A Gorgeous White

Chapter 310: The Hidden Prince of Lions

The hallways seemed to be endless. A few minutes have gone by, and yet Mellano didn't seem to show any signs of stopping. Moulin sensed the cautious and suspicious looks from the men with him. They, too, were beginning to question Mellano's intentions. They feared that at any moment, guards would be swarming around them, and they would be done for without accomplishing anything.

Mellano spoke that they were currently located within the Royal Wing. The very name of it arose the wariness of the people following Mellano, especially Emlen. If they were indeed inside such part of the castle, wouldn't it be more dangerous for them? Emlen couldn't bear to be silent any longer and gave Moulin a stern look. The little brother drew his brows together before nodding with a sigh. Moulin turned to Mellano's back.

'' Where are you taking us?''

Mellano stilled, surprised by the sudden question after the long minutes of silence. The servant turned to him but kept walking. He had already sensed that Moulin and others' looks of distrust were stabbing him behind his head. '' The Slaughter room where your people might be held. Please, trust me.''

Moulin only looked at him. Something was probing him from the back of his mind about this unfamiliar young man. '' Why do you want to help us?''

Although Moulin was facing his back, he could tell how the question affected Mellano from the sudden jolt of his shoulders. When he thought Mellano wouldn't answer his question, the young servant spoke.

''Because... I know-''

All of a sudden, a loud noise came from afar. Its echoes reached Moulin and the group, making them stop guardedly. The sound of numerous rapid footsteps and harsh commands.


Mellano felt cold sweat on his back as he stepped back. He quickly turned to the Moulin and the other, gesturing them to follow him as he turned right to a corner. Moulin and the others quickly ran after him, hearing as the group of orcan guards began their search in the hallways. No, they refused to be caught now. If there were no other way, then they would fight. Their only hope now was to follow Mellano until they arrived in someplace hidden. Hopefully, they were able to avoid the guards when they reached this particular slaughter room.

''Stop!'' Mellano abruptly said, stopping before a corridor. They leaned against the wall beside a corner of another hallway. Guards were approaching the hallways at their right and left. They couldn't go back, for there were another group of orcs heading to their location. Stuck between the cross intersection of the hallways.

Moulin swallowed. The rapid pounding of his heart felt like they would burst out of his chest. The only way left was... ahead. But even if they did, the orcs would discover them nevertheless. As heavy footsteps drew nearer, unrest surged inside Moulin and the rest of the men.

''There's no other way...'' Mellano muttered. His eyes, surprisingly filled with determination, stared at the hallway ahead of them. '' We have to run north.''

''Are you insane?'' One of the men spoke.

Moulin looked at them coldly. ''Nonetheless, we will still be discovered.''

His silver eyes then turned to Mellano. His pupils gleamed with trust. ''Let's go.''

All objections were silenced. And in the next instant, they hastily crossed the hallway, running as fast as they could. Their steps weren't as quiet as they should be. Thus, the groups of orcan guards approaching from either side of the hallway spotted them quickly.

''There they are! After them!''

Afterward, a horde of orcs chased the intruders within a single hallway. Their claws extended, sharp as a blade. They were quick on their feet as they gave chase.

They're right behind us, Moulin thought. He huffed as he kept his pace quick. Silver eyes eyed Mellano sharply. They turned to another dim corridor. Two double doors faced each other, carved exquisitely, each like reflections of the other. Undoubtedly, identical. Mellano stopped. His actions confused the others.

Why are they stopping?! They were being chased! What now?

When Moulin was about to speak to him, Mellano turned his head.


One of the doors opened slowly as if welcoming them. And without another thought, Mellano strode towards the opening, hurriedly beckoning the stunned men behind him. Moulin was the first to move, hastily following Mellano into the room. Then the others followed, wishing their decision to trust the unknown servant wasn't false.

The doors shut close, and Moulin, stepping back from the doors with the others, heard as the sounds of the beastmen drew near the room. They didn't have time to look around their surroundings. Hearts pounding, anticipating if whether the orcs would barge into the room without warning or pass the doors as if it was never there.

"Over here! I smell it."

The people inside the room stiffened. Moulin balled his fists, glancing at his brother, who, as well, was preparing himself to fight. They were outnumbered.

"Open it."

"But it is the Lord's-"

"I said open it!"

Moulin sighted, flexing his fingers and taking a deep breath. Misfortune seemed to overwhelm them at this moment.



Suddenly, a sharp gust of wind passed through the group within the room. Moulin slightly squinted his eyes as his hair flew back against the wind.

The wind slipped past the opening between the doors, surprising the orcs behind them.

"What in the world-"

The leader of the group of orcs froze when his eyes returned to the gap between the doors. A pair of glowing emerald eyes glowered hauntingly at them. A poison green swimming within those pupils, emitting a dangerous light. Eyes of a beast waiting to be released. The orc's hand on the door stiffened, unable to pull back. The beastman is shocked, imprisoned by the threatening glow within those menacing pupils.

They only recognized one being possessing those eyes within the entire castle.

"M-My Lord!" The orcs yelled, and on their knees, they went. The only orc left standing was the one opening the door. Pitifully, none of the orcs went up to call him or pull him down.

The door was a few inches open, wide enough for a clawed hand to reach out through the gap and strangle the remaining orc in front of the door. The group leader of orcs struggled, choking out breaths as the vice-like grip around his throat tightened even more as if to squeeze his innards out.

"Kh! A-Ack!"

"Who allowed you to come in as you please?" Spoke the man with the menacing gaze.

"Forgive us!" The kneeling orcs trembled as they pressed their foreheads on the floor. None of them spared a look to their dying leader.

Green eyes narrowed. With a flick of his arm, he threw off the orc and coldly commanded. "Be off!"

"Y-Yes, My Lord." The leader coughed out, shakily bowing before lifting himself off the ground. The next instant, the orcs scrambled away as though a savage flesh-eating beast was chasing them.

With a creak, the doors closed shut.

Slightly narrowing his gaze, the green-eyed man lifted his head. He stared at the door, and a severe expression filled his face. "Lower your weapons..."

Behind him, blades of various sizes pointed at his back along with the hair-raising gazes. Moulin had drawn a longsword made of ice. His silver eyes stared at the orc's back sharply. Judging by the beastman's physical characteristics, long yellow-gold hair, disk-shaped ears perking on top of his head, and a long tail, hairy at the tip, he was clearly a feline. An orc they were told to be wary of.


All of a sudden, Mellano rushed forward, facing the tips of the blades with an alarmed expression. "D-Don't hurt him..."

"You know him?" Moulin furrowed his brows in suspicion.

"He's my..." Somehow he hesitated. "My friend. He's a good person. He'll help you..."

Moulin and the others exchanged glances before Emlen raised his hand, still suspicious. As the men lowered their weapons, Mellano turned around and fell into the orc's embrace.

"M-My Lor-" Mellano bit his lips. His eyes grew soft as he returned the embrace. "A-Artus..."

"Are you alright?" Artus asked worriedly. When Mellano nodded, he released a sigh before lifting his gaze. "These people..."

Mellano whispered, "They're Malyana's people."

Artus's expression changed, "That means..."

"It's today. They will finally put him down."

"You know the mistress?" Moulin stepped forward. The sword within his hand glowed faintly before dissipating into a flurry of delicate white. He glanced at the others and his brother, who wore similar confused expressions. They were not told about an ally within the palace. However, Moulin knows only one from the conversation he had with Malyana over the bottles of healing potions.

"You were the one who snuck the crates to us," Moulin told. It was half a question.

Mellano, turning to Moulin, pulled away from the orcan lord and muttered a soft 'yes.'


If Moulin claimed to know this young man, then Emlen wouldn't need to be wary of them anymore. However, he was still cautious of the orcan man standing behind Mellano.

Seeing that the group didn't fully lower their guard against Artus, Mellano spoke up. His hand rose in defense. "He helped me deliver then to Malyana."

"Him?" Emlen raised an eyebrow.

"Brother," Moulin called softly. "Perhaps, he can help us."

"Indeed, I will," Artus spoke. He swept his eyes to the people within the room. "You've come for your people, haven't you?"

Emlen narrowed his eyes. "How do you know?"

"If you were part of the rebellion, you would know the royal wing is a place to be avoided. Even your friend, the brothel mistress, is quite clear about it." Artus added. "I know where they are. I ordered their transfer. They aren't far from this room."

Mellano looked at him, muttering a "you did it?"

Moulin sighed, feeling slightly relieved. He turned to his elder brother, who clapped his shoulder.

"We have to hurry." Said Emlen.

Moulin nodded and turned to Mellano and the orcan Lord. The Lion-blooded beastman seemed tame in the presence of the little servant. However, from the way the orcs and Mellano addressed this beastman, he looks to be a significant figure in the palace. Moulin wanted to investigate about his man a bit more. However, they were wasting time already.

With a determined look, the young maeruthan raised his head and spoke. "Please, take us to them."

Mellano slowly turned to Artus, awaiting the orc's response. Finally, the Noble Orc nodded.

Artus gave the silver-eyed maeruthan a good look before he gestured for the group of foreign men to follow him. Taking the fragile servant by the hand, he strode towards another finely decorated room. Wasting no time, he pulled a lever at a corner of the wall.


The walls trembled, and dust rained from the tightly sealed gaps now separating slowly. A significant part of the wall drew back and slowly slid underneath the wall like a hidden door. It was dark, and murmurs sounded from within.

"They're here," Artus spoke, stepping aside to give them a good look.

Moulin and Emlen stepped forward. Their eyes widened as a group of crouching people raised their gazes to look at them. The faint light of the dim room revealed their expressions and huddled figures. Grime and bits of blood stained every part of their body. It was pitiful to look at.

"L-Lord Emlen?" One of the kneeling men within the dark room exclaimed with widened eyes.

When he spoke, the rest of the men rose with hope-filled eyes. They scrambled forward with their weak bodies, trying to see for themselves. When they spot Emlen, they could resist feeling relieved. Hope has come to them at last.

"My Lord..." A man wearing broken glasses came forward. He was weak from several days of starvation. However, he stood up, and Emlen was quick to receive him.

Emlen held the spirit seer's weak hand, and concern washed over his face. "Colahn, are you alright?"

Nodding, Colahn spoke, "Miss Teslley and the twin brothers require medical aid."

He was about to speak more when he spotted a young man of pure-white hair and captivating silver eyes.


Moulin: He looks familiar...

The seer stared at Moulin for a few seconds before his eyes widened in shock.

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