A Gorgeous White

Chapter 314: Amidst The Hopelessness

The silence drowned those standing above the rubble. The large opening, cracking outwards on the walls, appeared as if collapsing. But it holds still as if enduring for the female maeruthan standing within its vacant space. Platinum blonde hair is tightly braided against her scalp like coiled of snake joining on the long ponytail behind her head. She is armed with a spear as she faces them with eyes brimming with relief.

Ghana sighed, stepping over the rocks before her, approaching Moulin and the two other men. ''Finally, I found you. I've been lost for ages. Thankfully your little companion led me to you.''

Moulin drew near her separating himself from the whining Mystic Beast. ''How did you get here? Who's left behind? How did you cross the river?''

Ghana stepped back with an awkward smile, scratching the back of her head. ''Uhh, it's a long story.''

She exhaled and faced Moulin with a severe expression, ''We must hurry to where the feast is. I'm afraid something terrible has happened.''

''She's right,'' Artus spoke, concern blanketed his face. ''We must hurry.''


Moulin responded. It was better for Ghana to join them in this situation. They needed all the help they could get. Inside, Moulin could not help but become anxious. A cloud of gloom seemed to hover above him, enshrouding him hopelessly. He felt if they didn't hurry, then all would be too late. Soon the four of them and the Mystic Fox hastened through the dim hallways.

While running, Moulin glanced at Ghana. '' Who's guarding Quade?''

Ghana seemed to flinch. She gave her friend a sidelong glance before replying with a cough, ''Someone, maybe...''

''What does that mean?''

Ghana sighed, ''You'll know when we reach the halls. Just... don't blame me too much.''


Moulin narrowed his eyes at her suspiciously.


Deep-rooted agony, the feeling of being cornered and threatened, boiled deep inside Jagra's chest. He felt like choking. For the first time, panic, so strong, so clear, filled his expression. But he rose from the ground, and with bloodied hands, he swung his dagger, stabbing and slicing through the furred flesh of the orcs that came to attack him. Wiping the stains of red on his cheek, he turned only to encounter another claw aiming to cut his face. Although staggering a bit, Jagra ducked and landed a sharp kick on the orc's stomach, sending him a few meters away from him.

The cries and screams turned him deaf. He didn't know what to hear anymore. Most of all, the towering figure at the end of the halls crush his hopes of escape within the halls.

But he needed to keep fighting. Lord Hadrian hadn't given up. His comrades refused to give in to the overwhelming waves of their persistent enemies.

Jagra drove through his enemies like a knife running through fish flesh. He kicked open the doors with a deafening bang and turned his head to the helpless humans. ''Over here!!''

His voice was loud, and it attracted both the attention of orcs and humans. However, the rest of the Maeruthans grasped Jagra's intention, and they moved to surround the doors, fighting off the starve-craze orcs. The others began to head to the remaining people to rescue them. Jagra stood with his comrades, spinning two curved daggers within his hands. A fierce determination burned within his pupils as he charged.

Amidst the chaos within a certain area before the dais, Lord Hadrian Hercullio stood. An ominous calm surrounded him. The sparks of electricity surrounding his sword seemed to lessen.

'There are too many people...'

His ability was too violent.

Suddenly, he felt as if a boulder was being pressed over his body, crushing him. However, with a neutral expression, he lifted his gaze, realizing that the giant beast had set its eyes on him. He didn't look away. A challenging light gleamed within his eyes. He would have wanted to finish all of this. Unfortunately, there were too many people. He would risk the lives of his men.

Meeting the eyes of the beast, Hadrian lifted his sword, vibrating with the restrained surge of power.

Malyana noticed Hadrian's actions. Her eyes darted between the Lord and the Giant beast. Hope flitted within her eyes. In a split second, she called for Harow to attack.

With a roar, the angered giant banged his fists. Harow transformed into a giant bird, lifting himself from the ground, and flew over the head of the black corrupted Lion. Swiveling in the air, Harow returned to his original form. Hands curled into fists. He fell rapidly towards the head of the beast. Immediately, He slammed his giant fists on the giant's skull.

The black Lion roared, furious and pained. The impact caught him off guard, and its front limbs gave away. Harow landed on the ground hard, creating a giant crater around him.

Red flashed within Lion's eyes, and it dragged his gaze towards Malyana. The female orc flinched, feeling the oppressive aura being forced towards her.

Huffing, the Lion opened its jaws.

Malyana's eyes widened. A chill climbed up her spine. Driven by fear, she immediately put her hands together, chanting almost desperately, fingers trembling.

She finished and lifted her eyes only to meet ravenous flames. The heat was so intense as it reached her. Gritting her teeth, Malyana drew up a giant barrier. It rose in seconds, glinting red and brimming with pure mana.

Her ruby eyes watched as the fire spread outward like a fully bloomed chrysanthemum, obstructed by her barrier. The flames sought to for holes, climbing up the boundary. However, Malyana's barrier was enormous, enough to shield the other behind her. Sweat covered her forehead as she felt her energy significantly dissipating.

The black lion drew back, the flames disappearing in the air as he shut his jaws. Seething at the persistence of the insignificant woman, he sent the earth shaking with a terrible roar, tearing through the halls.

The fighting stopped, overwhelmed by the sudden roar.

Malyana covered her ears. The pain was indescribable. Her face scrunched up as if she wanted the noise to squeeze out from her ears.

Suddenly, the noise disappeared. There was a flash of light.

The beast was launch to the wall, breaking it down, groaning painfully. The scent of burning flesh and fur permeated the air. Looking closely, a large portion of the beast's right side of its face was scorched and bloody. Even its right eye wasn't spared.

Malyana blinked and turned her head to the person standing on the broken rubble that was once the dais. Lord Hadrian clenched around his sword. The sharp blade was engulfed with sparks of white light. It was dazzling to look at.

Malyana froze. The mana she felt from him wasn't entirely his. A familiar aura seemed to embrace the cold man. A soothing calm, silent yet threatening. It felt so much like... Moulin. Malyana stood confused as Harow approached her protectively.

Meanwhile, at Moulin and Emlen's side. Silver eyes widened. Moulin blinked, feeling a strange pull inside him as if there was a channel, a familiar energy coiling around his, blending soothingly. Suddenly, a faint smile graced his lips.


Ghana glanced at Moulin, confused. "What's he smiling about?"


Overhead the ceiling crumbled, collapsing over them. Alarmed, The four broke apart, dodging the fallen debris. However, the fallen rock blocked the hallway, separating the group. Emlen and Artus were on the opposite side of the hallway.

Moulin felt his heart pound as he neared the blockage. "Brother!"

Before he could take a step, a hand rested on his shoulder, stopping him.

Ghana shook her head, "They are alright, Moulin. But we must hurry. The orc with your brother knows the way."

Moulin paused. Clenching his fists, he glanced to the wall of rocks before nodding. His eyes spotted another corridor, and he felt Hadrian's pull drawing him near.

"Let's go," Moulin quickened his steps towards the passageway. He called on Snow, who immediately rushed to his side.

Swiftly mounting the Opallian fox, Moulin turned to his friend. "Get on."

Ghana blinked before getting on behind him. 'It seems he knows the way.' Thank goodness, she thought they were lost again.

With a huff, Snow advanced through the corridor as fast as he could, leaving a trail of frozen paw prints on the floor.


Hadrian lifted his sword. His eyes flashed ruthlessly as he rained down one slash after another. Slashes of raw, vicious energy fell unto the fallen beast mercilessly, appearing like strokes of paint.

Only this time, the beast was prepared. When the first slash came, a dark barrier abruptly rose from the ground blocking every assault. Hadrian stopped and lowered his weapon seeing that the barrier was absorbing his mana.

No longer cornered, the Black Lion roared furiously. Violently, its massive claws beat the ground like meteors pummeling the earth. Hadrian immediately1 drew back along with Malyana and Harow.

The quakes became stronger until crystals began to fall from the ceiling, shattering on the breaking earth. The eyes of the Black Lion glowed blood-red, and it opened its jaws, releasing a terrifying burst of crimson flames. The flames aimed at Hadrian's position. They reached out to burn him alive.

However, a flash of red appeared before Hadrian. The flames were blocked by a translucent force, shimmering in red as they collided with the flames. Hadrian glanced at his side, where he saw Malyana chanting as she put up a barrier layer. Harow was00 protecting her. His large arm weres were spreading out in embrace.

"Agh!" Malyana grunted as she felt most of her mana being was drained.

The flames did not stop. They grew larger and larger. It was endless and savage, like a caged beast struggling to break free. Malyana didn't know how much longer she could hold on.

Her ruby eyes lifted to look at the golden-haired maeruthan. Confusion filled her face.

Suddenly, her eyes widened. He's smiling?...

'But, why-'


A shadow rapidly passed over her. Blinking, Malyana looked up.

A white blur whizzed in the air, rapidly piercing through the rain of dust, and it left a trail of shimmering white.

Sudden coldness wrapped around Malyana, filling the air.

A glistening white arrow pierced through the blazing flames. Its arrowhead immediately struck the side of the Black Lion's neck. Dark blood spilled, but it did not reach the floor. The liquid was frozen. Ice eating it's a way through the wound.

An excruciating cry ripped itself out of the beast's throat. It began to draw back, suffering from the ruthless bite of pure mana and ice.

The sudden cry of the beast made every being within the halls stop. They felt the sudden drop of temperature around them. The chill made their hair rise.

Hadrian exhaled a warm breath. He turned.

There by the entrance across the platform where the beast laid suffering, a mystic beast of pure white fur was mounted by a young man. His silver eyes gleamed murderously as he pulled his arm to summon another arrow. Moulin exhales a warm breath. 

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