A Gorgeous White

Chapter 342: There, There...

After a tedious hour, the gathering was dismissed. When the King withdrew from the hall along with his advisers, the rest of the elves began to began to vacate the area. There were servants sent to prepare rooms for their guests, and so the maeruthans who were anxiously waiting for their Lords were surprised at the news and calmly cooperated with the elves. They had faith that Lord Emlen Fraunces would have an excellent story to tell them. Well... Only if he weren't in a bad mood.

"They are going to take me elsewhere. I think we won't be sharing a bed for a long time." Moulin said to Hadrian in a low voice.

The blonde man turned to his lover. His deep eyes held Moulin's stare, locking the youth within his gaze. There was meaning within them that only Moulin could understand. The youth's silver eyes curved in amusement.

Hadrian narrowed his eyes, "They wouldn't dare."

Chuckling, Moulin nudged him slightly with his shoulder. "Intriguing. I wonder what you have in mind."

"Ahem!" Someone cleared his throat loudly, "I don't need to listen to this."

"Brother!" Moulin's eyes slightly widened, and suddenly, his conversation with Malyana struck his brain at the exact moment. He adjusted his hair to cover the sides of his neck before he tried to coax his grouchy elder brother. Emlen was highly opposed to the idea that Moulin had gotten involved in the situation. However, he couldn't deny that this was the best option they had if they didn't want a bloody mess to occur. Although, he wouldn't mind... Tsk!

Emlen's worries broke away when Moulin's reassuring words entered his ears. Although anger and unwillingness lingered in his heart, he could only concede to his dear brother.

"My Lord Moulin..." Na'El suddenly approached the maeruthans. He looked even more graceful and elegant, unlike how he dressed in the garden. His pure-white robes dragged on the floor as he walked, and two servants followed him from behind. Furthermore, Adeina trailed behind. A frown was evident on her face as she crossed her arms.

Na'El smiled softly at the aphrodite, "Are you ready? I shall escort you to your quarters."

"Oh," said Moulin. The council also requested that he must be under this elf's guidance so he would be taught about the methods of purifying the Great Tree.

A corner of Moulin's mouth twitched. Slightly squinting his eyes, he muttered, "I like you more in your dirty shirt and apron."

The elves at Na'El's side flinched and stared at Moulin with a gaping look. Na'El only chuckled and nodded, "As do I."

Moulin silently stared at him for a couple of seconds before he turned to Hadrian and his brother. He gave a few words to Emlen about informing the rest of the maeruthans of his circumstances before he faced Lord Hercullio.

Moulin didn't tarry. His heels lifted slightly, and he leaned forward. His hand gently grasped the side of the man's neck. A soft kiss pressed on Hadrian's lips, soft like a butterfly's touch. It was brief, and the youth slowly pulled away before tapping the Lord's cheek. "I'll be waiting."

Hadrian looked at him with a hint of surprise before he nodded. With that, Moulin smiled and joined Na'El and Adeina, exiting the halls with them. He was oblivious of the wide-eyed looks headed his way. The remaining elves left in the halls looked between him and the feared High Lord of Helios. The teasing display of affection was like an explosion in front of their faces. They didn't know that the High Lord was even capable of loving. But who wouldn't fall for such a heart-pounding beauty and his courageously daring antics? Man or woman, they'd go mad.

Ordan blinked then furrowed his brows. Then his gaze slowly drifted to his Lord. Eight years was a long time. And this man waited and waited even when he was only faced with one outcome no matter how hard he waited; "He's dead. He's not coming back." Ordan clearly remembered witnessing the bone-gnawing anguish that seemed to take over his Lord's soul. That same anguish produced the black ring that levitated above Helios's three towers. It was an undeniable relief that Moulin had returned.

However, how did he come back? What happened to him?

Moulin was brought to his quarters. After one look at it, he wanted to cover his eyes from the brightness. The room was exquisite, yes—hundreds of vines and beautiful flowers dangled from the high ceiling. Glowing orbs hung from each end of the vines. The room was wide and luxurious, fit for Elven royalty. The scene made Moulin suspicious about how these people acquired gold and gems over the past years while staying afloat in the air. However, the air was cool, and he liked it. But again... the room was too cramped. There were too many things.

He felt that the elves were trying to boast their wealth before his eyes.

"Satisfied?" Na'El appeared from behind him. "We saved the best for purifiers. They are of great value to the kingdom."

Moulin drew his brows together and glanced at him. "It's blinding..."

"Oh? Not to your taste, then? Of course, you are free to make some adjustments. The servants are here to take any task." Na'El said.

His words made Moulin nod, "Then pardon me for the trouble."

Moulin then called the servants to take away most furniture in the room. The dressing table, a few closets, chests, and a long table. What was he supposed to do with such a big table when he was the only one staying in the room? Dance on it?

Meanwhile, Na'El stared at Moulin with wide eyes. When the servants were finished, the room looked too simple. Now, a giant space took most of the area. Na'El then turned to Moulin, "Are you sure this is enough for you?"

"Very." Moulin smiled.

"May I ask why?"

"No, you may not."


Moulin smiled before he went out to check if all his possessions were indeed brought back. And by "all," of course, it also includes a particular pouting snow-white fox that had been sulking ever since Moulin left him back in the other floating island.


A little furball scrambled towards Moulin when the young man entered the room. Moulin smiled. A chuckle escaped his lips as he caught Snow, who instinctively jumped into his arms. Moulin rubbed the little brat's head, muttering softly.

"Behave. It looks like we'll be staying here for a while."

Snow responded with a yip and burrowed into Moulin's arms. After a while, an elf was panting as he entered the room. He flinched when his eyes found Moulin and cleared his throat.

"Young master, y-your other... pet has been led to your room." He swallowed hard and fled the room, not even glancing at Moulin. The poor fellow looked terrified to the bone.

Wondering, Moulin went back to the room prepared for him. His eyes widened when he saw a large black wolf baring its teeth before Na'El. The elf was unfazed and instead kept a soft, intrigued smile on his face as he observed the hostile animal. Keir looked as if he would rip Na'El into shreds at the next second. Moulin didn't waste any time and hurriedly placed himself between the wolf and the elf.

Facing Keir, Moulin tried to calm the wolf. Snow raised his snout and glowered at the wolf, matching his master's expression. Keir relaxed and whined softly. He approached Moulin and nuzzled his nose on the aphrodite's waist, feeling wronged. Snow grew agitated and tried clawing the wolf's nose away from his master's waist.

"Snow! Behave!" Moulin chided as he turned around to pull the stubborn fox away.

Suddenly, a chuckle entered Moulin's ears. He raised his head to find Na'El staring at him in amusement.

"Tsk, I'm glad you're enjoying this."

Na'El raised his brows. "Your creatures are exquisite and majestic. Vigilant such as yourself. It's quite endearing."

Moulin frowned before placing Snow on the floor. The fox began bullying Keir, who stood motionless as the tiny fox vented his anger on him, scratching him and climbing up his body. Moulin was relieved that there weren't so many luxurious things in the room. Otherwise, he'd be witnessing priceless objects being shattered and broken because of these two brats. He was reluctant to have been kept away along with the rest of the beasts.

Ignoring the beasts, Moulin faced Na'El. "When do we start?"

The elf looked at him in surprise. Na'El smiled as he shook his head. "Certainly not today. I'm sure you need time to relieve yourself before we begin. We can be patient, so don't worry too much."

Silver eyes narrowed. " my people and I don't have that much time left. The better we finish this, I can-"


Suddenly, the doors slammed open! The two people within the room pause when a slender figure abruptly emerges through the open doors. Her hair bounced as she breathed heavily, chest rising and lowering as she stood with wide eyes. Her dress was crumpled, for she ran for a whole five minutes. After intruding the assembly, Nordehl had her escorted out of the halls until she could calm herself. Her eyes are red and puffy, and her tears have dried. However, the moment her gaze landed on Moulin, she couldn't help but tear up again.

A sniffle escaped her, and without warning, she threw herself to the silver-eyed person in the room. Her laced cape fluttered behind her like a petal behind carried by the wind.

Slender arms surrounded Moulin, and Eilhara cried as she embraced his body.

Moulin, caught off-guard, remained speechless. He recognized this elven princess at first glance. Her silver eyes, moist with tears, made his heart thud. Finally, he exhaled, feeling the dampness on his chest and the tremble of the elf crying on his body. Her arms are like a vice around him.

"Eilhara..." Moulin breathed out and slowly; his hand returned a hug. His fingers stroked her hair gently.

The princess sobbed, nodding her head when she heard her name. However, she kept her head on Moulin's chest while tears dripped from her eyes.

Helplessly, Moulin smiled faintly and coaxed the grown princess with his caresses. Na'El observed the both of them with a soft gaze. Ah, how loved was this cute purifier...

Meanwhile, a third person also appeared from the doors. His raven hair cascaded down his back, and his striking blue eyes swept the area, finally landing on the three people in the room. The elf's gaze slightly narrowed on the white-haired maeruthan comforting the princess.

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