A Gorgeous White

Chapter 295: The Plan

The silence sank like a metal orb plunging into the deepest depths of the ocean. Moulin could feel the tension around him as soon as Nhero's words fell.

Nhero's gaze didn't falter as numerous pairs of eyes were gazing at him. He felt the uncertain and disbelieving stares of most people around him. However, he wasn't waiting for their response. It was the man bearing fierce golden eyes whose response Nhero was anxiously waiting for. He forced himself to keep his gaze raise and ignore the uneasy stares of his men. He was doing this for them... And the miserable people in Gaclan base.

"Tsk..." Emlen was the first to break the silence. He raised his hand to knead his forehead. The situation is beginning to become more complicated. They were wasting time. However, they couldn't leave the survivors in the hands of those brutes. They have to be rescued.

Emlen's grey eyes darkened. With a frown, he spoke. "Where are they?"

Nhero exhaled slowly and said. "They're kept in the cells of the slaughter room. I am knowledgeable of the fortress's floor plan. I can take you to them and help them escape."

"How do you know they've not been eaten?" Jagra stepped forward with a suspicious gaze. He ignored the stares directed to him.

Nhero paused. "The orcs would only taste... human flesh in the third night. We have two days left... It will be enough if we hurry." He explained. "I will swear on my life that they will not be harmed..."

"You should watch your words..." Hadrian finally spoke. His eyes are striking, piercing into the soul of the bearded leader of the thieves. "For if any part of your story is false, it won't be only your head that will wait for the swing of my sword. Keep your word."

Nhero unconsciously clenched his fists. He resisted the urge to cower under the mighty are emanating from the man before him. He felt as though he would lose his life if he lowered his guard a bit. The golden-eyed man's stare felt heavy and oppressing.

"Yes..." He choked out.

Hadrian narrowed his gaze before turning around. Moulin was there to catch his dark look, but the youth didn't waver.

Moulin furrowed his brows. "Perhaps, we'll be successful, and the time we'd lost will be worth it. There is no one else to save them aside from us..."

"Mn..." Hadrian nodded in agreement.

As the men prepared themselves for the mission, some of the captives, Nhero mentioned, were released. However, they were subjected to the heavy gazes of Hadrian's men. They didn't dare make any suspicious moves and only heeded Nhero's orders with lowered heads. Not long after, they surrounded the pit, staring down at the dreadful darkness of the depths.

Emlen pulled Moulin beside him, anxious for his brother's safety. He turned to Moulin with a wrinkled forehead. He spoke, "I feel like I am at fault for bringing you along with this dangerous mission."

Moulin looked at his brother and softened his eyes. "Don't worry, brother. I will be alright. We will succeed."

Emlen drew his eyebrows together for a few seconds before turning away with flushed ears. Why was he the one being comforted?

Moulin only revealed a fond smile as he held his brother's hand.

"Let's go," Nhero said before he and his men jumped down the pit.

Their figures fell into the depths, and there was not another sound as they fell. Hadrian's men looked at the pit cautiously. Nevertheless, they obeyed Hadrian's order and followed after. Ghana was one of the first to jump down after sending Jagra and Moulin a confident wink.

Hadrian met Moulin's gaze. The Hercullian Lord revealed a soft look, brimming with trust and the anxious feeling of bringing his lover deeper into the chaotic mess he had agreed upon. Although Moulin had no objections and was even willing to accompany him on the journey, Hadrian couldn't help but feel uneasy. It was only when Moulin responded with a faint smile did some of Hadrian's worries vanish. They will accomplish this together.

Hadrian jumped into the pit, accompanied by the rest of his men. Afterwards, Emlen squeezed Moulin's hand, and together, they fell into the darkness.



Moulin felt the gravity inside his body shifted to the soles of his feet. He landed successfully on rugged and rough ground. The impact of his boots made him feel the edges of the rocks underneath his feet briefly as though he was stepping barefooted on pine cones shortly.

Raising his head, Moulin sighed when he felt his brother's touch remain in his hand. He focused his attention before him and stopped.

They are standing before the edge of a cliff. Further in the distance was a city showered under the dim light of the gigantic opening thousands of meters above it. He saw an underground city, large, eating every bit of space within the cavern. There were lights n the parts of the city where the dull glow of day couldn't touch, within the shadows beneath the rocky walls of the cavern. And at the center of it, an eye-catching fortress made of stone.

It appeared as if the earth was swallowing the city within yet was unable to, leaving a hole at the top of the enclosed land.

There was a narrow river that divided the north and south like a boundary.

Moulin and his brother joined the others. They gathered against a boulder as if in hiding. Hadrian stood like a towering pillar as he gazed at the city, examining it from afar.

Nhero began to explain as he glanced at the city within the gaps of the rocks.

"The Orcan slaughterhouse is located in the northern part of Gaclan, beyond the river. But to pass through the boundary surrounding the river, we must use the authority of the maeruthan lord that oversees everything and anyone attempting to enter the north."

"Name?" Emlen asked.

"He and many others call him Acria, and he is also the person... Trusted to bring women and men to the bed of the Orcan Lord..." Nhero's eyes darkened.

Moulin could sense the dreadful energy emitted by Nhero as well as his men. These people looked like they have been suffering under the rule of this tyrant for years. Moulin felt a slight sympathy for them. However, there was no time for colluding feelings and such. They have a mission to accomplish, and they must not fail, or too much time will be lost.

"Where do we find him?" Jagra questioned, breaking the silence within the group.

Nhero raised his head. "He frequents one of the brothels of the south. However, approaching him will be difficult. He's acquired skilled men to guard him wherever he goes."


Moulin knitted his brows in concern. They would have to deal with a few difficult men to be closer to accomplishing their goal. As the discussion continued, Moulin realized Hadrian was silent, not sparing a glance their way. He remained standing and gazing at the city as if filled with deep thought. As the others became oblivious of his presence the longer he was silent, Moulin quietly neared the Hercullian Lord.

"Hadrian..." Moulin called as he stood beside the taller man. He carefully examined the severe look on the man's stern countenance as he inched closer to his side.

Hadrian, without turning to face the young man, reached out to hold Moulin's hand within his. It was then that Moulin witnessed the man exhale, relishing the soft touch of his lover's hand. His eyes are still glued to the distance.

After a while, Hadrian spoke. "A few years... after your death. Helios was small just like this base."

Moulin listened, and his eyes slowly drifted to the city in the distance as Hadrian continued.

"It was chaotic. Greed devoured every single being in the city, and one could smell the thick scent desperation of the people to survive. I... no less suffered in misery as well..."

This time, Hadrian turned to Moulin. His golden eyes are brimming with both relief and anxiety, mixing sourly. Moulin could sense it, feel it. Every drop of emotion in the sea of the man's heart. It made Moulin's heart ache when he imagined how much pain he'd left Hadrian for so many years, festering inside until it was unbearable and excruciating.

"Reminiscing those times made me realize how pathetic I had become... yet I never hated it." Hadrian finally lowered his gaze. "And I remembered that you were coming back... and I didn't want to look disappointing before you." Hadrian raised Moulin's hand and softly kissed the back of the youth's hand.

"I wanted to look better in your eyes when we meet again..."

Moulin furrowed his brows, unable to hide the helplessness in his eyes. He reached out to hold Hadrian's cheek and planted a brief kiss on the man's lips. With a whisper, he spoke. "You would never look disappointing in my eyes. No matter what you become... I will always come back to you."

He finished his words with another gentle kiss. The feeling of warmth and comfort seeped into their hearts like an overflowing river of emotion. There were a thousand words to describe what they were feeling, but none of it seemed to be enough.


"My Lord..."

Pulling away, Moulin turned to find Ghana standing beside the boulder, struggling to suppress the smile on her face. Moulin internally rolled his eyes, yet the curves of his ears burned red.

Ghana cleared her throat, glancing at the people quickly yanking their eyes away from the pair of lovers. She composed herself before continuing.

"We have... thought of a plan..."


The red glow of the colored lanterns illuminated the streets in a provocative and poor light. The walls of each dwelling were made of fine earth, melding with the ground. Be could taste the saltiness in the air as they passed by every dirtied stall and house. There was no doubt that the south of Gaclan city was named the dwelling of the impoverished and oppressed.

There was not a single time that Moulin could not spot a single bloodstain on the dusty ground. The sound of shouts and screams filled the air. Children are being hauled, women and men being chased and dragged away, and Moulin could see every bit of thievery at every corner. It was as though he was walking through a nightmare itself.

Moulin suppressed an irritated groan when the ropes connecting his restraints were abruptly pulled. He raised his gaze and met the apologetic eyes of the man bringing him away.

Yes, he was being tied and brought away as part of the 'flawless plan' the others have constructed. However, he wasn't alone.

"Ugh." Jagra groaned when he felt that he stepped on something squishy. There were a few others of their group trailing behind him with lowered gazes. They didn't need to worry too much, for they know their comrades were keeping a close eye on them.

Moulin sighed as he struggled to avoid every single being purposely trying to touch or bump into him as they made their way through the extremely narrow street.

He only hoped this grand plan was worth it.

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