A Gorgeous White

Chapter 323: Spooked Awake!


The young man rose from where he laid. Sweat dripped from his pale forehead. The silvery strands of his hair clung to his delicate skin as he tried to calm his breathing. Lowering his head, his eyes found his bare torso. Surrounded by grey covers, Moulin realized he had slept in one of the rooms in their building. His brothers must have brought him here when he dozed off in the car during their trip back to the base.

"Ugh..." Moulin's face scrunched up when he could still smell the grime and blood on his body.

He immediately got off the bed and headed to the showers. Not long after, he emerged wearing a new pair of pants. Droplets fell from the ends of his pure-white hair, sliding down his bare chest and down the noticeable valleys on his stomach. Although he had a pretty face, he couldn't be mistaken for a lady. He'd worked hard to become fit and strong to fight alongside his family.

After all, there wasn't a place for weaklings in the apocalypse.

Knock! Knock!

Moulin eyed the door, and a feminine voice spoke from the other side. "Young Master, are you awake? Your father is looking for you."

"I'll be right down," Moulin replied.

He hastily grabbed a shirt from the closet and opened the door. Pola blushed at the sight of the young man's body before she lowered her head with a smile. She was forever grateful for being by the young master's side. If it weren't for him, perhaps, she'd already been one of those nasty lifeless things that roamed the world. She hurriedly walked fast to catch up with Moulin's quick steps.


The fiery end of the cigarette was smothered as it was pressed harshly on the smooth table. Dontae Fraunces, the base leader, rose from his seat and faced the people occupying their designated places at the table. His face is grim and anxious. Sitting at either side of his, we're his two elder sons, Maxille and Emlen. Both were outstanding SS Level maeruthans known for eradicating hundreds of zombies.

"Those outrageous Malefics! They've destroyed our food warehouses. Without our supplies, we won't last even a few months!" One of the leaders cried out while clutching his head.

Malefics we're zombies that have somehow regained their human consciousness. All of this was the work of the Zombie monarch, who possessed the abilities to control and manipulate the zombies. The Frauncian base is one of the powerful bases in A country and word had spread that their scientists have been working on a vaccine to defend against the infectious virus that plagued the world. It was supposed to keep a secret. However, a malicious man named Quade leaked the information to the malefics and enemy bases. Now, the Frauncian base is being targeted by countless foes.

"We must seek the help of other bases. We don't have a choice. We could trade some of our supplies in exchange for aid." Colahn, the chief of the medical field within Fraunces, suggested as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"But the bases that are likely to agree with us are all across the river. And who will be brave enough to lead the expedition?"

"I will do it."

Suddenly, a voice spoke that interrupted the council. A young man stood by the door.

Arguments then erupted between the Fraunces Family and Moulin. However, they could not help but yield to the young man's determined gaze. The man who was watching the scene mentally ate popcorn as they observed the conflict before them.

Indeed, none was more suitable to lead this task other than their strongest maeruthan in the base.

A few days later, Moulin, Emlen, and together with the team departed from the base. The scorching sun never did make each of their journey easier. As ice-wielding maeruthans, Moulin and Emlen were suffering more than the other members of their team.

After a few days of traveling, they finally stood at the foot of the vast broken bridge. This time, the weather was stranger. Thunder roared in the dark skies, and rain started pouring over them. Together with metal-wielding maeruthans, Moulin and Emlen began constructing the other half of the bridge.

In the middle of eradicating a horde of zombies, Moulin felt his body freeze.

His eyes turned, and he's met with a huge wave heading towards the bridge! "!!!"

Moulin hurriedly shouted towards his brother. Realizing how serious their situation was, Emlen and Moulin began clearing through the zombies, making a pathway towards the end of the bridge as fast as they could. The waves drew nearer, engulfing abandoned boats and piers like a sea monster coming to devour everything within its path.

Arriving at the end of the bridge, Moulin hurriedly yelled to the men who were left behind to run faster. When almost all of the people had arrived at the other side, the last member of the team suddenly fell on his front. At this time, the wave was already towering over the highest part of the bridge.

Gritting his teeth, Moulin rushed forward despite his brother's calls. He abruptly pushed the man back to Emlen, and before he could react, waves crashed at his side and swept him away. Tumbling within violent waters, Moulin the pressure squeezes out the air within his lungs. Darkness engulfed him.


Coughing, Moulin opened his eyes and turned to his side, pushing the water out of his throat. Pebbles dug underneath his body, and shore waves reached his chest and withdrew alternately. Moulin laboriously rose from the ground. He didn't recognize the beach at all.


Moulin turned around and saw zombies hurriedly rushing towards him. He was still injured, but he stood in a fighting stance and conjured his mana. Snow surrounded him as he attacked his enemies.

However, more and more began swarming the bridge. Moulin didn't think he could take all of them.

Just when he thought he would die without anyone knowing where he was, a bolt of lightning suddenly surrounded him in a ring and electrocuted all of the remaining zombies.

Moulin's eyes widened in shock.

Then a pair of combat boots stepped on the rocky beach. A blonde man exuding a terrifying aura stood at a distance observing him. Hadrian's golden eyes stared at the drenched long-haired youth in interest.

A mermaid who gained legs. How peculiar...

"..." Moulin blinked and then narrowed his eyes.

He summoned his mana and launched a bolt of ice towards the man. And it struck the zombie that had risen behind the stranger.

"..." Hadrian blinked.

Moulin was about to thank him when the man suddenly stalked towards him with deep eyes. "Thank you for saving me. May I know who you are?"

Save him? Wasn't it him who saved me?

Moulin, who was caught off guard, stared at him. "Moulin."

"Moulin..." Hadrian tested his name with a smile. Intrigued by the youth, he drew closer until they were only inches apart. Moulin had the urge to stab him in the chest.

Too close!

Hadrian then added, "Then Moulin, you are mine now."


Fuck! I've run into a pervert!

Running towards the beach, three people were panting with anxious eyes. Varick, the right hand of the base leader, and his two other comrades, Ghana and Tessley, scanned the beach before spotting two figures. The smaller one was hurling ice stakes at the taller one, desperate to pole holes into the other's body.

"Sir!" Varick yelled and hurried towards Hadrian. He and the others eyed Moulin curiously. "Who is he?"

Hadrian replied with smiling eyes and a smirk. "Your madame."


Moulin nearly screamed. "Who's your madame, you pervert!"

After a brawl on the beach, the persistent Base Leader took his injured 'wife' back to his domain. He treated him and began showering Moulin with sly comments and restrained desire. It was difficult to break down the walls of the powerful ice-wielder. However, after a few trips to a frozen lake in an excluded snowy mountain, the fierce maeruthan's heart began to thaw.

Moulin couldn't help but fall for those golden eyes and the stupid look on Hadrian's face whenever Moulin compliments him. Hadrian was the leader of the Hercullio base. It was the powerful base that Moulin's team was supposed to negotiate with. Hadrian Hercullio, like Moulin, was one of the rare SSS-level maeruthans. This surprised Moulin, and he couldn't help but question why another SSS level maeruthan would be so clingy to him!

"I feel like we've shared a beautiful romance during our previous lives." Was Hadrian's answer.

Moulin rolled his eyes. However, he didn't feel as if it was a lie or a joke. It felt true.

A month passed, and it was known throughout that the leader of Hercullio base had himself an exquisite SSS-level wife. It was said that the prominent leader was hellbent on pleasing his wife every night that no one would be surprised if a bun were already in the oven.

A few days later, Emlen and the rest of his group arrived before the doors of the Hercullio base. The grieving man was expecting to be turned away. However, to his suprise, the gates opened, and the little brother he thought was lost was running towards him with tearful eyes. Emlen shed tears as he tightly embraced his Moulin.

What was even more shocking was that the leader of the base himself came to welcome him. He grew suspicious when he noticed that the man was always close to Moulin. Lightning struck his soul when Hadrian shamelessly announced his engagement with Emlen's beautiful little brother.

"Did he force you?!" Emlen held Moulin once they were alone.

Moulin tilted his head, "No, silly. I proposed to him."

Emlen almost vomited blood at his answer. Moulin chuckled. Why was his brother so dramatic? Haha.

Hadrian felt pride swell in his chest, and together with Moulin and his brother, they quickly journeyed to the Fraunces base. The world seemed to spin around Dontae Fraunces, his wife, and his eldest son when they saw the Golden Lord of the Hercullio kneeling before them. Behind him were horde's of gifts and supplies for his betrothed's base.

From that day on, the Fraunces and Hercullio joined forces, and they were an indestructible force to be reckoned with. Anyone who dared to conspire and confront them were dealt with excruciating force.

The Fraunces base was protected, and a vaccine was finally created. Hope and joy filled the eyes of the world. The Fraunces-Hercullio base was righteous. They weren't greedy and the treatment was distributed instantly.

Man became strong once more, and it wasn't long before the Zombie King fell. An all-out attack, led by Hadrian and Moulin, was commenced to end the Zombie king. The battle lasted for three months before the King was subdued and his head was ripped off.

The pair's achievement and sacrifice for man became known throughout every corner of the world. They were named legends.



Abruptly rising from the bed, forehead soaked with sweat, Moulin held his head and breathed out. His long wavy hair fell over his delicate shoulders and over the pink scar on his chest. His brows furrowed, and he unconsciously touched the naked blonde man sleeping beside him. Hadrian's muscular arm was wrapped around Moulin's waist possessively.

'What weird dream...' Moulin thought.

His thoughts were abruptly interrupted when he heard a faint wail from the hallway.

Worry crossed the youth's face. But before Moulin could get up, Hadrian had awoken and rose from the bed.

"I'll get them..." He said as he kissed his beloved lips before slipping into his robes. Like a dutiful father and husband, he went to take care of cries on the other side of the hallway joining the rooms.

Moulin chuckled before as he stared at Hadrian's prominent back.

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