A Gorgeous White

Chapter 344: The Swarm

Looming massiveness approached. Slowly, obscurity basked the Great Tree's crown in shadows. The darkness devoured every tree leaf and flower and climbed higher until it swallowed the towering magnificence of the Tree of Gala'En. The air had gone cold, almost chilling, bringing a sense of uneasiness to every living being that dwelled in the island. The giant deafening bells within the peak of the towers found in Great Tree rang endlessly as if to alarm each and every organism. The leaves trembled, and birds fled, fearing the powerful noise.

The clatter of armor noised as groups and groups of elven warriors took their bow, their sword, their spear, and Moulin watched them as they moved skillfully to take their positions within the trees, locations they called, 'Archer's nest.' It was as if they had been used to it, preparing for something dreadful. Appearing as if they were readying themselves for war. However, there was fear in their eyes. Drawing his gaze away from the elves, Moulin followed Harow through a spacious area. The place was vast, and from the views alone, one could tell that they were located high above the Great Tree. A stone battlement surrounded the northern side of the space where Elven knights stationed themselves, each with a bow in hand.

A crowd of elves and maeruthans stood by vigilantly as the clouds continued to roll through them like a fog. It was faint, and every individual could still be seen. Lanterns were hung and lit on the small branches and lines.

"Moulin!" Jagra was the first to spot him, hurrying towards him in relief. He was armed with his sword.

Moulin nodded to him while the other turned to him in surprise.

"We heard about your situation in the council room," Ghana spoke in concern.

"I am well." Said Moulin as his eyes searched his friends. "Lord Hadrian?"

Ghana shook her head. "The lord went with the Elf King and had us stay to defend this fort."

"From what?"

"The swarm." Lord Ordan emerges from behind Ghana. His eyes are determined. Fire burned within his pupils, and vigilance etched his every being. It seems that whatever was coming from this fog was dangerous and fearful.

This made Moulin even more anxious. His sword was handed to him, and he joined the others, positioning themselves before the spreading fog. The lanterns brought light, and it was a slight comfort in their hearts, for everything seemed hopeless and life-threatening. Moulin unsheathed his sword. The blade gleamed against the orange glow of the light as it left its sheath. Moulin narrowed his eyes as he gazed within the silence.

"It will take a while for the barrier to swallow the whole island. We must stand firm and defend. Take out as many as you can. And remember... Never use your mana." Ordan warned the maeruthans.

Malibreeds. Moulin thought as he gripped his sword.

Everything was swallowed in a lull.

It made one's anxiety and distress rise. Moulin wasn't an exception. He didn't know what was coming and what to expect. He knew the others felt the same way as well.

One second... Three seconds...

For some reason, the silence was so loud in his ears.

Suddenly, faint sounds caught their attention like the beat of flapping wings. It was soft and sounded incoherent as if there were was a hundred pairs of it. The elves drew their bows in unison, relying on their hearing as they aimed in the air.

The lanterns swayed, and leaves rustled as a faint breeze passed.

A hissing sound drew near...

Moulin tensed. However, before he could ready himself, a loud "Whoosh" noised, followed by a violent gust of wind. Moulin was almost thrown back if it weren't for the strength of his legs. Startled, the elves and maeruthans were confused, causing them to be distracted.


A cry, so loud and piercing, blew in the air, and a black giant creature swooped down, claws gaping. It ferociously latched unto an elf's shoulder! Blood spurted as the blade-like claws pierced through its shoulder blades. Red splattered on the ground, and an agonizing cry exploded in everyone's ears.

Moulin's eyes widened in shock. His breath was stuck on his throat as he saw the giant eye-less creature with its beak-like jaws, enormous webbed wings, and its featherless, bare skin that looked like a bundle of nerves coiling around each other in knots. Its grotesque features were illuminated by the trembling lanterns. The very sight of it would cause one endless nightmares and empty their stomachs.

The creature beat its wings and launched into the air with a screech, carrying its kill with it as it disappeared into the murky clouds.

The elves began to release their arrows, despite the tremble in their figures. The arrows pierced through the clouds, infested with terrifying monsters.

More malibreeds began swooping down with their open claws, driven with lurching hunger. When they caught their prey, blood, and flesh coating their sharp talons, they cried out for joy, eager to feast.

More Malibreeds came and started swarming around them. Screams and cries surrounded Moulin. He sheathed his sword and picked up a bow and quiver before joining the archers. Unlike the others, he was composed despite the bloody surroundings. However, deep inside, he was trembling in anxiety. They were like fish being picked out by birds. Their numbers gradually decreased.

Moulin released one arrow after the other, increasingly tempted to use his abilities. However, he didn't know how many malibreeds were surrounding them.


Moulin whipped his head to the sound, spotting a malibreed trampling down on an elven knight. The malibreed screech ferociously as it scrambled to chase the prey that it missed catching. The elf's sword was thrown away when he fell, and now he was crawling backwards, riddled with the fear of death.

Moulin took an arrow, aimed, released it as he ran. The arrowhead made its mark, piercing through the fleshy skin of its head. Black blood sprayed in the air. An agonizing cry noised in the air. It was earsplitting, and Moulin wanted to cover his ears before they would bleed. Filled with vengeful rage, the creature continued to scream as it turned towards Moulin. Black fluid dripped from its razor-sharp teeth, and it rushed towards Moulin with great speed.

Moulin narrowed his eyes and drew his bow.

However, before he could loosen his fingers, a quick flash swung in the air. And the creature was split into two. Its grotesque innards spilled on the stone floor, black liquid spreading outwards.

Murky fluid dripped from the blade. Moulin raised his brows.

Ordan stared at him as he flicked off the blood from his sword.

'I had that...' Moulin thought as his eyes narrowed into slits. His arms didn't relax. Furthermore, he released the arrow in the air.

Ordan's eyes widened. He side-stepped to avoid being pierced in the head. The pointed tip whizzed past his face and struck something behind him with a thud. He turned and witnessed the arrow shot through the gaping mouth of the creature behind him. Moulin shot another arrow, and it pierced through the malibreed's head.

Black blood splattered before Ordan's front, dyeing his torso with the disgusting stench and fluid. The creature stilled, lifelessly as it fell.


Moulin returned his attention to the battles around him. He fired one arrow after another, accurately hitting his targets. His movements were swiftly filled with the momentum of a warrior. He didn't fit with the large statures of the warriors around him, yet he gave exuded more fearlessness and ruthless energy.

Soon after, the air shifted, and each one of them felt the thriving energy in the air.

The barrier was rising!

For the first time during the battle with the creatures, hope sparked. They only have little to endure now. Just a little more...

Out of the blue, one of the lanterns fell from the branches as a malibreed crashed. The oil and flames hit the ground creating a spread of burning flames. It caught the nearby branches, feeding on it. Soon after, the fire was larger and more dangerous.

"Fire! Fire!" One of the elves shouted. Fear spread throughout the area.

Moulin cursed as the light grew stronger. The noise around him heightened, unfortunately, catching the attention of most of the malibreeds in the air!

"Ghana! Jagra!" Moulin called, and the two nodded, hurriedly heading to douse the flames.

"Malyana." Moulin turned to the female beast kind who stabbed a malibreed straight to the center of its head. Her bright red eyes gleamed with the richness of brutality. It was beautiful.

"Young master." She replied, skillfully pulling out the spear. She proudly faced him with a faint smile.

Moulin spoke, "Buy me some time."

"As you wish." Malyana nodded. She put two fingers in her mouth and whistled. She didn't want to reveal Harow's identity at this moment. However, it seems the situation was becoming too unstable. They wouldn't last if things continued to get out of hand. The young master seemed to have a plan in mind.

Slithering out of a crevice, Harow's slender body bulged and expanded. Bones cracked and snapped, and a gurgling noise escaped the forming mouth of the malibreed-like creature. Released from its small form, pitch-black hair lengthened and scales expanded. The giant's mouth widened, and a ferocious roar filled the air.

The elves were shocked, fearing that a new threat had appeared. The maeruthans only looked at Harow in surprise.

To their relief, Harow's lengthy arms stretched out and began grabbing the malibreeds in the air and smashing them on the floor. His huge clawed hands tore their limbs, leaving the black matter to spill on the ground beneath him. He positioned himself before Moulin, roaring as he protected the youth behind him. The malibreed's number increased by the minute, swarming the whole area.

Moulin gnashed his teeth. He couldn't believe he was doing this during this situation.

Putting his hands together, his mana activated, and he summoned his sacred weapon. The glistening bow ice materialized in his grasp.

At that exact moment, it felt as if the malibreeds had turned mindless, obsessed with the sweet scent of pure untainted mana. Insane hunger exploded within their guts, and they wanted nothing more than to consume it all. Maddened by starvation, they began swarming around Harow. Teeth and claws bared to the air, ready to kill.

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