beast's ears perked up and twitched as though catching sound. His strange actions instantly caught the attention of Hadrian and Moulin. The giant wolf sniffed the air, snout twitching, but soon he gave up and began to lift his paws. Kier turned to look at Hadrian and Moulin as if waiting to be followed. But in truth, he was eyeing the half-opened satchel carried by the silver-eyed young man.

Suddenly, Snow jumped out from the bag, startling Moulin.

"Snow?" He called while watching the fox scurry towards Kier.

Snow suddenly paused beside the black wolf, and under the beast's golden eyes, the little fox's fur slowly glowed. The air around them shifted.

Moulin's eyes widened in shock, realizing what was happening before him, "Snow! No!"

However, he was too late.

Bones creaked and grew, muscles expanded, and the silvery fur lengthened. The golden marks formed, vibrantly glistening. The transportation was brief and what welcomed Moulin's eyes was the full form of the Ancient Opallian Snow Fox.

Moulin had missed the magnificence of Snow's transformation ever since he saw the little brat again. However, now, Snow just transformed during a very inappropriate time, and the mana around the fox was fresh and incredibly rich. It was bound to attract malibreeds towards them.

"Moulin! This-" Emlen spoke but was interrupted when Hadrian raised his hand.

Snow huffed as he walked beside Kier. He was a bit shorter, but he exuded the same amount of intimidation as the wolf beside him. Both raised their heads in the same direction. Their glowing eyes were narrow.

"Somethings up," Ghana muttered curiously, rising from the grass. The others on the grass followed uneasily with the sudden release of mana around them.

Suddenly, Snow released a low oppressive growl. Moulin recognized this sound when Snow sensed something he didn't like. After exchanging looks with Hadrian, Moulin went to Snow and stroked the smooth, shiny fur of the giant beast.

"What is it, Snow?" He whispered, eyeing the direction they were staring. Snow huffed and growled in reply. Moulin's eyes deepened in understanding.

"I'm going to take a look. These two sensed something." Moulin spoke. He didn't hesitate to mount Snow's back in one move.

"What?!" Emlen's eyes widened. The refusal in his voice was evident. "It's too dangerous!"

"I'll come with you." Hadrian declared. He approached Kier, and the wolf was more than happy to have his master mount him finally. Hadrian settled himself on Kier's back with a firm look. He turned his head and met Emlen's gaze.

"Stay close. We will return shortly." He reminded.

"..." Emlen stared in confusion. He was unsure about what was happening before him.

"Brother, we will be back." Moulin smiled softly. Afterwards, he tapped Snow's crown, urging the beast to move and lead. Snow immediately obeyed and pushed off the ground, bolting through the dense fog. Kier howled and followed after the Opallian fox. His jaws are bared to the wind rushing past him as be dashed.

Their figures then disappeared within the men's view.


Emlen blinked, staring blankly at the place where the two had been before darting off.

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