A Gorgeous White

Chapter 328: Giant's Forest

A loud rumbling sound thundered over their heads. As if a giant wave was chasing them, towering over them. When Moulin looked back, its sight seemed almost similar to it. A wave dyed with grey with thousands of long slimy tube-like tongues gaining on them. The others feared to turn their heads back while Moulin looked at it with wide eyes. Shock filled his gaze. But what was more appalling was the cliff that awaited them at the end of the forest. A dead end.

Cursing under his breath, Moulin quickened his pace with a panicking heart.

In the next instance, a thunder roared above them, interrupting Moulin's thoughts. A golden bolt of lightning struck down the trunk of a massive tree that stood meters away from the edge of the forest. Wood snapped, and the tree tilted until its lengthy body fell over the cliff. Its great width gaped down at the pitch-black abyss.

Moulin blinked his eyes and glanced at Hadrian, who led Keir to cross the makeshift bridge. The wolf howled and swiftly ran across the bridge and stopped once he reached the other side.

"This way!" Ghana slashed away the thorny bushed obstructing their path and led the team's front to the fallen tree. Stomping heavily on the ground, she looked back to the archers in concern.

The malibreeds were gaining on them. Are they going to make it?

While most men had successfully made it across the bridge, a shrill scream pierced through the sky!

Moulin and the other whipped their heads towards one female maeruthan that was caught by the leg while leaping over the crevices of the earth. A rock malibreed was hiding underneath the ground. It emerged and caught her with the suction of its tongue.

Unable to leave a comrade behind, one of the archers stood and fired to cover her and waited for someone to get her. Meanwhile, most of the maeruthans that were left behind hesitate.

Moulin glanced at the bridge. Gnashing his teeth, he gripped his sword and hurriedly ran towards the girl and the archer. Unfortunately, the man with the bow was caught by the insect malibreeds and pulled into the wave with a painful scream. His blood splattered on the ground, and its stains were trampled over the millions of insect limbs.

The female maeruthan cried in despair while starting at the scene.

Moulin came in time. His legs took him as fast as they could. Heels screeched against the dusty withered earth, and Moulin tore the appendage with his blade. Black blood splattered all over his clothes, but he paid no mind and swiftly ended the dark creature before helping the woman on her feet.

Then they were running. The creatures were almost licking at their heels, driven with hunger, the desire for their sweet and tender meat.


Hearing his brother's voice, Moulin raised his gaze to the bridge. There he realized that the men had all crossed safely... except for them. Emlen's eyes were wide in fear.

The youth swallowed. His eyes fell upon the end of the tree bridge.


Suddenly, the cliff's edge supporting the end of the tree broke, cracking like shattered glass. Seconds later, the tree tilted downwards. It creaked loudly, inching towards the fall. Its end scraped against the rocky wall.


Moulin's heart pounded. If they cross that bridge, will it fall first? And let the darkness devour them?

Moulin shook his head. A sharp gleam flashed in his eyes as he eyed the bridge.

He looked at his side and grabbed the woman's hand. The girl looked at him in surprise, but before he could question Moulin's actions, she felt a great pull and was dragged at a faster pace.

Moulin narrowed his eyes, and with the girl on tow behind him, he jumped on the tree trunk with steady feet. The wood creaked, and he felt their weight being pulled by gravity, causing the bridge to give away.

The next thing Moulin knew was the weightless feeling of his body before descending the depths. The other side of the cliff rose higher in his vision, and a cry soared into his ears.

The sharp edge of the blade gleamed before narrowed silver eyes. With great force, Moulin stabbed his sword on the wall that neared his front. Dust and tiny rocks sprayed his face, and he fought the urge to sneeze. Some had even entered his eyes. The girl he held widened her eyes in shock before she guessed Moulin's action and immediately had her sword pierce the wall.

The metal sparked and dragged two jagged lines on the wall before they finally stopped.

6tDust sprinkled down the depths, swallowed by pitch-black darkness.

Moulin felt the strain on his arm muscles as he gripped the hilt of his sword tight. He gazed behind him and saw the grey creatures receding as they sensed the loss of their prey. However, their movements seemed frantic as they scittered away faster than Moulin thought. Where they afraid of something?

"Moulin!" Emlen looked downwards. When he saw his brother, his heart sank. Worry drowned his expression, and he gripped his sword. The air shifted around him.

Moulin's eyes widened. A vein pulsed on his forehead. "Don't activate your mana!"

Emlen flinched at the words, and he immediately calmed himself. Before turning around. However, the 1st w2moment he did, a gust of wind blew on his body, and a figure whizzed past him and jumped down the chasm. A black cloak fluttered.

"My Lord!" The men yelled in shock.

Hadrian ignored them. Their voices faded as he fell down the chasm with a calm expression. But if the men could see it, the dark emotions swirling in his eyes, they would shudder in fear and shut up.

"Hadrian?" Moulin's eyes widened.

The man pulled out a black sword and stabbed it on the wall. He slowed down until he stopped right by the youth's side. Hadrian stared at the woman gripping tightly on Moulin's hand. Her arms were trembling, feeling as if they were stretched endlessly for miles, while she embarrassingly refused to meet the gaze of her Lord.

Moulin exhaled a relieved breath. Inwardly, he felt guilty once he saw the dark and somber look in the Lord's eyes. He was looking at Moulin as if conveying how doubtful and concerned he was in him.

"I'm fine..." Moulin said before Hadrian could speak. His gaze quivered. 'But I guess you're not...' He sighed.

Hadrian drew his brows together and stared at Moulin for a couple of seconds. Not long after, he grabbed the woman's wrist, causing a yelp from her.

Hadrian drew her close and glowered. "Reach the edge."


She suddenly felt a brute force tossing her upwards. For a moment, pain vibrated throughout her arm, but she couldn't let out a shout. After feeling the wind lifting her upwards, her eyes abruptly found the cliff's edge, and she quickly grabbed onto it without a second thought. She gasped, panting and feeling her heart race.

Did Lord Hadrian just toss her in the air with on hand?

The men came to aid her as she thought dazedly.

Meanwhile, under the edge, Moulin's groaned against the man's lips. Hadrian's firm grip surrounded his waist, and Moulin couldn't find any strength to struggle within it. It was fiery and forceful, as if the man wanted to imprint himself deeper inside Moulin. To leave traces of himself on the younger maeruthan. Although he could feel their bond brimming with energy and passion as if nothing could separate them, he felt as if it wasn't enough. The unsettling feeling rose within his heart like boiling water bubbling within a pot.

Moulin angled his head, yielding to the kiss. Between their lips, he sighed. He wished there was more time.

Parting, Hadrian thumbed the youth's lower lip, maintaining closure. Their breaths mixed.

"Hadrian," Moulin called, glancing downwards. He felt as if his grip on his sword was slipping.


The man pressed his forehead against the aphrodite's. "Don't scare me..."

Moulin's brows raised. His eyes met Hadrian's solemn gaze, and he couldn't help but sigh. "Sorry..."

"Mn. Don't do it again..."

"Yes, I won't..."

Hadrian narrowed his eyes, staring at Moulin as if wanting to drill into the youth's head.

Moulin sighed. "I really won't, I promise..."

Hadrian looked at him for a couple of minutes. "If you break your promise, I'll punish you..."

"What?" Moulin gave him an incredulous look. He gaped at the man. "Where? In the middle of this-"

0Hadrian cocked an eyebrow, "We're you planning on not keeping your promise?

Moulin blinked. "Of course, I will..."

He stopped and drew his eyebrows together, looking away slowly. An uncertain expression filled his face.

For some reason, Moulin felt unsure of himself. Wait. Why was he hesitating?

A chuckle entered the Moulin's ears causing the youth to look up. Hadrian wore an amused smiled, and he pulled Moulin closer.

At the same time, a long role unfurled itself and dangled right beside the pair.

"Climb on!"

Emlen's voice almost boomed throughout the abyss endlessly. Moulin shook his head with a sigh.

'Can't he lower his voice a bit?'

"He's worried about you." Hadrian reminded as he wound the rope around his wrist before pulling hard.

Moulin pulled the corner of his lips back. "I know..."

A couple of minutes later, both of them emerged from the cliff's edge. Hadrian loosened his hold around Moulin's slender waist, but his hand didn't leave the youth's back. Moulin spent a couple of minutes being berated by his brother and another few minutes from the woman whose life he saved.

"You're still as kind as you were, Young Master," Colahn said with a faint smile. "But you should treasure yourself a bit more. Think of the people cherishing you..."

'You too?' Moulin internally thought. However, the seer's words were sowed deep in his heart. "I understand..."

After a little while, Hadrian declared that they continue. They had suffered losses, but if they were determined to survive and finish the mission as soon as possible, they must move forward. Thus, they continued their journey.


Moulin shut his eyes. Exhaling, he opened his eyelids and glanced at the others behind him. The men behind him including, Ghana, Jagra, Tessley, Tyve, Troid, and Colahn, turned their heads away as if they saw nothing.

Malyana chuckled while glancing at Emlen, who was gratingly staring at Moulin and the man beside him.


Moulin furrowed his eyebrows, shifting his attention back to the man walking in front of him. After long minutes of hesitation, he spoke. "Can... you let go of my hand now?"

"No..." Hadrian replied, gripping Moulin's hand even tighter.

Moulin could hear Malyana's amused giggle behind him. He could only concede to Hadrian's desire helplessly.

Past dangerous mountain trails and over bare hills, the group continued to travel north. Emlen's eyes were always glued to the map while occasionally glancing at his brother and his lover. The noble pathfinder huffed, annoyed, and continued to lead the way with Keir. The dreary land they crossed became more and more dense the further they traveled.

The few nights were terrifying and horrible as the hungry gazes of beasts accompanied them, leering at their little forms. Half of those nights, they were attacked by a group of man-eating flowers and plants, and the men were forced to escape the area. They've gone for hours without sleep. They were getting exhausted.

One afternoon, with the still wind and the frightening ambiance around them, they stopped.

Moulin raised his head, astonished. Before him, stood the most humungous trees in his life. There were so huge that it was practically made for giants. These trees weren't like the leafless trees he had seen for the last couple of days. He could see giant leaves rustling, hundreds of feet above their heads.

"Let's go..." Emlen said.

They began their journey through the giant's forest.

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