A Gorgeous White

Chapter 325: Let Me Have Some Comfort

His heart thundered. It felt as if it would burst ou,t of his chest. Fear coiled around him, wrapping his entire body in frightening cold. Silver pupils quivered, laced with the unbridled fear. The room was freezing, and Moulin didn't find comfort in it than how he used to. It was terrifying and ominous, as if he was being swallowed by pitch-black darkness, suffocating in mad silence.

The memories were so vivid in his mind. The scenes before the destruction of the Fraunces manor erupted, unearthed from the deep depths in his mind that he forced himself to forget. He lost many things after that day: his mother's life, his home, his dear friend, and eight years of his life. Standing within the room facing the carved wall, it felt like time had rewind, and he was brought back to that devastating day. Fear gripped his heart tightly, almost crushing it.

It was when Moulin felt the painful tightness within his chest that he realized he wasn't breathing. He gasped for air, placing a hand on his chest with weak knees.

Trembling, Moulin steeled his mind. No! He would never go down that path again. He never wanted to experience something so painful ever again.

Moulin took one step back. He steadied himself and raised his head. Fear remained in his heart. However, a fierce rage stood beside it, engulfing his mind in flames.

Two rings of foreign runes enclosed the carved three-headed serpent within the wall. The snake at its center was baring his fangs at Moulin as if he was something detestable to its eyes. Beneath it was an ornate stone table, embellished with gold, and on its surface, pieces of bones laid scattered. Moulin narrowed his eyes. No matter how he looked at it, it was no doubt an altar.

Someone was worshipping this abhorrent Demonic God under this palace. Who could it be? Feeling as if the answer was at the tip of his tongue, Moulin scanned his memories. His mind whirled around the Accrius's brother, the previous Orcan Lord, and his third eye possessed the blood-red demonic pupil. Hadrian confided that he sensed the malevolent mana surrounding him before his transformation.

Moulin shook his head in disbelief. Before, he thought the Orcan Lord was being controlled by the malefics. He didn't imagine that he was worshipping the Demon God as well.

Staring at the carved statue of the serpent, Moulin felt a pull. It was there before the downfall of his home, and now it was here under the underground city. Moulin remembered he had pierced his finger when he unconsciously touched the fang of the statue. He knew damn well he wouldn't be swayed by it ever again.

After his rebirth, his mind was stronger. It will not happen to him twice.

Suddenly, a shout echoed from the hole behind him. Moulin raised his brow and turned around only to see Jagra sliding down rapidly before painfully landing on his butt.

Jagra lets out a groan before his eyes find Moulin. His expression eased in relief, "Thank goodness you're alright."

"You found the way in?" Moulin said as he helped his friend up.

Dusting his pants, Jagra nodded. A sigh escaped his mouth as he scanned the area. "It took some time, but I found it. Who knew there would be secret entrances in the palace? Nhero should have told us sooner. But... what is this place?"

Moulin shook his head. "Probably a hidden shrine."

"Worshipping that?" Wide-eyed, Jagra pointed at the wall before them. He knew well about this God. The singing voices of Malefics forever praised this demon.

"I believe so..."

Jagra shuddered, taking a step backwards. "Are there, perhaps, Malefics lurking around this place?"

"Maybe. Hopefully, they scurried off. We'll have to report this to the new council." Moulin turned around and headed towards the hole where they fell. "And.. have that wall torn down."


The doors eased to open, sliding smoothly over the smooth floor. A delicate hand left the body of the door as the young man entered. On his back, long silvery-white strands swayed, as if in a dance, at every move of his body. There was an underlying charm and grace in his gate. With a sigh, Moulin entered the threshold. Shutting the doors behind him, Moulin looked around.



Silver pupils brightened at the sight of two creatures scurrying towards him enthusiastically. A little white ball of fluff bounced towards him and jumped into his unprepared arms. A chuckle left Moulin's lips as he caught the mischievous fox. Then, he lets out a loud "Oof!" when a larger and darker creature pounces on his body. Moulin almost stumbled backwards.

The aphrodite laughed brightly as he leaned away from the Golden-blood wolf's slippery tongue. Snow huffed in his arms, glaring at the dark giant pouncing on his master.

"I miss you too, Keir." Moulin grinned as he fondly stroked the wolf's snout. Then he looked down and nuzzled his nose on the sulking fox's tiny nose. "You too."

Snow yipped, satisfied with his master's doting actions. Moulin straightened himself and petted Snow's fur as he walked into one of the bedrooms in the chambers. After putting the little fox on the sheets, Moulin took off his boots and let his bare soles meet the carpets.

Exhaling, he leaned back and stared at the two creatures playing around with each other on the bed. "Where's your big master?"

The two abruptly stopped. Snow, sitting on top of Keir's belly, only blinked at him and then huffed. It was Keir who pointed his snout at the big double doors located across the chamber. Snow growled at Keir with fierce eyes. The giant wolf only whined, feeling wronged.

Moulin shook his head as he headed towards the doors. His steps are soft as he makes his way. With a bit of force, he pushed the doors open.

A loud creak bounced on the walls of the area. It was sure to catch the attention of whoever was inside the vicinity. Moulin didn't need to guess. A bit of steam caressed his rosy cheeks, and he was filled with the desire to bathe in its extreme comfort.

Turning to one corner, he found a big pool. It was a large enough for five people to have within its warm waters. Lavender and rose petals floated on the clear water, and its scenery was close to Moulin's favorite bath oils.

Scanning the area, he found the man that he was searching for. He rested against the edges of the pool: arms spreads, elbows resting on the pool's surface. Droplets rolled down from the tips of his hair, the thick column of his bare throat down to the toned valleys of his abdominal muscles. His wet look made him appear laidback in an unruly sort of way, exuding a thick sensual ambiance. Golden predatory-like gaze softened, with a drop of need, as he locked on the intruding youth. Slowly, a corner of his lips lifted.

Moulin raised his brows. His eyes are doused with interest. And he, though clothed, made his way forward towards the pool. The moisture on the tiles soaked the soles of his delicate feet.

The coils on Hadrian's throat moved, and the man removed himself from the edge to receive his lover. He walked through the water unashamed of his audacious nudity and the symbol of his desire underneath the water. His large hands caught the edges on the other side of the pool, gripping it as he raised his head, meeting those lovely silver eyes above him.

Moulin's feet were a few inches away from the edge, and he stood like a haughty deity.

Hadrian spoke with a bit of amusement in his voice. "You're late. I thought I had to finish alone."

"How pitiful." Moulin chuckled teasingly. "I was caught up in some things. Now, I would really want to join you in the pool. However, you look quite comforted already." Moulin finished as he slowly lowered himself to sit on the edge between Hadrian's strong arms. Honestly, even at this level, this man was still taller than him in several inches.

Hadrian smirked as his hands slipped from the smooth surface of the bricks to the sides of the youth's wide hips. Teasingly, his fingers trailed upwards to the waistband of his lover's lower garments.

"Confide me in your worries... " Hadrian whispered as he leaned closer. His hands finally moved to undress Moulin of his lower garments, and his lips caught the youth's mouth in a slow passionate kiss. The youth's milky thighs were revealed, exposed to the warm air. Smoldering heat erupted between them, and Moulin angled his head to deepen their connection.

When they parted, Hadrian was already working on the buttons and unlacing the ties of Moulin's shirt. A string of silver stretched between their lips. As Hadrian slowly pulled down the fabric off the youth's rosy shoulders, Moulin leaned his head on Hadrian's shoulder with a sigh. Kissing the temple of his silver-eyed beloved, Hadrian continued to undress the man gently, letting Moulin lean on him in comfort.

"When are we leaving?" Moulin asked as he felt the air caress the exposed skin on his back.

Hadrian replied, "Tomorrow at mid-morning."

Moulin nodded faintly. "You've discussed it with the others?"

"Mn, I let the rest decide whether to join the mission or stay here in Gaclan. The injured will have to remain here to recuperate. When we return, we'll have the men in Helios to retrieve them. The people in Gaclan are welcomed to come if they choose to."

"I see..." Moulin nodded.

They still have a mission to accomplish, and only a few weeks are left. They must hasten their pace.

Not long after, Hadrian settled Moulin in the pool with him. The man leaned back as he let Moulin lean on his chest, settled between his legs. The youth sighed in comfort.

Moulin felt as if his worries were washed away along with the grime on his body. The scent was not to his taste, but it was still lovely. He wasn't picky, especially when they weren't in the comforts of their home.

Suddenly, Moulin remembered something and a flash of excitement filled his eyes. He glanced behind him and met Hadrian's expectant eyes. Moulin spoke with a grin. "What we did in the festive halls during the battle..."

Hadrian raised his brows. Of course, Moulin wouldn't forget this. Hadrian lets out a deep chuckle. "You meant our mana fusion with your sacred weapon?"

"Yes!" Moulin said. The water splashed around him. "I want to do it again someday. The things we could do with that ability... I want us to practice joining our mana when we have time."

Hadrian's eyes softened. Moulin's eyes seemed to sparkle. "Indeed, it was peculiar and fascinating."

"Right? You obviously knew what you were doing, so you have to tell me everything you know..." Moulin said before he turned back and once again leaned on the man's sturdy chest.

"As you wish..." Hadrian nodded obediently while grabbing a bottle of oils. He poured some in his palms before he began to wash Moulin's silky white hair.

Moulin sighed, feeling content as the fingers in his hair started to massage his scalp. Although this wasn't the first time Hadrian was servicing him like this, Moulin felt as if it was a whole new experience. The man's hands were skillful and godly. Hadrian definitely knew how to use them like this... and of course, is in some other ways.

Out of the blue, the carved three headed-serpent flashed in his mind. Moulin unconsciously stiffened, alarmed.

Hadrian's hands stopped. The youth's fear abruptly washed away his gentle, doting mood.

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