A Gorgeous White

Chapter 349: Snowflake

The air shifted. The Treants secretly peeked at the niche as they recieve birds within their branches. This time, they didn't shook off the little animals but stiffly gazed at the place where two elves patiently waited. The wind caressed their serene figures and grass tips playfuly swayed against their ankles. Both of them faced the niche, silenlty listening to the comforting rustle of the wind and the gentle sunlight against their skin.

Everything brimmed with life and vibrancy.

Na'El slowly opened his eyes. His hands, clasped behind his back, slightly loosened. The purifier beside him felt the disturbance of the mana around him as well, and he shifted confusingly.

In the next second, a figure emerged from the interior walls of the niche. He stepped out, gracefully exiting the secret barrier. Na'El and Arcefi sighed in relief and drew towards the silver-eyed maeruthan worriedly.

"Well done." Na'El praised with a soft gaze. "You took your time well, I presumed. You took a while."

Moulin turned to him. "I see, I didn't realize..."

"Its his first time. He must have been confused. However, he delivered it well." Arcefi smiled at Na'El as he took a step towards the other purifier.

Na'El nodded in understanding. "The process must have tired you. Come. You need rest and food to eat. Meditate to replenish your energy. I will guide you in balancing your mana."

Moulin didn't refuse. Indeed, he felt tired as if he'd been endlessly running several kilometers without stopping. His limbs were heavy and his fingers trembled at his sides. However, he didn't forget every single word spoken within the unknown space beyond the niche and the Heavenly God trapped within the Tree that he thought was his sanctuary.

'I must tell them.' Moulin thought. However, he was tired and weary. Perhaps, when he'd regain his strength, he will confide Na'El and the Elves about his findings.


"My Lord..." One of the elven servants tasked to attend to Moulin called behind the door before the guest's room. A few attendants trailed behind him, carrying trays filled with hot food and drink. Gracefully, they followed behind their leader. All of them hoped to appeal the maeruthan purifier guest and be in his good graces. They heard of his outstanding beauty, his strength, and his bravery. Perhaps, they could serve him in more ways than they thought.

"My Lord?" The head attendant called once more. However, he didn't receive a respond.

Hesitantly, he excused himself before pushing the doors open.

The moment he did, chilly air escaped the room and blew before their stunned figures. The slight cold felt as if they were taking a stroll in the calming white mountains of Meian. Warm breaths left their mouths as they curiously made their way inside the room.

A fluttering snowflake gently fell on one of the elf's hands, melting delicately at first touch. Snow fell in a flurry throughout the room. When one raises their gaze to the ceiling they would realize that the snowfall materialized from nothing and when they fall to the floor, they dissipate before the contact. Such a sight was breathtaking yet baffling.

On the huge bed at the far side of the room, a slender figure soundly slept. However, he wasn't alone. There at the edge of the bed sat a man of a much larger stature. His golden hair, vibrant and soft. His full attention was on the young man's exquisite face slumbering silently. A slender hand squeezed the Golden Lord's hands, seeking its warmth.

The elves paused, stiffening, as they faced the back of the Esteemed Lord of Helios. Their steps hesitated for they were tasked to deliver food to the maeruthan purifier.

"Bring it back after an hour." Lord Hadrian spoke deeply without turning to them.

The head attendant blinked in surprise and bowed hurriedly. "As you wish, My Lord."

They left the room, often glancing at the snowfall within the area as if wanting to imprint the scene dep in their minds.

Not long after, the blankets shuffled as Moulin shifted on the bed. His lashes quivered before parting, revealing his soft beautiful gaze. Although drowsy, he could always recognize the man comforting him on his bed.

"How long was I asleep?" He asked softly.

Hadrian lowered his head and replied. "Two hours..."

"When did you come?"

"Right after you fell asleep." Hadrian squeezed the smaller hand within his. "Your mana leaked while you slept and created this..." He gestured to the delicate fallen snow within his room. A little snowflake drifted on one of his long fingers, immediately melting from his heat.

Moulin's eyes slightly widened. "I did?..."

In a blink of an eye, the snowfall faded. Snowflakes dissipated as if blown away by the wind. Confused, Moulin looked around.

Hadrian calmed him. "When I am not here, you must remember to supress your mana before going to sleep defenselessly. Although this is the first time it happened, there is great probability it will occur a second time."

"Mn..." Moulin nodded. Afterwards a smile graced his lips. "If you are here beside me, am I allowed to let go?"

"You can let go as much as you want." Hadrian gazed at him with soft eyes.

I'll protect you.

Oh, this man and his words...

Moulin turned his head as heat rose in his face. His heart pounded within the cage of his chest. When he was calm enough to face Hadrian again, he spoke with a solemn expression.

"I've met the core spirit of Gala'En" He began. "He's... a real God residing within the Great Tree."

Moulin began to inform Hadrian of his conversation with the God of Seasons. He didn't let a word slip away and continued until the end as the Hadrian's expression turned from calmness to severity.

"Does it sound unbelievable?" Moulin asked with a sigh. He leaned on the headboard, letting his long wavy hair fall loosely down his shoulders.


"He's seen your inner soul?" A strange crease appeared between the man's brows. His eyes darkened evidently.


Moulin wanted to smack the man. Of all he's said to him, this is his utmost concern?

"Mn..." Moulin nodded. "Don't think about it so much. After I rest, I'll go to see Oracle Na'El and Phaelona."

Hadrian only looked at him. They stared at each other as heat gradually roused within the air between them. Sensing the strangeness in the air, Moulin raised an eyebrow. The last bit of drowsiness within his eyes diminished in an instant.

Hadrian's eyes deepened. Golden irises locked unto Moulin's silver ones. Slowly, he inched closer to Moulin. The heat doesn't go away. It continues to writhe between them, drawing them closer. Although overwhelmed by the size power from the man's body, Moulin felt intrigued. He sat back, relaxed, and ignoring his drumming heart.

Hadrian brought his hand to rest on the wooden headboard beside Moulin's ear. His fingers teasingly brushed the silvery waves of the youth hair. Moulin smiled as he tilted his head slightly, anticipating Hadrian's next move. Playfulness glinted in his eyes. Hadrian felt the rivers in his heart boil with want. At the same time, tender warmth engulfed his soul, cradling it with overwhelming passion.

Their breaths mingled. Nose touching and lips hovering over each other. Sweetness and desire seemed to combine between their breaths. Yearning bloomed within the clash of their gazes.

"My Lord, you are quite handsome..." Moulin joked playfully with a smirk. "Cherish my words carefully. I rarely give praises to just anyone. "

"I am honored." Hadrian replied. His face broke into a smile. "...to have such a fussy lover."

"Ugh..." Moulin groaned in annoyance. Instead of frowning, he leaned forward, devouring the tiny space between them.

His lips locked on Hadrian's. Mouth parting, tongue slipping within the willing opening. Hadrian smiled between the kiss and he pushed forward, deepening the connection. He forced Moulin's head to angle to his advances. Slow, wet, and filled with arousal. A large hand covered the soft skin of Moulin's nape, cupping them with a gentle caress as if trying to make him submit. Moulin loved how Hadrian makes him feel unguarded yet safe. He'd allow him freedom and sanctuary at the very same.

Moulin felt blissful at every stroke of the man's tongue and the way his lips melded unto his, fitting so perfectly. He couldn't help but want more as heat began to settle down in his navel.

At last, they parted. Moulin met the Lord's lustful eyes, itching to be teased. He wanted to joke a bit but stopped when a tiny little snowflake fell on the tip of his nose.

The snowfall started again.

A corner of Hadrian's lips rose, "Cute..."

"..." This time, Moulin frowned. But for some reason, he couldn't be mad.

Ah, I've fallen way too deep with this bastard.

... ... ... ...

Lanterns and flickering lights danced within the dark hallways and corridors. Warm light gently bathed the ground, illuminating the paths. Beyond the walls emellished with crystal windows and the eye-catching curls and coils of green vines was the vast dark skies, not a star in sight. Haunting blackness enwrapped the world. Only within the fortress's walls can one find warmth from the frightful cold.

In comfortable robes, Moulin walked in the hallways with Snow and Kier. The bright white fox languidly sat on Kier's back while the silent wolf walked gracefully beside the aphrodite maeruthan like a prowling guardian. Snow huffed, feeling quite proud of himself as he made the big black thing carry him around like a walking cushion. The amused golden-bloodied wolf continued to let the little white 'thing' on his back soak in his fantasies while being carried.

Several knights and servants encountered him. They bent their heads in a respectful bow. Even when Moulin left, their eyes lingered on his back and the two beasts accompanying him.

Moulin arrived before tall double-doors. Knocking on the wood twice, he sighed before pushing the door open.

The moment the door revealed Moulin's figure, a deafening crash noised within the room. Glass shattered and scrolls rolled on the wooden floor!

Moulin didn't flinch. However, he was inwardly startled at the sight before him. He froze a step before the door.

Colahn had his arms raised high, preciously holding a round thing, away from the desperate hands of the Elven mage, Phaelona. Colahn heaved heavily. Sweat formed above his brows. His eyes are wide when they landed on the slender figure standing before the open door.

Phaelona's expression morphed into shock when she realized Moulin's presence. Her thudding heart almost pounded out of her chest in surprise.

They froze like statues. Their fingers didn't even move an inch.


Moulin furrowed his brows and the two beasts beside him tilted their heads in confusion. His silver gaze, from Colahn and Phaelona's stunned expressions drifted towards the round golden thing, emitting a wondrous yellow glow in the seer's hands.

Moulin slightly squinted his eyes, sifting through his memory about that object in Colahn's hands.

Not long after, his pupils quivered. With constricted eyes, Moulin stared at Colahn.

"You... brought that thing?!"

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